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  Mikhail Khorkov
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Mikhail Khorkov

Mikhail Khorkov

Mikhail Khorkov, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences



Researcher ID
Web of Science Researcher ID: R-6774-2016
Scopus Author ID: 36189867200



Date and Place of Birth

Born May 2, 1969 in Moscow, Russia.




  • Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Lenin University (MPGU), Faculty of History, diplom (MA) in Ancient and Medieval History (1993);
  • Doctorate Study at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (1993–1996);
  • Post-Graduate Study at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany; Certificate, Philosophy of sciences and technology (1997–1998).

Academic Degree

  • Candidate of Sciences (PhD equivalent degree), doctorate thesis: «Genesis of Philosophical Anthropology and Social Crisis» (1999).


  • Associate Professor (2005).
Fields of research
  • History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy,
  • Medieval Scholastics,
  • German and Dutch Medieval Spiritual and Intellectual Texts,
  • Nicolas of Cusa’ Philosophy,
  • German Philosophy of the 20th Century,
  • Phenomenology, ethics, philosophy of religion and philosophical anthropology of Max Scheler and Helmuth Plessner,
  • Philosophical archives and manuscripts.
Professional career
  • Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (from 2013).
  • Associate Professor for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at the Institute of History of Philosophy at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (2001– 2013);
  • Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of History of Philosophy at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (1999–2001);
Professional activities

Current research projects

  • «Reception of the works by Meister Eckhart in the philosophical and theological contexts of the 14th and 15th centuries»;
  • «From Meister Eckhart to Nicholas of Cusa»;
  • «Nicholas of Cusa and the Erfurt Carthusians»;
  • «Libraries of Late Medieval intellectuals»;
  • «Early forms of German theoretical language»;
  • «Phenomenology of Max Scheler in the context of twentieth-century European philosophy: ethics, philosophy of religion, philosophical anthropology».

University courses

  • History of Ancient Philosophy,
  • History of Medieval Philosophy,
  • Plato and Aristotle in Medieval Philosophy,
  • Philosophy of Meister Eckhart,
  • Philosophical Anthropology of Max Scheler.
Visiting lectures at the foreign universities
  • University of Bremen, Germany (2002);
  • University of Salento, Lecce, Italy (2010);
  • University of Erfurt, Germany (2005, 2011, 2015, 2017).
Supervision of MA and
PhD dissertations


  • Scientific director of doctorate thesis, Simonian Arina, doctorate thesis «The doctrine of the soul in the context of late medieval German spiritual literature» (IPh RAS, 2016– ):
  • Scientific director of doctorate thesis, Kuznetsova Olga, doctorate thesis «Personalism in the Context of European Philosophy of 20th Century» (a co-tutela doctorate PFUR – University Paris-8; 2007–2010).
  • Supervisor, 9 (nine) MA dissertations on the History of Medieval and Contemporary Philosophy (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2001–2013).
Stipends and research grants
(the most important)

Supported by the Russian State Foundation for Humanities (RFH / RGNF):


research grants:

  • «The birth of the classics: The historical consciousness of science in pre-classical era», group research grant 2008–2009, №08-03-00407a, participation in a group project;
  • «Polemical strategies in philosophy, theology and science in Western Europe from 13th to 16th centuries», group research grant 2009–2010, №09-03-00665a, participation in a group project;
  • «From Meister Eckhart to Nicholas of Cusa: Transformation of metaphysics in Western Europe in 14th and 15th centuries», individual research grant 2010–2011, №10-03-00177а;
  • «Augustine and fundamental problems of contemporary philosophy», group research grant 2012-2013, №12-03-0455а, participation in a group project.
  • «Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa», project №15-43-93016к.

publishing grant:

  • «Meister Eckhart: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the great Rhenish mystics», №03-03-00285д.

