Year and Place of Birth
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2569-3037 |
Web of Science Researcher ID: J-3862-2018 |
Scopus Author ID: 57219653263 |
Born December 11, 1988 in Lipetsk (Russian Federation / USSR)
- Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Political science, in 2011.
- Doctorate Study at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, 2011–2014.
Academic Degrees
- PhD in Philosophy, 2016. PhD Thesis: «Modern Italian historiography of Russian philosophy» (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Research interests
- 19-20th-сentury Italian philosophy;
- Philosophers of the Italian Humanism;
- Russian philosophy of the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries;
- Russian philosophy in the Soviet period;
- Interaction of Russian and Italian thought.
Career |
- Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Western Philosophy, RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow).
- Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Western Philosophy, RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow).
Teaching Experience |
- Seminar Series «The Early Italian Renaissance: history, philosophy, studies» at the State Academical University for Humanities (Moscow), Faculty of Philosophy.
- «Philosophy of culture in Russian intellectual thought in 20th–21st centuries», at the "Russian Anthropology School" Institute, State University for the Humanities (Moscow), master’s programme, 1st year.
- «Russian Philosophy of the 20th century», at the State Academical University for Humanities (Moscow), Faculty of Philosophy.
Fellowships |
- Research Fellowship – Istituto Sangalli (Italy), may – june, 2019.
- Ph.D Fellowship – The University of Florence (Italy), february – july, 2013.
Publications |
- Italian studies in Russian thought in the 20th–21st centuries. – Moscow: IPhRAS Publishers, 2018 – 210 pages. – ISBN 978-5-9540-0331-4 (in Russian)
This monograph presents Italian historical and philosophical studies in Russian thought, bearing ample evidence of the way Russian philosophy gets perceived within Italian school. The book details the centennial history of this historiographical tradition dating back to the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. This tradition still plays a leading role in Europe, but for now it remains terra incognita for Russian researchers. Present study aimed to fill this gap in the scientific literature and explore the key stages, personalities, issues and specific trends of Italian historiography of Russian intellectual culture.
Chapter 1. The Evolution of Italian studies in Russian philosophy throughout the 20th century – The rise of attention to Russian thought in Italy. The influence of Russian emigration – Italian slavic studies – Activities of the Institute for Eastern Europe – The Catholic Church and The Italian Communist Party: their role in the development of Italian studies in Russian thought. Chapter 2. Secular studies in Russian thought – Studies in the Philosophy of Science – Metaphysical line – Aesthetical line – Studies in the Philosophy of literature – Studies in the History of philosophy – The problem of origins and peculiarity of Russian philosophy. Chapter 3. Theological studies in Russian thought – Key tendencies and representatives – Professional catholic theologians and Russian thought – Works of catholic scholars – National originality of Russian philosophy.
- «Una fisionomia predatoria»: la Gioconda e il "mito sovietico" nella lettura di Aleksej Losev // Rivista di storia della Filosofia. 2022. №1. P. 157-165. DOI: 10.3280/SF2022-001009 (in Italian)
- L’immagine e il significato del Rinascimento italiano nel pensiero dei filosofi russi del XX secolo // Intersezioni. 2022. №2. P. 167-179 DOI: 10.1404/104512. ISSN 0393-2451 (Print) ISSN 1973-8196 (Online) (in Italian)
- A way out of hell: Dante and the philosophy of persona salvation in post-Soviet Russia // Studies in East European Thought. 2022. DOI:10.1007/s11212-022-09519-5. ISSN 0925-9392 (Print), ISSN 1573-0948 (Online)
