born in Moscow
Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State Lomonosov University (1999)
Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], Institute of Philosophy : "Mondzain, Krauss, Flusser: Philosophical analysis of the Imagery"
Research projects
- Research Fellow at the Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Goethe Universitaet (Frankfurt-am-Main, 2005-2006)
- Collaboration for "Alternative Culture Beyond Borders: Past and Present of the Arts and Media in the Context of Globalization" (2007-2010) (https://www.alternativeculture.org), HESP-ReSet, Central European University, Budapest
Teaching experience
Lecture courses:
- Introduction into the history and theory of media, master course, Russian State University for Humanities (2011)
- Literary imagination and the theory of new media, master course, Department of Discourse and Communication, Moscow State Lomonosov University (2009-2010)
- Media between magic and technology. Ed. N.Sosna, K. Fedorova. М., Ekaterinburg, 2014.
- The visual, the opaque, the spectral. Image and Photography. Moscow, 2011
Selected articles:
- Drawing, map, route: Visual intervals in anthropology, in: Politics of thought: V. Podoroga's laboratory in the assessment of pupils and colleagues. Ed. V. Makarenko. Rostov-on-don, 2016.
- The mineral man // Art magazine, № 96, 2016
- Towards a problem of aesthetic dimension of technical mediation, in: Yearbook of phenomenological philosophy. Ed. I.Molchianov. Мoscow, 2015.
- Monumentality Ephemerated // Widok. Teorie i praktyki kultury wizualnej. 2015. № 9.
- Photography beyond the visual // Studia Culturae. 2015. № 24.
- Image and materiality // Art Journal, 2015
- The «scientifically» beautifull: from «zero-dimensional» to a physics of the senses // Philosophy Journal. Moscow, 2014. № 2(13).
- Potentially "human": Virno and media // Philosophy Journal. Moscow, 2013. №1(10)
- Photography's after-life // "Last paper or evidence detached? Ed. I.Kaspe. Moscow, 2013
- Neither World nor History: How is the new theory of photography possible // Siniy Divan № 18. Moscow, 2013.
- Medium without a place // The DI magazine (Dialog Iskusstv) Moscow, 2013. №5
- Ambiguous community // Socilogy Observer № 2 Moscow, 2013 https://sociologica.hse.ru/2013-12-2/92620893.html).
- Future is to be invented: Interview with Brian Massumi // Theory and Practice, November 2013 https://theoryandpractice.ru/posts/8115-rizoma-massumi
- Photography in 1920–1930-s: an experiment of anthropological analysis // Fragments of Soviet Experience in 1920-1930s (Ed. H.Petrovsky) Moscow, 2012. Ch. 4
- The unquestioned: intellectuals and the media // Morebook. October 2012. (https://morebo.ru/tema/segodnja/item/1348477640036)
- Clitemnestra's network // Morebook. November 2012 (https://morebo.ru/tema/segodnja/item/1351771786041)
- Introduction into the ethics of life // Siniy Divan, № 16. Moscow, 2011
- The "opaque" imagery context in the development of penomenological theory of the visual // Epoque Intellectual Language: History of Ideas, History of Words. Ed. S.Zenkin. Moscow, 2011
- Oscillations of the flesh: Between vampire and ghost // Siniy Divan, № 15, Moscow, 2010
- Technical a priori // New Literary Observer, № 103, Мoscow, 2010
- Theoretic avant-garde // Philosophy Journal, № 1(2). Мoscow, 2009
- J.Butler. J.Kristeva // Contemporary Philosophy. Encyclopaedia. Ed. V. Malachov. Мoscow, 2009
- Mondzain. Neyrat. Stiegler // French Philosophers. Dictionary. Ed. I.Blauberg. Мoscow, 2008
- Images, Between Documentary and Fictious // Politics and Culture. 2008. №9.2
- Approaching the Visual in Contemporary Russian Thought // Landshaft. Pittsburg, 2008. № 2