Supported by International Research Foundations and Institutions

  • Johan Peter Falck Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden (September 2019 – June 2020).
  • Senior fellow at the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (October 2017 – July 2018).
  • Fellowship at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt, Germany (September 2016 – August 2017).
  • Visiting research fellowship at the German Literary Archive (DLA) in Marbach, Germany (July 2011).
  • Research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,Thomas-Institute, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (August 2007 – May 2009),
  • Amplonius research fellowship, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Erfurt, Germany (April-June 2007),
  • Paul Celan visiting fellowship, Vienna, Austria (July-September 2006),
  • Herzog Ernst research fellowship of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Gotha, Germany (May-July 2005),
  • Goethe research fellowship, Faculty of Theology, Jena, Germany (September-November 2003),
  • ÖAD research fellowship, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Salzburg, Austria (January-May 2001),
  • DAAD research fellowship, Munich School of Philosophy, Munich, Germany (October-December 2000).




(the most important)


  • Thomism, Albertism and Augustinianism in the Intellectual and Spiritual Culture of the Rhineland Region in 14th–15th Centuries. Moscow: Publishing House of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2007. – 266 pages. (in Russian)
In the light of the new, previously little-known, or unpublished sources, this monograph investigates the influence of Thomism, Albertism, and Augustinianism on the formation of intellectual and spiritual culture of the Rhine region in the 14th and 15th centuries. Main models of the interference of these major philosophical and theological schools during the Later Middle Ages are considered on the examples of Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 – c. 1328), anonymous German treatises and unpublished manuscript collections from the 14th and 15th centuries, as well as of philosophy of Heymericus de Campo (1395–1460) and Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464).
  • Meister Eckhart: An Introduction to Philosophy of Great Rhineland Mystic. Moscow: Nauka, 2003. – 278 pages. – Hardcover (in Russian)
The research presented by this book is aimed to introduce to philosophy of great German mystic Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 – c. 1328). Meister Eckhart is one of the most important thinkers of the Later Middle Ages and a key figure of medieval mysticism. Adopting both textual and biographical approach, the book shows how Eckhart both lived his religious and intellectual life and wrote about it. This study places Eckhart in the context of his age, when the developments of mendicant orders, new types of thinking, and scholastic discussions at the universities shaped his external world and at the same time affected his intellectual life and his mode of thinking.




  • Henry Suso. Das Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit (The Little Book of Eternal Wisdom) / Transl. into Russian by Mikhail Khorkov. Moscow: St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History, 2008 – 296 pages. (in Russian)
  • Max Scheler. Philosophische Fragmente aus dem Nachlass (Philosophical Fragments from the Unpublished Manuscripts). Ed. and transl. into Russian by Mikhail Khorkov. Moscow: St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History, 2007 – 384 pages. (in Russian)
  • Henry Suso. Das Büchlein der Wahrheit (The Little Book of Truth) / Transl. into Russian by Mikhail Khorkov. St-Petersburg: Aletheia, 2003. – 174 pages. (in Russian)
  • Nemesius of Emesa. De Natura Hominis (On Human Nature) / Transl. into Russian by Ph. Vladimirsky / Editor Mikhail Khorkov. Moscow: Kanon-Plus, 1998 (reprint 2011). (in Russian)




  • Spiritual Culture of the Netherlands and Northern Germany in 14th–17th Centuries: Symbol. № 63. 2013 / Ed. by Mikhail Khorkov. Moscow: St.Thomas Institute of philosophy, theology, and history, 2013. – 359 pages.
  • Netherlands Spiritual Literature of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period:  Symbol № 59. 2011 / Ed. by Mikhail Khorkov. Moscow: St.Thomas Institute of philosophy, theology, and history, 2011.




by Mikhail Khorkov


  • Khorkov M. Between Mystical Theology and a New Model of Knowledge: The Works of Nicholas of Cusa in the Library of the Erfurt Charterhouse, in: Die Bibliothek – The Library – La Bibliothèque: Denkräume und Wissensordnungen – Spaces of Thought and Knowledge Systems, hrsg. von Andreas Speer, Lars Reuke (Miscellanea Mediaevalia 41). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. S. 676–690.  DOI: 10.1515/9783110700503-033.


