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Department of Ethics

Этика: Энциклопедический словарь


Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary. Ed. A.A.Gusseinov, R.G.Apressyan. Moscow: Gardarici, 2001, 750 pp.

Includes more than 450 articles on ethical notions, problems, normative statements and maxims, ethical schools and works. It generalizes the world experience of ethical search: one third of the articles represents the Indian, Chinese and Arabic-Muslem ethical traditions. The Dictionary is supplied with Subject Index, Personality Index and Index of Themes.





Этика: Энциклопедический словарь


Konstantin E. Troitskiy. Max Weber's Ethical Ideas. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2016, 130 pp.


Max Weber's Ethical Ideas is the first book in Russia to subject Weber's legacy to ethical scrutinity. Weber expressed his ideas fragmentarily and very often inconsistently what makes them difficult to understand. That is the reason why it would be naive or overconfident to pretend to reconstruct Weber's authentic ethical system. Moreover, he had no such system even in intention. Thus the main advantage of Weber's thought and the main temptation for his researchers is the multidimensionality of his ideas. So the central goal of the book is to demonstrate this multidimensionality and its creative potential for ethical thought. 

Morality: Diversity of Concepts and Meanings. A Festschrift for the 75-th Birthday of Abdusalam Guseynov / Ed. Olga Zubets. Moscow: Alfa-M, 2014, 448 pp.

Постигая добро: сборник статей. К 60-летию Рубена Грантовича Апресяна


Comprehending the Good: Festschift devoted to the 60th Anniversary of Professor Ruben Apressyan / Eds. Olga Artemyeva, Andrey Prokofyev. Moscow, Alfa-M, 2013. 432 p.


In the book Russian and foreign authors with different theoretical and normative backgrounds analyze fundamental ethical issues, such as the nature and the sense of morality, the origins of moral imperativity, the role and meaning of absolutes in morality, philosophy of love, theory of justice, ethics and the use of force, and broad range of normative and applied issues topical in nowadays ethics discussions.


Leonid V. Maximov. Cognitivism as a Paradigm of the Mental Philosophy and the Humanities. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2003. Pp.160.  


Moral Constraints of War: Problems and Cases. Ed.: Apressyan R.G., Coppiters B., Fotion B. Moscow: Gardariki, 2002, 408 pp.

The book is written by the philosophers from Belguim, Russia, China and the USA. It is the first systematic presentation of the modern theory of just war for the Russian readers. The most important principles of a just war are not only stated in detailes but they are also analysed on the material of military operations in the Persian bay (19901991), Chechnya (19941996), Kosovo (1999), antiterroristic campaign in Afganistan and besides in connection with the moral and legal problems of the humanitarian intervention. The detailed conceptual framework reflects the main ideas on the ethical and philosophical problems of war in modern special literature.
The book may be helpful for students, post-graduates and lecturers.


Moral Constraints of War: Principles and Cases. Ed. Bruno Coppiters and Nick Fotion. New York: Westview Publishers, 2002.


Ethics: New Old Problems. Towards the 60th Anniversary of Professor Abdusalam Gusseinov. Ed.: R.G.Apressyan.  Moscow: Gardarica, 1999, 255 pp.

Collected articles dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the actual member of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor A.A.Gusseinov which consider and develop the themes of his books and articles: the Golden Rule, the origin and nature of morality, the ways of its justification, the history of ethics, ethics of non-resistence and moralizing of Leo Tolstoy, moralization, global ethos, etc. In the supplement there is a full bibliography of Gusseinov's works.



Ehics: Textbook for Universities. Gusseinov A.A., Apressyan R.G. Moscow: Gardarica, 1998, 478 pp.

A main textbook for universities. The choice and structure of themes gives the lecturer an opportunity to model the general and special cources of Ethics (The history of ethics and moral theories, moral philosophy, normative and applied ethics) according to the teaching time, type of the faculty and the level of students.
The textbook may be interesting also as a book just for reading thanks to its clear language, character of the discussed problems and being easily understood.
The textbook is recommended by the Ministry of Education as a textbook for universities.

Civil Participation: Responsibility, Community, Power. Ed. R.G.Apressyan. Moscow: Aslan, 1997, 180 pp.
The Experience of Nonviolence in the 20th Century: Social-Ethical Essays. Ed. R.G.Apressyan. Moscow: Aslan, 1996, 288 p.
R.G.Apressyan. The Idea of Morality. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1995, 354 pp.

Morality and Rationality. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1995, 181 p.

An international collective monography, written by philosophers from Russia, Great Britain, the USA and Canada. Without any claim on the conceptual unity the authers aspire to consider the problems of rationality on the basis of morality and to understand the latter from the position of antiscientism and antienlightenment as a special kind of manifestation of rationality. The main problems analysed in the book are: the questions of the logic and gnosiology of ethical knowledge, the character of moral and ethical rationalisations, the manifestation of rational and irrational in behaviour, the ways of selfidentification and autonomisation of personality,methods of reasoning in some concrete moral discussions on actual social problems.