Date and place of birth
Born 1950, Ukraine, USSR
Faculty of History, Faculty of Biology, Lugansk State Pedagogical Institute, 1974
1991 – D.Sc., Philosophy, RAS Institute of Philosophy
1981 – Ph.D., Philosophy, RAS Institute of Philosophy
Academic qualifications
1990 – Associate Professor
ResearcherID: U-2209-2018
Professional appointments
- Research work
- Chief Research Fellow
- Head of the Department of Philosophy of Culture of RAS Institute of Philosophy
Research projects
Expert activities |
- Deputy Chairman of the dissertation Councils D. 002.015.01, D. 002.015.02 Institute of philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences
- The expert of the Russian Science Foundation
- The expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- The expert of Russian Academy of Sciences
Scientific training and contacts
1984 – 2011 – Member of scientific conferences, seminars and working groups (Argentina, Austria, UK, Vietnam, Germany, Canada, China, Cuba, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, USA, Switzerland, Sweden)
1996 – The trainee researcher, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
1992 – The trainee researcher, Oxford, UK
Participation in work of editorial boards and editorial councils |
- NOMOTHETIKA: Filosofiya. Sociologiya. Pravo / NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Right. Member of the editorial Board.
- Sovremennaya nauka: aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki / Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice, series "Poznanie/Cognition". Scientific and practical journal. Member of the editorial Board.
- YAroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik / Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin. The publication of the Yaroslavl state pedagogical University. K. D. Ushinsky. Member of the editorial Board.
- Vestnik permskogo universiteta. Filosofiya. Psihologiya. Sociologiya / Bulletin of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. Member of the editorial Board.
- Filosofiya / Philosophy. Journal of the National research University "Higher school of Economics". Member of the editorial Board.
- Executive editor of conference proceedings "Problems of Russian self-consciousness"; the collective works of the sector, as well as on the proceedings of the school of the young philosopher "Philosophy. Policy. Culture."
Awards |
The medal of the Institute of philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences "For contribution to the development of philosophy" - December, 2015
Author of more than 200 scientific and journalistic works
- Philosophical anthropology of Andrey Platonov. Moscow: IPh RAS Publ., 2019, 236 p. (co-authors - Neretina S. S., Porus V. N.)
- Empire and culture. The philosophical and literary understanding of October. Moscow: IPh RAS Publ., 2017. 126 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0321-5
- Horizons of meanings. The philosophical interpretation of native literature of the XIX and XX centuries. Moscow: Golos Publ., 2015. 536 p. (Under support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 14-03-00190 "The problem of the "cultural code" of modern Russia. The philosophical and cultural analysis").
- The Agrarian Question in Russia in the twentieth century. History, current status, strategy decisions. Second edition. Moscow: URSS, 2012. 136 p.
- The Russian world outlook. Volume III. "New people" as the idea and the phenomenon: the experience of understanding in the national philosophy and classical literature of 40th - 60th years of the nineteenth century. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2012.
- The Russian world outlook. Volume II. How a positive business thing is possible in Russia: the search for answers in the national philosophy and classical literature, the 40-60s of the ХIХ century. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2009. 543 p. (co-authored with V.P. Filimonov)
- The Russian world outlook. Volume I. Meanings and values of Russian life in the philosophical andliterary works of XVIII - the middle of XIX centuries. Moscow: Progress Tradition, 2008. p. 415. (co-authored with V. P. Filimonov)
- The agricultural policy course of Russia (The outlook of reformers and the practice of agrarian reforms in socio-historical, economic and philosophical contexts). Мoscow: Golos Publ., 2003.
- The person. The ground. The Reform. The selected socially-philosophical publicism. Moscow: URSS, 2000. 136 p.
- The power and the land. The chronicle of the statement of bureaucracy in village after October. Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1990. 238 p.
- Sociobiology. A critical analysis. Moscow: Mysl', 1988. 203 p. (co-authored with R.S. Karpinskaya)
Collective monographies:
- Reflecting on Platonov. The materials of the XVI conference of the Institute of philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia with the participation of a research NRU Higher School of Economics and Institute of World Literature named after Gorky RAS "Problems of Russian self-consciousness: "People can live, but he can't". To the 120th anniversary of the birth of Andrey Platonov". Moscow: Golos Publ., 2019. 276 p. Chief editor.
