Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of Philosophy of Culture » Staff » Irina E. Koznova » Publications



  • The Stalinist era in the memory of the Russian peasantry. Moscow: Political encyclopedia, 2016. (History of Stalinism). 464 pages.  ISBN 978-5-843-2031-2. Published with financial support of Russian Foundation for Humanities 
  • The twentieth century in the social memory of the Russian peasantry. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. 207 p.

Collective monographs:

  • The stratification in agrarian economy and the Russian village (mid 80's - 90 years of the twentieth century). Ed. E.S.Stroev. Collective monograph. M.: Kolos, 2001 (Chapter 2.2 and 2.3., In collaboration).
  • The Problem of Land. Ed. E.S.Stroev. Moscow: Kolos, 1999 (Chapter 4, 9, co-authored),
  • The Concept of Agrarian Policy of Russia in 1997-2000. Ed. ES Stroyev. Moscow, 1997. P. 80-89 (co-authored)

Selected articles:





  • Memorial ways of "solar communism" (problems of memory and oblivion in A. Platonov's novel "Chevengur"), NOMOTHETIKAFilosofiya. Sociologiya. Pravo, 2020, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 201-211. DOI: 10.18413/2712-746X-2020-44-2-201-211




  • On the Verge of Centuries: A Philosophical Rethinking of I.S. Turgenev. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2019;62(3):150-159. (In Russ.)
  • Imagining M. Gorky: touches to the Soviet myth of the "Stormy Petrel of the Revolution", Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2019, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 48-57. DOI:
  • Chekhov's pages of the magazine "Ogoniok",  Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin, 2019, No. 6, pp. 208-212.
  • Russian literary classics in identification representations of Soviet culture, Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Povolzhskij region. Gumanitarnye nauki, 2019, No. 3 (51), pp. 81-93.



  • The image of Turgenev in Soviet culture // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 56. No. 5. 2018.
  • Russian literature on “rendez-vous” with Soviet culture: the case of I.S. Turgenev // Ivan Turgenev's clock. International Conference “Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Philosophical Writer and Political Philosopher. To the 200th anniversary of the birth". World Philosophy Day November 15, 2018. M .: Golos Publ., 2018. P. 209-231.
  • Bolsheviks and peasantry in the years of NEP: mobilizing the memory of the revolution // News of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Humanitarian sciences. 2018. No. 3 (47). P. 43–53.
  • Turgenev anniversaries in the culture of memory of the Soviet era // Philosophical Sciences. 2018. No. 7. P. 109-123.
  • Maxim Gorky: portrait against the background of the Soviet era (according to the materials of the magazine “Оgonek”) // Yaroslavsky Pedagogical bulletin. 2018. No. 4. P. 276-280.



  • The past in politics and culture of Soviet Russia // Bulletin of Slavic cultures. 2017. Vol. 43. P. 52-69. (co-authored by S. A. Nikolsky.)



  • Images of the past in the politics and culture of Soviet Russia // Modernization of culture: from cultural policy to the power of culture / Materials of IV International scientific-practical conference. Part 2. Samara: publishing house of SMRDAKY, 2016 (in collaboration with A. S. Nikolsky).
  • The past in the space of Soviet culture and politics // Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin. 2016. No. 4. P. 266-271.
  • Soviet commemorative culture as a dialogue with the past (on materials of magazine "Ogonek") // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: politics and culture: proceedings of 13-th all-Russian scientific conference (Moscow, may 26 - 2016, Yaroslavl, June 1-3, 2016). Yaroslavl: RIO AGPU, 2016. P. 107-121.
  • Images of the past in the magazine "Ogonek" (1923-1991). //History, memory and identity: theoretical foundations and research practices / Materials of international scientific conference. M.: Akvilon, 2016. P. 199-202. 




