ResearcherID: U-8911-2018
Year and place of birth
March, 8, 1954. Village Chemy, Novosibirsk Region.
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, department of philosophy, 1980.
Academic degree
PhD of philosophy, 1991. Leningrad State University.
Academic title
Associate Professor with a specialization in ontology and gnoseology.
Full Member of the Peter Academy of Science and Art.
Area of scientific interest
Methodological problems of research of man as a complex self organizing system. Using of synergetic approach for research flexibility of communications. Development of criteria for ethical-humanitarian expertise of interactive network-based communication. Solving of health risk issues; development of trainings for stable balance of organism. Creating of education curriculum using multimedia technologies.
Professional Activity
Researcher, methodologist, educator. Experience and competence in areas of methodic and psychology of education.
Teaching courses
- Philosophy of education and science
- New information technologies in science and education
- Legal science
- Sociology
- Theories of modern natural science.
- Conflictology
Last Book
Gorelov A.A., Filipenok S.A., Yaroslavtseva E.I. Creativity, Human Being, Science. M.: IPH RAS, 2018. - 101 p.
Main articles
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Digital Humanitarianism-trends and problems / Mythology of the century of NTR: utopias, myths, hopes and reality of the latest trends in science. From Frankenstein and the Elixir of immortality to "biokiborgs" and "posthuman" / Ed. by G. L. Belkin. Ed. by M. I. Frolov. Preface by S. N. Korsakov and M. I. Frolova. - M.: LENAND, 2020 – 448s. pp. 416-432
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. The status of the mind and intellect in the modern digital environment. 2020. T. 63. No. 2. P. 123-143. DOI:
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Digital humanitarianism: interdisciplinarity of future strategies [Electronic resource] / Horizons of humanitarian Knowledge. 2020. No. 2. pp. 3-29. RSCI, DOI:;
- Kuvshinov S. V., Yaroslavtseva E. I. Conjugation of Hi-tech aesthetics as a possibility of rehabilitation by creativity. The philosophy of creativity. Yearbook Issue 6, 2020: Philosophical and methodological analysis of creative processes-Moscow: Golos, 2020. (Ser.: Philosophy of Creativity). pp. 250-280.
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Potential of digital technologies and problems of human creativity // Questions of philosophy. 2020. No. 11. S. 58-66. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2020-11-58-66
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. 3D stereo glasses for Generation Z-risks and values of cyber-periphery - Recording and reproduction of three-dimensional images in cinema, science, education and other fields: XII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, September 17-18, 2020: Materials and reports / Under the general editorship of O. N. Raev. - M.: IPP "Kuga", 2020 – - 195 p. p. 65-74
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Ethics of scientific research: author's freedom and standardization // Actual problems of Russian law. 2019. No. 2(99). pp. 62-69. ISSN 1994-1471. DOI: 10.17803/1994-1471.2019.99.2.062-069.
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. The phenomenon of human self-development: kinesiology as a thesaurus of the body. knowledge. 2019. No. 2. P. 103-126. ISSN 2587-845X. DOI: 10.17805/ggz. 2019. 2. 8. [Electronic resource] URL: (Accessed 04.12.19.)
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Chelovekomernost 'i chelovekonomernost' – the paradox of the existence of a complex system / / Mir cheloveka: vagueness as a challenge / Ed. by G. L. Belkin. Ed. - comp. by M. I. Frolov. Preface by S. N. Korsakov and M. I. Frolova. M.: LENAND, 2019. pp. 498-512.The circulation is not specified in the publication.ISBN 978-5-9710-5915-8.
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Creation of digital peripheries and virtual environments: ethical and legal aspects / / Scientific and technological transformations in modern society: moral and philosophical understanding and features of legal regulation: collection of scientific works / Ed. by V. M. Artemov, O. Yu. Rybakov. Moscow: RG-Press, 2019. pp. 116-121. DOI: 10.31085/9785998809941-2019-408.
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Boldness of confrontation // Anatoly Vasilievich Dmitriev. Scientific heritage. Memories. To the 85th anniversary of the scientist / Ed. by M. K. Gorshkov. M.: Novy chronograf, 2019. pp. 401-404.
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. A man in the grip or on the wings of digital technologies // The First Stepinsky Readings. The current stage of the development of science and the crisis of technogenic civilization. Materials of the conference with international participation. November 5 -- 6, 2019, Moscow: "University Book", 2019. pp. 318-322
- Yaroslavtseva E. I. Man with a robot: a corridor of creative possibilities in the field of new risks / / Social and Digital Studies of science / Scientific ed. and comp. A. A. Argamakova, E. V. Maslanova, V. V. Slyusareva, T. M. Khusyainova. M.: Publishing House "Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science", 2019. pp. 202-217
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Human as the problem of human - the experience of the observer and the participant // Institute of Human. The idea and reality / Ed. edited by G. L. Belkina; Ed.-comp. M. I. Frolov. – Moscow: LENAND, 2018. 348с. P. 241-252.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Digital mobility and cultural allusions // Historical turns of culture: collection of scientific articles / ed. and comp. O. N. Astafyeva. - M.: "Publishing House "Consent", 2018. - 494 p. P. 468-478.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Human autopoeisis in digital format // Human, №1, 2018. DOI: 10.7868/S0236200718020104
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. The phenomenon of the digital Humanities and humanitydimension of science // Philosophy of Creativity. 4th Issue. Images of Creativity in the variety of social-cultural practices. / Smirnova M. N., Beskova I. A. – eds. - Moscow, IIntell, 2018.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I.Science as a game of natural intelligence // Observatory of culture. 2018. Vol. 15, № 4. P. 402-412. DOI: 10.25281 / 2072-3156-2018-15-4-402-412.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Network perspectives. Capabilities of man in a digital world. Human IT: Collective monography / S.V. Kuvshinov, E.I. Yaroslavtseva. – Moscow area, Shelkovo: Ontoprint, 2011 – 218 pages with illustrations.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Interactivity of digital communicstions and experimental thendensies in contemporary education. – Magazine “Sociology of education” , № 8, 2011, p. 43-53.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Man in modern network paradigm: monograph. / Elena Yaroslavtseva. – Moscow, “Kanon+” ROOI “Reabilitation”, 2011. – 532 p.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Communicative onthology – principle of focus // “Man yesterday and today”, vol 5. – Moscow, IP RAS, 2010, p. 76-94
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Trainings of communications by kinesiology exersices with use of “Smart Board”. Methodological study aid.// Networking perspectives. Interactive communications and IT technologies in modern Russian education. Collective monography. Vol. 1 – Moscow, “INEK:, 2007. 153-172 p
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Invariability of interactive systems. Methodical study aid for interactive learning. Moscow, 2006, 35 p.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Using of interactive method in teaching. Study aid. Moscow, MGOU, 2006, 26 p.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Trainings of communications by kinesiological exercises. Methodical development. Moscow, Publishing office MGOU, 2005, 44 p.
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Hello, me! Or muscles want to be happy too. Tutorial study aid of trainings of balance by kinesiological exersices. Moscow, Publishing office of MSOU, 2005, 44 p. 9-a
Yaroslavtseva Elena I. Training of communications by kinesiology exercises. Training development. Moscow.: MSOU, 2005, 44 p.