  • "Why does the intellect see wisdom? A Platonic figure of thought in “De sapientia” of Nicholas of Cusa", Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie. 2019. Vol. 66. № 1. Jahrgang 133. Pages 8‒18. (in German)
  • "Ratio und Affekt in der mystischen Theologie des Spätmittelalters" [Ratio and affect in the mystical theology of the Late Middle Ages], Meister-Eckhart-Jahrbuch. 2019. Bd. 13: Von Meister Eckhart bis Martin Luther. Pages 69–87. (in German)

This article focuses on the study of discussions on mystical theology in the 15th century in Erfurt that influenced the formation of a specific Erfurt theological constellation in which Martin Luther's theology was formed. The first stage of these discussions was related to Nicholas of Cusa visiting Erfurt in the year 1451 and meeting the Erfurt Carthusians Jacob de Paradiso and John de Indagine, accompanied by work on texts in which questions of mystical theology were discussed. At the end of the 15th century, the Erfurt Carthusians also discussed the position of the Erfurt Augustinian eremite John of Paltz, who treated negatively the affectivity as well as the intellectuality of religious and, in particular, mystical experience. A very closely related Augustinian position was further represented by John of Staupitz who speaks in his sermons about affect as a neglect of will and by Martin Luther.


  • "Dem Bosen „Nein“ sagen: Zu Max Schelers Phanomenologie des Bosen", in: Philosophische Anthropologie zwischen Soziologie und Geschichtsphilosophie. Hrsg. von R. Adolphi, A. Gniazdowski, Z. Krasnodebski. Nordhausen: Verlag T. Bautz, 2018. Pages 211–221. (Philosophische Anthropologie. Themen und Positionen 8).
  • "Self-consciousness and conscience in the writings of Henry Suso and John Tauler", in: Veritas et subtilitas. Truth and Subtlety in the History of Philosophy. Essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944–2015). Eds.: Tengiz Iremadze and Udo Reinhold Jeck (Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie 59). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 2018. Pages 297–308.
  • "Wie ein Kartauserbibliothekar arbeitet: Zur Entstehungsgeschichte und Struktur der Hs. Fonds 201, Nr. 35, der Russischen Staatlichen Bibliothek in Moskau", in: Sammeln, kopieren, verbreiten. Zur Buchkultur der Kartauser gestern und heute. Hrsg. von Sylvain Excoffon und Coralie Zermatten (Analecta Cartusiana 337). Saint-Etienne: CERCOR, 2018. Pages 257–266.
  • "Zur Wiedergeburt von Nietzsches Begriff des antiken Tragischen in der Philosophie von Jos de Mul", Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie. Bd. 7. Nietzsche und die Anthropologie. Hrsg. von Th. Ebke und A. Zhavoronkov. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. Pages 199–207. DOI:
2017 and earlier
  • Harmony of Intellect and Disharmony of Soul in German Mystical Texts of the Late Middle Ages // Micrologus. 2017. № 25 Ideas of Harmony in Medieval Culture and Society. Pages 321–333.
  • Parallelism and variety of metaphors in the German and Dutch spiritual literature of the Late Middle Ages (on the example of anonymous “teachings” in the Ms. Leiden UB Ltk 222) // Indo-Europen Linguistics and Classical Studies. Proceedings of the Memorial Tronsky Conference, Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St-Petersburg. T. 20 (2). St-Petersburg, 2016. P. 1039–1046 (in Russian)

Exploring the anonymous “teachings” contained in the Ms. Leiden UB Ltk 222 this paper examines the phenomenon of parallelism and variation of metaphors in the German and Dutch spiritual texts of the Late Middle Ages. In particular, it shows that metaphors of rose and May dew which can be found in one of these “teachings” go back to the relevant passages of Henry Suso. But still they both together were influenced by the parallel metaphor of a horse running through wasteland which goes back to one of the sermons of Meister Eckhart.