  • The war with Finland through the eyes of Soviet citizens (according to the materials of private correspondence, November-December 1939) // History in details. 2015. No. 2 (56): Finnish war. P. 62 to 71.
  • Railroad: portrait on the background of the era // History in details. 2015. No. 8 (62): the railroad. P. 74-83.
  • The images of the "kulak" in people's memory // History in details. 2015. No. 3 (57): The "kulaks". P. 68-81.
  • Speeches at the workshops "Modern concepts of agricultural development" // Modern peasant studies and agrarian history of Russia in the XX century / Under the editorship of V. V. Babashkin. M., 2015. P. 255-256, 400-401, 537-538, 728.
  • "Lermontov item" and "Khrushchev thaw": the creative legacy of the poet in the context of the era // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: world outlook of Mikhail Lermontov. The 200th anniversary of the birth of the poet. Materials of 11-th all-Russia. Conf. (Moscow; Penza–Tarkhany, 2, 8-9 Oct. 2014) / Under the General editorship of S. A. Nikolsky. M., 2015. P. 89-102. (Grant RFH "images of the past in culture and public consciousness of the Russians of the XX – beginning of XXI century. Socio-philosophical analysis". 14-03-00192 "a")
  • The past in people's memory: the problem of interpretation // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: historical memory of the people: proceedings of 12-th all-Russia. Conf. M.; Makhachkala: 2015. P. 198-211.(Grant RFH "Images of the past in culture and public consciousness of the Russians of the XX – beginning of XXI century. Socio-philosophical analysis". 14-03-00192 "a").
  • The Soviet tax and duty system in the perception of rural residents (according to oral testimonies of the late 1980s–2000s) // Yearbook on agrarian history of Eastern Europe. 2014. Fiscal policy and tax and duty practices in the agrarian history of Russia of the XX–XXI centuries / Ed.  by E. N. Svejkovsky. M.; Samara, 2015. No. 1. P. 431-439.


  • Former peasant, between the rural past and urban present // Yearbook on agrarian history of Eastern Europe - 2013. M., 2014. P. 220-233.
  •  «... we would not go to kolkhoz": the memory of modern rural Russia of collectivization  // Fenomen Rosji. Pamięć przeszłości i perspektywy rozwoju. Szęść 1. Kraków: Księgarnia akademicka, 2014. pp 15-25 (in Russian)
  • The historical memory: the problem field of modern research // Problems of Philosophy of Culture. Issue 2. M .: IF RAS, 2014. pp 94-128.



  • Peasant memory as the interaction of space and time // Proceedings of the Institute of peasantry research at the Southern Urals named by V.P. Danilov. Issue 4. Orenburg, 2013. Pp. 5-13.
  • Social memory of the Russian peasantry in the XX century // Between the eves. Historical research in Russia over the past 25 years. Moscow: AIRO -XXI, 2013. Pp. 379-396.
  • On the problem of memory in the works of M.M. Bakhtin // Bulletin of Syktyvkar State University. Humanities series. 2013 . Vol. 2. Pp. 91-99.
  • Spatial dimension of the peasant memory: a look at the XX Century // State Power and the Peasantry in the XIX - beginning of the XXI century : a collection of articles. Proceedings of the IV International scientific-practical conference. Kolomna, 2013. Pp. 439-443.



  • Historical changes in Russia and the transformation of peasant consciousness in the XX Century // XX century and rural Russia. Russian and Japanese researchers in the project "History of the Russian peasantry in the twentieth century." Issue 2. Ed. Hiroshi Okuda. Tokyo: CIRJE Research Report Series, SIRJE-R-9, 2012. Pp. 1-32.
  • Aside from the ground: the socio-cultural aspects of non-agricultural activities of the peasantry in the early twentieth century // The latest research of domestic and foreign historians: a collection of articles. No. 3. Penza - Saransk, 2012. Pp. 115 - 133.
  • Regional aspects of the socio-cultural processes in modern Russian village // Yearbook on the agrarian history of Eastern Europe. Typology and characteristics of agricultural development in Russia and Eastern Europe, X-XXI centuries. Materials of the XXXIII session of the symposium on the agrarian history of Eastern Europe. Bryansk, 2012. 



