Nelly Vasilievna Motroshilova, Professor, Chief Research Fellow of the Department of the History of Western Philosophy.
Date and Place of Birth
Born February 21, 1934 in Kharkov region (Ukrainian SSR, USSR).
Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, in 1956.
Academic Degrees
- PhD in Philosophy (1963). PhD Thesis: «Criticism of idealistic theories of activity of the subject (on the example of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and sociology of knowledge)» (Institute of Philosopy, The USSR Academy of Sciences).
- DSc in Philosophy (1970). DSc Thesis: «On a problem of social conditionality of knowledge (from a history of philosophy XVII–XVIII centuries)» (Institute of Philosopy, The USSR Academy of Sciences).
Titles |
Professor (1975) |
Fields of Research
- Classical German Philosophy;
- Phenomenology;
- Theoretical and Methodological Problems of the History of Philosophy;
- Interaction of Russian Thought with the Philosophy of the West.
Professional Appointments |
- Chief Research Fellow of the Department of the History of Western Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy;
- Head of the Department of the History of Western Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy (1986–2013);
- Head of the Branch for the Study of the History of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy (1986–2013);
- Chief Reserch Fellow (Leading, Senior, Junior), Institute of Philosophy, RAS (1962–1986).
Professional Activities |
- A chairman of the Specialized Dissertation Council for defending Candidate (PhD) and Doctorate (DSc) theses in the history of philosophy;
- Member of the Academic Council, Institute of Philosophy, RAS;
- «History of Philosophy Yearbook» [Istoriko-filosofskij ezhegodnik] (Moscow, Russia).
Editorial-board member:
- «Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie» (Berlin, Germany);
- «Studia Spinozana» (Würzburg, Germany);
- «Hegel Bulletin» (=«Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain») (Great Britain);
- «Arhe: časopis za filozofiju» / «Arche: Journal of Philosophy» (Novi Sad, Serbia);
- «Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju» / «Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy» (Zagreb, Croatia);
- «Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija» / «Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication» (Vilnius, Lithuania).
- «The Questions of Philosophy» [Voprosu philosophii] (journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia),
- «Philosophical Journal» (journal of the Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow, Russia);
- «Annual for Phenomenological Philosophy» (journal of the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia).
List of Publications
- Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt: Being, Time, Love [Martin Khaidegger i Khanna Arendt: Bytie-Vremja-Ljubov']. Moscow: Academical Project Publ., 2013. – 526 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN 978-5-8291-1457-2 (in Russian)
The book is addressed to the professional philosophers as well as for the broader public, which is interested in the acute social problems of the contemporary philosophy, analyzed in a context of turbulent social-historical development of 20th century. The analysis is based on the big amount of historical, philosophical materials, including new and brand new, published in the 21th century. The philosophical works of Martin Heidegger and the theoretical books of Hannah Arendt were analyzed in the light of the conditioning of history and the intrinsic impulses of philosophy. The objective interrelationship of ideas of both thinkers is located in the focus of this book.
- Russian Philosophy in the 50–80s years of 20th Century and Western Thought [Otechestvennaja filosofija 50–80-kh godov XX veka i zapadnaja mysl']. Moscow: Academical Project Publ., 2012. – 376 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-8291-1397-1 (in Russian)
The monograph of Nelly V. Motroshilova is among the first attempts to reflect the role of philosophers in Soviet and Post-Soviet society. The key texts on history of philosophy written by the monograph’s author are connected by the theory of the place of philosophy and philosophers of developing historically society. The core of the theory contains three main principals. The first principal consists in the concept of acting idea; the second one, according to N.V.Motroshilova, is “the personal principal”; finally, the third principal is telling about the difference between three levels of the society’s development, that is to say civilization, epoch, and historical situation. The writer in turn applies this approach also to the present book.
- Civilization and Barbarism in an Epoch of Global Crises [Tsivilizatsiia i Varvarstvo v Epokhu Global'nykh Krizisov]. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia Publ., 2010. – 480 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-1597 (in Russian)
This monograph analyzes the concepts of civilization and barbarism in an epoch of global crises. The author distinguishes the concepts of culture and civilization and also shows the specific civilizational features of several countries in the epoch of globalization.
