Department of Contemporary Western Philosophy |

Head of the Department Ph.D., Leading Research Fellow Igor Dzhokhadze
The Subject of the Departmen according to the public task in 2018-2020: Western philosophy from 19th to 21st century: history and its present state (№ 0156-2018-0026)
The main fields of research:
- Schools and movements of XIX–XXI Western philosophy: philosophical anthropology, philosophy of life, pragmatism, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, existentialism, personalism, Thomism, structuralism, philosophy of science, analytic philosophy, hermeneutics, philosophy of art, social philosophy, political philosophy, ethical theory.
- Philosophical works and ideas of: M. Scheler, H. Bergson, Z. Freud, E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, H. Ortega-yGasset, M. Merlo-Ponty, G. Marcel, K. Jaspers, J.-P. Sartre, E. Mounier, J. Maritain, E. Levinas, K. Barth, P. Tillich, M. Buber, Th. Adorno, H. Marcuse, H.-G.Gadamer, P. Ricoeur, J. Habermas, J. Dennett, etc.
- Dzhokhadze Igor Davidovich, Ph.D. in philosophy, Leading Research Fellow, Acting Head of the Department
- Blauberg Irina Igorevna, D.Sc. in Philosophy, Leading Research Fellow
- Vdovina Galina Vladimirovna, DSc in Philosophy, Leading Research Fellow
- Vdovina Irena Sergeevna, D.Sc. in Philosophy, Main Research Fellow
- Vizgin Viktor Pavlovich, D.Sc. in Philosophy, Main Research Fellow
- Alexey M. Gaginsky, PhD in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow
- Zolotkov Grigory Alexeyevich, Junior Research Fellow
- Korostichenko Ekaterina Igorevna, Ph.D., Research Fellow
- Machulskaya Olga Igorevna, Research Fellow
- Rossius Julia Gennadievna, Junior Research Fellow
- Sattar Alexander Sergeevich, Ph. D., Research Fellow
- Starovoitov Vladimir Vasiljevich, Ph.D, Senior Research Fellow
Publications: Within Contemporary Western Philosophy taken as main research area there are three clearly distinguishable “subareas” to which a substantial number of our publications is devoted (arranged by the amount published): contemporary French Philosophy (represented by: Irena Vdovina, Irina Blauberg and Olga Mechulskaya), contemporary philosophy in the USA and Great Britain (represented by: Igor Dzhohadze and Grigory Zolotkov) and German and Austrian Philosophy (Represented by: Igor Mikhaylov, Ekaterina Korostichenko, Alexander Sattar).
Books by staff members:
- Igor Dzhokhadze. Analiticheskiy pragmatizm Roberta Brendoma (Robert Brandom's Analytical Pragmatism). M.: RAS Institute of Philosophy, 2015.
- Igor Dzhokhadze. Hilary Putnam’s Pragmatic Realism. M., Canon+, 2013. 288 P.
- Victor Vizgin. Essays on the history of French thought. M., RAS Institute of Philosophy, 2013. 133 p.
- Viktor Vizgin. Gaston Bachelard’s philosophy of science. M., Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2013. 287 p.
- Vladimir Starovoytov. Modern psychoanalysis. Main schools and the lines of development. M., Canon +, 2013. 319 p.
- Vdovina I.S. Phenomenology in France. Historical and philosophical essays. M., Сanon +, 2009.
- Mikhailov I.A. Max Horkheimer. Formation of the Frankfurt School for Social Research. Part 1. 1914-1939. M., RAS Institute of Philosophy, 2008.
- Yulina N.S. Philosophy for Children. Training in rational thinking. M., Сanon+, 2005.
- Blauberg I.I. Henri Bergson. M., Progress–Tradition, 2003.
- Mikhailov I.A. Early Heidegger. Between phenomenology and philosophy of life. M., Progress-Tradition, 1999.
- Vdovina I.S. French personalism. 1932-1982. M., Higher School, 1990.
- Vdovina I.S. The aesthetics of French personalism. M., Iskusstvo, 1981.
- Kuzmina T.A. The problem of the subject in contemporary philosophy. M., 1979
- Kuzmina T.A. The problem of the subject in contemporary philosophy. M., Nauka, 1979.
