Andrej Kritchewskij, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Western Philosophy
Year and Place of Birth
Born May 27, 1960 in Moscow.
Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, in 1984.
Academic Degrees
- PhD in Philosophy (1992). PhD Thesis: «Hegel’s Doctrine of the Absolute Spirit» (Institute of Philosopy, Russian Academy of Sciences).
Field of Studies
- The German philosophical mysticism of the 13th and 14th centuries;
- German classic philosophy;
- History of the Western Europe metaphysics and its influence on the Russian philosophy.
Research projects |
- The Mysticism of the Speculation and the Philosophy of the Revelation: the Breakthrough of the Human Spirit to the Absolute according to Hegel and the late Schelling (a comparative Analysis of two philosophical-theological Conceptions).
List of publications
- Andrey Kritchewskij. Dialectic of Being and Freedom in Metaphysics. Moscow, Direckt-Media Publishers, 2018. – 224 pages. – ISBN: 978-5-4475-2825-6 (in Russian)
- Andrey Kritchewskij. The Power of the Nonbeing: A Metaphysics Beyond of Ontology. Moscow, Direckt-Media Publishers, 2015. – 591 pages. – Cover. – ISBN: 978-5-4475-6077-5 (in Russian)
The research is devoted to a paradoxical problem: how it is possible to create a doctrine of Absolute beyond of the doctrine of being. The author analyses in the context of a the particular philosophical traditions (from Neoplatonism until the late works of Schelling) the intuition of Absolute as a power, that is dominating over the actually infinite being and over the actually infinite possibility. It is shown that the category of being is fundamentally irrelevant for understanding a metaphysical status of this power. The author examines in this connection the question of metaphysical meaning of the thesis about the non-existence of God. The book is recommended for philosophers, theologians, and everybody who is interested in the key problems of understanding of Absolute.
- Andrey Kritchevsky. The Image of the Absolute in Hegel’s Philosophy and Philosophy of Late Schelling. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2009. – 200 pages. – Paperback. – ISBN: 978-5-9540-0142-6 (in Russian)
- Andrey Kritchevsky. The Absolute Spirit through the Forms of the Trinity: A Comparative Analysis of the Philosophical-Theological Teachings of Hegel and of Late Schelling. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 2011. – 240 pages. – Paperback. – ISBN 978-5-9540-0184-6 (in Russian)
To fulfil the research project «The Mysticism of the Speculation and the Philosophy of the Revelation: the Breakthrough of the Human Spirit to the Absolute according to Hegel and the late Schelling (a comparative Analysis of two philosophical-theological Conceptions)» there were written 2 books: (1) The image of the Absolute in Hegel’s philosophy and philosophy of late Schelling (Moscow 2009) and (2) The Absolute Spirit through the forms of the Trinity: a comparative analysis of the philosophical-theological teachings of Hegel and of late Schelling (Moscow 2011). Those books are the two parts of the whole investigation. In the first book above mentioned was shown, that Hegel’s and Schelling’s conceptions of the absolute spirit had definite intuitions of the actual infinity as their foundation. The principal difference between two concepts consists in the fact, that Hegel had discussed an actual infinite being, and Schelling – an actual infinite ability (Können). In the second book the following themes were considered: (1) the correlation of the dialectics of concept and the metaphysics of freedom of the absolute spirit; (2) a relation of Hegel and Schelling to the tradition of the German philosophical mysticism; (3) a place of the world and a human being in the structure of the absolute.
- Dobrokhotov A., Kritschewskij A. Reflections on Being and Freedom in the History of Philosophy // Responses. Philosophical Conversations. Comiled and edited by Yu.V. Sineokaya. Moscow. LRC Publishing House, 2022. – 1232 pages. – ISBN 978-5-907290-83-9 (in Russian)
- Kritschewskij A. Absolutheitsanspruch des spekulativen Idealismus bei Hegel und die Grenze der Rationalitaet (2002) // Sammelpunkt. Elektronisch archivierte Theorie.
- Krichevskii A. Pretensions and Limitations of the Speculative Reason // Philosophical Magazine. 2001, No. 3. P. 159–167 (in Russian).
- Krichevskii A. Proofs of the Existence of God in the Light of Hegel's Doctrine of Absolute Spirit //Russian Studies in Philosophy. Summer 1999. Vol. 38, n. 1. New York, 2001. P. 79–95.
- Kritschewskij A. Haben Atheismus und religioeses Bewusstsein einen gemeinsamen Sachgrund in Hegels Philosophie, und wie kommt es, dass sich zwei entgegengesetzte Weltanschauungsweisen auf dieselbe Metaphysik berufen? Warum ist Hegel so zweideutig? // Die Folgen des Hegelianismus: Philosophie, Religion und Politik im Abschied von der Moderne. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1998. S. 147–161.
- Kritschewskij A. Spekulativ-theologischer Symbolismus als das Denken des Absoluten. Zum Problem des absoluten Selbstbewusstseins bei Hegel // Der Mensch und seine Frage nach dem Absoluten. München: Peter Kindt, 1994. S. 129–155.
Participation at conferences
- Haben Atheismus und religioeses Bewusstsein einen gemeinsamen Sachgrund in Hegels Philosophie, und wie kommt es, dass sich zwei entgegengesetzte Weltanschauungsweisen auf dieselbe Metaphysik berufen? Warum ist Hegel so zweideutig? // Die Folgen des Hegelianismus. Metaphysik, Religion und Politik im Abschied von der Moderne (Marienrode bei Hildesheim), 1996.
- Spekulativ-theologischer Symbolismus als das Denken des Absoluten. Zum Problem des absoluten Selbstbewusstseins bei Hegel // Der Mensch und seine Frage nach dem Absoluten (Hochschule für Philosophie, München), 1993.
Contacts |
- e-mail: kritsch@yandex.ru