- Thinkers of Russia and Philosophy of the West: V. Solov'ev, N. Berdiaev, S. Frank, L. Shestov [Mysliteli Rossii i Filosofiia Zapada]. Moscow: Respublika; Cultural Revolution Publ., 2007. – 477 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 525001898X (in Russian)
Nelly Motroshilova analyzes concepts by Russian philosophers Vladimir Solov'ev, Nikolai Berdiaev, Simon Frank, and Leo Shestov, and compares them with Western philosophical theories. The author concludes that despite many specific views of Russian philosophers, the Russian philosophy of that period developed as an integrated part of world philosophy, and worked in the same philosophical paradigms.
- Merab Mamardashvili: Philosophical Speculations and Personal Experience [Merab Mamardashvili. Filosofskie razmyshlenija i lichnostnyj opyt]. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia Publ., 2007. – 320 pages. – Hardcover. (in Russian)
- Edmund Husserl's Ideen I as an Introduction to Phenomenology [Idei I Edmunda Husserlja kak vvedenie v fenomenologiju]. Moscow: Phenomenology&Hermeneutics Publ., 2003. – 716 pages. – Hardcover. (in Russian)
- Hegel's Path to the "Science of Logic". The Formation of the Systematic and Historicist Principles [Put' Gegel'ja k "Nauke logiki". Formirovanie printsipov sistemnosti i istorizma]. Moscow, Nauka Press, 1984. – Hardcover. – (in Russian).
- Social Nature of Cognition. Theoretical Premises and and Issues [Sotsial'naja priroda poznanija. Teoreticheskie predposylki i problemy]. Moscow, Nauka Press, 1979. – Hardcover. – (in Russian)
- Truth and the Sociohistorical Process of Cognition [Istina i Sotsial'no-istoricheskij protsess poznanija]. Moscow, Nauka Press, 1977. (in Russian)
Collective projects (Editor in Chief)
- History of Philosophy: West–Russia–Oriens. Undergraduate textbook: In 4 volumes / Executive editor: Nelly Motroshilova. Revised edition. Moscow: Academical Project, 2012. (in Russian)
Vol. 1. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Vol. 2. Philosophy from the 15th to 19th centuries. Vol. 3. 19th- and 20th-century Philosophy. Vol. 4. 20th-century Philosophy.
The textbook represents in unity an integrate narrative of the most essential achievements in Western, Oriental, and Russian philosophy over the period from Antiquity till the present days, taking into account their specific features. It includes four volumes: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (volume 1), Philosophy from the 15th to 19th centuries (volume 2), 19th- and 20th-century Philosophy (volume 3), 20th-century Philosophy (volume 4).
Philosophy of different countries and periods is given as the most crucial integrated component of civilizational development, spiritual life of humanity. The unity of two elements – history of philosophy as the process of the spirit’s development on the one hand, and history of civilizations as the process of social and cultural development on the other hand, – is clearly underlined in the book. Another particular characteristic of the textbook is demonstration of the unremoved antinomy of the historical and philosophical process. It consists in challenging contradiction between inimitable uniqueness of the products generated by this process, namely between its concretely historical, local, national, personal, and individual forms, and steady transformation of the process into the procedure of different traditions’ interaction, that together are the unity of World philosophy.
- «Phänomenologie des Geistes» by Hegel in the Context of Hegel's Study Today /Edited by Nelly Motroschilova. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2010. – 672 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-154-6 (in Russian)
- Kant in Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute /Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilowa und Norbert Hinske. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-holzboog, 2008. – 208 Seiten. – ISBN: 978-3-7728-2448-7
This volume is the first one ever to give German scholars a representative impression of Russian reserch on Kant. It contains revised versions of the most important Russian contributions to the International Kant Conference held in Moscow in May 2004. The collection dicloses the riches of a whole realm of Kant scholarship which usually remains unaccessible not just to the German reader.
Reviews on this book:
Stefan Groß. Rez.: Nelly Motroschilowa / Norbert Hinske (Hrsg.), Kant im Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute, Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung (FMDA), hrsg. von Norbert Hinske, Lothar Kreimendahl und Clemens Schwaiger, Bd. 20. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt, 2008. – 208 Seiten. // Tabula Rasa. Die Kulturzeitung aus Mitteldeutschland. No 40. 06.2009.
