An important part of our scientific activities consists in establishing long-termed cooperation within the academic community in Russia and abroad. In the recent years, following seminars and conferences were organized:
2018, October 30–31, Moscow International Conference "150 Years of Pragmatism"
In 2013 the Department organized two conferences (one international and one nation-wide):
- 2013, May 28–29, Moscow – International conference «The Wisdom of Philosophy» (Mocsow, IPh RAS). Organizing Committee: D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg, D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina, Dmitri Kibalchich, Olga Machulskaja, Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov. Following presentations were given from the scientists of our Department: D.Sc. in philos. Irina Blauberg, D.Sc. in philos. Irena Vdovina, D.Sc. in philos. Victor Vizgin, Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov.
- 2013, August 29–30, Moscow – Conference of Russian Academy of Sciences «The Present and the Future of science in Russia. Place and role Russian Academy of Sciences». Москва). Ph.D. in philos. Igor Mikhaylov took part in the Organizing Committee from our Department.
Past years:
- «French philosophy in Russia: some results and perspectives» (2010, September, 14–15)
- “Edmund Husserl. On the 150th anniversary of the birth of the philosopher”(December 10-12, 2009).
- International Conference «The Legacy of Spinoza», 2007, November.
- «80 years of Heidegger’s “Being and Time”» (September 2007).
- International Seminar “The Memory of Paul Ricoeur” (May 2006).
- “The philosophical legacy of H.-G.Gadamer” (2003);
- “On the centenary of the publication of the Logical Investigations Husserl” (2001);
- Seminar "Translation as a probation for culture" (2001);
- International Conference “Phenomenology Today” (2000);
- “On the history of phenomenological thought” (Science Workshop, held weekly in October 1997–January 1998.);
- “Problems of Translation of the literature on the phenomenology and hermeneutics” (1999);