Date and Place of birth
1939, Leningrad, Russia.
- Dr. Sc., Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991.
- Cand. Sc., Philosophy [Ph.D.], Gorky State University, 1973.
- Mechanical engineer, Gorky Polytechnical Institute, 1962.
- Professor, 1994.
- Leading Scientist, 1995.
ORCID: 0000-0002-9556-1606
Researcher ID: U-5472-2018
Scopus Author ID: 57195526348
РИНЦ SPIN: 3550-0315, AuthorID: 73525
Professional appointments Full-time
- Leading Research Fellow, Department of Ethics, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, Moscow: 1995 – present;
- Professor; Senior Scientist; Associated professor, Cathedra of Philosophy, Russian State Open Technical University for Railway Transport, Moscow: 1975–1995.
- Part-time Professor, The State Universitity for Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences): 2000 – 2014;
- Part-time Professor, East Institute for Economics, Lawand Humanities, Moscow region: 2001–2007;
- Part-time Professor, Russian “G.V. Plekhanov” Academy for Economics, Moscow (filial branch, Podolsk): 1998–2001.
University courses
(mostly recent)
- Distinctive Features of Humanitarian Knowledge: Special Course for Students in Philosophy (32 hours). State University of Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences), 2009–2012;
- Ethics: Lecture Course for Students in Philosophy (64 hours). State University of Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences), 2000–2008;
- Ethics: Lecture Course for Students in Economics, Pedagogics, Psychology etc (56 hours). East Institute for Economics, LawandHumanities, Moscow region: 2001–2007;
- Basic Metaethics: Special Course for Students in Philosophy (12 hours). State University of Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences), 1999;
- Philosophy: Lecture Course for Students in Economics, Pedagogics, Psychology etc (60 hours). Russian “G.V.Plekhanov” Academy for Economics, Moscow (filial branch, Podolsk): 1998–2001; East Institute for Economics, LawandHumanities, Moscow region: 2001–2007.
- Quasi-Objectivity of Moral Values (individual project). – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2004–2005.
- Publication of the monograph “Cognitivism As a Paradigm of the Mental Philosophy and the Humanities” (individual project). – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2002.
- Cognitivism As a Paradigm of the Mental Philosophy and the Humanities (individual project). – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2000–2001.
- Meta-ethics: Principle Concepts and Approaches (group project, director). – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 1997–1998.
- Publication of the monograph “The Nature of Moral Absolutes” (group project, member). – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 1996.
- The Nature of Moral Absolutes (group project, member). – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 1994–1995.
Publications (all in Russian, except specified) |
- The Phenomenon of Morality: Analitical Essays. Moscow: Logos, 2020. 264 p.
- Cognitivism As a Paradigm of the Mental Philosophy and the Humanities. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2003. 160 p.
- The Nature of Moral Absolutes. Moscow: Nasledie, 1996. 128 p. (with G.V.Kuznetsova).
- The Main Ethical Teachings. School-Book. Moscow:VZIIT, 1993. 24 p.
- The Problem of Justification of Morality. Logical and Cognitive Aspects. Moscow: FO, 1991. 136 p.
- Moral Values: Loss, Pursuit, Finding. Nizhny Novgorod: Volgo-Vyat.Knizhn. Izd., 1991. 224 p. (with G.V.Kuznetsova).
Papers (selected):
- “Metaethics”, Portal of the Humanities: Concepts [electronic resource], Center for the Humanitarian technologies, 22.03.2021. URL: https://gtmarket.ru/concepts/7187
- “Analytical ethics”, Portal of the Humanities: Concepts [electronic resource], Center for the Humanitarian technologies, 18.01.2021. URL: https://gtmarket.ru/concepts/7203
- “On methodological dilemmas of theoretical ethics”, Filosofskaya Mysl', 2019, N 10, pp. 31-40.
- “Being and due: problematic contexts”, Ethical Thought, 2019, Issue 19, N 2, pp. 38-50.
- “Moral duty: the problem of justification”, Filosofskaya Mysl`, 2018, N 12, pp. 35-45.
- “About analytical style in ethics”, Eticheskaya mysl', 2018. Issue 18, N 1, pp. 5-17.
- “Universality of morality as its uniqueness”, Morality and universality: Collection of articles. Issue 1. Ed. R.Apressyan. M.: Humanitary, 2018. Pp. 106-126.
- “Towards the concept of justice: analytical notes”, Eticheskaya mysl', 2017. Issue 17, N 2. pp. 46–58.
- “Cognitive Science: the new life of old paradigms”, Filosofskaya Mysl`, 2017, N 11, pp. 11-24.
