Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Irina Blauberg
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Irina Blauberg


Date and place of birth


1954, Moscow.




Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1976.




Dr. Sc., Philosophy

Ph.D. in Philosophy (1980, “Critique of social, ethical and religious teachings of Henri Bergson”, Philosophical Faculty; Moscow Lomonosov State University).

Fields of research

history of French philosophy

Professional activities

Scientific work, translations, editing.

Scientific Publications



  • Henri Bergson. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2003.


  • Meetings on the Philosophers’Walk (on the issue of the Franco-German philosophical relations in 19th century) // Voprossy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 2013. No. 8. P. 155–165.
  • H. Bergson and W. James: about some agreements and disagreements // Consciousness. Practice. Reality. M., 2013. P. 117–139.
  • The history of philosophy in France: some problems and dilemmas // History of Philosophy: Challenges of the 21st century. M., 2013. P. 262–272. 
  • About the conference // Ibid. P. 322–325.
  • Preface // Henri Bergson. Selected Works: Consciousness and Life. M. ROSSPEN, 2010. 1,2 –a.s.Substantiality of the time, and “positive metaphysics”: the reception of Bergson’s philosophy of history in Russia // Logos. 2009. № 3.
  • P.S. Popov as researcher Bergson’s philosophy // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 2009. № 3.
  • On the “Year of Bergson’s” and bergsonism in XXI century // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 2008. № 6 (co-authored with V. Podoroga).
  • Dianoematic and the Structural Method of Martial Gueroult // History of Philosophy Yearbook (Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik). 2008. Moscow: Nauka, 2009.
  • L’histoire des idées comme “la durée intérieure” (quelques remarques sur H. Bergson, E. Bréhier et M. Bakhtine) // Annales bergsoniennes. 2008. Vol. 4. Paris.
  • On memory and forgetting: P. Ricoeur and H. Bergson // Paul Ricoeur – the philosopher of dialogue. M.: IPh Academy of Sciences, 2008.
  • E. Bréhier and M. Gueroult: Two Approaches to the History of Philosophy // History of Philosophy (Istoria Filisofii). 2008. Vol. 13.
  • Bergson and the “rediscovery of time” (the centenary of the publication of “Creative evolution”) // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 2007. № 8.
  • On the Bergsonian “trace” in the philosophy of S.A. Askoldov // Research on the history of Russian thought. Yearbook. M., 2006.
  • Around Bergson, or new view of Russian philosophical scene // F. Neterkott. A philosophical encounter: Bergson in Russia (1907-1917). Moscow: M. Kolerov. Publishing House, 2008.
  • Consciousness and memory in the “true empiricism” Bergson // Philosophy of Consciousness: Past and Present. M.: Modern notebooks, 2003.
  • [About V.F. Asmus] // Remembering V.F. Asmus. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2001.
  • Bergson on the temporal organization of consciousness // World of Psychology. 2001. № 1.
  • Socio-ethical teachings of Henri Bergson and his modern interpreter // Problems of Philosophy, 1979, № 10.
  • Comparative analysis as method of historical and philosophical studies (concept of ‘intuition’ as case-study) // Methodological problems of research and criticism of contemporary philosophy. Part 1. Moscow Institute of Philosophy, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1986.
  • “Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?” // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 1990. № 1.
  • Anarchism: What we know about it? // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 1990. № 3.
  • Editorial foreword to the publication of: S. Povarnin. The dispute. On the theory and practice of dispute // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 1990. № 3.
  • “The choice is in your hands…” // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 1991. № 11.The philosophy in the “desorcered” world // Pyt’ (Path). 1992. № 1.
  • Henri Bergson and Philosophy duration // Henri Bergson. Collected Works  in 4 volumes. Moscow: Moscow Club, 1992. Vol. 1.
  • Preface // VF Asmus. Vladimir Soloviev. Moscow: Progress, 1994.V.F. Asmus // Russian philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. Moscow: Nauka, 1995.
  • Preface and notes // Henri Bergson. Creative Evolution. Moscow: Canon Press, 1998.

Articles for dictionaries and encyclopedias, prefaces to publications:

  • Intuitionism // The new Russian encyclopedia. T. 7 / 1. Moscow: Encyclopedia, INFRA-M, 2009.
  • Article: “Bergson”, “élan vital”, “philosophy of Life” // Modern Western philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: The Cultural Revolution. 2008.
  • Articles for the dictionary “Philosophers of France”. M: Gardariki, 2008. (Amlen, Benda, Bergson, Bloch, Bréhier, Boutroux, Buchez, Wahl, Gueroult, Gitton, Gueye, Guillot, Delacroix, Delbos, Janicaud, Cournot, Laberthonnière, Lalande, Lagneau, Lachelier, Lequier, Le Roy, Minkowski, Ollé-Laprune, Ravaisson-Molien, Reclus, Renouvier, Ribot, Rauh, Sertillanges, J. Tannery, P. Tannery, Fouillée, Chevalier).
  • Bergson // Cultural Studies. Encyclopedia. T. 1. M., 2006.
  • Bergson // Big Russian encyclopedia. T. 1.“Bergson”, “Two Sources of Morality and Religion”, “élan vital”, “Creative Evolution” (and oth.) // New Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol-s 1, 2, 4. Moscow, 2000-2001.
  • “Two Sources of Morality and Religion” // Ethics. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Gardariki, 2001.
  • “Bergson”, “Bréhier”, “Boutroux” (and oth.) // New Russian encyclopedia. Vol. 1.“Allen”, “Belaval”, “Bréhier”, “Boutroux” (and oth., a total of 48 articles on French philosophers of XIX-XX centuries) // Encyclopedia “Krugosvet” (on-line edition), 2000.
  • Bergson // Cultural Studies. XX century. Encyclopedia. T. 1. St. Petersburg.: University Book, 1998.
  • “Bergson”, “Two Sources of Morality and Religion”, “elan vital”, “Philosophy of Life” // Modern Western philosophy. Dictionary. M.: Politizdat, 1991. (Second edit., 1998)
  • J. Bohénski // J. Bohénski. One hundred and superstitions. Concise Dictionary of philosophical prejudices. Moscow: Progress, 1993.


