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of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Olga Zhukova
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Olga Zhukova


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  • Theoretical department of Chelyabinsk Musical College
  • Faculty of Arts and Culture of the Ural State University in Yekaterinburg



  • 1999  - Ph.D., Culturology.
  • 2007  - D.Sc., Philosophy.
  • 2013 - Professor

ResearcherID: K-6085-2015


Scopus AuthorID: 57195633740


ORCID: 0000-0002-0152-926X


РИНЦ SPIN-код: 5531-0870, AuthorID: 769309


Google Scholar


Professor of Cultural Studies in Moscow State Pedagogical University. Used to teach in the leading universities of Russia.




Monographs and books

  • The allure of beauty: the Amalfi in Russian culture. Moscow, 2016 (co-authored with Michail G. Talalay, Alexey A. Kara-Murza). 
  • I Russi ad Amalfi. Suggestioni mediterranee e storie di vita. Centro di Cultura e Storia Amalfitana. Italy. 2015 (co-authored with Michail G. Talalay, A. Kara-Murza).
  • Freedom and Faith. Christian liberalism in Russian political culture. M.  IPhRAS, 2011. (with A.A. Kara-Murza).



Publications in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals 
  • The Concept of Perfection in Lev Karsavin’s Religious Metaphysics // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2022. Vol. 60. No. 6. P. 489-502.
  • The Metaphysical Path: Lev P. Karsavin’s Philosophical Experience // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2022. Vol. 60. No. 6. P. 427-440.
  • Mandelstam’s Poetry and Artistic–Philosophical Intuitions of Russian Culture // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2021. Vol. 59. No. 2. P. 81-89.
  • “Acquiring Thought and Language”: Toward Osip Mandelstam’s Philosophy of Creation // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2021. Vol. 59. No. 2. P. 90-104.
  • Failed alternatives to the political history of Russia as a factor in political consciousness. Symposium held by «Polylogos» magazine // Polylogos. 2019. V. 3. № 3 [Electronic resource]. Access for registered users. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110007511-4 (with Kara-Murza A., Loktionov M., Omelaenko V., Sharova V.)
  • The Political Philosophy of Russian Liberalism // Dimensions and Challenges of Russian Liberalism. Cucciolla R. (eds). Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, vol 8. Springer, Cham, 2019. P. 3-14. (co-authored with Kara-Murza A.)
  • Religious Concept of Power as a Problem of Russian Political Culture: “Bargradsky Project” (On the Issue of Alternatives to Russian History) // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2019. Vol. 62. № 4. S. 25-43. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-4-25-43
  • Political alternatives to national history: A discourse on freedom in Russian thought // Polylogos. 2019. Vol. 3. № 1. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S258770110004977-6
  • The Locus of Creativity: Alexei Kara-Murza and His Intellectual Topography of Russian History // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Т. 6. №2. С. 73-87.  DOI 10.1080/10611967.2018.1456100
  • “Evgeny Trubetskoy as a Philosopher of History: on the Meaning of Russian Revolution” // Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 11 (2017), Р. 104–108.
  • New Person: Nikolay Chernyshevsky in the Mirror of Russian Europeanism // Russian sociological review. 2017 Volume 16. Issue 1. P. 296-313.
  • Reading Karamzin: Philosophical Problems of Russian History // Voprosy Filosofii. 2016. Vol. 12. P. 111–116.
  • Ontological Foundations of Freedom: The Metaphysics and Social Philosophy of S.N. Trubetskoy // History of Philosophy. Vol. 21. No 2 / 2016, pp. 77–88.
  • N.M. Karamzin: a philosophical profile of russian history // Nikolai Karamzin and the historical destiny of Russia. To the 250th anniversary of the birth / Common. ed. and comp. A. A. Kara-Murza, V. L. Sharova, A. F. Yakovleva. Moscow, 2016. P. 20-42.
  • The Borders of Russia: V.V. Veidle’s cultural Universalism // Philosophical Sciences. 2015. №7. P. 14-27.
  • On the Intellectual History of Russian Europeanism // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2014. № 1. P. 103-115
  • Philosophy of History and Culture of V.O. Klyuchevsky/ / Philosophical sciences. (“Filosofskie nauki”) 2012. № 9.
  • Philosophy in the public space. Analytical review of the Russian-Milan workshop/ / Philosophical sciences. (“Filosofskie nauki”) 2012. № 7.
  • National culture and liberalism in Russia (about the political philosophy of P.B. Struve) / / Problems of Philosophy. (“Voprosy filosofii”) 2012. № 3.
  • Philosophy of memory. Social History of Russia in the memoirs of A. Tyrkova-Williams / / Philosophy. 2012. №3.
  • Is history by Klyuchevsky still up-to-date? Proceedings of the Round Table / / Social Science and modernity. (“Obschestvennye nauki i sovremennst'”) 2012, № 2.
  • National culture and the Christian liberalism. About the relevance of I.S. Aksakov's legacy. / / Questions of Cultural Studies. (“Voprosy kulturologii”) 2011. № 7.
  • D.S. Likhachev's heritage and the culture of an open world: how the dialogue can be possible? / / Problems of Cultural Studies. (“Voprosy kulturologii”) 2011. № 8.
  • The philosophy of Russian political history: the liberal-Christian synthesis V.A. Karaulov / / Problems of Philosophy.(“Voprosy filosofii”) 2011. № 6.
  • The problem of cultural and political identity of Russia and political experience of the Christian liberals / Russian liberalism and Christian values. Proceedings of the Round Table. / / POLIS. 2011. Number 3.
  • Liberally-cultural project of P.B. Struve and the realities of modern Russia / / Questions of Cultural Studies. (“Voprosy kulturologii”) 2010. Number 12.
  • About mythological temptations of Russian culture and history / / Problems of Philosophy. (“Voprosy filosofii”) 2010. № 4.
  • Russian world and modernity: potential of the language and culture / / Bulletin CIE MSU. Philology. Cultural Studies. Pedagogy. Technique. 2010. № 3.
  • From an essence to the name. Theory of archetypes. Review of A.U. Bolshakova's monograph. From an essence to the name.Theory of archetypes. Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2010 / / Problems of Philosophy. (“Voprosy filosofii”) 2010. № 12.
  • What type of culture is forming in Russia nowadays? Round Table March 12, 2010. / / Problems of Cultural Studies.(“Voprosy kulturologii”)  2010. Number 8. (in co-author. with Agoshkov A.V.,  Zapesotsky A.S., Ikonnikova S.N., Khrenov N.A., etc.)
  • Professional ethics of rehabilitation physicians and corporate culture of physiotherapists in rehabilitation facilities. The course program and lecture notes / / Questions of Cultural Studies. (“Voprosy kulturologii”) 2010. Number 4.