Philosophical Generations. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House Moscow, 2022. – 1232 pages. – ISBN 978-5-907290-83-9 (in Russian)
This book is a special document in the history of philosophy in Russia, a group self-portrait of Russian philosophers of the mid-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, a first-person chronicle of the Moscow philosophical community, narrated by the participants of the events described. The study of philosophical generations is important for the restoration of the human context of the development of philosophy, outside of which much will remain incomprehensible. The path from generational type to texts is no less important than the familiar path from texts. The notion of the ‘philosophical generation’ is used as a key to interpreting the history of philosophy. The generational approach allows us to change the usual optics, to focus the attention of researchers on existential, personal ties within the professional community, which clarifies the mutual influences of scholars that determine the birth and development of philosophical ideas. The publication is timed to the centenary of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS, whose creation marked the beginning of the institutionalization of philosophical research in Russia, and illustrated with photographic portraits of the authors from the time of their entering the profession.
Philosophy in plural. Book 2. Compiled and edited by Andrey V. Smirnov and Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: Academic Project Publishing, 2020. ‒ 412 pages ‒ ISBN 978-5-8291-3892-9 (in Russian)
Responses. Philosophical Conversations. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House Moscow, 2021. – 1000 pages. – ISBN 978-5-907290-49-5 (in Russian)
This illustrated collection of articles represents the result of a successful joint project «Remarks (Anatomy of Philosophy)» of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Dostoyevsky Municipal Library. The goal of this project is bringing the academic philosophy into the public space. The dialogues-discussions were given by researchers at an open intellectual venue in the center of Moscow. All the texts are written by participants of the project on the basis of their presentations to everyone who is interested in philosophy. The book main purpose is to explain to public what modern philosophers are working on. Among the 70 authors of the book there are not only researchers from the Institute of Philosophy of RAS, but also colleagues from Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow Pedagogical State University, other universities and research centers of Russia, as well as philosophers from Germany, Serbia, France, the USA and Japan. Open dialogues of the philosophers at the city library gave a clear answer to a question: "Why philosophy is necessary for society and what is practical outcome from it?" The success of the project shows that philosophy is necessary not only for the closed circle of intellectuals, but for all people. Philosophy helps people to find out the sense of existence and support them in everyday life. This collection was gathering all generations of researchers. The texts are followed by the photo portraits of the philosophers at work and their listeners. This project became a worthy episode in the chronicle of Russian philosophy and a bright illustration of intellectual life in the Russian capital at the beginning of the 21st century.
Philosophy in Plural. Compiled and edited by Andrey V. Smirnov and Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: Academic Project Publishing, 2020. ‒ 529 pages ‒ ISBN 978-5-8291-2473-1 (in Russian)
The articles included in this book are cult texts of Russian philosophers who worked in different epochs at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and have made a significant contribution to the world philosophical tradition. The authors of this volume present different generations of thinkers who connected their fate and their work with the Institute of Philosophy. The creators of philosophical conceptions which are represented in this book have already died, still we can see their creativity as a complete phenomenon. Each article published in this volume is preceded by an essay about its author, introducing the intellectual legacy of the represented philosopher.
Nietzsche Today. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2019. – 312 pages – ISBN 978-5-907117-74 (in Russian)
The purpose of the book is to show the relevance of Friedrich Nietzsche’s legacy for the 21st century, to specify the problem area of contemporary Nietzsche studies, to identify the guidelines of the work of Russian scholars as well as to reveal Nietzsche’s role in creating the contemporary intellectual context of Russian life. All the texts included in this publication are research papers based on the public lectures which their authors delivered as an open discussion platform in the center of Moscow within the framework of the co-project of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS and Moscow library named aft er F. M. Dostoevsky. Th e collection of articles is illustrated by the portraits of the philosophers dedicated to their work and their audience. The book is intended both for specialists in history of philosophy and for the general public and is designed to help the reader get rid of the stereotypes of percepting Nietzsche’s work as the preaching of National Socialism, chauvinism, or violence, the stereotypes persisting in Russian culture since the 1930s.
Philosophical Emanations of Love. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2018. – 576 pages – ISBN 978-5-6041006-3-9 (in Russian)
The book you are holding in your hands is the story of philosophical unions whose creative work was formed with mutual love, of the unity of philosophy and Eros, of how philosophical texts are born from the intertwining of personal and creative fates. It is a chronicle of the passions of people who lived in different eras and different countries and worked in different thought paradigms. The poignant tragedy of all the life stories is overcome through joint creative work, the joy of communicating with a person of kindred spirit, of finding the meaning of life in passionate service to the chosen one and to one’s calling. No two essays, no two stories in this volume are alike. The book opens with the stories of love and work of married couples. Then follow essays about impossible love, about lovers doomed to be separated, and about those who were close and loving, but never became loved. The next body of texts is stories of forbidden love that challenges the social mores and involves a series of difficult and painful decisions lovers have to make. The book concludes with stories of spiritual love. It draws on rare archive materials, letters, personal notes, memoirs and diary jottings of philosophers. It contains fragments from academic papers never published in Russian before and letters of foreign thinkers. It is aimed both at historians of philosophy and at the broad lay audience. It may attract those who are interested in the lives of past thinkers and the history of how philosophical concepts were conceived — the “biographies” of ideas and senses. The reader will find neither solace nor instruction in the vicissitudes of the heroes’ lives, instead he will learn how love-passion, love of someone to lean on, love-rapture, love-support, love-infatuation, love-service and love-friendship shape a philosophical tradition.