- Vdovina I.S. French personalism (Critical essay philosophical doctrine). M., Nauka, 1977.
- Tavrizyan G.M. The problem of man in the French existentialism. M., Nauka, 1977.
- Critique of contemporary bourgeois ethical concepts (in collaboration with O.G. Drobnitsky). M., Nauka, 1967.
Collective volumes:
- Western philosophy of the XX - early XXI centuries. Intellectual biographies. M.; SPb., 2016
- Mind. Practice. Reality: In Memory of N.S. Yulina. М., 2013. 304 p.
- Paul Ricoeur in Moscow. M., 2013. 488 p.
- The philosophers of the 20th century. Book Three. M., The Art of XXI Century, 2009.
- The philosophers of the 20th century. The second book. M., The Art of XXI Century, 2004.
- The philosophers of the 20th century. The first book. M., The Art of XXI Century, 2004.
- Path to philosophy. Anthology. M., University Book, 2001.
- Philosophical and methodological problems in the history of philosophy. M., RAS Institute of Philosophy, 1986.
- Problems and contradictions of bourgeois philosophy of 60-70 years. M., Nauka, 1983.
- The problem of consciousness in modern Western philosophy. M., Nauka, 1989.
- French philosophy today. M., Nauka, 1989.
- From the history of philosophy in Latin America of the 20-th century. M., Nauka, 1988.
- The bourgeois philosophical anthropology of the twentieth century. M., Nauka, 1986.
- Problems of method in contemporary philosophy. M., RAS Institute of Philosophy, 1986.
- Analytic philosophy today. M., IF Academy of Sciences, 1986.
- Philosophy. Religion. Culture. M., Nauka, 1982.
- Philosophy and values, and forms of consciousness. M., Nauka, 1978.
- The man and his existence as a problem of modern philosophy. M., Nauka, 1978.
- Bourgeois philosophy of the twentieth century. M., Politizdat, 1974.
- Philosophy and science. M., Nauka, 1972.
- The problem of man in modern philosophy. M., 1968.
- Modern existentialism. M., Mysl, 1966.
- “The philosophers of France”. 2003-2006. Unique editorial project, Russia’s first encyclopedic work on French philosophers of XII –XX Centuries. Its purpose was to provide a broad panorama of philosophical life in France through its leading representatives. Articles are written by scientists from the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and State Humanitarian University.
- “What is philosophy?”. 1998–2001. Leading contemporary thinkers of the 20-th century on nature of philosophy and its role in society. Results of this project are presented in the book “The Path to philosophy. Anthology”(2001), which includes fragments from texts Wittgenstein, R. Carnap, M. Schlick, K. Popper, M. Heidegger, J.-P.Sartre, H. Ortega-yGasset, H. Bergson, K. Jaspers, G. Marcel, J. Maritain, N. Berdyaev, E. Mounier, E. Levinas, Th. Adorno, J. Habermas and others, accompanied by our introductory papers.
- “The philosophers of the twentieth century”. 1995–2009. Contemporary western philosophy is presented through intellectual biographies of the founders and leaders of the major philosophical schools: T. W. Adorno, A. Ayer, Henri Bergson, M. Buber, Wittgenstein, A. Gehlen, N. Goodman, E. Husserl, D. Dennett, W.Dilthey, J. Dewey, R. Carnap, W.V. Quine, E. Levinas, J. Maritain, G. Marcel, M. Merleau-Ponty, E. Mounier, H. Ortega-yGasset, H. Putnam, B. Russell, P. Ricoeur, R. Rorty, J.-P.Sartre, X. Zubiri, P. Tillich, M. Unamuno, Z. Freud, M. Heidegger, J. Huizinga, M. Scheler, K. Jaspers. Results of our research are presented in three volumes: “The philosophers of the twentieth century. Book One” (2004); Book Two (2004); Book Three (2009) (Allen, K. Barth, H.-G.Gadamer, A. Kojeve, J. Lacan, J. Lacroix, A. McIntyre, J.M. McLuhan, G. Mead, D.E. Moore, J. Ostin, J. Rawls, J.Searle, P. Strawson, E.Fromm, M. Foucault, O. Spengler, L. Strauss.