  • Zu Max Schelers Konzeption des emotionalen Apriori // Thaumàzein. Rivista di Filosofia. 2015. № 3 Max Scheler and the Emotional Turn. P. 183197. ISSN 2284-2918. DOI: /10.13136/thau.v3i0.48.
  • Das Böse und religiöses Handeln: Max Schelers Antwort auf den Pragmatismus // Erkennen – Handeln – Bewähren: Phänomenologie und Pragmatismus / Hrsg. von Michael Gabel und Matthias Müller (Scheleriana 2). Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2015. S. 211–222.
  • Reisen und Handschriften Sammeln: Die spätmittelalterlichen Gelehrten und ihre Bibliotheken // Phänomenologie, Geschichte und Anthropologie des Reisens / Hrsg. von L. Polubojarinova, M. Kobelt-Groch, O. Kulishkina. Kiel: Solivagus-Verlag, 2015. S. 180–189.
  • The Concept of Conscience in the Sermons of John Tauler and its Eucharistic Context // Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology–XIX (Joseph M. Tronsky memorial Conference). Proceedings of the International Conference, St. Petersburg, 22-24 June, 2015 / Ed. by Nikolai N. Kazansky. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2015. P. 801–808.
  • How to Make a New Philosophy from an Old Platonism: Plethon and Cusanus on “Phaedrus” // Georgios Gemistos Plethon: The Byzantine and the Latin Renaissance / ed. by Jozef Matula and Paul Richard Blum. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014. P. 261–272.
  • Metaphysics and Spirituality in the History of Philosophical Anthropology and Contemporary Phenomenology of the Human Person // Philosophy and spirituality across cultures and cilizations / Edited by Nur Kirabaev, Yuriy Pochta, Ruzana Pskhu. Washington D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2014 (Cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central Europe, 46; Russian philosophical studies, 7). P. 97–102.
  • Brief aus Russland // Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Band 61. Heft 3. 2013. S. 437–446.

This essayistic letter examines the actual situation of philosophy in Russia. From the quantitative point of view it seems as if we can be optimistic: Russia’s stock of philosophers and philosophical faculties, departments and institutes is one of the largest in the world. But from the other qualitative point of view, the whole situation is more complicated. First of all, the institutional and moral legacy of ideologically colored Soviet philosophy has not been wholly overcome in theory, teaching practice, selection and training of a new staff. Second, new problems have arisen which are caused by the desire to preserve at all costs the old patterns of behavior and thinking in any external and internal modification of ideas and institutions. As a consequence, philosophy ceases to produce new ideas. Philosophical books and journals cease to be of interest not only to the general public, but also to the philosophers. Non-professionals and students who have not lost their interest in philosophy have to look for ideas in other fields of knowledge, sometimes far removed from academia. And “professional” philosophers have turned their occupation into a boring routine which is left with no choice but to protect the incompetence of its adherents using aggressive methods of institutional bureaucracy and intellectual intolerance.

