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of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Margarita A. Korzo
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Margarita A. Korzo

Корзо Маргарита Анатольевна


Date and Place of birth


1969, Moscow




  • Cand. Sc. [PhD], History, Moscow State University, 1999
  • [BA] History, Moscow State University, 1993                                           





Researcher IDC-1013-2018

Scopus Author ID57193995577                                                      

РИНЦ SPIN3041-0902, AuthorID: 351032 

Research interests

The history of moral theology and monastic spirituality; confessional history of Central and Eastern Europe; the impact of the Western Christian tradition on the Eastern one; catechism as a genre of religious literacy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia; religious literature of the Polish protestants (16th–17th C.); confessional image of primers of the 16th–17th C.



  • Senior Research Fellow (2002 – present); Research Fellow (1993–2002); Secretary (1986–1993), Department of Ethics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences



  • Lecturer, Warsaw University: October 2002, October 2003
  • Teacher, secondary school № 112, Moscow: 1999–2000
  • Lecturer, Department of History, Moscow State University: 1996–1997, 1999
  • Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow State University: 1997–1998


Professional activities

  • Member, Commission "Religious Language" of the International Committee of Slavists: 2016–present.
  • Member, Editorial Board, j. "Rocznik Lituanistyczny", Institute of History, Polnish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw): 2015–2025.
  • Member, Editorial Board, j. "Ethical Thought", Institut of Philosophy (Moscow): 2015–present.