André Stanguennec. Review: Kant im Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute (Forschungen und Materialen zur seutschen Aufklaerung [FMDA], Bd. 20 by Nelly Motroschilowa, Norbert Hinske // Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger. T. 199, No. 4, L'HOMME ET LA NATURE (OCTOBRE-DÉCEMBRE 2009). P. 538–539.
- Immanuel Kant: Heritage and Project /Edited by Nelly Motroschilova and Vjatcheslav Stepin. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2007. – 624 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-192-0 (in Russian)
- Immanuel Kant. Works in Russian and German languages: In 5 Vols. / Immanuel Kant. Werke. Zweisprachige deutsch-russische Ausgabe. Bd. 1–5 / Edited by Nelly Motroshilova and Burkhard Tuschling. Μoscow: Kami; Nauka, 1994–2014.
- Bd. 1. Abhandlungen und Aufsätze 1784-1796. Moskau, 1994.
- Bd. 2.1. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. B. Moskau, 2006.
- Bd. 2.2. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. A. Moskau, 2006.
- Bd. 3. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Moskau, 1997.
- Bd. 4. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft. Moskau, 2001.
- Simon L. Frank. Werke in acht Bänden / Herausgegeben von Peter Schulz, Peter Ehlen SJ, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Leonid Luks. Bd. 1. Der Gegenstand des Wissens. Grundlagen und Grenzen der begrifflichen Erkenntnis / Mit einer Einführung der Herausgeber und einem Vorwort von Nelly Motrošilova. Freiburg; München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2000.
- Zum Freiheitsverständnis des Kantischen und nachkantischen Idealismus. Neuere Arbeiten russischer Autoren / Hrsg. von Nelli Motroshilowa. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1998.
Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Arbeiten russischer Autoren gehen alle der Frage nach, was Kant und/oder Hegel zu einem Freiheitsverständnis beitragen können, das es in Rußland nach dem Zusammenbruch des sowjetischen Gesellschaftssystems zu entwickeln gilt. In der Varietät ihrer Sichtweisen manifestieren sie, daß diese Frage nicht nur viele Facetten hat und je nach Präferenzen des einen oder anderen Autors mit verschiedenen Kontexten westeuropäischer Philosophie verbunden werden kann, sondern auch je nach Einstellung zur Geschichte Rußlands auf ganz unterschiedliche, ja entgegengesetzte Weise beantwortet sein will.
- Immortality of Descartes' Philosophical Ideas. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1997. (in Russian)
- Philosophy of Martin Heidegger in Modern Times. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. (in Russian)
- Studien zur Geschichte der westliche Philosophie. Elf Arbeiten jüngerer sowjetischer Autoren / Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilova. Frankfurt am Mein: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1986.
by Nelly V. Motroshilova
Contemporary Corrections to the Understanding of Theories of Dialogues and Their Implementation in the “Lifeworld” (Experience of Sociology of Knowledge). Parts I‒II // Filosofskije nauki. 2017. № 2‒3. Pages 35‒49; 23‒37. (in Russian)
- (I) This article is devoted to the problems of the content and history of the “classical” theories of dialogue - from the point of view of the sociology of knowledge. The problems under consideration are as follows: the social conditions and structures that helped to the theories of dialogues to emerge, survive and develop (despite of all the obstacles in the forms of prohibitions and supervisions) - such as the existance and a dialogue of small informal groups of scientific communication which were a result of unevitable scientific specialisation.
- (II) The article considers the immanent critical ideas and theories of dialogs (M. Gasparov, Yu. Lotman) as well as the special literature of the last decades(N. Avtonomova, V. Makhlin). It also critically considers a praxis of the contemporary talk-shows with the participation of ideologically oriented experts.
The Philosophers of Institute of Philosophy of RAS in the Public Space / Discussion on the Project "Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works" (participants: Bykova Marina F., Guseynov Abdusalam A., Lektorsky Vladislav A., Motroshiilova Nelly V., Sineokaya Julia V., Smirnov Andrey V., Soloviev Erikh J., Stepanyants Marietta T. // Voprosy Filosofii. 2017. № 7. Pages 109‒146 (N.V. Motroshilova: pages 127‒132). (in Russian)
- Nelly V. Motroshilova reflects the joint project of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Dostoyevsky Library “Anatomy of Philosophy:How the Text Works” firstly as a successful cooperation of two institutional spheres of culture - the representatives of academic philosophy and Moscow Dostoevsky library; secondly as a presentation of the best achievements of concrete academic's investigations - in the form appropriated for broad public; thirdly as a philosophical analysis of the most brilliant texts of human culture including the leading representatives of classical Russian literature (Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev).