Nelly V. Motroshilova. Early Philosophy of Edmund Husserl (Halle, 1887–1901). – Moscow, Progress-Tradition Publ., 2018. – 800 pages. – ISBN: 978-5-04-100819-2
The study of the early philosophy of Edmund Gusserl is aimed at eliminating the complete "white spot" in the development of the heritage of this thinker in Russia. It includes the study of the socio-historical situation in Germany of the last decades of the 19th century, that is, the specific environment in which E. Gusserl went uneasy from mathematics to philosophy. The main lines of his spiritual, philosophical development and his activities at the University of Galle-Wittenberg, as well as interactions in the scientific and philosophical community, are traced. In the center of the book is still the only holistic textual study in phenomenological literature of "Philosophy of Arithmetic," E. Gusserl 's first significant book (it was not translated into Russian). Special attention is paid to the first "breakthroughs" of Gusserl 's future phenomenological ideas. For the first time in domestic literature, Gusserlean manuscripts prepared for the never-published II volume of "Philosophy of Arithmetic" and printed in "Gusserlian" only in the second half of the 20th century are introduced into scientific circulation. Taken and considered in its integrity, the book 's issues make it possible to link the initial stages of the development of Gusserl 's ideas with the yet not completely clear but already broken outlines of his future phenomenology, with its potential opportunities realized by Gusserl and his followers and resulting in the transformation of phenomenology into one of the most powerful philosophical currents of the 20th century. The complex material of the book is turned by the author into a transparent, understandable and fascinating narrative, which will undoubtedly expand the circle of its readers.
Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and Prospects. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya and Ekaterina A. Poljakova. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2017. – 824 pages – Hardcover – ISBN 978-5-94457-311-7
The trilingual collection of articles focuses on the problems of Nietzsche studies at the beginning of the 21st century. Thirty-four philosophers from thirteen countries who work in the leading universities and research centres of Russia, Europe and America discuss the influence of Nietzsche’s work on world culture, argue about the ideas of the German philosopher that turned out to bфe most in demand in the 20th century, raise the question of Nietzsche’s responsibility for the ideology of National Socialism, express their judgments of what his ideas might contribute to the philosophy in the 21st century. The book is intended both for specialists in history of philosophy and for a wide range of readers and aims to promote communication among intellectuals of different countries.
Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works. Collection of Works, Edited by by Yulia Sineokaya. Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2016. – 968 pages – Hardcover – ISBN 978-5-9908330-5-0. (in Russian)
This illustrated collection of articles represents the result of a successful joint project «Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works» of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Dostoyevsky Municipal Library. The goal of this project is bringing the academic philosophy into the public space. The lectures were given by researchers of the Institute of Philosophy at an open intellectual venue in the center of Moscow. All the texts are written by participants of the project on the basis of their presentations to everyone who is interested in philosophy. The book main purpose is to explain to public what specialists of the Institute of philosophy are working on. Open lectures of the philosophers at the city library gave a clear answer to a question: "Why philosophy is necessary for society and what is practical outcome from it?" The success of the project shows that philosophy is necessary not only for the closed circle of intellectuals, but for all people. For the experts of the Institute it is important that their work, knowledge and research experience are appreciated not only by their colleagues, but also by non-professionals. Philosophers are involved not only in search of truth, but they also help people to find out the sense of existence and support them in everyday life. The topics that were presented at the library have been investigated by scientists for many years and became the subject of several professional discussions and disputes. The project became an important event in the life of the Institute of philosophy. It has been launched and functioned thanks to the enthusiasm of researchers on a voluntary basis and was carried out without any grant, material encouragement and rating points. The initiator and head of the project is Yulia Sineokaya. This collection was gathering all generations of researchers of the Institute. The texts are followed by the photo portraits of the philosophers at work and their listeners – the faces of modern philosophical Moscow. This project became a worthy episode in the chronicle of Russian philosophy and a bright illustration of intellectual life in the Russian capital at the beginning of the 21st century.
The joint project of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Dostoyevsky Library “Anatomy of Philosophy” brings the academic philosophy into the public space, both in Russia and in other Russian-speaking countries. In January, 2017 the project was awarded the Gold medal of Russian Academy of Sciences for Promoting Science in the nomination "Humanities and Social Sciences". The recently published collection of articles entitled «Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works» (Yulia V. Sineokaya (ed.). Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2016. – 968 pages) that presents the results of the first year of work, has been chosen as the 2016 best publication project in philosophy by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The project director Yulia V. Sineokaya has invited some its participants to share their thoughts about the project. The journal publishes these reflections.
Gaius Musonius Rufus. The Fragments. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Alexander A. Stoliarov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2016. – 144 pages – Paperback – ISBN: 978-5-9540-0311-6 (in Russian)
This edition presents the first Russian translation of the full corpus (on the base of the Hense's edition) of Musonius Rufus, whose fragmentary texts are largely extracted from Stobaeus and also from a number of minor sources. Gaius Musonius Rufus was a Roman Stoic philosopher of the 1st century AD who, despite being a less-known figure, for his importance can be compared with Seneca, Hierocles, Epictetus (who was Musonius’ disciple) and Marcus Aurelius. He first engaged in the study of philosophy in Rome during Nero’s reign and, after being exiled in 65, came back to Rome after Galba’s ascent to power; at some time in the 70s he had to go to exile again, to be back only after the death of Vespasian. Like many other representatives of the Later Stoa, Musonius paid little attention to the theoretical side of the Stoic doctrine, concentrating mostly on practical ethics, namely, the so-called paraenetic, or moralistic discourse, a discipline which eventually exerted great influence of European moral philosophy. Musonius advises on how one should behave in a given situation, parting from the positive assumption that a human being is born with a proclivity for virtuous life and a capacity of goodness. The present book follows Musonius’ life and teaching through the events of Roman history and public life; as a result, one gets a more complete understanding of his character and thinking (and also of the reasons why it became influential), as well as of the common background of Roman, in particular Stoic, philosophy of the 1st century. A paradigmatic Roman intellectual, Musonius contributed to shaping that idea of a dignified way of life which dominated European consciousness ever since; his own example gave proof of his adherence to the principles he believed to be true.
