D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg:
Member of IPhRAS Expertise counсil.
Member of Dissertation counсil in history of philosophy (IPhRAS).
Member of Dissertation counсil in history of philosophy (Moscow State University).
D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina:
Member of IPhRAS Scientific counсil (IPhRAS).
Member of Dissertation counсils in history of philosophy (deputy chairman), philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture (IPhRAS).
Ph.D. Vladimir Starovitov: secretary of the Branch for History of Philosophy (IPhRAS) [until 2013].
Scientific journals advisory boards:
D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg:
Executive secretary of «Istoria filosofii (History of Philsophy)» journal.
Member of the Editorial board of Filosofskie Nauki (Philosophical Sciences) journal.
D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina:
Member of the Editorial board of Filosofskie Nauki (Philosophical Sciences) journal.
Member of the Editorial board of «Istorija filosofii (History of Philsophy)» journal.
Jula Rossius: Executive secretary of "Filosopfskij Zhurnal" (Philosophical Journal).
Аlexander Tschikin: editor of the international division of Filosofskie Nauki (Philosophical Sciences) journal.
Reviews on dissertation thesis
D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg: An external review of a Ph.D.: D.N. Drozdova «Interpretation of the Scientific Revolution in the works of Alexander Koyre» (date: 2012, November, 30; Higher School of Economics).
Ph.D. Andrej Veretennikov: an official opponent to a Ph.D. by M.V. Vyrskaja «Formation of political economy in the writings of Adam Smith» (date: 2012, February, 18 февраля; Higher School of Economics).
Ph.D. Andrej Veretennikov: An external review of of a Ph.D.: Y.V. Gorbatova «Analytic Theology in the works of Plantinga» (2012, June 18. Higher School of Economics).
D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina: an official opponent to a D.Sc. Dissertation by E.M. Srirova «Symbol as a concept of philosophical anthropology» (IPhRAS, 2012, April 5).
D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina: an official opponent to a Ph.D. by E.A. Kostrova «The I and others in the philosophy of dialogue: the problem of interdependence and autonomy» (Moscow State University, 2012, November 21).
D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg: Review of D.Sc. in philos. synopsis: I.N.Duhan: «Formation of the concept of time in art and design culture of the twentieth century» (Moscow State University, May 2012).
Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov: Review of Ph.D. in philos. synopsis: G.B. Yudin "Phenomenological reduction in the epistemology of social science" (2012, December. Higher School of Economics).