Date and place of birth
1956, Mozhaisk, Moscow region
Historical faculty of the Moscow State University, 1978.
DSc in History (2006, «Historical memory of the Russian peasantry in the XX-th century», Samara State University).
Associate Professor, 1997.
ResearcherID: V-1815-2018
Scopus Author ID: 6505610823
Scientific interests
Social history, historical anthropology, social philosophy
Professional activity
Scientific research (Leading Scientist).
Research projects
- Images of the past in culture and public consciousness of the Russians of the XX – beginning of XXI century. Socio-philosophical analysis, 2014-2016 (Russian Foundation for Humanities).
- The past performances of Russian peasants (through documents XX century), 2007-2009 (Russian Foundation for Humanities)
- Folk memory in Russia: an attempt of interpretation, 2002-2004 (Russian Foundation for Humanities).
- Social memory of the Russian peasantry in the XX Century, 1997-1999 (Russian Foundation for Humanities).
Selected publications
- The Stalinist era in the memory of the Russian peasantry. Moscow: Political encyclopedia, 2016. (History of Stalinism). 464 pages. ISBN 978-5-843-2031-2. Published with financial support of Russian Foundation for Humanities
- The twentieth century in the social memory of the Russian peasantry. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - 207 p.
Collective monographs:
- The stratification in agrarian economy and the Russian village (mid 80's - 90 years of the twentieth century). Ed. E.S.Stroev. Collective monograph. - M.: Kolos, 2001 (Chapter 2.2 and 2.3., In collaboration).
- The Problem of Land. Ed. E.S.Stroev. Moscow: Kolos, 1999 (Chapter 4, 9, co-authored),
- The Concept of Agrarian Policy of Russia in 1997-2000. Ed. ES Stroyev. - Moscow, 1997. P.80-89 (co-authored)
Selected articles:
- Memorial ways of "solar communism" (problems of memory and oblivion in A. Platonov's novel "Chevengur"), NOMOTHETIKA: Filosofiya. Sociologiya. Pravo, 2020, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 201-211. DOI: 10.18413/2712-746X-2020-44-2-201-211
- On the Verge of Centuries: A Philosophical Rethinking of I.S. Turgenev. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2019;62(3):150-159. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-3-150-159
- Imagining M. Gorky: touches to the Soviet myth of the "Stormy Petrel of the Revolution", Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2019, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 48-57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18287/2542-0445-2019-25-3-48-57
- Chekhov's pages of the magazine "Ogoniok", Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin, 2019, No. 6, pp. 208-212.
- Russian literary classics in identification representations of Soviet culture, Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Povolzhskij region. Gumanitarnye nauki, 2019, No. 3 (51), pp. 81-93.
- The image of Turgenev in Soviet culture // Russian Studies in Philosophy, vol. 56, no. 5, 2018.
- Russian literature on “rendez-vous” with Soviet culture: the case of I.S. Turgenev // Ivan Turgenev's clock. International Conference “Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Philosophical Writer and Political Philosopher. To the 200th anniversary of the birth". World Philosophy Day November 15, 2018. M .: Golos Publ., 2018. P. 209-231.
- Bolsheviks and peasantry in the years of NEP: mobilizing the memory of the revolution // News of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Humanitarian sciences. 2018. No. 3 (47). P. 43–53.
- Turgenev anniversaries in the culture of memory of the Soviet era // Philosophical Sciences. 2018. No. 7. P. 109-123.
- Maxim Gorky: portrait against the background of the Soviet era (according to the materials of the magazine “Оgonek”) // Yaroslavsky Pedagogical bulletin. 2018. No. 4. P. 276-280.
- Images of the past in the politics and culture of Soviet Russia // Modernization of culture: from cultural policy to the power of culture / Materials of IV International scientific-practical conference. Part 2. Samara: publishing house of SMRDAKY, 2016 (in collaboration with A. S. Nikolsky).
- The past in the space of Soviet culture and politics // Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin. 2016. No. 4. P. 266-271.
- Soviet commemorative culture as a dialogue with the past (on materials of magazine "Ogonek") // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: politics and culture: proceedings of 13-th all-Russian scientific conference (Moscow, may 26 - 2016, Yaroslavl, June 1-3, 2016). Yaroslavl: RIO AGPU, 2016. P. 107-121.
- Images of the past in the magazine "Ogonek" (1923-1991). //History, memory and identity: theoretical foundations and research practices / Materials of international scientific conference. M.: Akvilon, 2016. P. 199-202.
- The war with Finland through the eyes of Soviet citizens (according to the materials of private correspondence, November-December 1939) // History in details. 2015. No. 2 (56): Finnish war. P. 62 to 71.
- Railroad: portrait on the background of the era // History in details. 2015. No. 8 (62): the railroad. P. 74-83.
- The images of the "kulak" in people's memory // History in details. 2015. No. 3 (57): The "kulaks". P. 68-81.
- Speeches at the workshops "Modern concepts of agricultural development" // Modern peasant studies and agrarian history of Russia in the XX century / Under the editorship of V. V. Babashkin. M., 2015. P. 255-256, 400-401, 537-538, 728.
