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Conferences, seminars, and round-tables in 2013



Conferences, seminars, and round-tables  

(organizational and project activities)


  • International scientific conference «Lev Shestov in the Context of the Present. To 150th anniversary of the philosopher is devoted», 12–13 September 2016 (Санкт-Петербург), 15 September 2016 (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow). Head of the Organizing committee – DSc in Philosophy Julia Sineokaya. 
  • «Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works», the joint project launched by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Fedor M. Dostoyevsky Moscow Municipal Library, Moscow, Russia. Director of the joint project DSc in Philosophy Julia Sineokaya.
  • «History of Philosophy: Legacy and Prospects», regular seminar at the History of the Western Philosophy department. Head of the seminar DSc in Philosophy Julia Sineokaya.


  • Mikhail Khorkov: Head of Section at the 21st Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM) Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy, 9–12 September 2015, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland.
  • «Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works», the joint project launched by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Fedor M. Dostoyevsky Moscow Municipal Library, Moscow, Russia. Director of the joint project DSc in Philosophy Julia Sineokaya.


  • Symposium «Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophical Heritage» (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow). October 2014. Head of the Organizing committee – DSc Julia Sineokaya.


the Institute of Philosophy projects:

  • Scientific seminar History of Phenomenological Philosophy and Modern Phenomenological Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow). Seminar coordinator DSc Alexei Savin.
  • The Interdisciplinary Roundtable Early forms of German theoretical language, Department of the History of Western philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, September 2013. Roundtable coordinator: PhD Mikhail Khorkov. 


International, All-Russian, and Regional projects:

  • Andrei Lebedev,
  • Head of the Section «Ancient Greek philosophy-Presocratic philosophy» at the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy «Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life», August 4-10, 2013, Athens (Greece).
  • Julia Sineokaya,
  • Member of the Organizing committee of the conference Transitory and eternal (Brennoe i vechnoe), Novgorod State University (Russia).
  • Mikhail Khorkov,
  • Member of the Organizing committee of the international seminar Current studies in Medieval philosophy, 7-8 May 2013, University of Salento, Lecce (Italy);
  • Head of Section at the 19th Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM) The legitimization of political power in medieval thought, 18-21 September 2013, University of Alcala de Henares (Spain);
  • Head of Section at the international colloquium HARMONIA: The idea of harmony in the culture and society of the Middle Ages, 3-5 October 2013, HSE, Moscow (Russia);
  • Member of the Organizing committee and head of the Section of the International Conference Philosophical Anthropology between sociology and philosophy of history, 7-9 June 2012, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland).



  • All-Russian Conference History of Philosophy: Challenges of the 21st century, Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow, November 2012. The Chairman of the Conference Program Committee: Professor Nelly Motroshilova.




Within the Branch for History of Philosophy, the Department of History of Western Philosophy participates since 1986 in the annually published History of Philosophy Yearbook (Istoriko-Filosofskij Ezhegodnik); Professor Nelly Motroshilova is the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook;  PhD in Philosophy Maria Solopova is the Project Editor.


The research articles of the Russian and foreign thinkers, new translations into Russian of classical philosophical texts, archival materials, reviews of works of Russian and foreign authors, interdisciplinary researches, as well as papers of the international and domestic conferences are published on pages of the Yearbook. The content is distributed on following sections: Ancient and Medieval philosophy, Russian philosophy, Oriental philosophy, Classical German Philosophy, Modern Western philosophy. The content of the issues 2004–2011 is presented on a site of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (


Organizational and project activities


the Institute of Philosophy projects:

  • Scientific seminar History of Phenomenological Philosophy and Modern Phenomenological Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow). Seminar coordinator DSc Alexei Savin.
  • The Interdisciplinary Roundtable Early forms of German theoretical language, Department of the History of Western philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, September 2013. Roundtable coordinator: PhD Mikhail Khorkov. 


International, All-Russian, and Regional projects:


Andrei Lebedev,

  • Head of the Section «Ancient Greek philosophy-Presocratic philosophy» at the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy «Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life», August 4-10, 2013, Athens (Greece).

Julia Sineokaya,

  • Member of the organizing committee of the conference Transitory and eternal (Brennoe i vechnoe), Novgorod State University.

Mikhail Khorkov,

  • Member of the organizing committee of the international seminar Current studies in Medieval philosophy, 7-8 May 2013, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy;
  • Head of Section at the international conference Foundations of the philosophy of technology. Criticism of art and civilization by Max Scheler in different social contexts, 22-25 May 2013, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany;
  • Head of Section at the 19th Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM) The legitimization of political power in medieval thought, 18-21 September 2013, University of Alcala de Henares, Spain;
  • Head of Section at the international colloquium HARMONIA: The idea of harmony in the culture and society of the Middle Ages, 3-5 October 2013, HSE, Moscow, Russia;
  • Member of the organizing committee and head of the Section of the International Conference Philosophical Anthropology between sociology and philosophy of history, 7-9 June 2012, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.



