Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Ekaterina Marchukova
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Ekaterina Marchukova

Year and Place of Birth


Born April 27, 1992 in Moscow

 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8968-3538
 Web of Science Researcher ID: J-2989-2018



  • Graduated from Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, in 2014.
  • Graduated from State Academic University for the Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy, in 2016.
  • Postgraduate Study: at the RAS Institute of Philosophy, specialty title "09.00.03 – History of Philosophy" (2017-2020).

Academic Degrees

  • Candidate of Sciences (PhD equivalent degree), 2022. Doctorate Thesis: “Images of Medieval Philosophy by Hegel and Heidegger”


  • Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Western Philosophy, RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow), since 2016

Field of Studies

  • Medieval philosophy;
  • Ontology;
  • Philosophy of Nikolas of Cusa;
  • Classical German Philosophy.

Research Projects

  • RFBR, project number 19-311-90010 M. Heidegger’s interpretation of the solution to the issue of the correlation between the "essentia" and "existentia" in the medieval tradition.





  • The  Image of Medieval Philosophy by Hegel in Relation to His System of Philosophy as a Science // Bulletin of the Tver State University. Series 'Philosophy'. 2021. №4. Pages 195-210 (in Russian) 
The article is devoted to studying the question, which new horizons in understanding of Hegel's system are revealed by reconstruction of the image of medieval philosophy by Hegel. It is shown that the problem of the image of the Middle Ages and medieval philosophy is connected with the Hegel's system of history of philosophy. The author clarifies the concept of the history of philosophy in Hegel's interpretation, its specificity and role in the system of philosophical knowledge. The article shows that the image of medieval philosophy is inextricably linked with Hegel's concept of Gestalt. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the meaning of the concept Gestalt in the context of the research topic. The author concludes that the reconstruction of the image of medieval philosophy by Hegel can serve as one of the ways to comprehend the general idea of the whole Hegelian system.

  • The Thesis of Medieval Ontology in Heidegger’s Interpretation // Voprosy filosofii. 2021. No. 7. P 146–152.



  • The Problem of Relation Between Essense (Essentia) and Existence (Existentia) in Heidegger’s Interpretation of F. Suarez // Voprosy filosofii. 2020. No. 12. P 198–208.
  • The Problem of Reconstructing The Images of Epoch by Hegel and Heidegger // Bulletin of the Tver State University. Series 'Philosophy'. 2020. №4. (in Russian)

The article explores the problem of reconstructing the images of epoch by Hegel and Heidegger using the example of the Middle Ages and medieval philosophy in particular. Appealing to medieval philosophy was necessary both for building Hegel's philosophical system and for developing Heidegger's fundamental ontology. Related terminological, conceptual and methodological problems are also discussed in the context of the research topic. The article demonstrates that the reconstruction of the images of epoch for particular thinkers discloses new horizons for philosophical research.


  • Der Begriff der "Zeit" in den philosophischen Lehren von Augustinus von Hippo und Martin Heidegger // Erinnerungen an Nichts und die Kunst / Sammelband der V Konferenz "Welt und Wissenschaft". 2020. S. 147–155.
  • Martin Heidegger on the distinctio essentia and existentia in scholasticism // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series “Society. History. Modernity.”  2020. Vol. 5. no 2. Pages 124-128. (in Russian)

Reflections on the categories of essence (essentia) and existence (existentia), their interrelationships and ability to differentiate formed the core of medieval scholasticism. For the Heidegger philosophy, the complexity of the interrelation between "essentia" and "existentia" is one of the basic, principal posers in his "fundamental ontology". The aim of the study is to analyze the way how Heidegger works with the texts of medieval philosophers (Thomas Aquinas, Ioannes Duns Scotus, Francisco Suarez). Such an analysis makes it possible to clarify the importance of the scholastic difference between essence and existence for Heidegger's philosophy.


  • Nicholas of Cusa on Beauty and its Vision // Philosophical Thought [Filosofskaya mysl']. 2017. № 12. Pages 19–31. DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.12.24902

In composition «The Vision of God» (1453), Nicholas of Cusa explores the question of the perception of beauty through «vision of the invisible». In this discourse he leans on the earlier compendium of texts by Raymond Lully, particularly fragments from the text «From the Book of Discussion Between Peter and Raymond» («Ex libro disputationis Petri et Raimundi», late 1420’s). The article traces the understanding of the concept of beautiful by Nicholas of Cusa in evolution from the early compendium to the treatise «The Vision of God». The key method of research lies in the rational reconstruction of the ideas of Cusa associated with the concept of beauty. The work also applies the methodology of comparative analysis of specificity of the use of certain notions characteristic for the ancient and scholastic philosophical traditions, but at this point, in the context of their implementation and re-interpretation particularly in the teaching of Nicholas de Cusa. Based on the conducted research, a conclusion is made that the definition of beauty common to the teaching of Nicholas de Cusa by no means is synonymous to Plato’s comprehension of the "beauty as such". The concept of beauty in the teaching of Cusa does not suggest the establishment of any hierarchy of the beautiful, but rather alleviates all need for it. Analysis of compendium of the text of R. Lully along with the own compositions of Nicholas of Cusa shows how exhaustively and seamlessly do the ideas and cognitive constructs of R. Lully conform with the teaching of Nicholas of Cusa.

Participation at conferences

  • «Der Begriff der Schönheit bei Nikolaus von Kues» // International seminar «Current Studies in Medieval Philosophy», University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, 7–8 May, 2013.
  • e-mail:
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