No cabinet philosopher, Musonius Rufus was a champion of education, marriage, equality of the sexes, and freedom of the individual. But especially he taught how to live a virtuous life in difficult circumstances. His methods included Socratic discussion, training exercises, and close association with students such as Epictetus and other well-known figures of the time. Above all he was a living example of what he taught. Based on the ancient texts and modern scholarship, this book is the first russian comprehensive treatment of Musonius Rufus, his life, teachings, and methods. It recounts his active life in dramatic times, describes his basic teachings and their application to practical problems of life, and systematically presents all aspects of his approach to philosophy, education and related items.
History of Philosophy in the Form of an Article, Edited by Julia Sineokaya. – Moscow, Kulturnaya revolutsiya Publishers, 2016. – 244 pages. – Paperback – ISBN 978-5-902764-67-0 (in Russian)
The main purpose of this collective monograph is to discuss the role of scholarly philosophical articles in today's intellectual and social life, to raise the problem of the significance of the philosophical periodical issues as the way of conveying and developing the philosophical thought and communication of philosophers, to draw attention of Russian intellectuals to the history of philosophy.
Some essays examine specific characteristics of the scholarly philosophical articles and their significance for the development of both philosophical studies and philosophy as a discipline, another ones - present an attempt at analysing the peculiarity of national philosophical periodicals in historical and philosophical context, introduce the reader into the evolution of national journalism in the period between the last third of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, it focuses on the ambiguity of the concept of «contemporaneity» and discusses the problem of relevant historical analogies.
Kritchewskij, Andrei. The Power of the Nonbeing: A Metaphysics Beyond of Ontology. Moscow, Direckt-Media Publishers, 2015. – 591 pages – Hardcover – ISBN: 978-5-4475-6077-5 (in Russian)
The research is devoted to a paradoxical problem: how it is possible to create a doctrine of Absolute beyond of the doctrine of being. The author analyses in the context of a the particular philosophical traditions (from Neoplatonism until the late works of Schelling) the intuition of Absolute as a power, that is dominating over the actually infinite being and over the actually infinite possibility. It is shown that the category of being is fundamentally irrelevant for understanding a metaphysical status of this power. The author examines in this connection the question of metaphysical meaning of the thesis about the non-existence of God. The book is recommended for philosophers, theologians, and everybody who is interested in the key problems of understanding of Absolute.
Immanuel Kant. Werke. Zweisprachige deutsch-russische Ausgabe, Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilova (Moskau) und Burkhard Tuschling (Marburg). Band 5. Die Metaphysik der Sitten. Teil 1. Metaphysischen Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre. – Μoscow: Kanon Plus ROOI Reabilitatsiya Publ., 2014. – 1119 pages – Hardcover – (In German and Russian)
Lebedev, Andrei V. The Logos of Heraclitus: A Reconstruction of his Thought an d Word. With a New Critical Edition of the Fagments. St.Petersburg: Nauka Publishers, 2014. – 533 pages – Hardcover (in Greek and Russian)
Dr. Lebedev's monograph falls into two parts. Part I contains an outline of life and philosophy of Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 540 – c. 480 B.C.), as well as a systematic study of his metaphorical language which is crucial for the precise intepretation of the extant fragments. The author arrives at the main conclusion that Heraclitus was not a «presocratic» «physicist», but an ethical, political and theological thinker of reformist stamp while his lost treatise in its aims in many respects anticipates the subject of Plato's «Poiliteia». The new readings and interpretations of the extant fragments demonstrate that the Stoics both in their philosophy of nature and in their ethics borrowed and developed some authentic fundamental ideas of Heraclitus rather that «projected» and read into his texts their own philosophical tenets. Part II of the monograph contains a new critical edition of the Greek text of the extant fragments (actually a new collection with a new reconstruction of the original structure of the lost work) with apparatus criticus and a new Russian translation followed by an extensive commentary to the fragments. The commentary to each fragment consists of two parts as well: the first discusses problems of textual criticisms and authenticity, the second provides a philosophical interpretation. Both in scale and detailed analysis the new commentary is unparalleled in Russian historiography of ancient philosophy and Heraclitean studies.
Guide to the History of Philosophy as a Whole
History of Philosophy: West– Russia– Oriens. Undergraduate textbook: In 4 volumes / Executive editor: Nelly Motroshilova. Revised edition. Moscow: Academical Project, 2012. – Hardcover. (in Russian)
Vol. 1. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.
Vol. 2. Philosophy from the 15th to 19th centuries.
Vol. 3. 19th- and 20th-centuries Philosophy.
Vol. 4. 20th-century Philosophy.
