Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Arina Simonian
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Arina Simonian

Year and Place of Birth

 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7478-4771
 Web of Science Researcher ID: J-3956-2018


Born September 4, 1989 in Yaroslavl (Russia, USSR)


  • Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, in 2015.
  • Postgraduate Study: at the RAS Institute of Philosophy, specialty title "09.00.03 – History of Philosophy", since 2016.

Field of Studies

  • Medieval philosophy;
  • Medieval monastic theology.



  • Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Western Philosophy

Dissertation topic

  • "The doctrine of the soul in the context of late medieval German spiritual literature" (Scientific Advisor: Ph.D. in Philosophy Mikhail L. Khorkov).





  • On Some Philosophical and Scholastic Aspects of the Doctrine of the Eucharist in the  Anonymous Treatise on the Mass (manuscript München, BSB, Cgm 89) // Philosophical Thought. 2022. No. 1. S. 25–33. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.1.37437. (In Russian)
  • Philosophical Significance of the Mirror Metaphor in the Anonymous Treatise on Mass (Manuscript BSB München Cgm 89 ) // History of Philosophy (Istoria filosofii), 2022. V.27. N. 1 P. 19-30.  (In Russian)


  • "Marguerite Porete and Guiard of Cressonessart Marguerite", in: Philosophical Emanations of Love. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2018, pages 466–490.

On May 31, 1310 the two-year long legal proceedings — a trial of two persons indicted for heresy – ended in Paris. The heretics were a certain Marguerite, named “Porete”, and Guiard of Cressonessart, who called himself “the Angel of Philadelphia”. She was condemned as an author of the book “full of dangerous beliefs and errors”, while he got a life-sentence as her advocate, who disseminated a teaching that threatened the authority of the Church. Only seven centuries later, in the second quarter of the twentieth century, the book was identified as “The Mirror of Simple Souls” – one of the greatest works in the tradition of spiritual literature of the Middle Ages. The story of Marguerite and Guiard came down to us only in the trial documents, and it is still an open question whether they knew each other before the tragic events of 1310, and also whether there was a mutual influence in terms of ideas.

Participation at conferences


  • «Eckhartzitat als locus communis im Kontext einer mystischen Messerklärung (BSB, Сgm 89)» // Virtuelle Forschungs- & Doktorandenkolloquium, FoDoKo – Research Colloquium at the Thomas-Institut. Thomas-Institut, г. Кёльн, Germany, 6 july 2021.


  • “The Mystical Treatise on the Mass" from the Manuscript Collection of the Bavarian State Library. (In Russian) // Medieval Philosophy in the Manuscripts I,  Lomonosov Moscow State University,  December 12, 2020.


  • Paper «Philosophische Aspekte der Lehre Meister Eckharts in dem anonymen mystischen Traktat ‚Über die Messe und ihre Wirkungen in der minnenden Seele‘ (Hs. München, BSB, cgm. 89, Ende des 14. Jhdts.) // Doktorandenkolloquium im Rahmen der Internationalen Jahrestagung in Köln «Meister Eckhart in Köln», Thomas-Institut der Universität zu Köln in Verbindung mit der Meister Eckhart Gesellschaft,Köln, März 15.-18, 2018.


  • Paper «Das Konzept der Seele im „Mystischen Traktat über die Messe und ihre Wirkungen in der minneden Seele“» // European Graduate School for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (EGSAMP). Summer School 2017: A Path through the Ages, EGSAMP Summer School Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie, Freie Universität; Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne; Berlin–Schmöckwitz (Germany), September 27.‒30, 2017.
  • Participant: „Handschriftenkultur des Mittelalters für Fortgeschrittene“, Alfried Krupp-Sommerkurse für Handschriftenkultur an der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (UBL); Alfried Krup Fond, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (Germany), September 17.‒23, 2017


  • Paper Philosophisch-theologische Aspekte der Seelenlehre in dem mystischen Traktat Über die Messe und ihre Wirkungen in der minnenden Seele (Hs. München, BSB, cgm. 89) // International Summer School EGSAMP «Locality and Cross-Border Exchange in the Middle Ages», Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, August 15.‒22, 2016.

Organization of conferences


  • Medieval Philosophy in the Manuscripts. Part II, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 20.01.2021.


  • Medieval Philosophy in the Manuscripts. Part I,  Lomonosov Moscow State University, 12.12.2020.


Web-page in Russian