- Ivan Turgenev's Сlock. International conference "I. S. Turgenev: philosophical writer and political philosopher. To the 200th anniversary of his birth". World day of philosophy 15 November 2018 / Ed. by S. A. Nikolsky. Moscow: Golos Publ., 2018. 376 p.
- Shalamov's Train. Problems of Russian self-consciousness: V. T. Shalamov's fate and worldview (to the 110th anniversary of his birth). For the 14-th International scientific conference of the Institute of philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia (Moscow, 15 June 2017 – Vologda on 17-18 June 2017). Moscow: Golos Publ., 2017. 185 p.
- Andrei Platonov. Philosophical deed: a collection of of scientific articles / ed. by V. V. Varava, S. A. Niсkolsky. Voronezh: Publishing House of VSU, 2014. 352 p.
- State. Society. Management / Ed. by S. A. Niсkolsky. Moscow: Alpina Publ., 2013.
- Multistructure agrarian economy and the Russian village (the middle of 80 – 90th years of the ХХ century). Мoscow: Golos Publ., 2001. (Introduction, section 1, 4, co-author)
- The agrarian question / Ed. by E. S. Stroyev. Мoscow: Golos Publ., 1999. (Introduction, Chapter 5)
- The concept of an agrarian policy of Russia in 1997–2000 / Ed. by E. S. Stroyev. Moscow: Top, 1997. (In the co-authorship)
Selected Articles:
- "The Artistic Philosophy. On the Methodology of Research of Artistic Philosophy", Filosofskie nauki / Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 24–55. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2020-63-3-24-55 (In Russian)
- A Person in a Totalitarian State Article Two. Heroism in War, Chelovek, 2020, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 135-154. (In Russian)
- "A person in a totalitarian state. War and fear", Chelovek, 2020, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 128-149. (In Russian)
- Ivan Bunin: peering into faces (Russia the day before and after October), Verhnevolzhski philological bulletin, 2020, No. 3, pp. 182-188. (In Russian)
- The peasant at war in the philosophical prose of Andrey Platonov and Viktor Astafiev, YAroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik / Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin, 2020, No. 4 (115), pp. 163-168. (In Russian)
- To the Criticism of the Conservative Interpretation of History and Substantiation of the Importance of Fiction Writing in the Formation of National Historiosophy, Voprosy Filosofii, 2020, Vol. 10, pp. 110‒121. (In Russian)
- "...Live in death and return". About the artistic philosophy of Andrey Platonov", Voprosy filosofii, 2019, No. 12, pp. 52-63. (In Russian)
- "Gorky: in search for the Honest Man", Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2019, Issue 5, Vol. 57, pp. 1-19.
- "Intelligentsia and the people: attempts at rapprochement and enlightenment", YAroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik / Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin, 2019, No. 5, pp. 157-162. (In Russian)
- "The intelligentsia and the people: from the enlightenment to the revolutionary rebellion", YAroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik / Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin, 2019, No. 6, pp. 182-187. (In Russian)
- "Problems of hermeneutics in the Russian artistic philosophy of the twentieth century in the context of political and cultural-historical knowledge", in: Hermeneutical tradition in Russia: current contexts and modern problems. Moscow, Saint Petersburg: Petroglif, Centr Gumanitarnyh iniciativ Publ., 2019. P. 246-262. (In Russian)
- "Providence of the future. Cultural mission Yevgeny Zamyatin, Andrei Platonov, Varlam Shalamov", CHelovek, 2018, No. 2, pp. 155-164. (In Russian)
- "Strangers: Ivan Turgenev in Comparison to Leo Tolstoy and Yuri Trifonov Concerning the Relationship Between the People and the Intelligentsia", Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2018, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 1–16.
- "Russian philosophy of history: the experience of understanding", Filosofskij zhurnal / Philosophical Journal, 2018, No. 4, pp. 121-139. (In Russian)
- "The Great Stranger" in Russian literature. Word of Ivan Turgenev", in: Ivan Turgenev's clock. International Conference “Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Philosophical Writer and Political Philosopher. To the 200th anniversary of the birth". World Philosophy Day November 15, 2018. Moscow: Golos Publ., 2018. pp. 12-30. (In Russian)
- "Russian man as he is. View Turgenev", Filosofskie nauki / Philosophical Sciences, 2018, No. 7, pp. 71-82. DOI: 10.30727 / 0235-1188-2018-7-71-82. (In Russian)
- "Bitter and the people. A new word in the Russian tradition of "narodolyubiya", YAroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik / Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin, 2018, No. 4, pp. 293–298. DOI 10.24411 / 1813-145X-2018-10123 (In Russian)
- "Ivan Turgenev is the author of the Encyclopedia of the Russian Soul", Russkaya literatura i iskusstvo / Russian literature and art, 2018, No. 2, pp. 22-27. (in Chinese)
- "Russian philosophy of history and literature", Voprosy filosofii, 2018, No. 10, pp. 116-127. (In Russian)
- "Life after. On the revolutionary fantasies of writers and Bolshevik politicians A. Bogdanov, N. Bukharin, E. Zamyatin, V. Lenin, A. Platonov and E. Preobrazhensky", Voprosy filosofii / Question of philosophy, 2017, No. 11, pp. 134-146. (In Russian)
- "Worldview of Varlam Shalamov in the worldview literary palette of the first third of the twentieth century", in: Shalamov's Train. Problems of Russian self-consciousness: V. T. Shalamov's fate and worldview (to the 110th anniversary of his birth). For the 14-th International scientific conference of the Institute of philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia (Moscow, 15 June 2017 – Vologda on 17-18 June 2017). Moscow: Golos Publ., 2017. P. 34-43. (In Russian)
- "The October Revolution and the Constants of Russian Being", Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2017, Vol. 55(5), pp. 177-193.
- "On the architecture of Russian government and society", Politicheskaya konceptologiya / Political conceptology, 2017, No. 3, pp. 134-150. (In Russian)
- "The past in politics and culture of Soviet Russia", Vestnik slavyanskih kul'tur / Bulletin of Slavic cultures, 2017, Vol. 43, pp. 52-69. (in co-authorship with I. E. Koznova) (In Russian)
- "The Cultural Heritage of Russia and Globalization", in: Between Past Orthodoxies and the Future of Globalization. Contemporary Philosophical Problems. Leiden / Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2016. P. 57–67.
- "Lermontov’s Revolt: I want to Believe in Good!", Russian Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 129-144.
- "New people" in their emphasis on the peasantry as the idea of Russian classical literature", Vestnik slavyanskih kul'tur / Bulletin of Slavic cultures, 2016, No. 2, pp. 50–64. (In Russian)
- "Death and freedom", in: Ways of Russia. The new old order - the eternal return? A collection of articles. Volume XXI. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2016. P. 158-177. (In Russian)
- "Novel prose of Ivan S. Turgenev: the experience of interpretation", Anatomiya filosofii / Anatomy of philosophy. M., 2016, рр. 562-577. (In Russian)
- "Did Lermontov tried to speak with the Creator?", in: Problems of Russian identity: world outlook of Michail Lermontov. Proceedings of the conference. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2015.
- "Barbarians and people of culture", Filosofskie nauki / Philosophical sciences, 2015, No. 7, pp. 28-37.
- "On the own, the past, barbarians and the culture", Politicheskaya konceptologiya / Political Conceptology, 2015, No. 4, pp. 82-92. (Under support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, project № 14-03-00192 "The images of the past in the culture and social consciousness of Russians in the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries. The social and philosophical analysis").
- "Historical memory, society, authority", Politicheskaya konceptologiya / Political Conceptology, 2015, No. 3, pp. 95-107. (Under support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 14-03-00192 "The images of the past in the culture and social consciousness of Russians in the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries. The social and philosophical analysis").
- "From the "Stranger" to the "Christ". The sound of Alexander Blok in Russian literature", Filosofiya i kul'tura / Philosophy and culture, 2015, No. 9, pp. 1393-1399. (Under support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 13-03-00041 "The philosophical content of poetry of the "Silver Age": the Past for the Future").
- "I want to believe in good". Riot of Lermontov", Voprosy filosofii / Problems of Philosophy, 2015, No. 7, pp. 84-94. (Under support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 14-03-00190 "The problem of the "cultural code" of modern Russia. The philosophical and cultural analysis").
Journalistic articles:
- Do we need a violinist? Russian man between education and propaganda // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 08.02.2018
- Russian the matrix reloaded or the end of the game? // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 15.06.2017
- Russian matrix: October // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 17.03.2017
- Russian matrix: beginning // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 13.01.2017
- Perestroika-2. Is it possible? On the constants of Russian life and why it cannot be correct // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 18.05.2016.
