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of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Rimma Sokolova
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Rimma Sokolova

Rimma Sokolova


ResearcherID: V-4486-2018

Year and birthplace

On August 9, 1945.  Tula Region.



Philosophical faculty of  Lomonosov Moscow State University



Academic degree and rank

Doctor of Philosophy



Research interests

  • Philosophical problems of policy;
  • Political ideology;
  • Problem of values;
  • Influence of globalization on the state.

Professional appointments

  • Leading researcher of IF Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • The member of Dissertation Council on protection of theses for degree of the Doctor of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research projects

  • The Russian State during a globalization era.
  • Viability of the state as philosophical and political problem.
  • Sociohistorical and ideological bases of the modern Russian state.
  • Civilization bases of the Russian state.


  • «New modernity» and tradition in a multipolar world: philosophical-political analysis.: Moscow.2018. 117 PP. (with Vladimir Shevchenko, Valeria Spiridonova, Rimma Sokolova)
  • Modern problems of the Russian state. Philosophical essayes. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2015.464 pages, signature stamp of IF Russian Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-5-89826-425-3 (together with Shevchenko V. N., Spiridonova V. I.).
  • Russian State: experience of philosophical reading. M.;  "Progress". 2012, 512 pages, signature stamp of  IF Russian Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-5-89826-400-0 (together with Shevchenko V. N., Spiridonova V. I.).
  • The state in the modern world (in a co-authorship from Spiridonova). M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003.
  • In search of truth and the purpose of policy (Germany: social democratic and conservative options. Depon. M, 1991.
  • Criticism of philosophical fundamentals of social reformism in Germany. M, 1981.


Articles in collective works:

  • Rehabilitation of utopia as a symptom of the crisis of Russian and Western civilization.. 2019. # 5. Pp. 7-26. ISSN-0235-1188. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-5-7-26 ( Web of Sciences).
  • Review of the book Axel Honneth. Die Idee des Sozialismus. Versuch einer Aktu-alisierung. A. Honnet. Idea of socialism. Updating attempt / / Questions philosophies. 2019. # 10. Pp. 221-224. ISSN 0042-8744. DOI: 10.31857 /S004287440007176-8 (Web of Sciences, RSCI, ERIH PLUS).
  • Traditional values and hybrid war / / Political space and social time. Coordinate system in a changing world. Pp. 309-323.The collection of materials of International XXXY Horackova Forum (Yalta, 2-7 Oct. 2018).  Simferopol 2019. 369 Pp.
  • Is the dialogue between Russiaand Germany possible in the era of "New modernity"? // Philos. sciences. 2017. No. 6. P. 50-63
  • The Dominant space of Russia: socio-political consequences / / Religion and politics in post-secular society / Ed.: T. A. Senyushkina, V. A. Baranov.Simferopol: it "ARIAL", 2017. P. 243-258.
  • Russian-German complementarity-deep basis of relations betweenRussiaandGermany// Religion and politics in post-secular society / Ed.: T. A. Senyushkina, V. A. Baranov.Simferopol: it "ARIAL", 2017. P. 229-243.
  • Civilizational determinants of socio-economic development ofRussia//Russia: tendencies and prospects of development. Yearbook. Issue. 12 / Resp. red. V. I. Gerasimov. M., 2017. Part 2. P. 74-77.
  • Traditionalism as the basis of relations betweenRussiaandGermany// Traditionalism in the era of revolutions. Cultural policy and the choice of civilization: materials of the XIV international. Panarin. readings / Resp. ed. V.N. Rastorguev; nauch. edited by A. V. Nikandrov. M.: In-t Heritage, 2017. P. 141-155.
  • Dieter HENRICH. Sein oder Nichts. Erkundungen um Samuel Beckett und Hölderlin. München: Verlag C.N.Beck, 2016. 493 S // Voprosy Filosofii. 2017. Vol. 3. P. 215-218.
  • The low-studied aspects of the Great Patriotic War // Philosophy of war and peace (to the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory) M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016.
  • Disintegration processes in Russia and the consolidating role of the Russian people // Integration and disintegration processes in the history of the Russian state: social and philosophical aspects /  Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015.
  • Why Russia needs ideology? // Sociohistorical and ideological bases of the modern Russian state //  Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014.
  • A miracle in the Russian history: in search of a theoretical understanding: // Dynamics of interaction of internal and external factors and a vector of development Russian society/ Edition of V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.
  • Obvious and implicit in political strategy//Political strategy of the Russian state as philosophical problem / Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011.
  • Modern Russian reality in the context of her historical interaction with the West//The Modern state, society, the person: Russian specifics // Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010.
  • Anthropological measurement of the Russian state: theory and practice//Anthropological measurement of the Russian state / Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. ISBN 978-5-9540-0149-5. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, M.2009. Page 100-145.
  • The main milestones of theoretical discussions of SPD (the second half of the 20th century beginning of the XXI century) //Actual social democracy in the XXI century. M.: Klyuch-S, 2009. Page 120-147.
  • Viability of the state and health of the person //Science Philosophy. Release 13M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008. Page 195-221.
  • Genesis of the Russian bureaucracy//Bureaucracy in the modern world of the state / Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, M.2008.S.150-173.
  • Spirituality as basis of viability of the state // Viability of the Russian state as philosophical and political problem  /  Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. ISBN 978-5-9540-0059-X. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, M.2006. Page 41-73.
  • Essence and the main characteristics of globalization in the light of modern scientific representations // Marxism and the future civilization / Edition of D.V.Dzhokhadze. M: VIU, 2006.
  • The Russian State during a globalization era // Destiny of the state during a globalization era / Edition of V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005.S.102-161.
  • A ratio ideal and material in the Soviet and Post-Soviet reality // Spiritual measurement of modern policy / Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, M.2003. Page 133-159.
  • Strong state as modernization factor // The etatist model of modernization  / Edition of  V. N. Shevchenko. M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, M. 2002.
  • Responsible for release "And time to collect stones" / the Scientific management Yu.V.Skokov. M.:bely sail, 1996.
  • Editor-in-chief and author of a number of the articles "Technology of the Power". M.: IF Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995.
  • Theory of the imagination of A. Gelen // Philosophy of the person: traditions and present. Release 2. M, 1991.
  • Philosophical justification of war in early works E. Yungera // Theory of the imagination of A. Gelen//Philosophy of the person: traditions and present. Release 2. M, 1991.
  • Philosophical justification of war in early works E. Yungera//Problems of political philosophy. M, 1991.Problems of political philosophy. M, 1991.