Kant: the meaning of the terms "appearance" and "phenomenon" // Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy–2: Kant’s appearance, Kant’s appearance, its ontological and epistemic status. Proceedings of the International Workshop «Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy», National Research University Higher School of Economics / Edited by S.L. Katrechko. Moscow, 2017. Pages 12–15. (in Russian)
- The main goal of this paper, as well as my works published at the begin of XXI century - to overcome the confusions in the understanding and interpretation of central categories of Kants philosophy, namely “Erscheinung” (appearance) and “Phänomenon”.
Why it is absolutely necessary and how it is possible preliminary textual work on the basic concepts of Kant's "Critique of the pure reason" // Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy–2: Kant’s appearance, Kant’s appearance, its ontological and epistemic status. Proceedings of the International Workshop «Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy», National Research University Higher School of Economics/ Edited by S.L. Katrechko. Moscow, 2017. Pages 68–73. (in Russian)
- The authors purpose is to demonstrate, that a tendency to replace the absolute necessity (for the Kant's specialist) professional work on Kant's originals - by the usage of English translations - is connected with many negative results, such as the inadequacy of the understanding and the explication of central, the elimination of the differences - by Kant differentiated - concepts, (such as “der Gegenstand”, “Ding”, “das Object”). In the supplement there is a copy of the german text where the concepts, differentiated by Kant, [CPR, A 128-130] I marked with different colors.
Nietzsche’s Prophetic Philosophy and Сontemporaneity // Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and Prospects / Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya and Ekaterina A. Poljakova. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2017. Pages 700–713.
H. Vaihinger and Early Husserl: An Attampt of a Somewhat Uncommon Comparison // Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, 2016, Vol. 5. Issue 2. Pages 290‒307. (in Russian)
- This article is conceived as a rather unusual comparison of the two ways in philosophy, as well as of the same ideas of H. Vaihinger, on the one one hand, and of early E. Husserl, on the other hand in the period, when they were the colleagues at Halle University to the end of XIX-th century. The analysis, given in this article, is concentrated on the special problems as follows: the early “objective” juxtaposition to the end XIX-th century of the naturalism, positivism, pragmatism as represented by H. Vaihinger and of the anti-naturalistic orientation of early Husserl; theH. Vaihinger’s “Die Philosophie des Als Ob” and some ideas of Husserl (“Logische Untersuchungen”) about so called “the laws of nature” as “idealized fictions”. Special attention in the work ofH. Vaihinger also deserves his important historical and philosophical investigations. This is, for example, his comments to Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason”. It must be said that the philosophy ofH. Vaihinger still very poor explored, as well as the works of early Husserl. The author intends to shed light on this poorly explored subject.
Actuality of N. Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Spirit in Its Correlation with Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit // History of Philosophy Yearbook 2016. Moscow, Aquilo Press, 2016. P. 296–315. (in Russian)
Actuality of N. Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Spirit in Its Correlation with Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit In this article the following themes and problems are under consideration: the main aspects of the theoretical synthesis, which Berdyaev had accomplished in his philosophy of spirit; the transhistorical character and the theoretical significance of his philosophy of spirit; the Berdyaev’s “dialogue” with Hegel’s philosophy of spirit (in Berdyaev’s book “Spirit and Reality”, 1937); the emphasis on a liberty as a central value both Hegelian and Berdyaev’s philosophy of spirit. The author is analyzing also the Berdyaev’s critical interpretation of the problem “spirit and reality” in Hegelian “Philosophy of spirit» from other important points of views such as: the spirit as logos – according to Hegel’s and Berdyaev’s philosophy; a negative parts of their philosophy of spirit (a spirit as essence which is contradicting to the principles of determinism; the Berdyaev’s idea about the contradiction between spirit and consciousness). The author is discovering the innovative sites of Hegelian interpretation of spirit, as well as the originality of understanding of spirit in Berdyaev’s philosophical theories.