- ”The Reduction of Consciousness to Knowledge as a Methodological Principle in Cognitive Science and Humanities” // Filosofskaya Mysl (Philosophical Thought), 2014, No 11. Pp. 32–71.
- “On Certain Stereotypes of Theoretic Ethics”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ (Ethical Thought), vol. 16, N 2, 2016, pp. 20–33.
- ”The Concept of Free Will in Ethics” // Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 47, N 4, 2016. S. 48–60.
- "Roundtable Book Discussion: Andrey Prokofiev, Giving Everyone his Due… An Introduction to the Theory of Justice", Eticheskaya Mysl’ (Ethical Thought), vol. 15, 2015, pp. 314–319.
- ”The Reduction of Consciousness to Knowledge as a Methodological Principle in Cognitive Science and Humanities”, Filosofskaya Mysl (Philosophical Thought), 2014, No 11. Pp. 32–71.
- “What is morality?” Morality: Diversity of Concepts and Meanings. A Festschrift for the 75-th birthday of Abdusalam Guseynov. / Ed. Olga Zubets / Moscow, Alfa-M, 2014. Pp. 334–337 (In Russian and English).
- “On the Phenomenon of Morality”, Morality: Diversity of Concepts and Meanings. A Festschrift for the 75-th birthday of Abdusalam Guseynov. / Ed. Olga Zubets / Moscow, Alfa-M, 2014. Pp. 64–70.
- “Morality is the Same for All”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 14 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2014, Pp. 5–24.
- “On the Nature of Moral Oughtness”, Comprehending the Good: Festschrift devoted to the 60th Anniversary of Professor Ruben Apressyan / Eds. Olga Artemyeva, Andrey Prokof’ev. Moscow, Alfa-M, 2013, pp. 134–144; “Dilemma of ‘Naturality’ and ‘Non-Naturality’ of Moral Motivation”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 13 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2013, Pp. 5–29.
- “Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in the Humanities” [In English], NB: Filosofskiye issledovaniya, 2013, No 11. Pp.81–101. DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9532. URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fr/article_9532.html.
- “Hume’s Guillotine: pro et contra”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 12 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2012, Pp. 124–142.
- “Kant's Copernican Revolution in Epistemology and the Problem of Moral Permissibility of Lying”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 11 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2011, Pp. 30–52.
- “Towards the Concept of ‘subject of morality’”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 10 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2010, Pp. 20–38.
- “Analytical Ethics”, “Cognitivism & Noncognitivizm”, “Justification of Morality”, Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Moscow, Kanon, 2009. Pp. 51–53, 363–64, 640–41.
- “Cognitive Reductionism in Humanities”, Cognitive Approach / Ed. V.A.Lektorsky. Moscow, Kanon, 2008, Pp. 165-201.
- “Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Elements in the Structure of Mind: The Demarcation Problem”, Filosofiya i Kultura, 2008, No. 4. Pp. 67-81.
- “Cognitive status of ethics”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 8 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov., 2008. Pp. 3–20.
- “Quasi-Objectivity of Moral Values”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 6 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov., 2005. Pp. 27–50.
- “On the Subjectivist Tendencies in Contemporary Moral Philosophy”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 5 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov., 2004. Pp. 3–16.
- “Ethics and Moral: Interrelation of the Concepts”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 4 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov., 2003. Pp. 14–22.
- “Analytical Ethics and Metaethics”, The History of Ethical Schools / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow: Gardariki, 2003. Pp. 742–752.
- “On the Problem of Definition of Morality”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 3 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2002. Pp. 61–74.
- 12 entries, Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. R.G.Apressyan, A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Gardariki, 2001.
- “On Kant's Cognitivism”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 2 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2001. Pp.65-73.
- 10 entries, New Encyclopedia of Philosophy: In 4 vol. Moscow, Mysl', 2000-2001.
- “Ethical Objectivism: the Main Concepts and Approaches”, Eticheskaya Mysl (Ethical Thought). Issue 1 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2000. Pp. 132-147.
- “On the Definitions of Good: a Logical Methodological Analysis”, The Logical Analysis of Language: Languages of Ethics. Moscow, Yazykirusskoikultury, 2000. Pp. 17-30.
- “Ethics”, Russian Encyclopedia of Pedagogics: In 2 vol. Moscow: Russian Encyclopedia, 1999. V.2. Pp.633-635.
- “An Outline of Modern Metaethics”, Voprosy Filosofii (The Problems Philosophy), 1998, No.10. Pp.39-54.
- “Causal Explanation and Logical Justification”, Filosofskie nauki, 1986, No. 3. Pp. 58-65.
E-mail: lemax14@list.ru