  • Reisen und Handschriften Sammeln: Die spätmittelalterlichen Gelehrten und ihre Bibliotheken // Phänomenologie, Geschichte und Anthropologie des Reisens. Internationales interdisziplinäres Alexander-von-Humboldt-Kolleg in St. Petersburg, 16.19. April 2013 / Hrsg. von Marion Kobelt-Groch, Olga Kulischkina, Larissa Polubojarinova. Abstracts. St. Petersburg: Svoe izdatelstvo, 2013. S. 64–65.
  • Zur Meister Eckhart-Rezeption im Spätmittelalter // Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales. T. LXXVII,1. 2010. S. 125–136.
  • Eine Version von Heinrich Seuses «Horologium Sapientiae» aus der Bibliotheca Amploniana (Handschrift UFB Erfurt-Gotha, Dep. Erf. CA 4º 144) // Heinrich-Seuse-Jahrbuch. Band 2. 2009. S. 95–103.
  • Das Religiöse und das Säkulare aus phänomenologischer Sicht. Zur Aktualität von Max Schelers Philosophie der Religion // Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie. Band 8. 2009. S. 157–167.
  • Gottesgeburtslehre von Meister Eckhart im Traktat „Von dem ewigen wort“ (Hs. M I 476 der UB Salzburg, ff. 143v–147v) // Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология–XIII (чтения памяти И.М.Тронского). Материалы международной конференции, проходившей 22-24 июня 2009 г. СПб.: Наука, 2009. S. 638–642.
  • Über einige Quellen des Konzepts der coincidentia oppositorum: Meister Eckhart oder Heymericus de Campo? // „Nicolaus Cusanus: ein bewundernswerter historischer Brennpunkt“: Philosophische Tradition und wissenschaftliche Rezeption / Hrsg. von Klaus Reinhardt und Harald Schwaetzer (Philosophie interdisziplinär, Band 26). Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag, 2008. S. 41–58.
  • Heinrich Seuse-Rezeption in Russland in den letzten zwei Jahrzenten // Heinrich-Seuse-Jahrbuch. Band 1. 2008. S. 103–109.
  • Der Traktat Von dem ewigen wort und der augustinische Kontext der Rezeption der Lehre von der Gottesgeburt am Oberrhein im 15. Jahrhundert // University, Council, City: Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300–1550), Acts of the XIIth International Colloquium of the SIEPM, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27–29 October 2004 / Ed. by Laurent Cesalli, Nadja Germann, and Maarten J.F.M.Hoenen. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007. S. 203218.
  • Unbekannter Eckhart oder unbekannter Ruusbroec? Zum augustinistischen Kontext der Meister-Eckhart-Rezeption im 15. Jahrhundert // Meister Eckhart in Erfurt / Hrsg. von Andreas Speer und Lydia Wegener (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, Veröffentlichungen des Thomas-Instituts der Universität Köln, 32). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. S. 587–600.
  • Is it Natural for a Human Being to be a Person? // Personhood / Ed. by Heikki Ikäheimo et al. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2004. P. 106–112.
  • Deutschland und Russland: Die Stunde des liberalen Konservativismus. Der liberale Konservativismus als Ueberlebensimperativ // Der Ernstfall auch in Russland. Russische Philosophen diskutieren Guenter Rohrmoser. Bietigheim/Baden: Gesellschaft fuer Kulturwissenschaft, 1997. S. 261–266.





  • «Kontroversen um die mystische Theologie des Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita in der Erfurter Kartause im 15 Jahrhundert» // International Colloquium of the SIEPM «The Dionysian Traditions», 911 September 2019, Varna, Bulgaria

  • «Gesellschaft und Wahrheit: Philosophie und soziale Wahrheitskriterien» // International Congress of the Max-Scheler-Gesellschaft «Max Schelers Sozialphilosophie», 35 October 2019, Paris, France

  • «Max Scheler und Paul Ludwig Landsberg: Lehrer-Schul̈ er-Beziehungen und der Ko ̈lner Kontext der Entstehung der philosophischen Anthropologie zwischen Wissenssoziologie und Philosophiegeschichte» // International Conference «Philosophical Anthropology as an Interdisciplinary Praxis», 6-9 November 2019, Cologne, Germany


  • «Gotteserkenntnis bei Meister Eckhart und Nikolaus von Kues: Eine Erfurter Korrektur aus dem 15 Jahrhundert» (“Knowledge of God by Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Cusa: An Erfurt Correction from the 15th century”) // International Conference “Infinitum Aliter – Anderswie Unendlich: Die Gottesfrage im Bann gesteigerter Transzendenz” (“Infinitum Aliter – Other than Infinity: The question of God under the spell of increased transcendence”), 1113 January, 2018, organized by the University of Erfurt on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Prof. Dr. Michael Gabel, Erfurt, Germany ;
  • “Phänomenologie der Helden- und Opfer-Emotionen bei Max Scheler” (“Phenomenology of Hero and Sacrifice Emotions by Max Scheler”) // International Conference “Lebensphilosophie und Emotionen in Max Schelers Phänomenologie” (“Philosophy of life and emotions in Max Scheler's phenomenology”), 9 March, 2018, University of Verona, Verona, Italy;