- "Lermontov item" and "Khrushchev thaw": the creative legacy of the poet in the context of the era // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: world outlook of Mikhail Lermontov. The 200th anniversary of the birth of the poet. Materials of 11-th all-Russia. Conf. (Moscow; Penza–Tarkhany, 2, 8-9 Oct. 2014) / Under the General editorship of S. A. Nikolsky. M., 2015. P. 89-102. (Grant RFH "images of the past in culture and public consciousness of the Russians of the XX – beginning of XXI century. Socio-philosophical analysis". 14-03-00192 "a")
- The past in people's memory: the problem of interpretation // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: historical memory of the people: proceedings of 12-th all-Russia. Conf. M.; Makhachkala: 2015. P. 198-211.(Grant RFH "Images of the past in culture and public consciousness of the Russians of the XX – beginning of XXI century. Socio-philosophical analysis". 14-03-00192 "a").
- The Soviet tax and duty system in the perception of rural residents (according to oral testimonies of the late 1980s–2000s) // Yearbook on agrarian history of Eastern Europe. 2014. Fiscal policy and tax and duty practices in the agrarian history of Russia of the XX–XXI centuries / Ed. by E. N. Svejkovsky. M.; Samara, 2015. No. 1. P. 431-439.
- Former peasant, between the rural past and urban present // Yearbook on agrarian history of Eastern Europe - 2013. M., 2014. P. 220-233.
- «... we would not go to kolkhoz": the memory of modern rural Russia of collectivization // Fenomen Rosji. Pamięć przeszłości i perspektywy rozwoju. Szęść 1. Kraków: Księgarnia akademicka, 2014. pp 15-25 (in Russian)
- The historical memory: the problem field of modern research // Problems of Philosophy of Culture. Issue 2. M .: IF RAS, 2014. pp 94-128.
Participation in international and national conferences
The report “Russian literature on “rendez-vous” with Soviet culture: the case of I.S. Turgenev” at the International Conference “Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev: philosophizing writer and political philosopher. On the 200th anniversary of the birth", dedicated to the celebration of World Philosophy Day (November 15, 2018)
Report "Rural Soviet and Post-Soviet Everyday Life in the Latest Studies" at the XXXVI session of the Symposium on Agrarian History of Eastern Europe (September 24-28, 2018, Bryansk)
Report "Maxim Gorky: portrait against the background of the Soviet era (based on the magazine "Ogonyok") "at the XV all-Russian conference of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with regions of Russia and international participation "Problems of Russian identity: Maxim Gorky and Russian province. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer (Prolegomena)". Moscow, Institute of philosophy RAS, may 31, 2018.
- Sectional report "Images of the past in the magazine "Ogoniok": search, overcome, gain, loss (1920-1950 years)". X international scientific conference "History of Stalinism: lessons of October and practice of the Soviet system. 1920-1950". 5-7 December 2017, Moscow, Russian state archive of social and political history.
- 13th All-Russia conference of the Institute of philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia, "Problems of Russian self-consciousness: politics and culture" (Moscow, 26 may - Yaroslavl, June 1-3, 2016). Report "Soviet commemorative culture as a dialogue with the past."
- International scientific conference "History, memory, identity: theoretical foundations and research practices". Moscow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, October 3-4, 2016.
- 12-th all-Russia conference of the Institute of philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia, "Problems of Russian self-consciousness: Problems of Russian identity: historical memory of the people" (Makhachkala, may 2016).
- II International interdisciplinary Eurasian Scientific Congress "Phenomenon of Russia: the memory of the past and prospects of development" (Krakow, Jagiellonian University, 29 -31 May 2014). Report " ... we would not go to kolkhoz": the memory of modern rural Russia of collectivization."
- XXXIV Session of the Scientific Symposium on the agrarian history of Eastern Europe, "Fiscal policy and fiscal practices in the agrarian history of Russia in XX-XXI centuries." (Samara, Samara State University, 23-26 September, 2014). Report "Soviet fiscal policy in the perception Russian peasants."
- XI All-Russian Conference of the Institute of of Philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia, "Problems of Russian consciousness: world outlook of Mikhail Lermontov ". Moscow - Penza - Tarkhany. 2, 8 - 9 October, 2014. Report "Lermontov anniversaries of mid XX-th century."
- Former peasant: between rural and urban real past. Report on the X Congress of ethnographers and anthropologists of Russia (Moscow, 2-5 July 2013).
- Section management and section paper on the XXXIII session of the symposium on the agrarian history of Eastern Europe (Bryansk, September 2012).
- Paper "Russian peasant world of XX century and his memory to the problem of cultural heritage" at the IX Congress of ethnologists and anthropologists of Russia (Petrozavodsk, 4-8 July 2011)
- Paper "Social and cultural changes in the Russian countryside (XX – the beginning of the XXI)" at the International Russian-Japanese scientific conference "History of the Russian peasantry in the XX century" (Tokyo, November 2011).
- Section paper "Stalinism in the memory of the Russian peasantry" at the International Conference "History of Stalinism, and the power of the peasantry" (Ekaterinburg, September 29-October 2, 2010)
- Paper "Power in the views and the memory of the peasantry of Russia" at the round table "The peasantry and power in the history of Russia in the XX." (Moscow, Institute of Sociology, November 12, 2010).
Scientific and organizational work
Scientific Secretary of the Institute of philosophy RAS project "Problems of Russian self-consciousness"
Е-mail: |
i.koznova@mail.ru |