  • "Catholic Sources of the Russian Orthodox Literature of the 17th Century: Some Observations". International Conference "Rethinking Religion in Early Modern Russia", Yale Macmillan Center European Studies Council, Yale University, USA, 7–8 April 2017.
  • "Instructions for Sacraments in Lithuanian liturgical Books of the 17th C.". XXV International Lithuanistical Congress "The Boundaries of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania", Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27–28 September 2016.
  • "Sermons in the Polish-Ukrainian Context of the late 17th – early 18th Century". International Round table "Sermons in Religious and Cultural Politics and Practice in Russia and Europe in the 18th – Early 19th Centuries", German Historical Institute in Moscow, Moscow, 26–27 August 2016.
  • "The Influence of the Kyiv Metropolitan Catechetical Tradition on the Eighteenth Century Dogmatic Texts". "Ad fontes": International Conference to 400 Year Anniversary of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 12–14 October 2015.
  • "Blessed Augustine of Hippo in the Religious Writings of the Metropolitanate of Kiev, the 16th and 17th Centuries". XXV Annual Theological Conference, Autumn Session "Blessed Augustine and Seventeenth-Century Augustinismus", St. Tikhon's Orthodox University, Moscow, November 24, 2014. 
  • "Typology of Lviv and Univ Catechisms of the 17th–18th C.". International Conference “Between Constantinople, Kyiv, Moscow, Soceava, and Rome: The Metropolitanate of Halych 1303–1808 (Byzantine Heritage, Kyiv Christian Tradition and Western Latin Influences)”, Kiev, Ukraine, October 4–6, 2013.
  • "Feofan Prokopovich’s Pervoe uchenie otrokom: some Remarks about Schoolcatechism’s Confessional “Face” of the 18th C." International Conference “The Orthodoxy and Orthodox Culture in the Epoch of Dimitrij Rostovskij”, Rostov, September 30 – October 1, 2013. 
  • "Episode in the history of adaptations of the texts from the Kievan Metropolitanate in Moscow: Evfimii Chudovskii compilation “Kniga o tajnah sedmi”. International Conference “The Ukraine in the Early Modern Times: cultural choice versus a choice of culture”, Kiev, Ukraine, October 18–21, 2012.
  • "School catechism of the 18th C.: an Example of Russia and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth". International Conference “Religious Education in Russia and Europe in the 18th C.”, Cracow, Poland, June 9–10, 2011.
  • "Simeon Polotsky’s «Wieniec wiary»: Catholic Borrowings in the 17th C. Orthodox Literature". XIX Conference “Sankt-Petersburg and Belorussian Culture”, Sankt-Petersburg, June 17, 2011.
  • "Techniques of translation and adaptation of texts of the other confessional traditions in Kiev and Moscow in the 17th C.". International Colloquium “Perspectives of the comparative studies of the Christian confessions", Moscow, December 20, 2010.
  • “Sobranie pripadkov kratkoe” (Supraśl 1722) in the Context of Catholic “Institutiones morales 17th C.”. International Conference “Inheritance of the Union of Brest”, Suprasl, Poland, October 16–17, 2010.
  • “Function of a School in the Light of the Polish Catholic Church Synods, 16th – 17th C.”.International Conference “Religious Education in Russia and Europe, 17th C.”, Sankt-Petersburg, May 27–28, 2010.
  • “A Foreign Tradition as a Source of Inspiration: an Authorship of the Orthodox Texts, 17th C.”.International Conference “Ukrainian and Russian Orthodoxy: Similarity and Differences”, Moscow, September 11–12, 2009.
  • “Polish Calvinist Catechisms in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 16 – 17th C.”. V International Congress “LDK Kalbos, Kultūros ir raštijos tradicijos”, Vilnius – Sejny, November 12–14, 2008.
  • “Religious and Moral Education Through the Eighteenth-century Primaries: the Case of Russia and Polish Commonwealth”. International Conference “Religious Education in Russia and Western Europe: 18th – 19th C.”, Moscow, June 3–4, 2008.
  • “The Union of Brest and Catechetical Literature: Some Remarks on the Greek-Catholic Theology, the 17th – 18th C.”. International Conference “In the Wake of the Union of Brest”, Suprasl, Poland, October 20–21, 2007.
  • “«Peace With God for a Man» of Innocenty Hizel in the Context of the Catholic Moral Theology, the 16th – 17th C.”. International Conference “Fathers’ Ethics in the Kievan Theological Thought: An Epoch of Reforms (the 16th – 17th C.)”, Kiev, September 20-23, 2007.
  • “The Union of Brest and Catechetical Literature”. International Symposium “The Union of Brest: Perspectives of Scientific Consensus in the Context of National and Confessional Discourse”, L’viv, August 24–27, 2006.
  • “Ukrainian Orthodox Catechisms, the 16th – 17th Centuries: Evolution of Religious Terminology”. International Symposium “Ukrainians of the 16th – 17th C. Through the Prism of a Word”, L’viv, May 10–12, 2006.
  • “The Social Teaching of the Vatican and Russian Orthodox Church”. International Symposium “Social Ethics: Normative and Applied Problems”, Kiev, February 1–2, 2006.
  • “The Sacrament of Penance as a Form of Social Control”. International Symposium “Tolerance in Europe, the 16th – 18th C.”, Moscow, September 12–13, 2005.
  • “On Structure and Evolution of Ukrainian and Byelorussian Catechisms as a Part of School Primers, Second Half of the 16th – 17th C.”. International Conference “Manuscript and Old-printed Book in Ukraine”, L’viv, April 23–25, 2004.
  • “Religious Indoctrination in the Parish: Orthodox and Greek Catholic Manuals for Parish Clergy, the 16th – 17th Centuries”. International Conference “Ukraine in the 17th C.: Society, Philosophy, Culture”, Kiev, November 5–9, 2003.
  • “Religious Indoctrination in School Practice: Ukrainian and Byelorussian Primers’ Catechisms, the 16th – 18th C.”. International Symposium “Confession, Ethos and Christian Culture in the Western and Eastern Europe, the 15th – 17th C.”, Moscow, September 19–20, 2003.
  • “The Orthodox Catechisms of the 17th Century: Some Remarks Concerning Formation of the Theological Discourse”. The Fifth Congress of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies, Chernivtsy, August 26–29, 2002.
  • “An Image of a Person in Catholic and Orthodox Sermons in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (the 17th C.): Comparative Approach”. International Congress “Christianity in Central-Eastern Europe”, Lublin, September 6–9, 1996.