  • Ricoeur, Paul. The path of recognition. M.: ROSSPEN, 2010 (together with I.S.Vdovina).
  • Bergson, Henri. Henri Bergson. Selected Works: Consciousness and Life. M. ROSSPEN, 2010.
  • Vinchiguerra L. Aesthetica sive Ethica. Spinoza on the essence of art // History of Philosophy (Istoria Filisofii). 2010. № 15.
  • Salanski J.-M. Bergson and the ways of modern French philosophy // Logos. 2009. № 3.
  • Marr A.-I. Bergson and the history // Logos. 2009. № 3.
  • Dühring E. Bergson’s critique of relativistic metaphysics: its legacy and relevance // Logos. 2009. № 3.Gilson E. Recollections of Bergson // Logos. 2009. № 3.
  • Epelbuen, Annie. Correspondence M.K. Mamardashvili with Louis Althusser // M.K. Mamardashvili. M. ROSSPEN, 2009.
  • Gurvich G.D. Russian philosophy first quarter of the XX century // Research on the history of Russian thought. Yearbook 2006/2007. M.: Modest Kolerov, 2009.
  • Neterkott F. philosophical encounter: Bergson in Russia (1907-1917). Moscow: Publishing House Kolerov M., 2006.
  • Lacroix, Maurice. J. Blondel, his life and work // J. Lacroix. Selected Works: Personalism. M., 2004.
  • Ricoeur P. Memory. History. Oblivion. Moscow, 2004 (with I. Vdovina, O. Machulskaya and G. Tavrizyan).
  • Bergson A. Ravesson’s Life and Work // History of Philosophy Yearbook (Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik)’2001. Moscow: Nauka, 2003.
  • Bergson A. Philosophical intuition // Path to philosophy. Anthology. M., 2001. P. 203-218.
  • Bergson A. Common sense and a classical education // Voprosy Filosofii (Problems of Philosophy). 1990. № 1. 


  • Review of the monograph: A.A.Krotov. Malebranche and Cartesianism // Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik – 2013 (History of Philosophy Yearbook). M., 2013. P. 377–384.

Editorial work (2005):

  • Ricoeur, Paul. The path of recognition. M. ROSSPEN, 2010.
  • History of Philosophy (Istoria Filisofii). 2008, № 13, 2010, № 15 (with O.V. Golova), 2011, № 16 (with S.I. Bazhova).
  • Valentin Asmus Ferdinandovich. M.: ROSSPEN, 2010 (series “Philosophy of Russia in the second half of XX century”). (with V.A. Zhuchkova).
  • Logos. 2009. № 3.Paul Ricoeur – the philosopher of dialogue. M.: IPhRAS, 2008.
  • Philosophers of France. (Dictionary). M. Gardariki, 2008.
  • Since 2002 - Editor of the Collected Works Nalimov (publication in progress).
Conferences and Workshops



  • Member of the organizing committee of the International Conference “French philosophy in Russia: some results and prospects for research”, (14-15 September 2010, Institute of Philosophy; organized in cooperation with the Higher School of Economics). Prepared a report of two French translations of the participants – Shove and W. S. Carreau.
  • International Conference "Philosophy of Bergson and bergsonism XXI Century" (June 2010) – Co-organizer (with V. Podoroga).
  • Organizer of the International Conference “Contemporary Spinoza” (November 2007)



  • Participation in the conference: Wisdom of Philosophy: Creative Way of Paul Ricoeur. (Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, May 2013).
  • In 2010-2011, the series of reports delivered at the House of Losev (February 2011 – scientific report at a seminar on the occasion of W. Nalimov’s 100-th anniversary. Topic: “On the concepts of consonance Bergson and W. Nalimov”; in November 2010 – “Bergson and Bachelard: intuition of duration or a of a moment?”; April 2010 – report “Bergson and philosophy in Russia”.
 Other activities
  • Executive secretary of Journal History of Philosophy (Istoria Filisofii).
  • Member of the Expert Council IPhRAS.
  • Since 2007 – Member of the Society of Friends of Henri Bergson (Paris).

Main scientific results

Integral historical and philosophical analysis of Henri Bergson’s philosophy, a study of the theoretical origins of his theory, identification of isssues of the most significance for the 20. Century philosophy; analysis of the reception of Bergson’s philosophy in Russia in 1910-1920’s.