- Preface for publication. Addenda. Vladimir Zabugin. The gold chain (fragment from the book «History of Christian Renaissance in Italy») // Istorija filosofii [History of Philosophy]. 2022. Т. 27. №2. C.116-128. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2022-27-2-117-130. ISSN 2074-5869 (Print). ISSN 2658-7289 (Online) (in Russian)
- Dante between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Florensky, Losev and Bibichin about Dante// History of Philosophy Yearbook. 2021. Vol. 36, pp. 119-128 (in Russian)
- Evgenij Anan'in and the problem of the Italian Renaissance // Filosofskii zhurnal ( Philosophy Journal). 2021. №. 2, pp. 138–152 (In Russian)
- Vladimir Nikolaevich Zabughin and his Italian reviews of Russian Thought // Voprosy Filosofi i [Problems of Philosophy]. 2020. №. 10, pp. 158-169 (in Russian)
- The current reception of Vladimir Zabugin's works in Italy // Bulletin of the Tver' State University (Philosophy). 2020. № 3, pp. 248-256 (In Russian)
- Kusenko O.I. Le ricerche storico-filosofiche in Unione Sovietica. Un passato da cui è possibile imparare? // Giornale critico della filosofia italiana. 2019. №3, pp. 708–714. (in Italiano)
- Valentin Asmus // Filosofia: An Encyclopedia of Russian Thought (Dickinson College). (in English)
- Italian reviewers of the concept of «Сhristian Renaissance» in Vladimir Zabugin // Humanities Research in the Russian Far East. 2019. № 3, pp. 92–98. (in Russian)
- Kant and Russian Philosophy. Italian Perspective (Rez.: Pozzi V. Kant e l’Ortodossia Russa. Accademie ecclesiastiche e filosofia in Russia tra XVIII e XIX secolo) // History of Philosophy. 2019. No 1. Pages 141‒146. (in Russian) DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2019-24-1-141-146
The review presents the recently published monograph of Italian scholar Vera Pozzi “Kant and Russian Orthodoxy. Spiritual Academies and philosophy in Russia between 18th and 19th centuries”. The book is dedicated to a detailed reconstruction of the reception of Kant and his philosophy in Russian spiritual academies based on two case studies (“the case of I. Vetrinskii” and “the case of P. Yurkevich”). Pozzi examines various philosophical responses of Russian thinkers to Kant’s Copernican revolution and for the first time in scientific literature provides a deep analysis of the latin text of Vetrinskii “Institutiones Metaphysicae”. Overall, the monograph disproves the prevalent notion of the incompatibility of Kant and Russian religious thought and shows that the attitude toward Kantian philosophy within Russian Orthodox thought was more balanced and favorable than is generally believed.
- Italian studies in Russian thought. The centennial anniversary of historiographical tradition // Philosophical sciences. 2017. № 7. Pages 83–97 (in Russian)
The article is devoted to a retrospective review of scientific evolution of Italian historiography of Russian philosophy on the occasion of its centenial anniversary. The changes which took place in Russia after the events of 1917 were drawing a particular attention of italian intellectuals to russian history, culture and thought. The present paper provides an analysis of the process of Russian philosophy being popularized in Italy. The author determines and analyzes three periods in the formation of Italian studies in Russian thought. Each stage is characterized by a specific trends, personalities, their activities and major works. In conclusion author deals with the idea of a certain correlation between the perception of Russian thought in Italy and the character of italian philosophical tradition.
This is a review of the recent monograph by Dario Citati, italian historian of Russian philosophy and political thought. His work is dedicated to a detailed reconstruction of Lev Gumilev’s intellectual heritage, major aspects of classical Euroasian doctrin and its modern interpretations.The appearance of Citati’s book is a significant event for Italian historiography of Russian philosophy. First, it provides a systematic study of main Gumilev’s ideas, problems and methodological issues. Second, it allows to overcome and redefine stereotypes around Euroasianism in western studies. As a result, Citati’s work offers a solid background for the dialogue between Russian and Italian historians of Russian philosophy.