  • “Zu Heinrich Seuses Autorschaft des Minnebüchleins” (“On Henry Suso's authorship of the Little Book of Love”) // International Conference “Centers and peripheries in the history of philosophical thought” (“Centri e periferie nella storia del pensiero filosofico”), organized by the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, 26-28 March, 2018, on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of professor Loris Sturlese (Information about the conference: Tommaso Ferro, Centri e periferie nella storia del pensiero filosofico. Un convegno internazionale in onore di Loris Sturlese, in: Bollettino. Il periodico di cultura dell’Università del Salento, VIII, 3-4 (2018) 20-22, ISSN 2284-0354

  • “Handschriften aus der Erfurter Kartause in der Russischen Staatsbibliothek in Moskau” (“Manuscripts from the Erfurt Charterhouse in the Russian State Library in Moscow”) // 6th International Conference “Deutsche Kultur in russischen Buch-und Handschriftenbeständen” (“German culture in Russian book and manuscript collections”), 16–17 April, 2018, State Lomonossov University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia

  • «Controversies on Wisdom in the Erfurt Carthusian Treatises on Mystical Theology from the 15th Century» // International conference of the IGTM «Altiora te ne quaesieris: Medieval pursuit of wisdom», 2–6 September 2018, Tyniec, Poland

  • «Between Mystical Theology and a New Model of Knowledge: The Works of Nicholas of Cusa in the Library of the Erfurt Charterhouse» // 41th Kölner Mediaevistentagung, 9–15 September 2018, Cologne, Germany


  • «Nietzsches Begriff des antiken Tragischen und seine Wiedergeburt in der Philosophie von Jos de Mul» // International Conference "Nietzsche als anthropologischer Denker" 12–14 July 2017, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany.
  • «Ratio und Affekt in der mystischen Theologie des Spätmittelalters» // International Conference of Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft «From Meister Eckhart to Martin Luther», 10–12 March 2017, Munich, Germany:
  • «The problem of Authorship of Heinrich Suso’s Minnebüchlein in the Light of its Latin Version» // Medieval Translator Conference 2017, 15–18 March 2017, Vienna, Austria:
  • «Cusanus in Erfurt: Cusanus und die Erfurter Kartäuser» // «Die Botschaft des Denkens und das Denken der Botschaft: Aktuelle Forschungen zur Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters und ihrer Rezeption vom Beginn der Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. International Conference in memoriam Fritz Hoffmann (1913-2007)», 19–20 May 2017, Erfurt, Germany (mass media about the conference: Brose, Thomas. Weder finster noch barbarisch // Tag des Herrn: Katholische Wochenzeitung. Nummer 23, 11 Juni 2017. S. 15): ;
  • «A Platonic Notion of Beauty in the Interpretation of Nicholas of Cusa in the Light of His Margins to Plato’s Dialogues and Polemics with the Carthusians» // 15th Conference of the ISNS, 14–17 June 2017, Olomouc, Czech Republic:
  • «Rationales Wissen und mystische Theologie im Kartäuserkloster Salvatorberg in Erfurt im 15 Jh.» // International Conference «Sammeln, Kopieren, Verbreiten: Zur Buchkultur der Kartäuser gestern und heute», 13–16 July 2017, Ittingen, Switzerland:
  • «Reception of the Works of Nicholas of Cusa in the Manuscripts from the Erfurt Charterhouse at the End of the 15th Century» // 14th Congress of the SIEPM «Homo–Natura–Mundus», 24–28 July 2017, Porto Alegre, Brazil:
  • «Verständnis der Weisheit und Streit über die mystische Theologie bei den Kartäusern im 15 Jh.» // Internationales Symposium «Das 15 Jahrhundert», 12–14 October 2017, Bretten, Germany:
  • «Rezeption der deutschen mittelalterlichen Mystik in der Erfurter Kartause im 15 Jahrhundert» // International Conference «Tradition, Norm an Individualization: Russian and German Philological Approaches to German Religious Literature (from 1300 to 1500)», 9–11 November 2017, Augsburg, Germany.
  • «A New Morality for the 'Age of Leveling'? Max Scheler’s Material Value-Ethics in Its Response to Nietzsche» // 14th International Conference of the Max Scheler Society (Max Scheler Gesellschaft) “Max Scheler and Asian thoughts in the age of leveling” (“Max Scheler und asiatische Gedanken im Weltalter des Ausgleichs”), November 25–28, 2017, Faculty of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.