The textbook represents in unity an integrate narrative of the most essential achievements in Western, Oriental, and Russian philosophy over the period from Antiquity till the present days, taking into account their specific features. It includes four volumes: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (volume 1), Philosophy from the 15th to 19th centuries (volume 2), 19th- and 20th-centuries Philosophy (volume 3), 20th-century Philosophy (volume 4). Philosophy of different countries and periods is given as the most crucial integrated component of civilizational development, spiritual life of humanity. The unity of two elements – history of philosophy as the process of the spirit’s development on the one hand, and history of civilizations as the process of social and cultural development on the other hand, – is clearly underlined in the book. Another particular characteristic of the textbook is demonstration of the unremoved antinomy of the historical and philosophical process. It consists in challenging contradiction between inimitable uniqueness of the products generated by this process, namely between its concretely historical, local, national, personal, and individual forms, and steady transformation of the process into the procedure of different traditions’ interaction, that together are the unity of World philosophy.
Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy
The Encyclopaedic Lexicon of Ancient Philosophy /Edited by Maria Solopova. Мoscow: Progress-Tradition, 2008. – 700 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 8-89826-309-0 (in Russian)
Andrey Lebedev. The Logos of Heraclitus: A Reconstruction of his Thought and Word. With a New Critical Edition of the Fragments. – Nauka Publishers, St.Petersburg, 2014. – 533 pages. – Hardcover. – ISSN 978-5-02-038399-9
Lebedevʼs monograph falls into two parts. Part I contains an outline of life and philosophy of Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 540 – c. 480 B.C.), as well as a systematic study of his metaphorical language which is crucial for the precise intepretation of the extant fragments. The author arrives at the main conclusion that Heraclitus was not a «presocratic» «physicist», but an ethical, political and theological thinker of reformist stamp while his lost treatise in its aims in many respects anticipates the subject of Plato's «Poiliteia». The new readings and interpretations of the extant fragments demonstrate that the Stoics both in their philosophy of nature and in their ethics borrowed and developed some authentic fundamental ideas of Heraclitus rather that «projected» and read into his texts their own philosophical tenets. Part II of the monograph contains a new critical edition of the Greek text of the extant fragments (actually a new collection with a new reconstruction of the original structure of the lost work) with apparatus criticus and a new Russian translation followed by an extensive commentary to the fragments. The commentary to each fragment consists of two parts as well: the first discusses problems of textual criticisms and authenticity, the second provides a philosophical interpretation. Both in scale and detailed analysis the new commentary is unparalleled in Russian historiography of ancient philosophy and Heraclitean studies.
Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics /ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΗΘΙΚΑ ΕΥΔΗΜΙΑ. Greek and Russian /Edited by Maria A. Solopova /Translated by Tatiana V. Vasiljeva, Tatiana A. Muller, and Maria A. Solopova. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2011. – 408 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-075-6
Fragments of the Early Stoics: In 3 Vols. /Edited by Alexander Stoliarov. Мoscow: Museum Graeco-Latinum, 1997–2010. – Hardcover.
This edition presents the first full translation into Russian of Stoicorum veterum fragmenta – the classical coprs of early stoic texts, prepared by von Arnim. The present edition has two main goals: to intorduce the texts of early Stoics to russian audience and to elaborate the principles of translation of stoic terminology into Russian (on the base of experience that is provided by foreign and russian literature about Stoics). The edition is supplied with commentary and indexes.
Vol. I. Zeno and his disciples.
Vol. II 1. Chrysippe of Soli. Logical and physical fragments.
Vol. II 2. Chrysippe of Soli. Physical fragments.
Vol. III 1. Chrysippe of Soli. Ethical fragments.
Vol. III 2. Chrysippe's disciples and successors. Indexes.
Studies in Medieval Philosophy
Freedom of the Will as a Problem of European Moral Concsiousness (Some Essays on History from Homer to Luther). Moscow: Museum Graeco-Latinum, 1999. – Hardcover (in Russian)
Freedom is one of the main intuitions of european culture since antique times. Therefore it is important to develop an understanding of the way freedom became a real problem of philosophical reflection – especially in its specific form, the freedom of the will. The latter in historic retrospective often appeared rather as «philosophical metaphor» than as strict notion. But in spite of this there exists a coherent set of key problems, such as: what is moral action? does imputation of action require moral autonomy? and the like. The book tries to reconstruct the basic types of european moral consciousness and different aspects of evolution of «voluntaristic» terminology.
Saint Augustine of Hippo. Against the Academics/ Sancti Augustini Contra Academicos. Latin and Russian / Translated with an introduction and commentary by Olga Golova. Moscow: Museum Graeco-Latinum, 1999. – 192 pages. – ISBN 5-87245-042-7
Spiritual Culture of the Netherlands and Northern Germany in 14th–17th Centuries: Symbol. № 63. 2013 / Ed. by Mikhail Khorkov. Moscow: St.Foma Institute of philosophy, theology, and history, 2013. – 359 pages. – Paperback. (in Russian)
Studies in Classical German Philosophy
Immanuel Kant. Works in Russian and German languages: In 4 Vols. / Immanuel Kant. Werke. Zweisprachige deutsch-russische Ausgabe. Bd. 1–4 / Ed. by Nelly Motroshilova and Burkhard Tuschling. Μoscow: Kami; Nauka, 1994–2006.
Bd. 1. Abhandlungen und Aufsätze 1784-1796. Moskau 1994.
Bd. 2.1. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. B. Moskau 2006.
Bd. 2.2. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. A. Moskau 2006.
Bd. 3. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Moskau 1997.
Bd. 4. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft. Moskau 2001.