  • Early Modern Moral Philosophy: Its Core Features, Main Ideas, and Tendencies (collective; 2018–2020, RGNF);
  • Spiritual Education and the Process of Formation of Confessional Identities in Russia and in the West in the Early Modern Times (16th – 18th C.) (collective; 2013–2015, RGNF, Russia); 
  • Protestant influences in Russian and Ukrainian-Belarussian Orthodox thought (the first half of the 16th C.): Feofan Prokopovic’s catechetical works (2012–2014, RGNF, Russia).



(in Russian,

except specified)






  • An image of a Person in the 17th Century Sermons, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 1999, pp. 189; also on:
  • Ukrainian and Belorus’ Catechetical Tradition, the 16th – 18th Centuries: Formation, Evolution and Problem of Borrowings, Moscow, Kanon+ Press, 2007, pp. 672.
  • Moral Theology of Simeon Polotsky: Catholic Tradition in the Russian Religious Thought, 17th C. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2011, pp. 155.



  • “An Image of a Person in Catholic and Orthodox Sermons in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (the 17th Century): A Comparative Approach”, Churches and Confessions in East Central Europe in Early Modern Times, ed. H. Łaszkiewicz, Lublin, Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1999, pp. 95–98 (in English).
  • “Sin and Salvation in the 17th century Catholic and Orthodox Sermons”, Slavyanskij Al’manah 1998, Moscow, Indrik Press, 1998, pp. 52–76.
  • “Pedagogical Ideas in the 17th Century Polish Catholic Sermons”, Foreign Slavs in the Past and Present, Moscow, Dialog-MGU Press, 1999, pp. 85–99.
  • “Instructive Gospels in the Tradition of Orthodox Church-instructive Literature”, Manuscript “Ukrainica” in the L’viv National Library Named after V. Stefanyk, L’viv, L’viv National Library, 1999, pp. 302–309.
  • “Comparison of Polish Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox Church-instructive Literature of the 16th – 17th Centuries: Sin and Human Nature”, Kovcheg: Collections of Essays on Church History 2(2000): 64–84 (in Ukrainian).
  • A number of entries for Ethics: Encyclopaedic Dictionary, eds. R. G. Apressyan, A. A. Guseynov, Moscow, Gardariki Press, 2001 (‘Benedictine monasticism’, p. 34–35; ‘Dominicans’, p. 125–126; ‘Jesuitism’, p. 162–163; ‘Christian monasticism’, p. 269–270; ‘Vice’, p. 367–368; ‘Franciscans' spirituality’, p. 518–520; ‘Christian ethics’, p. 526–531).
  • Some remarks on polemics between the Jansenists and Jesuits on grace and free will, Eticheskaya Mysl’ – 2 (Ethical Thought), ed. A. Guseynov, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2001, pp. 118–130; also on:
  • Prawosławne wyznanie wiary Piotra Mohyły. Kilka uwag w sprawie wpływów zachodnich na teologię kijowską”, Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce 46(2002): 141–149 (in Polish).
  • “Control Over Observance of Sexual Morality Norms in Polish Rural Communities, the 17th – 18th Centuries”, Socium. A Social History Almanac (Kiev) 2(2003): 165–184.
  • “Decalogue in the Orthodox and Catholic Catechisms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the 17th Century”, The Xth “Christmas Readings” “Philosophy, Ethics and Moral Theology”, Moscow, Christianskaya Zhizn’ Press, 2003, pp. 236–262.
  • “School and Church in Poland, the 16th – 17th Centuries”, Pedagogica (Moscow) 4(2003): 81–87.
  • “Piotr Mohyla Orthodox Confession of Faith: Some Remarks Concerning Western Influences on the Kiev Theology in the 17th Century”, Comparative history: methods, tasks, perspectives, ed. M.Y. Paramonova, Moscow, Institute of History Press, 2003, pp. 33–56.