Hegel and Schelling on Bruno: two philosophical portraits set against the scenery of the age and eternity // Philosophy Journal (Filosofskii zhurnal). 2016. T. 9. №2. P. 177–190. (in Russian)
- The two philosophical images of Giordano Bruno as a ‘heroic character’ and the corresponding representations of his ideas about ‘the life of the whole’ created, respectively, by Hegel (in his lectures on the History of Philosophy) and by Schelling (in the dialogue Bruno), are brought into consideration in their paradigmatic significance for the history of contemporary philosophy. The central point in Hegel’s understanding of Bruno’s role in the history of philosophy is the idea of an affinity between Bruno’s personality and the philosophical principle of ‘absolutely universal unity of all things’ avowed in his writings. The dialogue Bruno is considered here as one of the important waymarks of Schelling’s early philosophical development which attains a transhistorical paradigmatic significance for all philosophers striving after ultimate unity of world and thought, ‘matter’ and ‘form’, nature and human being.
History of Philosophy: Articles, their Role in Science and in Public Space // History of Philosophy in the form of an article / Edited by Julia Sineokaya. Moscow: Kulturnaya revolutsiya, 2016. P. 35–70. (in Russian)
- Defending first of all the thesis about the precedence and continued importance of the best philosophical books, both for the history of culture and for culture on the whole, the author dedicates this publication to the philosophical and historical analysis of some articles written by the great philosophers of the past centuries (for example, Kant’s article on Aufklärung, Hegel’s early miniature Wer denkt abstract?) and to some famous philosophical articles published in our country in the 20th century, in so called «Soviet time» (the analysed articles are written by the three authors – M.Mamardashvili, E.Solovyev and V.Shvyrev; the publication of R.Guardini's text in Voprosi Filosofii with a complementary article by P.Gaydenko). In his analysis of some outstanding articles (as the objects of «case studies»), the author especially focuses on the problems of how the masterpieces of such genre appear in the «public space of the world» and on the reverse transhistorical influence of the best philosophical articles on philosophy, culture and the «life-world» (Lebenswelt).
Motrošilova Nellija V. Huserla. “Loģiskie pētījumi” un mūsdienīgums // Phenomenology worldwide. Riga: Institute of philosophy and sociology, University of Latvia, 2016. P. 55‒109.
Klemme, Heiner F. Minority as Program. Experience of a Reasoning on Heidegger and his Critic Modern Times / Translated into Russian by Nelly Motroshilova // Problems of Philosopy [Voprosy Filosofii]. 2016. Vol. 7. (in Russian).
Self-Reflection and Self-Criticism: E. Husserl’s "Afterword to Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology..." // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2015. Т. 52. № 4. P. 17‒34. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2014.1030323
- This is a slightly abbreviated chapter from the author's book Idei I Edmunda Gusserlia kak vvedenie v fenomenologiiu (Moscow: Phenomenology & Hermeneutics, 2003), which analyzes key notions and concepts of Husserl's transcendental phenomenology. This chapter focuses on Husserl's less-known texts, such as his “Afterword” to Ideas I (1930) and some unpublished manuscripts, in which the founder of phenomenology clarifies and further develops his position.
Hannah Arend’s interpretation of the realms of being-together with-others (in comparison to Heidegger’s teaching) // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2015. Т. 52. № 4. Pages 35‒44. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2014.1030324
- This is an excerpt from the author's recent book, Martin Khaidegger i Khanna Arendt: Bytie, Vremia, Liubov' [Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt: Being–Time–Love] (Moscow, 2013) that, among other topics, discusses Hannah Arendt's theory of Being, comparing it with the theory of Being formulated by her teacher and one-time lover, Martin Heidegger. The main focus of this chapter is Arendt's concept of Being-Together-with-Others, which reveals the topicality of her (social) philosophy.
Jürgen Habermas on the crisis of the european union and the concept of solidarity (2011‒2013) // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2015. Т. 52. № 4. Pages 45‒69. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2014.1030325
- The article examines both theoretical and practical problems investigated by Jürgen Habermas in connection with the recent (2011–13) history and crisis of the European Union. The author combines her personal impressions with the theoretical analysis of Habermas's recent lectures and publications to demonstrate how philosophical thought, ideas, and concepts (here with the focus on the new interpretation of the philosophical notion of “solidarity”) become answers to the challenges of contemporary civilization.