Immanuel Kant: Heritage and Project /Edited by Nelly Motroschilova and Vjatcheslav Stepin. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia,2007. – 624 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-192-0 (in Russian)
«Phänomenologie des Geistes» in the Context of Hegel Study Today /Edited by Nelly Motroschilova. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2010. – 672 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-154-6 (in Russian)
Tamara Dlugatsch.Two Philosophical Reflections: From Holbach to Kant(A Comparative Historical Analysis). Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2011. – 352 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-249-6 (in Russian)
Tamara Dlugatsch. From Kant to Fichte (A Comparative Historical Analysis). Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2010. – 368 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-228-3 (in Russian)
Andrey Kritchevsky. The Image of the Absolute in Hegel’s Philosophy and Philosophy of Late Schelling. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 2009. – 200 pages. – Paperback. – ISBN: 978-5-9540-0142-6 (in Russian)
Andrey Kritchevsky. The Absolute Spirit through the Forms of the Trinity: A Comparative Analysis of the Philosophical-Theological Teachings of Hegel and of Late Schelling. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 2011. – 240 pages. – Paperback. – ISBN 978-5-9540-0184-6 (in Russian)
Two books by Andrei Kritchevsky are the parts of the whole investigation. In the first book (The Image of the Absolute) was shown, that Hegel’s and Schelling’s conceptions of the absolute spirit had definite intuitions of the actual infinity as their foundation. The principal difference between two concepts consists in the fact, that Hegel had discussed an actual infinite being, and Schelling – an actual infinite ability (Können). In the second book (The Absolute Spirit through the Forms of the Trinity) the following themes were considered: (1) the correlation of the dialectics of concept and the metaphysics of freedom of the absolute spirit; (2) a relation of Hegel and Schelling to the tradition of the German philosophical mysticism; (3) a place of the world and a human being in the structure of the absolute.
Andrey Kritchewskij. The Power of the Nonbeing: A Metaphysics Beyond of Ontology. Moscow, Direckt-Media Publishers, 2015. – 591 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-4475-6077-5 (in Russian)
The research is devoted to a paradoxical problem: how it is possible to create a doctrine of Absolute beyond of the doctrine of being. The author analyses in the context of a the particular philosophical traditions (from Neoplatonism until the late works of Schelling) the intuition of Absolute as a power, that is dominating over the actually infinite being and over the actually infinite possibility. It is shown that the category of being is fundamentally irrelevant for understanding a metaphysical status of this power. The author examines in this connection the question of metaphysical meaning of the thesis about the non-existence of God. The book is recommended for philosophers, theologians, and everybody who is interested in the key problems of understanding of Absolute.
Teodor Oizerman. Kant and Hegel. A Comparative Historical Research. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia,2008. – 520 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-047-3 (in Russian)
Kant in Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute /Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilowa und Norbert Hinske. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-holzboog, 2008. – 208 Seiten. – ISBN: 978-3-7728-2448-7
This volume is the first one ever to give German scholars a representative impression of Russian reserch on Kant. It contains revised versions of the most important Russian contributions to the International Kant Conference held in Moscow in May 2004. The collection dicloses the riches of a whole realm of Kant scholarship which usually remains unaccessible not just to the German reader.
André Stanguennec. Review: Kant im Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute (Forschungen und Materialen zur deutschen Aufklaerung [FMDA], Bd. 20 by Nelly Motroschilowa, Norbert Hinske // Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger. T. 199, No. 4, L'HOMME ET LA NATURE (OCTOBRE-DÉCEMBRE 2009). P. 538–539.
Zum Freiheitsverständnis des Kantischen und nachkantischen Idealismus. Neuere Arbeiten russischer Autoren / Hrsg. von Nelli Motroshilowa. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1998.
Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Arbeiten russischer Autoren gehen alle der Frage nach, was Kant und/oder Hegel zu einem Freiheitsverständnis beitragen können, das es in Rußland nach dem Zusammenbruch des sowjetischen Gesellschaftssystems zu entwickeln gilt. In der Varietät ihrer Sichtweisen manifestieren sie, daß diese Frage nicht nur viele Facetten hat und je nach Präferenzen des einen oder anderen Autors mit verschiedenen Kontexten westeuropäischer Philosophie verbunden werden kann, sondern auch je nach Einstellung zur Geschichte Rußlands auf ganz unterschiedliche, ja entgegengesetzte Weise beantwortet sein will.
Interaction of Russian Thought with the Philosophy of the West
Nelly Motroshilova. Thinkers of Russia and Philosophy of the West: V. Solov'ev, N. Berdiaev, S. Frank, L. Shestov [Mysliteli Rossii i Filosofiia Zapada]. Moscow: Respublika; Cultural Revolution, 2007. – 477 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 525001898X (in Russian)
Nelly Motroshilova analyzes concepts by Russian philosophers Vladimir Solov'ev, Nikolai Berdiaev, Simon Frank, and Leo Shestov, and compares them with Western philosophical theories. The author concludes that despite many specific views of Russian philosophers, the Russian philosophy of that period developed as an integrated part of world philosophy, and worked in the same philosophical paradigms.
Nelly Motroshilova. Russian Philosophy in the 50–80 years of 20th century and Western Thought. Moscow: Academical Project, 2012. – 376 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-8291-1397-1 (in Russian)
The monograph of Nelly V. Motroshilova is among the first attempts to reflect the role of philosophers in Soviet and Post-Soviet society. The key texts on history of philosophy written by the monograph’s author are connected by the theory of the place of philosophy and philosophers of developing historically society. The core of the theory contains three main principals. The first principal consists in the concept of acting idea; the second one, according to N.V.Motroshilova, is “the personal principal”; finally, the third principal is telling about the difference between three levels of the society’s development, that is to say civilization, epoch, and historical situation. The writer in turn applies this approach also to the present book.