  • “Problems of Moral Reformation of the Society in the Early Modern Times”, in Eticheskaya Mysl’ – 4 (Ethical Thought), ed. A. Guseynov, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2003, pp. 89–102; also on:
  • “The Orthodox Catechisms of the 17th Century: Some Remarks Concerning Formation of the Theological Discourse”, The Fifth Congress of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies, History – Part I, Chernivtsy, Ruta Press, 2003, pp. 251–257.
  • “Pedagogical System of the Jesuits”, The History of Education and Pedagogical Thought in the Ancient Times, Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. T. N. Matulis, Moscow, The Russian University of Nations’ Friendship Press, 2004, pp. 469–532.
  • “Polski przekład katechizmu Jakuba Ledesmy TJ i jego wpływ na tradycję unicką w XVII w.”, Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce 48(2004): 149–159 (in Polish).
  • “On Structure and Content of Primers’ Catechisms Printed in Moscow, the 17th – early 18th Century”, Slavyanovedeniye (Moscow) 2(2005): 74–84.
  • “Ukrainian and Byelorussian Orthodox Catechisms of the 16th – 17th Century: Some RemarksConcerning Formation of the Theological Discourse”, Ukraine in the 17th C.: Society, Philosophy, Culture, eds. N. Yakovenko, L. Dovga, Kiev, Kritika Press, 2005, pp. 320–346.
  • “Ukrainian and Byelorussian Cyrillic Primers’ Catechisms, the 17th – early 18th Century”, Visnyk of the L’viv University. Series Bibliology, Library Studies and Informational Technologies, Issue 1, L’viv, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, 2006, pp. 55–71.
  • “Nota w sprawie nieznanego przekładu Jana Kalwina w Polsce XVI w.”, Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce 50(2006): 257–259 (in Polish).
  • “Russian Catechetical Tradition, 17th – 18th C.: An Introduction to the Problem”, A Man in the Culture of Russian Baroque, ed. M. Kisielyova, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2007, pp. 199–207.
  • “W sprawie jednego z XVI-wiecznych katechizmów kalwińskich w Rzeczypospolitej”, Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce 51(2007): 177–198 (in Polish).
  • “Decalogue in the Orthodox and Catholic Catechisms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the 16th – 17th Century”, Kovcheg: Collections of essays on Church history 5(2007): 100–117 (in Ukrainian).
  • “Die Union von Brest und die katechetische Literatur”, in Ostkirchliche Studien 56(2007): 343–360.
  • “The Union of Brest and the Catechetical Literature”, Die Union von Brest (1596) in Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung: Versuch einer Zwischenbilanz, Hg. Johann Marte, Oleh Turij, Lviv, Institut für Kirchengeschichte der ukrainischen katholischen Universität, 2008, pp. 323–339.
  • “On Sources of Simeon Polockij’s Manuscript Catechisms”, Kijivs’ka Akademiâ 6(2008): 102–122.
  • “Function of a School in the Light of the Polish Catholic Church Synods, 16th – 17th C.”, Between Moscow, Warsaw, and Kiev. Essays in honor of Prof. M.V. Dmitriev, Moscow, Moscow State University Press, 2008, pp. 21–35.
  • “Discussions on Decalogue in Protestant Thought, 16th C.”, in Philosophy and Ethics. Festschrift devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Professor Abdusalam Guseynov, ed. R.G. Apressyan, Moscow, Al’fa–M, 2009, pp. 200–206.
  • “The Social Teaching of the Vatican and Russian Orthodox Church: An Attempt of Comparison”, Public Morality: Philosophical, Normative-ethical, and Applied Issues, ed. R.G. Apressyan, Moscow, Al’fa-M Press, 2009, pp. 257–271.
  • “A Foreign Tradition as a Source of Inspiration: an Authorship of the Orthodox Texts, 17th C.”, Studi Slavistici 6(2009): 59–84.