  • «Rethinking Nietzsche for a Material Value-Ethics in Max Scheler's Phenomenological Philosophy» // International colloquium Max Scheler: His Thought and Influence (A colloquium in commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the publication of Scheler’s Formalism in Ethics (Bds. I and II), Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland, 1719 November 2016.
  • «Mystical Theology and Individualization of Meditative and Contemplative Practices at the Erfurt Charterhouse in the 15th Century» // International conference Devotio. Individualization of religious practices in Western European Christianity (c. 1350 c. 1550), Radboud University in Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Nederlands, 2627 October 2016.
  • «Aristotle in the Works of Meister Eckhart: Ambivalence of Tradition and Paradoxes of Interpretation» // Moscow International Aristotle Conference 2016 «The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality», Institute of Philosophy, Russian academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia, 17‒19 October 2016.
  • «Warum sieht der Intellekt die Weisheit? Eine platonische Denkfigur in De sapientia von Nikolaus von Kues» // International conference Die Idiota-Dialoge des Nikolaus von Kues: Philosophische, theologische und wissenschaftliche Inhalte, Università “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy, 21‒23 September 2016.
  • «Zu Heinrich Seuses Autorschaft des Minnebüchleins im Lichte der lateinischen Version dieses Werkes» // International Summer School EGSAMPLocality and Cross-Border Exchange in the Middle Ages, Ohrid, Macedonia, 15‒22 August 2016.
  • «Параллелизм и вариативность метафор в немецкой и нидерландской духовной литературе позднего Средневековья (на примере анонимных поучений in MS Leiden UB Ltk 222)» // International scientific conference Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Studies: The Memorial Professor Joseph Tronsky Conference, Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St-Petersburg, St-Petersburg, Russia. 20‒22 June 2016.
  • «To the problem of attribution the fragment of the De mystica theologia (РГБ. Ф. 201, № 35, ff. 157r–158v)» // Conference in memoriam of O.A.Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya, Western European section of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Institute of History of RAS, 24 June 2016.
  • «Wenn ein Pferd sich in eine Rose verwandelt: Zu einigen Mechanismen der Transformation Eckhartscher Metaphern im niederländischen Kontext (am Beispiel der anonymen Lehren in der Hs Leiden UB Ltk 222)» // International scientific conference Meister Eckhart and the Low Countries: Medieval and Modern Connections in Literature and Religious Culture, Leiden University, Leiden, Nederlands, 9‒11 June 2016.


  • «The Concept of Conscience in the Sermons of John Tauler and its Eucharistic Context» // International scientific conference Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Studies:  The Memorial Professor Joseph Tronsky Conference, Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St-Petersburg, St-Petersburg, Russia, 22‒24 June 2015.


