Department of Ethics
Abdusalam A. Guseynov
DSc in Philosophy, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRAS), Professor, Acting Director of the Institute, Main Research Fellow
(The history and theory of ethics, ancient ethics, morality in the context of culture, normative ethics, morals and politics, social philosophy)
Ruben G. Apressyan
DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Main Research Fellow
(history of ethics, moral theory, normative and applied ethics, philosophical problems of education, violence and nonviolence, war, love)
Olga V. Artemieva
PhD in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow
(history of ethics, the moral theory, feministic ethics)
Polina A. Gadzhikurbanova
PhD in Philosophy, DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Main Research Fellow, Head of the Department of EthicsSenior Research Fellow
(history of ethics, ancient ethics, philosophy of the Stoics)
Olga P. Zubets
PhD in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow (philosophy of morality, the history of value conciousness, moral values, morality and culture)
Margarita A. Korzo
PhD in History, Senior Research Fellow (history of moral theology and monastic spirituality; confessional-religious history of the early modern Central-Eastern Europe; social disciplining of the Western European society; problem of influences of Western Christian tradition on Eastern Christian one)
Leonid V. Maximov
Dr. Sc., Philosophy; Professor; Leading Scientist (analytical ethics, logic, methodology of the humanities)
Roman S. Platonov
PhD in Philosophy, Research Fellow
(ancient ethics, virtue ethics, discourse ethics, epistemology, communication studies)
Andrey V. Prokofiev
DSc in Philosophy, Acting Deputy Director for Research
(moral theory, social ethics, the problem of deviations of moral consciousness including the phenomenon of moralizing and the analysis of social and political forms of the realization of ethical values)