  • “Polish Catechisms in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 16th – 17th C.”, LDK kalbos, kulturos ir rastijos tradicijos, Vilnius, Lietuviu Kalbos Institutas, 2009, pp. 193–200.
  • “Religious and Moral Education Through the Eighteenth-century Primaries: The Case of Russia and Polish Commonwealth”, Religious Education in Russia and Western Europe: 18th – 19th C., eds. E.S. Tokareva, M. Inglot SJ, S.-Petersburg, PHGI Press, 2009, pp. 49–58.
  • “Innokentij (Gizel), biography”, An Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. XXII, Moscow, “Orthodox Encyclopedia Press”, 2009, pp. 744–747 (in co-authorship).
  • “Innokentij (Gizel), works”, An Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. XXII, Moscow, “Orthodox Encyclopedia Press”, 2009, pp. 747–749.
  • “Unia brzeska a literatura katechetyczna: Kilka uwag w sprawie teologii unickiej od XVII do połowy XVIII wieku”, Śladami unii brzeskiej, eds. R. Dobrowolski, M. Zemło, Lublin; Supraśl, KUL Press, 2010, pp. 63–80 (in Polish).
  • “Interpretation of Decalogue in Simeon Polocky’s Catechisms”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ – 10 (Ethical Thought), ed. A.A. Guseynov, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2010, pp. 156–173.
  • “Innokentii Gizel’s «Mir s Bogom cheloveku» in the Context of the Catholic Moral Theology Late XVI – Early XVII C.”, Innokentii Gizel. Selected Works, ed. L. Dovga, vol. 3, Kiev, Svichado Press, 2010, pp. 195–262.
  • The Appropriation of the Catholic Tradition of the by the Moscow Writers of the Second Half of the 17th C., A Believer in the Cultures of Russia, ed. T.V. Chumakova, Sankt-Petersbur, Sankt-Peterburg UP, 2011, pp. 93–107.
  • "Przyczynek do roli druków bazylejskich w XVI-wiecznym piśmiennictwie ewangelickim Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego", Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce 55(2011): 5–25 (in Polish).
  • “Function of a School in the Light of the Polish Catholic Church Synods, 16th – 17th C.”, Religious Education in Russia and Western Europe: 17th C., eds. E.S. Tokareva, M. Inglot SJ, S.-Petersburg, PHGI Press, 2011, pp. 68–81.
  • “If the Truth can be Concealed? Discussions in the Religious Thought before Kant”, Towards the Right to Lie, ed. R.G. Apressyan, Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2011, pp. 271–288.
  • "«Sobranie pripadkov kraktoe» (Supraśl 1722) na tle katolickich siedemnastowiecznych «Institutiones morales»", Dziedzictwo unii brzeskiej, eds. R. Dobrowolski, M. Zemło, Lublin; Supraśl, KUL Press, 2012, pp. 23–33 (in Polish).
  • "Jeszcze raz w sprawie nieznanego tłumaczenia Jana Kalwina w Polsce", Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce 56(2012): 192–202 (in Polish).
  • “Discussions on Decalogue in Protestant Thought, 16th C.“, Philosophy of Law of the Pentateuch, eds. A.A. Guseynov, E.B. Rashkovskii, Moscow, LUM Press, 2012, pp. 369–378.
  • “Interpretation of the Decalogue in Handwritten Instructive Gospels late XVI – Early XVII C., Theatrum humanae vitae. Collections of Essays in Honour of Prof. Natalia Yakovenko, Kiev, Laurus, 2012, pp. 288–295.
  • The Appropriation of the Catholic Tradition of the by the Moscow Writers of the Second Half of the 17th C.: The Case of Innokentii Gizel and Simeon Polotski, The Orthodoxy of the Ukraine and Moscovite Russia in the 16–17 C.: general and special Features, ed. M.V. Dmitriev, Moscow, Indrik, 2012, pp. 290–301.
  • “Simeon Polotsky’s «Wieniec wiery»: Catholic Borrowings in the 17th C. Orthodox Literature”, Belorussian Miscellany. Articles and Materials on the Belorussian History and Culture 5(2012): 16–23.