  • People. Power. The Past // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: the people, the intellectuals, the power: Proceedings of the 8th All-Russia. Conf. (Moscow-Ufa, 31 May - 2 June 2011). Ufa, 2011. Pp. 126-137.
  • Heritage of the serfdom era: the peasant look (on the documents of the beginning of XX century.) // State Power and the peasantry in the XIX - the beginning of XXI century. Kolomna, 2011. Pp. 155-159.
  • The images of the past in peasant memory (of the XX century) // Problems of the Russian and Social History. Samara, 2011. Pp. 58-65.
  • After decades of silence: the memory of the Russian village of collectivization (the oral testimonies of the late 1980's - 2000's.) // History in the details. 2011. № 10 (16). Pp. 86-93.
  • The concept of power in the memory of the peasant (on materials 1990-2000-ies.) // Peasants and power in the history of Russia in the XX century. M., 2011. S.213-223
  • Stalinism in memory of Russian peasants // History of Stalinism: the peasantry and power: Proceedings of the International. Scientific conference. (Ekaterinburg, Sept. 29-October 2. 2010). M., 2011. Pp. 395-402.
  • The agrarian revolution in the memory of the peasantry (on the documents of 1920-s.) // Actual problems of methodology of the national history. M., 2011. Pp. 90-120.



  • Stalinism and the memory of the Russian peasants // Aspects of the Russian world: culture, history, politics and economics. Tokyo: Institute of Russian Studies, Waseda University, 2010. Pp. 11, 79-92
  • History in the eyes of the inhabitant. World War II: a critical stage and the time lines in the memory of the Russian peasantry // Russia and Germany in the XX century. In three volumes. Volume 1: the seduction of power. Russian and Germans in the First and Second World Wars, ed. Charles Aymermahera, Gennady Bordyugov, Astrid Folpert. Moscow: AIRO-XXI, 2010. Pp. 635-674
  • Book Review: Russians of the Ryazan region. Executive Editor, SA Inikova In 2 vols. M.: "Indrik", 2009. V.1. - 616 p., Ill. , Volume 2 - 748 p., Ill. // Russian history. 2010. № 6. Pp. 188-190
  •  Heritage as a historical memory // Eternal and transient in the cultural heritage of Russia. Ed. by S.A.Nikolsky. M. IPH RAS, 2010. Pp. 133-150



  •  National self-consciousness as the interaction of memory and oblivion // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: an evolutionary formation and revolutionary break. Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian conference. M., 2009. P.55-65
  • The images of the past in the culture of modern Russia // Cultural Transformation in Russia. Social and philosophical analysis. M., 2009. Pp. 54-79
  • National identity as a subject of modern historiographical reflection // Philosophy and methodology of history. Proceedings of the III Scientific Conference. Kolomna, 2009. Pp. 44-51
  • Representations of Russian peasants of the past in the XX century.: Main areas of research // Actual problems of agrarian history of Eastern Europe: historiography, research methods and methodology, experience and perspective. Volume.2. Vologda Voronezh State Pedagogical University, 2009. Pp. 184-192
  • Present as the experience of the past // Reflection events in modern Russian history in the public consciousness and Russian literature (1985-2000). Proceedings of the conference on 27-28 October 2009. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2009. Pp. 142-157


  • Problems of the Russian self-consciousness // Problems of Philosophy. 2007. № 6. Pp. 151-158
  • Russian and Japanese researchers in the project "History of the Russian peasantry XX century" (co-authored with H.Okuda) // Ural Historical Journal. 2008. № 2 (19). Pp. 90-95
  • Perceptions of the past in the civil society // Man and culture in the development of civil society in Russia. M., 2008. P.231-243
  • Lifeline as a dialogue of times // Spiritual basis of activities. M. , 2008. P.151-178



  • The memory of the past and the national self-consciousness // Problems of Russian self-consciousness. M, 2007. Pp. 85-89
  • Russia's modernization of the XX century and peasant memory // State Power and the peasantry in the XX - beginning of XXI century. Kolomna, 2007. C3-17



  • [Book Review] Ownership of land in Russia. Past and present. - Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2002 // National History. 2005. № 3, p.184-186.
  • The historical memory of the Russian peasants in the XX century (in Japanese. Lang.) 20 Seiki Rocia noumin B ("History of the Russian peasants of the twentieth century"). Tokyo: Syakayheronsya, 2006. P.59-83.
  • Problems of studying the historical memory of the Russian peasantry // World peasants of the Middle Volga: results and research strategy. Samara, 2006. P200-210.




