Dmitriev A.V. Conflictology: short terminological dictionary. St. Peterburg: SPbSUP, 2012. 66 p. This edition is one of the first unification and systematization of conflictological terminology. Besides an accepted terms of the new discipline, this dictionary contains some words of ordinary speech, and also some terms of sociology, political science, psychology, philosophy which are used in conflictology.
Kanarsh G.U. Social Justice: The Philosophical Concepts And The Situation In Russia. Moscow: Moscow Humanitarian University Press, 2011. 236 p. ISBN 978-5-98079-689-1. Problem of social justice is a central for contemporary political philosophy and ethics. Since 1970th justice in context of philosophical discussions, and the controversy over content of the term has not died down till now. Thus, by no means, currency of this problem is not restricted by a sphere of theory: so justice is a key point of the modern society’s development. Particular emphasis was placed to this ethic category in Russian society, where it associated first of all with the solving of urgent social-economic problems. In the book key modern concepts of justice are investigated and its historical genesis is shown. Also there is an attempt of analysis of social problems in Russia by the point of view of the ethics of justice.
Oleinikov U.V. Ripe Society: The Problems, Reality, Perspectives. Moscow: Perspectiva, 2010. 780 p. ISBN 978-5-88045-133-3. Modern development of science and technics changes place and role of human in a nature and society radically. An individual, by acquiring means, which able to change the evolution of socio-natural Universe, become a subject, determining objective reality of humankind. Concerning this, a problem of the physical, psychic, moral, intellectual and social development of each concrete human, that is the problem of maturity [ripeness] of individual and society integrally. In this book the natural and socio-cultural factors, determining infantile being of society are analyzed. Also there is analysis of conditions which are necessary for truly ripe human of the ripe society.
Fedotova V.G., V.A.Kolpakov, N.N.Fedotova The Global Capitalism: Three Great Transformations (The Social-Philosophical Analysis of The Relationships Of Economy And Society). Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolucia (“Cultural Revolution”), 2009. 607 p. ISBN 978-5-250-06045-5. In this investigation there is a neo-capitalistic theory which analyzing evolution of capitalism, interrelations of society and economy not only during last centuries, but from an angle of those events, which been happened in the world since 90’s of XX century. This methodology allows to forecast further ways of the development of global civilization. In the application there is a publication of essay of argentine writer L.Marichal “A Biopsy of the Wealth”
Pletnikov Y.K. Materialistic Understanding of History and Problems of the Socialism’s Theory. Moscow: Alfa-M, 2008. 368 p. ISBN 978-5-98281-146-6. The task, realized in the book – critical understanding of problematic of marxist’s social philosophy: its purifying from situational conclusions, after-Marx simplifications, attempts to convert Marxist theory into peculiar dogma. Here is restored a range of unclaimed and forgotten Marxist conclusions, which have fundamental theoretical and methodological significance in our time. Along with contemporary interpretation of classic themes of the materialistic understanding of history in the book are researched: newest historical tendencies of global development, estimated by author as intensification of socialistic alternative to the capitalistic system.
Fedotova V.G. Good Society. Moscow: Progress-Tradicya (“Progress-Tradition”), 2005. 544 p. ISBN 5-89826-247-4. This book is dedicated to the social changes, happened in society recently, and to the search of the most appropriate alternatives, which really could make people’s life better. Processes of modernization and globalization are considered by the angle of view of its’ social, economic, political and ethic results. Such new phenomenon, paradoxes of the epoch, as increasing of the risks, changing of local and global, weakening of Westphalian system of national states simultaneously with strengthening of nationalism, growth of local wars and terrorism instead of prospective peace are taken into account.
Panarin A.S. Russian Culture Before The Postmodernism’s Challenge. Moscow: IPhRAS, 2005. 188 p. ISBN 5-9540-0033-6. This book includes works of outstanding Russian philosopher A.S.Panarin, which were written in 1999-2004 and unified by one theme – analysis of role and mission of Russian culture on the boundary of XX-XXI centuries, when humankind had faced up with a new challenges, originated from postmodernism. In accordance with repeatedly spoke out idea of A.S.Panarin about the unity of literary and philosophical processes, all-Human and all-European nature of spiritual searches of Russian culture exposes by example of creation’s analysis of three great classics – A.S.Pushkin, M.Y.Lermontov, N.V.Gogol. According to the author, only by saving this great tradition people can prevent spiritual catastrophe, which is followed by postmodern de-constructivism.
Sizemskaya I.N., L.I. Novikova Russian Rhythms Of The Social History. Moscow: IPhRAS, 2004. 193 p. ISBN 5-201-02107-7. In this book there is a first attempt in domestic literature to investigate rhythms of Russian history on the base of cycle-wave theory. Subject of this investigation is Russian autocracy as model of the power and society, which is totally finished its cycle of development. Reasoning from the idea of cyclicity, which is taken as paradigm of modeling of historical process, authors researched its geo-political and social-cultural factors. That is why in analysis was included a wide range of questions: the distemper, reforms and counter-reforms, models of modernization, forms of civil opposition and confrontation of the people and power. The book can be recommended to the specialists, investigating social philosophy and political science.
Oleinikov Y.V. Natural Factor Of The Being Of Russian Society. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2003. — 258 p. — ISBN 5-201-02106-9. Russia is the largest and coldest country in the world. These natural-geographical peculiarities of the Russian society’s being influence on its evolution. Unfortunately, in domestic science this fact is not comprehended complexly and systematically, that is not allow to imagine the past, the present and the future of Russia adequately. In this work collected and systematized material, illustrated direct and indirect influence of the natural factor on a processes of historical, all-cultural and civilization development of Russia. In this book is offered: original interpretation of this influence on the geo-political strategy, economical development’s features, social organization, basic values and priorities, civilization specificity, archetype and mental peculiarities of the socio-natural being of Russian society. Possible channels of socio-cultural and civilization evolution of Russia are determined in this book.
Krylova I.A. The Problem of Security of Russia in the Global Context". Moscow: IPhRAS, 2001. 241 p. ISBN 5-201-02043-7. Book is dedicated to analysis of safety of Russia in a context of global problem of modernity in the conditions of a forming new world order and accepting principle of “gold billion” in practice of the international relations. Author has shown that current catastrophic condition of national safety of Russia determined not only by inner, but also by outer factors. In book there is an analysis of the new threats of military, nuclear, radiative, technological, ecologic and food safety of Russia, which are not reflected in “Convention of national safety of Russian Federation”. Special emphasis is spared to investigation of safety’s problem in Russia in connection with expanding of the threat of “ecological conflicts and wars” and global competition in XXI century beyond the bounds of territories and running low natural resources of the planet.
Sizemskaya I.N., L.I.Novikova Three Models Of The Development Of Russia. Moscow, 2000. 272 p. ISBN 5-201-02031-3. In this book is analysed three models of social-historical development of Russia, presented in Russian social thought in mid. XIX – beginning of XX cc. and which have found implementation in Russian social practice. In according to principle of modality authors have chosen as a subject of analysis and re-interpretation in the light of contemporary knowledge – the autocracy as model, which is totally realized itself in the history, that allows to define its constructive basics, dynamics and scopes of development; utopian model of “Russian socialism”, which Russian social thought thoroughly approach to in search of ways of historical development of Russia; and model of Russian liberalism as probable but not realizable historical alternative, that still remains open.
Korolev S.A. The Infinite Space. Geo- and Socio-graphical Images Of Authority In Russia. Moscow: Institute Of Philosophy RAS, 1997. 234 p. ISBN 5-201-01943-9. This book is dedicated to analysis of that, how the space of power in Russia been putted together and have been functioned. In other words, the geographical space, which is organized, structured, stratified by defined summary of the power technologies, which were historically formed. Special emphasis is spared to correlation of power, politics and geo-politics. Author considered basic macro-technologies, determining the specificity and image of Russian space of power.
Fedotova V.G. Modernization of The Another Europe. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 1997. 255 p. ISBN 5-201-01926-9. The book is dedicated to analysis of modernization, neo-modernization and post-modernization theories of social development. Here is shown, that experience of post-communistic reorganizations in Russia and other countries does not fit in the mentioned theories. Author aspire to outline contours of post-communistic social transformations and generate theoretical apparatus, which is able to explain, lead and implement its management. In this book is presented the model of European development, considering civilization peculiarities of European and Eurasian post-communistic countries – their belonging to “another” (non-west) Europe. In this book a methodology of comparative analysis is presented and the comparative investigations of Russian, Turkish and Japan modernizations in post-war period are been conducted. Here are presented a typology of development, verifying as possibility of choice of different ways by Russia so wider organicity and accordance with aims of steady development of European direction, taking into account belonging of Russia to “another” Europe.
Korolev S.A. The Denunciation In Russia. Social-philosophical Essays. Moscow: Progress-Multimedia, 1996. 240 p. ISBN 5-01-004619-9.
Kozlova N.N. A horizons of everyday life of Soviet epoch (a voices from a chorus). Moscow: IPhRAS, 1996. 216 p. ISBN 5-201-01892-0. This work is analysis and interpretation of the texts of Soviet epoch. Documentation is introduced into the context of theoretical discourse of Soviet society’s social dynamics.
Fedotova V.G., V.V.Kozlovsky, A.I.Utkin A Modernization: From The Equality To The Freedom. Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg State University Press, 1995. 280 p. ISBN 5-288-01277-6. This book is dedicated to Russian dimension of changing of fundamental values: from the equality to the freedom. In the book a contemporary experience of modernization and transition to post-modern development are elucidated. In the centre of attention – dramatic intertwining of social equality and personal freedom.
Panarin A.S. Russia in Civilized Process (Between the Atlanticism and the Eurasianism). Moscow: IPhRAS, 1995. 262 p. ISBN 5-201-01863-7. In this book a little-investigated problem of connection between inner reforms in Russia and its general civilization and geo-political shifts is analized through the axes East-West and North-South. Understanding of all-civilization consequences of social rebuildings and its influences on state-geopolitical and national-cultural identity of Russia is an important moment of contemporary reform reflection. Author uses a method of scenarios, which he approaches as alternative to a historical fatalism of the thinking, sharing “immutable patterns” of social development. Two possible scenarios are analyzed: Atlantic – entry of the country in the Common European home, and Eurasian – mastering original civilization model by Russia. |