Julia Sineokaya. Three Images of Nietzsche in Russian Culture. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 2008. – 200 pages. – Paperback. – ISBN 978-5-9540-0112-9 (in Russian)
The monograph represents research of reception of Nietzsche’s philosophy in Russia since the end of the 19th century till the current situation. The book contains the detailed analysis of the most popular aspects of Russian Nietzsche’s studies – religious, cultural, political. The religious aspect is related to the Nietzsche’s idea of the overman and interpretations of this idea by Russian philosophers. The Nietzsche’s concept of culture which is based on a dichotomy of Apollo and Dionysus, is considered through a prism of the dichotomy of hierarchy and spontaneity of the culture, which is well-known in the Russian intellectual history. The book explores application of Nietzsche’s ideas to Russian political practice. The author analyzing also texts by Nietzsche devoted to the future of Europe and the attitude among Russian thinkers toward the idea of European unity. Contemporary problems pertaining to the formation of a unified European space are also raised.
History of Philosophy Yearbook. 2012. Moscow: Kanon Plus, 2013. – 424 pages. – Hardcover. (in Russian)
The current issue of the History of Philosophy Yearbook acquaints the readers with new translations and research papers on classical European and Russian philosophy. The volume contains translation of the treatise by Philo of Alexandria “On Giants”, and studies on Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Hegel. There is also published in it Russian translation of a fragment of Kant’s lectures from the years 1783/84 that helps to trace the dynamics of the development of the ethical views of this German philosopher. Large group of articles is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Jean Jacques Rousseau. The issue also offers papers on Nietzsche, on the history of formation of the Eurasian movement, and Russian philosophy of 19th and 20th centuries. In the attachment to the volume the readers can find a bibliography of the works on history of philosophy published in 2009–2010 in Russia.
History of Philosophy Yearbook. 2011. Moscow: Kanon Plus, 2012. – 472 pages. – Hardcover. (in Russian)
The History of Philosophy Yearbook’2011 contains a series of articles on a history of Ancient Philosophy and doxography, and also on the correlation between Late Ancient Philosophy and Christianity. The translation of Galen’s work «That the Best Physician is also a Philosopher» is published for the first time. The articles on history of Western Philosophy consider two main topics: ideas of Cartesianists and Kant’s attitude towards ontological project and his contribution to the development of philosophical anthropology. The part dedicated to the 20th Century philosophy analyzes phenomenological philosophy of 1920-1930s years as well as Italian philosophy in the first half of the 20th Century. The section on history of Russian Philosophy includes investigations of philosophical and historical views of Vladimir Solovyov, articles about Eurasianism and philosophy of Georges Florovsky.
by Nelly Motroshilova
The Synthesis of Gnoseology with the Sociocultural Study of Knowledge, Cognition, and Consciousness // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Summer 2013. Vol. 52. No. 1. P. 10–39.
Kants «Metaphysik der Sitten» im Kontext der russischen Kant-Rezeption und Übersetzungen // Philosophische Schriften. Bd. 79. 2013: Kants «Metaphysik der Sitten» in der Diskussion. S. 11–19.
On Merab Mamardashvili's Dialogue with Jean-Paul Sartre // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2010. Vol. 49. Issue 1. P. 74–95.
Barbarity as the Reverse Side of Civilization // Diogenes. 2009. Vol. 56. Issues 2–3. P. 72–83.
An Establishment Like the Institute of Philosophy Is Unique // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 48. Issue 1 (Summer). P. 68–82.
We Need to Elaborate More Boldly the Civilizational Aspects of Democracy // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 47. Issue 4 (Spring). P. 33–44.
Phänomen, Erscheinung, Gestalt – terminologische und inhaltliche Probleme von Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes in ihrem Bezug zur Philosophie Kants // Phänomen und Analyse. Grundbegriffe der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts in Erinnerung an Hegels «Phänomenologie des Geistes» (1807). Würzburg: Koenigshausen&Neumann, 2008. S. 107–134.
Kants Konzept des «ewigen Friedens» und des Staatenbundes: seine aktuelle Bedeutung // Kant in Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute / Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilowa und Norbert Hinske. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-holzboog, 2008. S. 105–125.
Kritik des 20. Jahrhunderts am ontologischen Projekt Christian Wolffs // Christian Wolff und die europäische Aufklärung. Akten des 1. Internationalen Christian-Wolff-Kongresses, Halle (Saale), 4-8. April 2004. Teil 2 / Hrsg. von Jürgen Stolzenberg und Oliver-Pierre Rudolph. Hildesheim; Zürich; New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2007. S. 311–318.
Paradoxien der Freiheit in der Philosophie Kants: Ihre aktuelle Bedeutung // Kant zwischen West und Ost / Kant mezdu Zapadom i Vostokom. Материалы международной конференции. Ч. 1. Калининград, 2005. S. 24–38.
Ideas for a united Europe: philosophical traditions and modernity. Parts 1–2 // Social Sciences. 2005. T. 36. Issues 2–3. P. 3–21; 4–19.
Kant in Rußland. Bemerkungen zur Kant-Rezeption und -Edition in Rußland anläßlich des Projektes einer deutsch-russischen Ausgabe ausgewaehlter Werke Immanuel Kants // Kant-Studien. 2000. Bd. 91. S. 73–95.
Die Bedeutung von Semën Franks «Der Gegenstand des Wissens. Grundlagen und Grenzen der begriffligen Erkenntniss» // Simon L. Frank. Werke in acht Bänden / Herausgegeben von Peter Schulz, Peter Ehlen SJ, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Leonid Luks. Bd. 1. Der Gegenstand des Wissens. Grundlagen und Grenzen der begrifflichen Erkenntnis / Mit einer Einführung der Herausgeber und einem Vorwort von Nelly Motrošilova. Freiburg; München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2000. S. 55–72.