Meetings and Events:
An important part of our scientific activities consists in establishing long-termed cooperation within the academic community in Russia and abroad. In the recent years, following seminars and conferences were organized:
- International conference «The Wisdom of Philosophy» (Mocsow, IPh RAS). Organizing Committee: D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg, D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina, Dmitri Kibalchich, Olga Machulskaja, Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov. Following presentations were given from the scientists of our Department: D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg, D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina, D.Sc. in philos. Victor Vizgin, Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov (2013 г., May 28–29);
- Conference of Russian Academy of Sciences «The Present and the Future of science in Russia. Place and role Russian Academy of Sciences». Москва). Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov took part in the Organizing Committee from our Department (2013 г., August 29–30).
- “Edmund Husserl. On the 150th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher”(December 10-12, 2009).
- «80 years of Heidegger’s “Being and Time”» (September 2007).
- “The philosophical legacy of H.-G.Gadamer” (2003);International Seminar “The Memory of Paul Ricoeur” (May 2006).
- “On the centenary of the publication of the Logical Investigations Husserl” (2001);
- Seminar "Translation as a probation for culture" (2001);
- International Conference “Phenomenology Today” (2000);
- “Problems of Translation of the literature on the phenomenology and hermeneutics” (1999);
- “On the history of phenomenological thought” (Science Workshop, held weekly in October 1997–January 1998.);
Staff members participates in the annually published Journal History of Philosophy (Istoria Filisofii); the Head of our Department, Prof., D.Sc. A. Rutkevitch is the Editor in Chief of the Journal; D.Sc. in Philosophy Irina Blauberg is the scientific secretary of this periodical.
Discussion papers (Rus) >>
International relations:
Ongoing collaboration (since 1993) with the International Association of Philosophical Gabriel Marcel in Paris, participation in the edition of the Annual Bulletin of the Association and the philosophical community events: congresses, conferences devoted to philosophy and literary works of Gabriel Marcel (D.Sc. G. Tavrizyan).
- 2005 – Diploma for the collective monograph “The philosophers of the twentieth century. Book One”(Ed.. Prof. Dr.Sc. A. Rutkevitch; D.Sc. I. Vdovina) and “The philosophers of the 20-th century. Book Two” (D.Sc. I. Vdovina; Ph.D. L.Makeeva; D.Sc. G. Tavrizyan), which took the 2-nd place in the annual competition for Institute of Philosophy’s Best Book.2006 –2011 – Four awards received by D.Sc. Nina Yulina her books (three books received first prize and one – the second). 5
- 2005 – Diploma for the collective monograph “The philosophers of the twentieth century. Book One”(Ed.. Prof. Dr.Sc. A. Rutkevitch; D.Sc. I. Vdovina) and “The philosophers of the 20-th century. Book Two” (D.Sc. I. Vdovina; Ph.D. L.Makeeva; D.Sc. G. Tavrizyan), which took the 2-nd place in the annual competition for Institute of Philosophy’s Best Book.2006 –2011 – Four awards received by D.Sc. Nina Yulina her books (three books received first prize and one – the second). 5
- 2004 – D.Sc. Irena Vdovina receives a Diploma for translation and edition of the book “P. Ricoeur. The conflict of interpretations. Essays on hermeneutics”, which took the 1st place in the annual competition for Institute of Philosophy’s Best Book in the nomination “Best publication of philosophical classics”. 4
- 2004 – D.Sc. Irena Vdovina was awarded with Diploma for great personal contribution to the establishment and development of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation. 3
- 1999 – Medal of of the Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium for young scientists was awarded for I.A. Mikhailov’s book “The Early Heidegger”. 2
- 1999 – On the occasion of Russian Academy of Sciences’ 275-th anniversary and the 70-th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy, D.Sc. Irena Vdovina was awarded for many years of fruitful work in the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1
Adress: Goncharnaya 12/1, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation
Tel. (495) 697-73-26.Office attendance hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 14.00-18.00 p.m.;
Secretary: Monday to Friday, 11.00–18.45 p.m.