  • The evolution of the historical memory of the Russian peasantry in the XX century // Proceedings of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Special issue of "Philosophy and History". 2005, p.81-86.
  • Memory of the Russian village on collectivization (the historical evidence of the late 1980's - early 1990's.) // Proceedings of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Special issue of "Philosophy and History" Samara. 2005, p.93-98.
  • Work on the ground in memory of the Russian peasantry // XX century and rural Russia. Tokyo: CIRJE Research Report Series CIRJE-R-2, 2005, p. 7-37.
  • Geschichte von unten. Die beiden Weltkriege als Schwellenwert und Zeitgrenze in der Erinnerung der russischen Bauernschaft (history "from below": two world wars as a value and a time limit of the memoirs of Russian peasants) // Verführungen der Gewalt. Russen und Deutsche im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkreig. Herausgegeben von K. Eimermacher und A.Volpert unter Mitarbeit von G.Bordjugow. Wuppertal-/Bochumer Projekt über Russen und Deutsche im 20. Jahrhundert. Band 1. - München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2005. - S.795-848.



  • Agrarian reforms in the memory of the Russian peasantry // Sociological Research. 2004. № 12, p.74-85.
  • Peasant memory in Russia XX Century // History of the Russian Peasantry in the 20th Century (volume 1), Tokyo, 2002. Ed. By Hiroshi Okuda, the University of Tokyo. CIRJE discussion paper series, CIRJE F-189, January 2003, p.7-32 (in Russian)
  • Discussion on communal land among the peasants in the 1920s // Land ownership and land use in Russia (social and legal aspects). Materials of XXVIII session of the Symposium on the agrarian history of Eastern Europe. Kaluga, 2003, p. 275-287.
  • Historical memory and the main trends of its study // Historical Memory in the mass consciousness of Russian society (social monitoring results): Social power. Bulletin of Sociological Center RAGS. - Moscow. 2003. Number 2, pp.23-32.
  • What separates memory from oblivion. Overcoming the past and the new guidelines of its reconsideration. The experience of Russia and Germany at the turn of the century. Moscow, 2002, p.139-142.
  • The image of Germans in the memory of the Russian peasant // Kopelevskie readings. Russia and Germany: the dialogue of cultures. M., Lipetsk: FES-Lipetsk state. pedagogical University Press, 2002, p.211-219.
  • Peasant ideas about land ownership: past and present // Property in the twentieth century. Moscow, 2001, s.667-685.
  • Prosperous farms 20's in memory of the Russian peasantry (the historical evidence of the late XX century) // Prosperous peasantry Russia historically. Materials of the XXVII session: Symposium on agrarian history of Eastern Europe. Vologda: Publishing House "Russia", 2001, s.410-425.
  • The power in the memory of the peasantry in Russia //  Where Russia is going?  Power, society, identity. Moscow, 2000, p. 116-122.
  • The problems of modern economic restructuring in rural areas // Features of Russian agriculture and the problems of resettlement. Materials of the XXVI session: Symposium on agrarian history of Eastern Europe. Moscow-Tambov: IPH RAN, 2000, p.246-254.




  • Social memory: losses and acquisitions // Power. A national news magazine. 1999. № 2, p.59-65.
  • Bitter oil of reforms: on agrarian transformation in the Vologda land // Peasantry studies. Theory. History. Modernity. Proceedings of 1999. Moscow, 1999, p.201-226.
  • Tradition and Innovation in the behavior of today's farmers. // Identity and Conflict in Post-Soviet States. Under. Ed. M.B.Olkott, V.Tishkova, Malashenko. Moscow: Moscow Carnegie Center, 1997, s.359-382.
  • Theoretical seminar on book of O.Veber "From peasants into Frenchmen" // National History. 1997. № 2, p.145.
  • Agricultural Modernization in Russia and the social memory of the peasants // Reformist ideas in the social development of Russia. Editor-in-chief S.A.Nikolsky. M., 1998, p.212-232.
  • The historical memory of the Russian peasantry on attempts of transformation of the countryside in the twentieth century // Mentality and rural development in Russia (XIX-XX centuries.). Proceedings of the international conference. - Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996, s.238-248, 397-399.
  • Social memory of the Russian peasantry in the twentieth century // Historical Studies in Russia: Trends in recent years. Moscow, 1996, p.386-404.
  • Theoretical seminar on book of Sh.Merl "Agricultural market and the new policy" // National History. 1995. № 3, p.126-127.
  • Presentations at the seminar "Modern concepts of rural development" (Moscow, Intercentre) seminars on A.Mandr’s book "The End of the peasantry" // National History. 1994. № 2, p.53.