2004 D.Sc. in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1981 Ph.D in Philosophy, Moscow State University, Philosophical Faculty.
1980 Post Graduate Courses, Moscow State University, Philosophical Faculty.
1973 Diploma of the Moscow State University, Philosophical Faculty.
1981 - until now: Leading Scientist, The Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
1995 - until now: Moscow Center for Gender Studies (NGO), Executive Director
1994-1999: Head of the Department for Gender Studies, the Institute on Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences
Researcher ID: V-6265-2018
Author ID Scopus: 700697036
Research interests: |
feminist philosophy, gender theory and methodology, gender approach in social Sciences, introduction of gender knowledge in the education system, theory and practice of gender equality in modern Russia
Expert Activity
2007-2008 Gender Expert of United Nations Development Program (Russia)
2006 –2008 Member of Interministery Commission on Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women in Russian Federation
2004 – until now Expert by Russian State Duma Commission on Family, Women’s and Children Affaires
1994–2000 Member of the Commission under President of Russian Federation on Women, Family and Population Issues
Main publications:
(Total – 155 publications, including 8 books)
- Gender culture in Russia: traditions and innovations. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2018. 117 p. (individual monograph)
Internet space: Androcentrism or gender equality // East European Scientific Journal. 2018. No. 7 (35). P. 4-8.
Symbolism of femininity and masculinity in Russian culture // Verkhnevolzhsky philological bulletin. 2018. № 4.
"New" motherhood: philosophical and anthropological view // Philosophical school. 2018. No. 6. DOI: 10.24411 / 2541-7673-2018-10647
- Virtual body and normative gender in cyber space // Chelovek (Man). 2016, No. 2. P. 5-14.
- The gender dimension of politics and culture in Russia // Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin. 2016, No. 4. P. 172-177.
- Basic ideas and concepts of feminist social epistemology // Philosophy, methodology and history of science. 2016, No. 3.
- The metamorphosis of state gender policy // Problems of Russian identity: politics and culture: proceedings of 13-th all-Russian scientific conference (Moscow, may 26, 2016 - Yaroslavl, June 1-3, 2016) / under the editorship of T.S. Zlotnikova, S. A. Nikolsky. – Yaroslavl : RIO AGPU, 2016. P. 157-170.
- A gender perspective of philosophical anthropology // New look. International. scientific. Vestn. Vol. 9. Novosibirsk, 2015. P. 198-216.
- Women and learning: feminist perspectives in epistemology // Everymonth scientific journal. Sib. International. scientific. center "Social Sciences". Ekaterinburg, 2015. No. 2. P. 18-21.
- Features of self-presentation of gender identity in virtual communication // Man faced with a choice in today's world: challenges, opportunities, solutions. Proceedings of the all-Russia scientific. Conf. Under the General editorship of M. S. Kiseleva. Vol. 1. M., 2015. S. 179-185.
- Politics of memory: reconstruction of the "gender" holidays in modern Russia // Problems of Russian identity: historical memory of the people: the XII all-Russia. scientific. Conf. / Ed.: S. A. Nikolsky, M. I. Bilalov (Moscow–Makhachkala, 23-24 APR. 2015). Makhachkala, 2015. S. 142-148.
- The gender approach in the philosophy of culture and philosophical anthropology // Problems of Philosophy of Culture. Issue 2. M .: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. Pp 129-164.
- Gender equality as a structural element of public policy in the Nordic countries // International Scientific Bulletin "New Look". Ed. by S.S.Chernova. Vol. 4. Novosibirsk, 2014. pp 133-151.
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Participation in main international and national conferences
- 13th All-Russia conference of the Institute of philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia, "Problems of Russian self-consciousness: politics and culture" (Moscow, 26 may - Yaroslavl, June 1-3, 2016). The report "Politics and culture in the gender dimension" at the plenary meeting in Yaroslavl.
- All-Russia scientific conference "The person in front of choice in today's world: challenges, opportunities, solutions". 27-28 October 2015, Institute of philosophy RAS, Moscow. The section report "Peculiarities of self-presentation of gender identity in virtual communications."
- Interdisciplinary Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Culture in a Globalizing World: Challenges and Prospects." Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences - Academy of State Fire Service, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. Moscow, 16 - 17 October 2014 Section Leader, the report "Gender identity in a multicultural world."
Е-mail: |
olga-voronina777@yandex.ru |