Tamara Dlugatch.

  •  «Denis Diderot and adventures of dialogical thinking» // Scientific conference Philosophy of Diderot in the Contemporary World, Lomonossov Moscow State University, October 10, 2013.

Andrei Lebedev

  • «Idealism in early Greek philosophy: The case of Pythagoreans and Eleatics» // XXIII World Congress of Philosophy «Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life», August 4-10, 2013, Athens (Greece).

Nelly Motroshilova

  • Roundtable meeting «Presentation of the new book by Nelly Motroshilova: Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt: Being, Time, Love. Moscow: Academical Project, 2013» at World Philosophy Day celebrations in Sankt-Petersburg State University, Department of Philosophy, 22-23 Nov. 2013.
  •  «About the first volume of the Philosophical Works by Semen Frank in German Edition («The Object of Knowledge»)» // XXIV Annual theological conference at Orthodox St. Tykhon University for Humanities (Moscow), November 8–9, 2013.
  • «What is it – the civilization values, and whether the valuable agreement in society is possible?» // Roundtable meeting «Multiculturalism and Originality: in Search of Value Consensus in Society»; The Third Baku International Humanitarian Forum, October 31 – November 1, 2013 (Baku, Azerbaijan).
  • «Paul Ricoeur: to a problem of judgment of history» // International scientific conference «Wisdom of Philosophy: Creative Way of Paul Ricoeur» (Institute of Philosophy RAS), May 28–29, 2013, Moscow.

Alexei Savin

  • «What is Phenomenological Philosophy» // Center’s of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics Seminar (St. Petersburg State University).
  • «The Problem of Modernization of Culture and Cultural Counterrevolution» // Modernization of culture: Ideas and Paradigms of Cultural Changes (Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts). 
  • «Historicity and the Genesis of the Intimacy with the World in the Light of Phenomenological Philosophy» // History of Phenomenological Philosophy and Modern Phenomenological Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences). 
  • «The Genesis of Normative Social Order as a Philosophical Problem» // Human World: normative dimension-3. Rationality and legitimacy (Saratov State Law Academy). 
  • «The Genesis of Sense in Light of Phenomenological Philosophy» // International school on methodologies Sense and Sense Formation, August 18-25, Yurmala (Latvia). 
  • «Transformation of Culture and National Cultural Heritage in the Light of Phenomenological Philosophy» // National Cultural Heritage of Russia: regional aspect (Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts), October 28-29, Samara, Russia.

Julia Sineokaya

  • «The truth as the dark site of the lie» // Anthropology of childhood (Russian State University for the Humanities), June 14, Moscow.

Mikhail Khorkov

  • «Reisen und Handschriften sammeln: Die spätmittelalterlichen Gelehrten und ihre Bibliotheken» (paper in German) // Interdisciplinary International Humboldt Conference Phenomenology, History and Anthropology of the Travel, 16-19 April 2013, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • «Early forms of German theoretical language» (paper in Russian) // International conference The humanities and the knowledge: Philosophy, Literature and Language, 25-26 April 2013, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
  • «‘Manuskripte brennen nicht’: Neues aus der Forschung der spätmittelalterlichen mystischen Handschriften» (paper in German) // International seminar Current studies in Medieval philosophy, 7-8 May 2013, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.
  • «How to make a new philosophy from an old Platonism: Plethon and Cusanus on Phaedrus» (paper in English) // International Conference Georgios Gemistos Plethon: The Byzantine and the Latin Renaissance, 10-12 May 2013, Centre for Renaissance Studies at the Department of Philosophy, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • «Technik und Leben: Zum Begriff der Technik des Lebens bei Max Scheler» (paper in German) // International Conference of the Max Scheler Society Foundations of the philosophy of technology. Criticism of art and civilization by Max Scheler in different social contexts, 22-25 May 2013, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany.
  • «The Ms. of the work ‘Five points’ by Geert Grote in the manuscript collection of the Library of the Russian Academy of Scienes (BAN, Ms. O. № 90): Problems of research and interpretation» (paper in Russian) // Conference in memoriam of O.A.Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya, Western European section of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Institute of History of RAS, 27 June 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • «Eckhardus theutonicus in latinum translatus: Latin Translations of the German Texts by Meister Eckhart in the 15th Century» (paper in English) // The Medieval Translator 2013: The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. Translation and Authority – Authorities in Translation, 8-12 July 2013, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
  • «Harmony of Intellect and Disharmony of Soul in German mystical texts of the Late Middle Ages» (paper in English) // International Colloquium HARMONIA: The ideas of harmony in the culture and society of the Middle Ages, 3-5 October 2013, HSE, Moscow, Russia.