  • “Polish Calvinist Catechisms late 16th C. as a source for the Reconstruction of Religious Identity”, RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. Series: Historical Studies. Historiography. Source Studies. Methods of Historical Researches 21(2012): 92–107.
  • "Dzieła Mikołaja z Mościsk OP i teologów zachodnich źródłem pierwszego manuale dla spowiedników w języku cerkiewnosłowiańskim", Przegląd Tomistyczny 18 (2012): 241–254 (in Polish).
  • “«Igo niedobonosimoe». On one Discussion on Decalogue in the Russian Thought in the Early 18th Century”, Comprehending the Good: Festschrift devoted to the 60th Anniversary of Professor Ruben Apressyan, eds. Olga Artemyeva, Andrey Prokof’ev, Moscow, Al’fa–M, 2013, pp. 235–248.
  • “School catechism of the 18th C.: an Example of Russia and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, Religious education in Russia and Western Europe: 18th C., eds. Evgeniya Tokareva, Marek Inglot SI, S.-Petersburg, PHGI Press, 2013, pp. 78–92.
  • "On confessional “face” of Polish Primers of the 16th and 17th C.”, Children’s Books. A History of Schoolbooks of the 7th – 19th C. ed. Vitalij Bezrogov, Moscow, RGGU Press, 2013, pp. 29–46.
  • "Formation of the Catechism as a Genre in East Slavic Literacy of the 16th–17th C.: Sources and Evolution", Literacy, Literature, and Folklore of the Slavic Peoples. History of Slavic Studies. The 15th International Slavic Congress, Minsk, 20–27.08.2013, Moscow, Drevlekhranilische Press, 2013, pp. 200–206.
  • "Psalmy Dawidowe (Gdańsk 1616): przyczynek do recepcji Katechizmu Heidelberskiego w Polsce", Biblioteka 17(2013), pp. 53–63 (in Polish).
  • "Spis tento Otázek trojiech Łukasza z Pragi: przyczynek do historii katechizmów braci czeskich i ich roli w piśmiennictwie polskim (XVI wiek – pierwsza połowa XVII stulecia)", Res Historica. Czasopismo Instytutu Historii UMCS 36(2013), pp. 103–143 (in Polish).
  • Catechetical Writings of the Metropolitanate of Kiev of the 17th–18th C.: basic genres and their sources, Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Tula), Humanities series 4(2013), pp. 142–148.
  • "Catechetical Writings of Feofan Prokopovich", Slavyanskij Al’manah 2013, Moscow, Indrik Press, 2014, pp. 263–280. 
  • “Kirill (Trankvillion-Stavroveckij), works”, An Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. XXXIV, Moscow, “Orthodox Encyclopedia Press”, 2014, pp. 532–539 (in co-authorship).
  • "About some Kievan Editions in the Manuscript Heritage of Euthymeos of Chudov", Slavyanovedeniye (Moscow) 2(2014), pp. 88–98.
  • "Synthesis of cultural and religious traditions in school catechisms of the 17th–18th C.", Philosophy and Culture 1(2014), pp. 99–107. 
  • "Some remarks on polish ABC-book models: the 16th Century", Pedagogical research: problems and perspectives, ed. S.V. Ivanova, vol. 1, Moscow, IET Press, 2014, pp. 342–357.
  • "Nothing gives us eternal promise in the Decalogue". Some remarks to the place  of the Decalogue in the Orthodox thought, the 17th–18th C.", Vestnik RChGA (S.-Petersburg) 15(2014), issue 1, pp. 49–56.
  • "16th Century Polish Primer: Prayer Book, Catechism, Compilation of Maxims", Problems of Modern Education 6(2014), pp. 24–37.
  • "Petr Mohyla", Great Russian Encyclopedia, eds. Yury Osipov, etc., vol. 26, Moscow, Great Russian Encyclopedia Press, 2014, pp. 87–88.
  • "On Religious Texts in 16th C. Polish Primers", Pamietnik Literacki 1(2015), pp. 169–182 (in Polish).
  • "Forms of Existence of Texts from other Confessions in Orthodox Book-Publishing of the 17th Century: the Case Study of Polish-Litauen Commonwealth and Russia", Filosofiya i Kultura 4(2015), pp. 573–581.