On Heidegger’s Blake Notebooks: or, Why has the publication of volumes 94-96 of Martin Heidegger’s collected works caused a sensation? // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2015. Т. 52. № 4. Pages 70‒86. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2014.1030326
- This is an abbreviated version of an article that discusses the recent publication of the latest volumes of Martin Heidegger's Collected Works (Gesamtausgabe), which reveal his infamous Schwarze Hefte (the Black Notebooks).** The Schwarze Hefte that came out in March 2014 comprise volumes 94–96 (edited by Peter Trawny) of the Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe published by Vittorio Klostermann Verlag. Their overall title is Überlegungen, which could be rendered as Considerations or Reflections. Vol. 94 contains notebooks II–VI, from 1931 to 1938; vol. 95 contains notebooks VII–XI, from 1938 to 1939; and vol. 96 contains notebooks XII–XV, from 1939 to 1941. Notebook I was apparently lost.—Ed.View all notes The author examines what makes this publication so sensational and touches on the role and place of the notebooks in the development of Heidegger's philosophy.
The Civilizational Approach to Modernization in Contemporary China // Civilization and Modernization. Edited by Chuanqi He, Nikolay Lapin. USA, World Scientific, 2015.
Supplement to the study of Martin Heidegger’s “Black Notes”: on the reform of university // Elmi əsərlər, Scientific works. 2014. №2 (23). Pages 93‒105.
Jürgen Habermas on the European Union crisis and the concept of "solidarity" (2011–2013) // Problems of Philosophy [Voprosy Filosofii]. 2013. No.10. P. 22–38. (in Russian)
- The article is concentrated upon the theoretical as well the practical problems, which in connection with the recent (2011–2013) history of EU, with its crisis, were and are raised, investigated by J. Habermas. The author of his article is combining the personal impressions and the theoretical analysis, connected with the lectures and publications of German social philosopher in order to demonstrate how the philosophical thought develops its ideas and concepts (here with accents on the philosophical content of the renewed concept of "solidarity"), which become the answers to the challenges of contemporary civilization.
The new actuality of the Rousseau's ideas about "le contrat social" // History of Philosophy Yearbook 2012. Moscow, Kanon Plus, 2013. P. 177–190. (in Russian)
- The article is focuses on Rousseau's attitude to the problem of "le contrat/pacte social" – in order to demonstrate, on the one hand, the concrete historical sense and significance of this theory, the special accents, the varying forms of it in the Rousseau's case; and on the other hand, the contemporary actuality not only of his well known general ideas, but also of his underestimated distinctions, which have the theoretical as well as practical significance. For instance it is the difference between "le contrat/pacte social" (which is understood as the fundamental pacte) and the planty of "les conventions" (concrete agreements). Through analizing the Rousseau's text (in French original comparised with Russian translations) the author argues, that we need the new way to (re)read and to anderstand the legacy of this philosopher and writer in the light of the challenges of the contemporary history.
G.Kantor and E.Husserl: Interrelationship of their Ideas // Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology. 2013. № 2(1). P. 7–27. (in Russian)
- The article deals with the scientific interrelationship between the great mathematician Georg Kantor and the young mathematician-philosopher Edmund Husserl. Their cooperation started during their stay in Halle and their work at Halle University. It was at this time that Kantor’s set theory and Husserl’s phenomenology were being formed. Such fundamental concepts as those of set, unity and manifold, whole and aggregate, number etc. were explored both by Kantor, a well-known mathematician and by Husserl, who was then a beginning philosopher, the author of the «Philosophy of arithmetic» and the «Logical investigations». The article offers a somewhat unorthodox view, demonstrating how deeply and strongly Husserl’s philosophical search was related to the history of mathematics, logic and exact sciences in general. It is also demonstrated that the philosophical dimension of Kantor’s work is not cancelled with the «antimetaphysical» turn in mathematics and natural sciences in the 20th century, for it constitutes an answer (adequate to his time) to today’s and tomorrow’s theoretical needs of the science.