  • «Self-consciousness and conscience in the writings of Henry Suso and John Tauler» // International historical and philosophical seminar «History of Conscience in the European Thought», within the framework of the Days of Philosophy in Sankt-Petersburg, November 22-23, 2013, St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philosophy:
  • «Reisen und Handschriften sammeln: Die spätmittelalterlichen Gelehrten und ihre Bibliotheken» (paper in German) // Interdisciplinary International Humboldt Conference Phenomenology, History and Anthropology of the Travel, 16-19 April 2013, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • «Early forms of German theoretical language» (paper in Russian) // International conference The humanities and the knowledge: Philosophy, Literature and Language, 2526 April 2013, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
  • «‘Manuskripte brennen nicht’: Neues aus der Forschung der spätmittelalterlichen mystischen Handschriften» // International seminar Current studies in Medieval philosophy, 78 May 2013, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.
  • «How to make a new philosophy from an old Platonism: Plethon and Cusanus on Phaedrus» // International Conference Georgios Gemistos Plethon: The Byzantine and the Latin Renaissance, 10-12 May 2013, Centre for Renaissance Studies at the Department of Philosophy, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • «Technik und Leben: Zum Begriff der Technik des Lebens bei Max Scheler» // International Conference of the Max Scheler Society Foundations of the philosophy of technology. Criticism of art and civilization by Max Scheler in different social contexts, 22-25 May 2013, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany.
  • «The Ms. of the work ‘Five points’ by Geert Grote in the manuscript collection of the Library of the Russian Academy of Scienes (BAN, Ms. O. № 90): Problems of research and interpretation» (paper in Russian) // Conference in memoriam of O.A.Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya, Western European section of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Institute of History of RAS, 27 June 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • «Eckhardus theutonicus in latinum translatus: Latin Translations of the German Texts by Meister Eckhart in the 15th Century» // The Medieval Translator 2013: The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. Translation and Authority – Authorities in Translation, 8-12 July 2013, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
  • «Harmony of Intellect and Disharmony of Soul in German mystical texts of the Late Middle Ages» // International Colloquium HARMONIA: The ideas of harmony in the culture and society of the Middle Ages, 3-5 October 2013, HSE, Moscow, Russia.





(organizational and project activities)

  • Member of the organizing committee of the international conference «Die Botschaft des Denkens und das Denken der Botschaft: Aktuelle Forschungen zur Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters und ihrer Rezeption vom Beginn der Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. International Conference in memoriam Fritz Hoffmann (1913–2007)», 19–20 May 2017, Erfurt, Germany (mass media about the conference: Brose, Thomas. Weder finster noch barbarisch // Tag des Herrn: Katholische Wochenzeitung. Nummer 23, 11 Juni 2017 S. 15): ;
  • Member of the organizing committee of the international conference «Max Scheler and contemporary philosophy», 2–3 October 2014, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow:
  • Member of the organizing committee of the international seminar Current studies in Medieval philosophy, 7–8 May 2013, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy;
  • Head of Section at the international conference Foundations of the philosophy of technology. Criticism of art and civilization by Max Scheler in different social contexts, 22–25 May 2013, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany;
  • Head of Section at the 19th Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM) The legitimization of political power in medieval thought, 18–21 September 2013, University of Alcala de Henares, Spain;
  • Head of Section at the international colloquium HARMONIA: The idea of harmony in the culture and society of the Middle Ages, 3–5 October 2013, HSE, Moscow, Russia;
  • Organizer of the Interdisciplinary roundtable Early forms of German theoretical language, the project of the Department of the History of Western philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Organizer of the Interdisciplinary roundtable Early forms of German theoretical language, project of the Department of the History of Western philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 September 2013, Moscow, Russia (organization of a round table discussion of the article by Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr. N. Bondarko «Davon sol der geistlich mensch wol geordent sin: Logical syntax schemes and their variation in the German spiritual prose of the 13th century»):
  • Member of the organizing committee and head of the Section of the International Conference Philosophical Anthropology between sociology and philosophy of history, 7–9 June 2012, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
Public talks and lectures


Editorial-board memberships
  • Member of the advisory board, «Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale» (Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium).
  • Member of the international advisory board, «Studia Antyczne i Mediewistyczne» (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland).
  • Member of the international advisory board, «Horizon: Phenomenological investigations» (St. Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia).
  • Co-editor and editorial-board member of the book series «Scheleriana. Scheler Studies», Germany.
Membership in the International 
Professional Research
  • e-mail: