Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Department of the History of Western Philosophy
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Department of the History of Western Philosophy

Acting Head of the DepartmentOlga Kusenko, PhD in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow

The Department was established in 1968. The Head of the Department in 1971–1987 was Full-Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Teodor Oizerman. The Head of the Department in 1987–2013 was Professor Nelly Motroshilova.

Russian version




Currently, 18 researchers work in the sector, including 1 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 doctors of science, 12 candidates of science (PhD in Philosophy equivalent degree).



Visiting Reserch Fellows

  • Marina Bykova, Honorary Member of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Religion, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, North Carolina, USA); the editor-in-cheif of the journal "Russian Studies in Philosophy".




  • History of Ancient Greek and Hellenistic Philosophy;
  • History of Philosophy of the European Middle Ages; 
  • History of Renessaince Philosophy;
  • History of Modern Philosophy;
  • History of German Classical Philosophy;
  • History of Western Philosophy of the XIX–XXI centuries;
  • History of Analytic Philosophy of the XX–XXI centuries;
  • Mutual influences, receptions and connections between different philosophical trends and traditions; 
  • The roll call of the philosophical ideas of Russia and the West; 
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of the history of philosophy as a discipline; 
  • Correlation of the history of philosophy with other philosophical disciplines.

Research subject (within the state scientific program)

  • in 2025–2027: The History of Philosophy as Philosophy: The Experience of the Great Cultures of Mankind.
  • in 2020–2022: Diversity of philosophical and religious-worldview systems in an age of globalizing humanity.
  • in 2017–2019: The History of Philosophy in the West and in Russia: Originality, Similitude, and Interaction.





  • «ANATOMY OF PHILOSOPHY: HOW THE TEXT WORKS», the joint project launched by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Fedor M. Dostoyevsky Moscow Municipal Library. Director of the joint project DSc in Philosophy J. Sineokaya (in Russian).
  • «KANT FOR ALL TIMES: TO THE 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF KANT», a project of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS. The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences launches the project "Kant for all times", which includes a series of round tables, lectures, book presentations, thematic issues of journals dedicated to the heritage of the great philosopher. In April 2024, the final international scientific conference is planned to be held at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (in Russian).
  • "PHILOSOPHICAL WORKSHOP". Project manager: Corresponding member RAS J. Sineokaya. Project coordination: PhD D. Aronson, PhD A. Zhavoronkov, PhD O. Kusenko, Junior Research Fellow A. Simonyan, PhD A. Iunusov. Project visualization: PhD E. Marchukova (in Russian).






Philosophical Generations. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House Moscow, 2022. – 1232 pages. – ISBN 978-5-907290-83-9 (in Russian)


This book is a special document in the history of philosophy in Russia, a group self-portrait of Russian philosophers of the mid-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, a first-person chronicle of the Moscow philosophical community, narrated by the participants of the events described. The study of philosophical generations is important for the restoration of the human context of the development of philosophy, outside of which much will remain incomprehensible. The path from generational type to texts is no less important than the familiar path from texts. The notion of the ‘philosophical generation’ is used as a key to interpreting the history of philosophy. The generational approach allows us to change the usual optics, to focus the attention of researchers on existential, personal ties within the professional community, which clarifies the mutual influences of scholars that determine the birth and development of philosophical ideas. The publication is timed to the centenary of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS, whose creation marked the beginning of the institutionalization of philosophical research in Russia, and illustrated with photographic portraits of the authors from the time of their entering the profession.






Philosophy in plural. Book 2. Compiled and edited by Andrey V. Smirnov and Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: Academic Project Publishing, 2020. ‒ 412 pages ‒ ISBN 978-5-8291-3892-9 (in Russian)






Responses. Philosophical Conversations. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House Moscow, 2021. – 1000 pages. – ISBN 978-5-907290-49-5 (in Russian)


This illustrated collection of articles represents the result of a successful joint project «Remarks (Anatomy of Philosophy)» of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Dostoyevsky Municipal Library. The goal of this project is bringing the academic philosophy into the public space. The dialogues-discussions were given by researchers at an open intellectual venue in the center of Moscow. All the texts are written by participants of the project on the basis of their presentations to everyone who is interested in philosophy. The book main purpose is to explain to public what modern philosophers are working on. Among the 70 authors of the book there are not only researchers  from the Institute of Philosophy of RAS, but also colleagues from Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities,  Moscow Pedagogical State University, other universities and research centers of Russia, as well as  philosophers from Germany, Serbia, France, the USA and Japan. Open dialogues of the philosophers at the city library gave a clear answer to a question: "Why philosophy is necessary for society and what is practical outcome from it?" The success of the project shows that philosophy is necessary not only for the closed circle of intellectuals, but for all people. Philosophy helps people to find out the sense of existence and support them in everyday life. This collection was gathering all generations of researchers. The texts are followed by the photo portraits of the philosophers at work and their listeners. This project became a worthy episode in the chronicle of Russian philosophy and a bright illustration of intellectual life in the Russian capital at the beginning of the 21st century.