Synoptic View of the Work of Vladislav Lektorsky: The Synthesis of Gnoseology with the Sociocultural Study of Knowledge, Cognition, and Consciousness // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Summer 2013. Vol. 52. No. 1. P. 10–39. (in English)
- The author reviews and discusses the contributions made by V. Lektorsky to philosophy, and especially to epistemology, in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.
Kants «Metaphysik der Sitten» im Kontext der russischen Kant-Rezeption und Übersetzungen// Philosophische Schriften. Bd. 79. 2013: Kants «Metaphysik der Sitten» in der Diskussion. Hrsg. von Werner Euler und Burkhard Tuschling. S. 11–19. (in German)
- Dieser Band fasst in Einzelbeiträgen die Ergebnisse eines Arbeitsgespräches an der Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel zusammen, zu dem die Herausgeber im Jahr 2009 Kant-Experten aus Deutschland, Russland und den USA eingeladen haben. Das Ergebnis der Textinterpretation und Diskussion, die der Band widerspiegelt, enthält zum einen Antworten auf editionsrelevante Fragestellungen, zum anderen Klärungen grundlegender Verständnisfragen zum Inhalt und zur Systematik der Metaphysik der Sitten als eines Ganzen und ihrer beiden Teile, Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre und Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre.
Edmund Husserl on "pure geometry": a new type of historical understanding of science // Annual for Phenomenological Philosophy. [III]. Moscow: Russian State University for Humanities, 2013. P. 131–171. (in Russian)
1989-2010 (in English and German, selected)
- On Merab Mamardashvili's Dialogue with Jean-Paul Sartre // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2010. Vol. 49. Issue 1 (Summer). P. 74–95.
- Barbarity as the Reverse Side of Civilization // Diogenes. 2009. Vol. 56. Issues 2–3. P. 72–83.
- An Establishment Like the Institute of Philosophy Is Unique // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 48. Issue 1 (Summer). P. 68–82.
- We Need to Elaborate More Boldly the Civilizational Aspects of Democracy // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2009. Vol. 47. Issue 4 (Spring). P. 33–44.
- Phänomen, Erscheinung, Gestalt – terminologische und inhaltliche Probleme von Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes in ihrem Bezug zur Philosophie Kants // Phänomen und Analyse. Grundbegriffe der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts in Erinnerung an Hegels «Phänomenologie des Geistes» (1807). Würzburg: Koenigshausen&Neumann, 2008. S. 107–134.
- Kants Konzept des «ewigen Friedens» und des Staatenbundes: seine aktuelle Bedeutung // Kant in Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute / Hrsg. von Nelly Motroschilowa und Norbert Hinske. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-holzboog, 2008. S. 105–125.
- Kritik des 20. Jahrhunderts am ontologischen Projekt Christian Wolffs // Christian Wolff und die europäische Aufklärung. Akten des 1. Internationalen Christian-Wolff-Kongresses, Halle (Saale), 4-8. April 2004. Teil 2 / Hrsg. von Jürgen Stolzenberg und Oliver-Pierre Rudolph. Hildesheim; Zürich; New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2007. S. 311–318.
- Paradoxien der Freiheit in der Philosophie Kants: Ihre aktuelle Bedeutung // Kant zwischen West und Ost / Kant mezdu Zapadom i Vostokom. Proceedings of International Conference. I. Kaliningrad, 2005. S. 24–38.
- The paradoxy of freedom in Kant's philosophy: actual meaning // History of Philosophy Yearbook'2004. Moscow: Nauka, 2005 (in Russian)
- Ideas for a united Europe: philosophical traditions and modernity. Parts 1–2 // Social Sciences. 2005. T. 36. Issues 2–3. P. 3–21; 4–19.
- Kant in Rußland. Bemerkungen zur Kant-Rezeption und -Edition in Rußland anläßlich des Projektes einer deutsch-russischen Ausgabe ausgewaehlter Werke Immanuel Kants // Kant-Studien. 2000. Bd. 91. S. 73–95.
- Die Bedeutung von Semën Franks «Der Gegenstand des Wissens. Grundlagen und Grenzen der begriffligen Erkenntniss» // Simon L. Frank. Werke in acht Bänden / Herausgegeben von Peter Schulz, Peter Ehlen SJ, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Leonid Luks. Bd. 1. Der Gegenstand des Wissens. Grundlagen und Grenzen der begrifflichen Erkenntnis / Mit einer Einführung der Herausgeber und einem Vorwort von Nelly Motrošilova. Freiburg; München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2000. S. 55–72.
- The Principle of Systematicity in Hegel's Science of Logic // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 1999. Vol. 39. No. 1. P. 9–27.
- Jaspers und Heidegger: Das Herangehen an die Erziehungsproblematik // Jahrbuch der Österreichischen-Karl-Jaspers-Gesellschaft. 1994–1995. Bd. 7–8.
- Die neue Aktualität von Karl Jaspers' Begriffen «Grenzsituation» und «philosophischer Glaube» // Karl Jaspers. Zur Aktualität seines Denkens / Hrsg. Kurt Salamun. München; Zürich: Piper, 1991.
- The Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and the Natural Sciences – Juxtaposition or Cooperation? // Analecta Husserliana. 1991. Vol. 34. P. 139–149.
- Delineation and Analysis of Objectivities («Gegenständlichkeiten») in Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology (Based on «Logical Investigations», Volume II) // Analecta Husserliana. 1989. Vol. 27. P. 91–144.
Participation at Congresses and Conferences
- «Leo Shestov's Philosophy of Tragedy: Contemporary Meaning» // International Conference «Leo Shestov in the Modern Context. 150th Anniversary», RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, 15 September 2016.
2015 and earlier
- Presentation «Nietzsche’s Prophetic Philosophy and Сontemporaneity», under the project of the RAS Institute of Philosophy and the Fyodor Dostoevsky Library in Moscow «Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works», 10 December 2015.
- Roundtable meeting «Presentation of the new book by Nelly Motroshilova: Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt: Being, Time, Love. Moscow: Academical Project, 2013» at World Philosophy Day celebrations at the Sankt-Petersburg State University, Department of Philosophy, November 22–23, 2013.
- «About the first volume of the Philosophical Works by Semen Frank in German Edition («The Object of Knowledge»)» // at the XXIV Annual theological conference at Orthodox St. Tykhon University for Humanities (Moscow), November 8–9, 2013.
- «What is it – the civilization values, and whether the valuable agreement in society is possible?» // at the Roundtable meeting «Multiculturalism and Originality: in Search of Value Consensus in Society»; The Third Baku International Humanitarian Forum, October 31 – November 1, 2013 (Baku, Azerbaijan).
- «Paul Ricoeur: to a problem of judgment of history» // at the International scientific conference Wisdom of Philosophy: Creative Way of Paul Ricoeur (Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow), May 28–29, 2013.
- «Philosophy of David Hume through a prism of Kant's Criticism » // at the International Conference David Hume and Contemporary Philosophy (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow), November 15–17, 2011.
- «Hegel and Schelling on Giordano Bruno // at the International Conference Giordano Bruno in the Context of Russian and World Culture (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow), 28–30 September 28–30, 2010.
- «Getting free of the stereotypes of modernization and ontologisation in the history of philosophy » // at the Finnish-Russian Philosophy Symposium (Helsinki), June 14–15, 2010.
- «Ontologization and Personification of Abstract Philosophical Notions as a Stereotype in the History of Philosophy » // at the Roundtable meeting «Breaking Free from Stereotypes in the History of Philosophy» at the World Philosophy Day celebrations in Moscow, co-organized by UNESCO, the Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) in cooperation with the National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, November 16–19, 2009.
Organisation and coordination activity
- The Chairman of the Conference Program Committee, All-Russian Conference History of Philosophy: Challenges of the 21st century, Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow, November 2012.
- Coordinator of the Roundtable at the International Conference David Hume and Contemporary Philosophy (Institute of Philosophy, Moscow), November 15–17, 2011.
- The Moderator of the Round-table meeting Breaking Free from Stereotypes in the History of Philosophy, at the World Philosophy Day celebrations in Moscow, co-organized by UNESCO, the Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, 16–19 November 2009.
- Silver Medal «For Contribution in the Development of Philosophy» (2009);
- Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany: Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland «Bundesverdienstkreuz am Band» (2005);
- The Plekhanov Prize under the decision of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (1994).
- e-mail: motroshilova@yandex.ru
Web page in Russian
Мераб Мамардашвили: философские размышления и личностный опыт. М.: Канон+, 2007. – 320 с.