Current projects
Recent projects
Collective project "Cultural self-consciousness: national and universal" (2017-2019)
It is supposed to investigate:
1. Philosophical discourse about the culture in a situation of global change and changing cultural values in the modern world. (As in the changing world changes the view of culture, its production and broadcast; what philosophy responds to contemporary cultural situations and what kind of world she can "work").
2. The evolution of the meanings and values of Russian identity in its distinctive and universal forms, in the aspects of tradition and innovation in religious discourse, in the formation of gender culture in shifting perceptions of the past, including in the consciousness of the intelligentsia. (What in the meanings and values of modern Russian culture is national and what is universal in nature and how these "parts" are interrelated; how the existing traditional and innovative norms and values influence gender culture and religious identity of the individual; in what ways and in what forms is the original and universal mythologizing in the last; what is the contribution of intellectuals in the contemporary cultural process).
3. Sacred character of Russian culture and anthropological discourses on the myth and the man, in its traditional form. (As possible, and that opens us to perceive the spiritual meanings of Russian history; what is before subjective consciousness and "communicative reason" (J. Habermas), historically prior to "theoretical reason" and abstracting thinking ability).
Collective project "Cultural identity in the world of multiculturalism" (2012 - 2016)
There are several possible angles of analysis of identity in today's global and competitive cultures: identity is represented through the prism of the philosophical ideas of culture; study of meanings and values of Russian philosophy is seen as the basis of national cultural identity; influential contemporary philosophical schools are seen as anticipating the new image of Western culture; emphasis on dialogue between cultures in the information society; problematics of identity associated with the study of gender; analyze the interaction of the Russian configuration memory and identity; Russian identity is interpreted in terms of the central paradigms of the classics, as well as in terms of the identification of intellectuals in modern Russia.
Collective project "World-outlook of the Russian peasant in the national philosophy and classical literature of XIX - XX centuries" (2007 - 2011)
The main results of the project are the following:
Russian philosophy and Russian classical literature is seen as a historically specific form of Russian world-outlook. The study of the worldview of the Russian peasant is adjacent to the problems of Russianworld-outlook. There has been made an attempt to give a systematic presentation of the contents, main ideas, meaning and value outlook of the Russian farmer (peasant and landlord). Description of the peasant's worldview is held by the main "blocks": conceptions of nature, family, religion, culture, morality, law, aesthetic views, etc. We prove that at least some portion of them has a fundamental nature, evolving in history.
Substantial reconstruction of the Russian outlook on the material of Russian philosophy and classical literature with regard to the outlook of the peasant lets us talk about it as a complex cultural phenomenon that is historically filled with new content. Initially, the major writers manifested and recorded predominantly globally universalistic features of the Russian worldview which have the status of generally philosophical. These include the notions of fate, thinking about life and death. The theme of the Russian man's consciousness as a personality becomes the main subject of the national literature and philosophy, and with the advent of cinema - as a visual-screen art.
- The program "Russia in a globalizing world"
- project "Problems of Russian self-consciousness" (2007). Project head S. A. Niсkolsky
- project "National Culture in the Age of Globalization" (2007). Project head V. M. Mezhuev
- project "Culture and Power: current challenges and Russian archetypes" (2008). Project head S. A. Nikolsky.
- The program "Historical and cultural heritage and spiritual values of Russia"
- project "Eternal and transient in the cultural heritage of Russia" (2009-2011). Project head S. A. Nikolsky, participants - V. M. Mezhuev, I. E.Koznova.
- The eternal and transient in Russia's cultural heritage / Ed. by S. A. Nikolsky. Moscow: IPH RAS, 2010. 151 p.
Relation to their own heritage, as opposed to a false notion of patriotism, can not be exclusively apologetic and, as a consequence, dogmatic. This ratio is selectively adjusted by the present and therefore critical in spirit. To answer the question about the electional inheritance, it is necessary, first, to analyze the overall composition of this heritage, including its component layers such as ethnic and national, pagan, orthodox and secular, Asian and European, rustic, noble and Raznochinniy. Secondly, you need to uncover meaningful and, if needed, to reconstruct something that retains its cultural significance and is waiting for its demand in modern Russia.