- Italian historiography of Russian philosophy // Russian Philosophy Abroad: History and Modernity / Edited by Mikhail A. Maslin. Moscow: KNORUS Press, 2017. Pages 141–163 (in Russian)
- Russian philosophical and religious thought in Italy // The Philosophy Journal. 2016. Vol. 9, no 3. Pages 154–161. DOI 10.21146/2072-0726-2016-9-3-154
This is a critical assessment of two book-length studies of the two major figures in the history of Russian philosophy, written by prominent Italian scholars Piero Coda and Natalino Valentini and now appearing in Russian translation in the “Religious thinkers” series published by St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute. Both monographs adopt the theologically tinged approach typical of the Italian scholarship on Russian philosophy, with its characteristic avowal of inseparability of reason from faith and demand for ecumenical dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox religious thinking. The works here reviewed bear ample evidence of the way Russian Philosophy gets perceived within Italian historiographical school, one of the most advanced in Europe. The publication of the books by Coda and Valentini in Russian is all the more important given the fact that Italian writing on the subject still gets relatively little attention from the Russian academic community.
- Alexander Stoliarov: «I’ll be perfectly honest with you». Prof. A. Stoliarov interviewed by Olga Kusenko // History of Philosophy Yearbook [Istoriko-Filosofskij ezhegodnik]. 2016. T. 2016. Pages 228–248. (In Russian) DOI: 10.21267/AQUILO.2018.2017.9382
This conversation with Alexander Arnoldovich Stoliarov ‒ an eminent scholar, the leading expert in the Stoic philosophy and Patristic tradition ‒ took place in the summer 2017 as a part of RAS Institute of Philosophy project “Pages of History”. In the interview Prof. Stoliarov talks about his student years in Lomonosov Moscow State University, the faculty of history and its professors, the department of Ancient History, bookstores and samizdat, perception of classical music, “Okhotnik” [Hunter] cafe menu, a tour to Solovki, his working as a secretary in A.F. Losevʼs (an outstanding Russian philosopher of the 20th century) home-office, the “blank spot” in Stoicism, his thesis defense, Volkhonka 14, weird soviet “traditions”, friends of his youth, colleagues and many other things. People and situations mentioned here comprise the collective intellectual biography of the 1970s‒1980s generation of young Soviet scholars and introduce the reader to this interesting period of the Soviet history. Interview conducted by Olga Kusenko.
- Natalino Valentini. The dialogue between life and thought / Transl. by O. Kusenko // Bulletin of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities. 2015. №2 (16). Pages 106–117 (in Russian)
The article by the Italian scholar Natalino Valentini, which is published here in Russian, provides a general outline of the vast legacy of P.A. Florensky. Florensky’s “Dialectics” manuscript is regarded by the researcher as the hub of ideas which the philosopher developed throughout his life, and also as the theoretical framework established by P. Florensky for his philosophy of Symbol, which leads to total integral knowledge.
- Russian philosophy in Italy. Historiographical essay // Bulletin of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series 'Philosophy'. 2014. №3. Pages 75–87 (in Russian)
The article presents one of the most developed in Europe of national schools of the Russian thought, namely, the Italian historiography of Russian philosophy. Considers its most important trends, personalities and their activities.
- Italian historiography of russian philosophy: history, current state and future perspectives // The Bulletin of Vyatka State Humanities University. 2014. № 2. Pages 24–29 (in Russian)
Participation at conferences |
- Italian trecento: from a theoretical seminar to a scientific journey. St. Petersburg school of medieval studies on the eve of the Russian Revolution // Panel "Russia and Europe in the late 19th – the first half of the 20th centuries: intellectual and religious dialogue through concepts, representations, and personalities" / European Academy of Religion Annual Conference 2022: Religion and Diversity, Bologna, Italy, 23 June 2022 (in English)
- Two concepts of italian Renaissance. V.N. Zabughin and A.F. Losev // Conference "West-East-Russia: philosophical comparisons", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 1 November, 2018.
- Il centenario degli studi italiani di filosofia // Firenze e la Russia: legami culturali e riflessioni filosofiche. Ciclo di lezioni e tavola rotonda, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 15 November 2017.
- Modern italian studies of Russian thought, on Philosophy in the XXI century: new strategies of philosophical research // Conference at Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2016;
- Key historical stages of italian historiography of russian philosophy // XXIII Conference “Lomonosov–2016”, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2016.
- E-mail: isafi137@gmail.com
Web page in Russian