Articles in periodicals:

  • Whether Russia without ideology will be able to survive? / /Philosophical sciences. ISSN 0235-1188. 2014. No. 1. Page 20-30.
  • A miracle phenomenon in the history of Russia. What behind him? //Philosophical sciences. ISSN 0235-1188. 2012. No. 8. Page 31-42.
  • "Man's" and "female" civilizations: theories and reality  / / Philosophical sciences. 2011. No. 1. Page 72-86.
  • Tradition as spiritual base  political strategy / /Philosophical sciences. 2011. No. 9. Page 48-60.
  • A human factor - an unaccounted element of the Russian state // Philosophical sciences. 2009. No. 5. Page 30-42.
  • Spiritual sources of  "globalism or prerequisite "of a world order sacral"//Spiritual situation of time. 2005. No. 1-2. Page 171-209.
  • Book review  E.V. Osipova "Vilfredo Pareto's Sociology: political aspect" // Philosophy Questions. 2002. No. 5.
  • A single … unspeakable  // Paraplus. 1996. No. 5.
  • Universal values: to nonconventional understanding //Free thought. 1994. No. 1.
  • Crisis of a civilization and neoconservatism (in the coauthor.).//Social sciences and present. 1993. No. 1.
  • About advantage of political philosophy//Social sciences and the present. 1992. No. 5.
  • Power, democracy, privileges / Materials of "a round table"//philosophy Questions. 1991. No. 7.
  • Phenomenon of "Renaissance": essence of a task//philosophy Questions. 1984. No. 1.
  • Social democracy and critical rationalism//philosophy Questions. 1982. No. 1.


Articles in the encyclopedia:

Political encyclopedia. In 2 volumes. M.: Thought, 1999.

  • L. Strauss
  • B. Mussolini
  • Y. Shumpeter
  • Yu. Habermas
  • G.Rormozer (in the coauthor.)
  • Nihilism
  • Universal values
  • E. Yunger
  • K. Jaspers
  • F. Fukuyama


Texts of reports at conferences:

  • Civilization features of Russia and its role in BRICS//the Countries in BRICS: strategy of development and mechanisms of interaction and cooperation in the changing world (Works I of the International scientific and practical conference. M, on November 2-3, 2015). M.: INION of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016.S. 135-139.
  • Subject of geopolitical sovereignty of Russia//Problem of a sovereignty of modern Russia. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and public conference (Moscow, on June 6, 2014). M.: Science and policy, 2014. Page 464-1092.
  • State ideology as modernization basis (Moscow. INION of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On December 19-20, 2013)//Russia: Tendencies and prospects of development. Year-book. Issue 9. Ch.I. M.: INION. 2014. Page 320-325.
  • Relevance of the national and state ideology // State ideology and modern Russia. (Materials of the All-Russian scientific and public conference. (M, 28 marta2014). M.: Science and policy, 2014. Page 1075-1092.
  • Spirituality as basis of viability of the state // Russia: Tendencies and prospects of development. Year-book. Issue 6. Ch.2. M.: INION. 2011.
  • The Russian civilization as a problem//Russia in the world: humanitarian, political and economic measurement (Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference. M, on March 19, 2010). M.: Scientific expert. 2010.
  • Logic of the relations of the West and Russia as model and as forecast / Futurological congress: future of Russia and world (Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference M., on June 4, 2010. M: Scientific expert, 2010.


Publications in foreign languages:

  • Wesen und Aufgaben der “Renaissanse” des Feindbildes im neokonservatismus // Konservatismusforschung. Jena, 1998.
  • Braucht Russland den Neokoservatismus // Der Ernstfall auch in Russland. Bietigheim. Baden, 1997.
  • Universal Human Values: Toward a Nontraditional // Understanding Russian studies in Philosophy. 1999. Vol. 37. № 5.



  • A translation of article with the German language of  G. Y. Zandklyur "Problem of the world and problem of philosophy" // Philosophy Questions. 1982. No. 5.
  • A translation of article with the German language of  R. Shtaygervald  "Some social and philosophical aspects of an ecological perspective in Germany"// Philosophical sciences. 1986. No. 5.
  • A translation of article with the German language of  A. Dimer  "Equipment as defeat of culture" // New technological wave in the West. M, 1986.
  • A translation of article with the German language of  U. Matts  "Ideology as decisive factor of modern policy" //Polis. 1992. No. 2.
  • A translation of article with the German language. "Political ethics" // Polis. 1993. No. 1.



  • Franklin D. Roosevelt // Voice of regions. M. of 1997. No. 17.
  • Charles de Gaulle // Voice of regions. M. of 1998. No. 20.
  • Ludwig Erhard // Voice of regions. M. of 1998. No. 23.
  • Deng Xiaoping//Voice of regions. M. of 1999. No. 25.