Philosophy in Plural. Compiled and edited by Andrey V. Smirnov and Yulia V. Sineokaya.  Moscow: Academic Project Publishing, 2020. ‒ 529 pages ‒ ISBN 978-5-8291-2473-1 (in Russian)


The articles included in this book are cult texts of Russian philosophers who worked in different epochs at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and have made a significant contribution to the world philosophical tradition. The authors of this volume present different generations of thinkers who connected their fate and their work with the Institute of Philosophy. The creators of philosophical conceptions which are represented in this book have already died, still we can see their creativity as a complete phenomenon. Each article published in this volume is preceded by an essay about its author, introducing the intellectual legacy of the represented philosopher.




Nietzsche TodayCompiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2019. – 312 pages – ISBN 978-5-907117-74 (in Russian)


The purpose of the book is to show the relevance of Friedrich Nietzsche’s legacy for the 21st century, to specify the problem area of contemporary Nietzsche studies, to identify the guidelines of the work of Russian scholars as well as to reveal Nietzsche’s role in creating the contemporary intellectual context of Russian life. All the texts included in this publication are research papers based on the public lectures which their authors delivered as an open discussion platform in the center of Moscow within the framework of the co-project of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS and Moscow library named aft er F. M. Dostoevsky. Th e collection of articles is illustrated by the portraits of the philosophers dedicated to their work and their audience. The book is intended both for specialists in history of philosophy and for the general public and is designed to help the reader get rid of the stereotypes of percepting Nietzsche’s work as the preaching of National Socialism, chauvinism, or violence, the stereotypes persisting in Russian culture since the 1930s.

Philosophical Emanations of Love. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. SineokayaMoscow, LRC Publishing House, 2018. – 576 pages – ISBN 978-5-6041006-3-9 (in Russian)


The book you are holding in your hands is the story of philosophical unions whose creative work was formed with mutual love, of the unity of philosophy and Eros, of how philosophical texts are born from the intertwining of personal and creative fates. It is a chronicle of the passions of people who lived in different eras and different countries and worked in different thought paradigms. The poignant tragedy of all the life stories is overcome through joint creative work, the joy of communicating with a person of kindred spirit, of finding the meaning of life in passionate service to the chosen one and to one’s calling. No two essays, no two stories in this volume are alike. The book opens with the stories of love and work of married couples. Then follow essays about impossible love, about lovers doomed to be separated, and about those who were close and loving, but never became loved. The next body of texts is stories of forbidden love that challenges the social mores and involves a series of difficult and painful decisions lovers have to make. The book concludes with stories of spiritual love. It draws on rare archive materials, letters, personal notes, memoirs and diary jottings of philosophers. It contains fragments from academic papers never published in Russian before and letters of foreign thinkers. It is aimed both at historians of philosophy and at the broad lay audience. It may attract those who are interested in the lives of past thinkers and the history of how philosophical concepts were conceived — the “biographies” of ideas and senses. The reader will find neither solace nor instruction in the vicissitudes of the heroes’ lives, instead he will learn how love-passion, love of someone to lean on, love-rapture, love-support, love-infatuation, love-service and love-friendship shape a philosophical tradition.




Nelly V. Motroshilova. Early Philosophy of Edmund Husserl (Halle, 1887–1901). – Moscow, Progress-Tradition Publ., 2018. – 800 pages. – ISBN: 978-5-04-100819-2


The study of the early philosophy of Edmund Gusserl is aimed at eliminating the complete "white spot" in the development of the heritage of this thinker in Russia. It includes the study of the socio-historical situation in Germany of the last decades of the 19th century, that is, the specific environment in which E. Gusserl went uneasy from mathematics to philosophy. The main lines of his spiritual, philosophical development and his activities at the University of Galle-Wittenberg, as well as interactions in the scientific and philosophical community, are traced. In the center of the book is still the only holistic textual study in phenomenological literature of "Philosophy of Arithmetic," E. Gusserl 's first significant book (it was not translated into Russian). Special attention is paid to the first "breakthroughs" of Gusserl 's future phenomenological ideas. For the first time in domestic literature, Gusserlean manuscripts prepared for the never-published II volume of "Philosophy of Arithmetic" and printed in "Gusserlian" only in the second half of the 20th century are introduced into scientific circulation. Taken and considered in its integrity, the book 's issues make it possible to link the initial stages of the development of Gusserl 's ideas with the yet not completely clear but already broken outlines of his future phenomenology, with its potential opportunities realized by Gusserl and his followers and resulting in the transformation of phenomenology into one of the most powerful philosophical currents of the 20th century. The complex material of the book is turned by the author into a transparent, understandable and fascinating narrative, which will undoubtedly expand the circle of its readers.


Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and ProspectsCompiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya and Ekaterina A. Poljakova. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2017. – 824 pages – Hardcover – ISBN 978-5-94457-311-7


The trilingual collection of articles focuses on the problems of Nietzsche studies at the beginning of the 21st century. Thirty-four philosophers from thirteen countries who work in the leading universities and research centres of Russia, Europe and America discuss the influence of Nietzsche’s work on world culture, argue about the ideas of the German philosopher that turned out to bфe most in demand in the 20th century, raise the question of Nietzsche’s responsibility for the ideology of National Socialism, express their judgments of what his ideas might contribute to the philosophy in the 21st century. The book is intended both for specialists in history of philosophy and for a wide range of readers and aims to promote communication among intellectuals of different countries.


Das internationale Publikationsproject "Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and Prospects" (russ. sowie eng./dt, Moskau 2017)

Presentation at the Berliner Nitzsche Colloquium (Vortragsprogramm)




ISSN 0134-8655

Editor-in-Chief - Corresponding Member RAS, PhD, prof. RAS J. Sineokaya

  • Vol. 36. (Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2021). – 472 p.
  • Vol. 35. (Мoscow: Akvilon, 2020). – 352 p.
  • Vol. 34. (Мoscow: Akvilon, 2019). – 320 p.
  • Vol. 33. (Мoscow: Akvilon, 2018). – 432 p.




  • A. Simonyan: works on the candidate dissertation on the topic: "Philosophical Doctrine on Soul in the context German Spiritual Literature late Medieval". (Scientific supervisor: PhD M. Khorkov).
  • G. Biserov: works on the candidate dissertation on the topic: "Heraclitus in the works of Nietzcshe". (Scientific supervisor: PhD A. Zhavoronkov).





  • A. Zhavoronkov: Grant of the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft Foundation (DFG, Germany), number 449581114. Research project "Rationality as a pragmatic Weltklugheit: Kant's Anthropology and Modern Social Sciences" (RationalitätalspragmatischeWeltklugheit: KantsAnthropologieunddiemodernenSozialwissenschaften). Terms: May 2021 - April 2024. Status: project manager (together with A. Salikov).
  • A. Zhavoronkov: From June 1, 2021 to November 22, 2021; from December 6, 2021 to the present: research trip to the Frankfurt University. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Federal State of Hesse, Germany) within the framework of participation in the collective project under the grant of the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Science Foundation "Rationality as a pragmatic Weltklugheit: Kant's Anthropology and Modern Social Sciences" ("RationalitätalspragmatischeWeltklugheit: KantsAnthropologieunddiemodernenSozialwissenschaften").
  • A. Simonyan: from October 2018 to September 2020, she completed an internship at the University of Augsburg (Germany) as part of the scholarship program of the Bavarian Academic Center BAYHOST. The purpose of the internship is to work on the research and publishing project “Anonymous Treatise “on the Mass” (BSB, Cgm 89)”, as well as to prepare the text of a dissertation research on the topic “Philosophical Doctrine of the Soul in the Context of German Spiritual Literature of the Late Middle Ages”. The work on the project is carried out under the scientific supervision of prof. Freimut Löser, Head of the Department of German Language and Literature of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of Philology and History of the University of Augsburg, as well as Associate Professor Mikhail Lvovich Khorkov, Senior Researcher from the Department of the History of Western Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Along with the historical-philosophical, philological and linguistic analysis of selected passages of the anonymous treatise, a paleographic and codicological study of the original manuscripts containing this text is carried out.
  • O. Kusenko: in May-June 2019, she took part in a scholarship program organized by the Istituto Sangalli (Florence, Italy) as a research fellow.

International Coordination and Orgnazational Research Activities


Mikhail Khorkov:

  • Member of the Bureau (Assessor, since August 2012) of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy / Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM), Germany:
  • Member of the Scientific advisory board (since May 2013) of the Max-Scheler-Gesellschaft (MSG), Germany:


Editorial-Boards Memberships


Mikhail Khorkov:

  • «Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale» (Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium).
  • «Studia Antyczne i Mediewistyczne» (Warsaw, Poland).



  • Tel.: +7 (495) 697-91-98
  • Address: Goncharnaya 12/1, Moscow, off. 413, 109240, Russian Federation, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Department of the History of Western Philosophy.