  • "About attributed to Dimitry of Rostov Catechisms, and their Relationships to the Preceding Tradition", Review of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, 2015, vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 228–241.
  • "Episode in the History od Adaptations of the Texts of Kyivan Metropolitanate in Moscow: Euthymeos of Chudov Compilation Kniga o tajnah sedmi", Kyivan Academy, 2014–2015, vol. 12, pp. 120–145.
  • "Kunchevic Iosaphat", An Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. XXXIX, Moscow, “Orthodox Encyclopedia Press”, 2015, pp. 355–359.
  • "Lazar' (Baranovich)", An Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. XXXIX, Moscow, “Orthodox Encyclopedia Press”, 2015, pp. 679–686.
  • "Blessed Augustine of Hippo in the Religious Writings of the Metropolitanate of Kiev, the 16th and 17th C.", Blessed Augustine and Augustinism in Western and Eastern Traditions, Moscow 2016, pp. 176–192.
  • "The Apostles' and the Athanasian Creeds in the religious writings of the Metropolitanate of Kiev und Russia (XVI–XVII th. centuries)", Vestnik PSTGU, Series II, 2016, vol. 1(68), pp. 20–31.
  • "Elementa Puerilis Institutionis (Cracow 1692) – A Contribution to the History of Polish Primers", Biblioteka, 2016, vol. 20(29), pp. 7–16 (in Polish).
  • "Przyczynek do wpływów katolickich na teologię prawosławną w XVII wieku", Studia o kulturze cerkiewnej w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, ed. Agnieszka Gronek, Alicja Z. Nowak, Kraków: Scriptum, 2016, pp. 149–160 (in Polish).
  • "Contribution to the History of Polish-Latin Primers of the 17th – 18th Centuries", Otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya pedagogika, 2016, vol. 3(30), pp. 98–108.
  • "The Story of One Text. An Admonition to Confession in the 17th Century Vilnius Poluustav", Studi Slavistici, 2016, vol. XIII, pp. 43–57.
  • "An episode from the History of Literary Contacts: the Reception of Franz Coster's SI Works in the Book Culture of the Polisch Lithuanian Commonwealth, XVI–XVII C.", Studia Slavica Hungarica, 2017, vol. 16/1, pp. 1–13. DOI: 10.1556/060.2017.62.1.2.
  • "A Soul Treasure, Costlier Than Gold And Precious Stones. From History of A Book", Pamietnik Literacki 3(2017), pp. 41–50 (in Polish). DOI: 10.18318/pl.2017.3.3.
  • "The Orthodox Sermon in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the Seventeenth Century: Some Observations", Slovene, 2(2017), pp. 578–596.
  • "Catechetic content and its form in sixteenth-century hymnbooks of Polish Reformed Protestants", Pieśni z katechizmów ewangelików reformowanych (1558–1600). Cz. I. Katechizm Krakowski i królewiecki, eds. M. Malicki, P. Poźniak. Kraków: Musica Iagellonica, 2018. P. 77–88.
  • "Polnische Fibelkatechismen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts: religiöser Inhalt und deutsche Einflüsse", Religion und Bildungsmedien, eds. S. Schütze, E. Matthes, unter Mitarbeit von W. Sroka. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2018. S. 92–99.
  • "Orthodox Moral Theology of the 17th Century and its Peculiarities: "Mir s Bogom celoveku" (Kiev 1669)"Ethical Thought, 2(2018), pp. 56–71.
  • "On Forms and Content of Moral Precepts in the Catholic Devotional Literature of the Early Modern Time", Chelovek, 6(2018), pp. 114–129.
  • "On the (Self)name and Identity of the 16th–17th Century Polish Reformed Churches", Religiovedenie, 2(2019), pp. 17–22.
  • "Probabilism and the Problem of "Uncertain" Conscience in the Early Modern Times: Historical and Theoretical Contexts", Ethical Thought, 1(2019), pp. 63–79.
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