Krichevskii A. Proofs of the Existence of God in the Light of Hegel's Doctrine of Absolute Spirit //Russian Studies in Philosophy. Summer 1999. Vol. 38, n. 1. New York, 2001. P. 79–95.
Kritschewskij A. Haben Atheismus und religioeses Bewusstsein einen gemeinsamen Sachgrund in Hegels Philosophie, und wie kommt es, dass sich zwei entgegengesetzte Weltanschauungsweisen auf dieselbe Metaphysik berufen? Warum ist Hegel so zweideutig? // Die Folgen des Hegelianismus: Philosophie, Religion und Politik im Abschied von der Moderne. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1998. S. 147–161.
Kritschewskij A. Spekulativ-theologischer Symbolismus als das Denken des Absoluten. Zum Problem des absoluten Selbstbewusstseins bei Hegel // Der Mensch und seine Frage nach dem Absoluten. München: Peter Kindt, 1994. S. 129–155.
by Andrei Lebedev
Lebedev A.V. Idealism (Mentalism) in Early Greek Mertaphysics and philosophical theology: Pythagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Xenophanes and others (with some remarks on the “Gigantomachia over being” in Plato’s Sophist) // Indoevropeiskoe yazykoznanie i klassicheskaya filologiya / Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология. 2019. Vol. 23. Pages 651‒704. – DOI:10.30842/ielcp230690152352
The Authorship of the Derveni Papyrus, A Sophistic Treatise on the Origin of Religion and Language: A Case for Prodicus of Ceos // Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition. A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the University of Trier (22‒24 September 2016) / Ed. By C. Vassallo. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 2019. Pages 491‒606.
The Derveni Papyrus and Prodicus of Ceos// Indoevropeiskoe yazykoznanie i klassicheskaya filologiya / Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология. 2018. Vol. 22 (1). 2017. Pages 493–536. – DOI:10.30842/ielcp230690152256
The Justice of Chiron (Titanomachia, Fr. 6 and 11 B.) // Philologus. Bd. 142. No. 1. 1998. P. 3–10.
// Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bd. 112. 1996. S. 279–283.
// Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bd. 112. 1996. S. 268–278.
// Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bd. 112. 1996. S. 263–268.
// Apeiron. Vol. 23. No. 2. 1990. P. 77–85.
Heraclitus in Pap. Derveni // Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bd. 79. 1989.
Did the Doxographer Aëtius Ever Exist? // Philosophie et Culture: Actes Du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie / Edited by Venant Cauchy. Montréal: Montmorency, 1988. P. 813–817.
The imagery of "Lampadedromia" in Heraclitus // Filosopfia (Φιλοσοφια). 1987–1988. No. 17–18. Σ. 233–257.
The Cosmos as a Stadium: Agonistic Metaphors in Heraclitus’ Cosmology // Phronesis. 1985. Vol. 30. No. 2. 1985. P. 131–150.
A new fragment of Xenofanes // Studi di filosofia preplatonica. Napoli, 1985. P. 13 sqq.
Φύσις ταλαντεύουσα: Neglected fragments of Democritus and Metrodorus of Chios // Proceedings of the First International Congress on Democritus. Vol. 1. Xanthi: International Democritean Foundation, 1984. P. 13–18.
by Teodor Oizerman
Zum Sinn der Frage: was ist Philosophie // Das Geheimnis der Wirklichkeit. Kurt Hübner zum 90. Geburtstag / Hrsg. Volker Kapp und Werner Theobald. Kiel, 2011.
Kant's categoracal imperative as a subject of critical analysis // Kantovsky sbornik. Selected articles 2008–2009. Kaliningrad, 2011.
Essay on the Future of Philosophy // News and Views. 2009. № 1.
On the Russian Nation and Science as the Chief Productive Force // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 47. Issue 4. P. 22–25.
Paradoxes in the Communist Theory of Marxism // Diogenes. 2009. № 222–223. Vol. 56. Issues 2–3. P. 37–50.
The Institute of Philosophy is the Country's Central Philosophical Establishment // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 48. № 1 (Summer 2009). P. 26–40.
The Institute of Philosophy is the Country’s Central Philosophical Establishment // Russian Social Science Review. 2009. № 6 (50). P. 54–68.
Introduction to Marxism and Utopianism // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2005. Vol. 44. № 2. P. 5–23.
The Marxist concept of socialism and real socialism // Social Sciences. 2003. Issue1 (34). P. 33–45.
Is there Liberalism only the Ideology? // Social Sciences. 2003. № 4.
Marxism and Utopianism // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2001. Vol. 39. Issue 4. P. 54–79.
Towards a Characterization of I. Kant's transcendental Idealism // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 1999. Vol. 38. Issue 3. P. 7–22. Abstract
by Julia Sineokaya
The Problem of European Unification in the Context of Nietzche's Philosophy // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 50. Issue 1 (Summer 2011). P. 74–90.
Intellectual Elite in the Search of Russian Identity // Inteligencja, imperium i cywilizacje w XIX I XX wieku, Warszawa, Instytut Badan Interdyscyplinarnych “Artes Liberales” Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2008. S. 221–234.
Wokol kolonializmu // Debaty IBI AL. Tom I. Inteligencja, imperium i cywilizacje w XIX I XX wieku, Warszawa, Instytut Badan Interdyscyplinarnych “Artes Liberales” Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2008. S. 221–234.
Two Paradigms in the Philosophy of Culture [Dve paradigmu philosophii cultury] (in Russian) // Deutschland, Italien und die slavische Kultur der Jahrhundertwende: Phänomene europäischer Identität und Alterität / Hrsg. von G. Ressel. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2005. S. 365–381.
The problem of the Overmanin Nietzsche and Soloviev //Vladimir Soloviev und Friedrich Nietzsche: Eine deutsche-russische kulturelle Jahrhundertbilanz. Sonderdruck, 2003. P. 507-526 (also in Russian Studies of Philosophy Vol. 41, Issue 3 (Winter 2002–2003). P. 63–81).
Nietzsches Philosophie und die russische geistige Renaissance zu Beginn des 20.Jahrhunderts // Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie. Bd. XXXI/2000. S. 99–118.
by Erich Ju. Solovi'ev
The Philοsophical-Historical Views of Herzen as a Problem of the History of West European Philosophy // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2013. Vol. 51. № 3. P. 83–95.
The Philosophical-Legal Depth of Chekhov’s Story «A Malefactor». Philosophical Views of Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2011. Vol. 50. No 2. P. 70–82.
The Existential Soteriology of Merab Mamardashvili // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 49, no. 1 (Summer 2010). P. 53–73.
The Institute of Philosophy Has Long Been an Institution of Civil Society // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 48, no. 1. 2009. P. 83–100.
Die zweite Formel des kategorischen Imperativs in der moralisch-rechtlichen Lehre Wladimir Solowjows // Kant in Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute / Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilowa und Norbert Hinske. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-holzboog, 2008. S. 145–152.
The Humanistic-Legal Problematic in Solov'ev's Philosophical Journalism // Studies in East European Thought. Special Issue / Ed. by Evert van der Zweerde. Vol. 55, Number 2. 2003. P. 115–139.
Sekularisation–Historizismus–Marxismus. Menschgottum und Fortschrittreligion in der philosophischen Publizistik S.N. Bulgakovs // Das Christentum und die totalitären Herausforderunden des 20. Jahrhunderts: Rußland, Deutschland, Italien und Polen im Vergleich / Hrsg. von Leonid Luks. Köln; Weimar; Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2002. S. 89–101.
Der Begriff des Rechts bei Hegel und Kant // Die Folgen des Hegelianismus (Philosophie, Religion und Politik im Abschied von der Moderne / Hrsg. P. Koslowski. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1998.
Ethische Begründung des Rechts bei Vladimir Solovi'ev // Russisches Denken im europäischen Dialog / Hrsg. von Maria Deppermann. Innsbruck; Wien: Studien-Verlag, 1998. S. 311–318.
Law as Politians' Morality // Justice and Democracy: Cross-Cultural Approach. Honolulu, 1997.
by Maria Solopova
Ancient Greek Atomism: Hypotheses of Its Origin and Types of Atomistic Theories // Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012. Vol. 43. Number 1. P. 60–73.
by Mikhail Khorkov
Brief aus Russland // Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Band 61. 2013. Heft 3. S. 437–446.
Zur Meister Eckhart-Rezeption im Spätmittelalter // Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales. T. LXXVII,1. 2010. S. 125–136.
Eine Version von Heinrich Seuses «Horologium Sapientiae» aus der Bibliotheca Amploniana (Handschrift UFB Erfurt-Gotha, Dep. Erf. CA 4º 144) // Heinrich-Seuse-Jahrbuch. Band 2. 2009. S. 95–103.
Das Religiöse und das Säkulare aus phänomenologischer Sicht. Zur Aktualität von Max Schelers Philosophie der Religion // Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie. Band 8. 2009. S. 157–167.
Über einige Quellen des Konzepts der coincidentia oppositorum: Meister Eckhart oder Heymericus de Campo? // „Nicolaus Cusanus: ein bewundernswerter historischer Brennpunkt“: Philosophische Tradition und wissenschaftliche Rezeption / Hrsg. von Klaus Reinhardt und Harald Schwaetzer (Philosophie interdisziplinär, Band 26). Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag, 2008. S. 41–58.
Heinrich Seuse-Rezeption in Russland in den letzten zwei Jahrzenten // Heinrich-Seuse-Jahrbuch. Band 1. 2008. S. 103–109.
Der Traktat Von dem ewigen wort und der augustinische Kontext der Rezeption der Lehre von der Gottesgeburt am Oberrhein im 15. Jahrhundert // University, Council, City: Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300–1550), Acts of the XIIth International Colloquium of the SIEPM, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27-29 October 2004 / Ed. by Laurent Cesalli, Nadja Germann, and Maarten J.F.M.Hoenen. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007. S. 203–218.
Unbekannter Eckhart oder unbekannter Ruusbroec? Zum augustinistischen Kontext der Meister-Eckhart-Rezeption im 15. Jahrhundert // Meister Eckhart in Erfurt / Hrsg. von Andreas Speer und Lydia Wegener (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, Veröffentlichungen des Thomas-Instituts der Universität Köln, 32). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. S. 587–600.
Is it Natural for a Human Being to be a Person? // Personhood / Ed. by Heikki Ikäheimo et al. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2004. P. 106–112.
Deutschland und Russland: Die Stunde des liberalen Konservativismus. Der liberale Konservativismus als Ueberlebensimperativ // Der Ernstfall auch in Russland. Russische Philosophen diskutieren Guenter Rohrmoser. Bietigheim/Baden: Gesellschaft fuer Kulturwissenschaft, 1997. S. 261–266.