- Play hide and seek // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 02.09.2016.
- The property and the own // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 21.01.2015.
- Russia and Europe between barbarians and culture // Colta.ru, 24.03.2015.
- People's memory and the power // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, May 22, 2015.The philosophy of the individual and its political consequences // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 04.09.2015.The main problem of Russian society is the quality of the person // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. The electronic version. 01.22.2014.
- Garden and bare ground. In Russia, it is necessary to create a new elite layer // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 05.14.2014.
- The unity of the nation and patriotism // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 10.06.2014.
- After the Empire // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. October 9, 2013 № 217 (5980).
Participance in the work of scientific conferences |
- Report "The Matrix of national history and the problems of its change" at the seminar "Russian philosophy of history: the matrix and prospects for transformation" (November 28, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod). URL: https://www.novsu.ru/news/i.121596..2/?view=88933
- Report "The Matrix of national history and the problem of its change" at the seminar "Modern problems of philosophy of history" of the Russian Academy of Sciences (December 05, 2019, Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences). URL: https://iphras.ru/uplfile/root/news/archive_events/2019/5_12_19/%D0%98nformatsionnoe_iiswmo.pdf; URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN6bFWYbxh0
- Report "The Heroic meaning of communism and heroes-meanings in the philosophical prose of Andrey Platonov" at the XVI all-Russian conference of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the regions of Russia "Problems of Russian identity: "the people can live, but they can not". To the 120th anniversary of Andrey Platonov's birth" (September 24, 2019, Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Report "The Heroic meaning of communism and heroes-meanings in the philosophical prose of A. Platonov" at the IX International scientific conference "Andrey Platonov in the world cultural space" (September 23, 2019, Institute of world literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Plenary report "The Great Stranger" in Russian literature. The word of Ivan Turgenev at the International Conference "Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: a philosophizing writer and political philosopher. On the 200th anniversary of the birth ", dedicated to the celebration of World Philosophy Day (November 15, 2018)
- Poster presentation "Bitter and the people. A new word in the Russian tradition of "people's love" at the XV All-Russian Conference of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with Regions of Russia and International Participation "Problems of the Russian Identity: Maxim Gorky and the Russian Province. ) (May 31, 2018, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Report "On the universality of Russian classical literature of the XIX century "at the international conference "Prospects for the development and strengthening of the Shanghai cooperation organization " (17-18 April 2018, Sochi).
- 10th international European-Ukrainian forum. Report "The place of the scientist in the development of memory policy". 27 – 28 January, 2017, Rzeszów, Poland. Institute of East European studies in Warsaw, the Institute "Subcarpathia".
- International conference "Philosophy and literature: Russian tragedy in the optics of the jubilee of 2017". Report "October in the perception of contemporary writers and poets". 2-3 June 2017, National research University-Higher school of Economics.
- International conference "Russian revolution of 1917: Facts, understanding, representations". Report "Philosophical and literary understanding of October". 26-27 September 2017, State academic University of Humanities, Institute of world literature RAS, Foundation "History of the Fatherland".
- XIV international scientific conference of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the regions of Russia "Problems of Russian identity: the fate and worldview V. Shalamov (to the 110th anniversary of birth)." Moscow, 15 June - Vologda, 17-18 June 2017. Chairman of the organizing Committee, plenary speaker. Report "Worldview of Varlam Shalamov in the worldview literary palette of the first third of the twentieth century".
- XIII all-Russian conference "Problems of Russian self-consciousness: politics and culture". Moscow, may 26 - Yaroslavl, June 1-2, 2016. Chairman of the Organizing Committee, plenary speaker. The report "Politics and culture: "cultural code" of Russia in the context of historical transformations".
- XII All-Russian conference "Problems of Russian self-consciousness: the historical memory of the people". Moscow, April 21 - Makhachkala, 23-25, April 2015. Chairman of the organizing committee, the plenary speaker.
- III Conference of Russian and Turkish philosophers "Philosophy and Literature: Philosophy in literature, literature in philosophy." (25-26, May 2015, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Institute for the development of scientific cooperation, the University "Suleyman Shah" (Istanbul, Turkey). Plenary report "On the philosophical interpretation of "fate" and "death" in the works of Russian writers of the nineteenth - early twentieth centuries".
- Platonov's IV International Arts Festival. Roundtable "Philosophical dimension of Andrei Platonov." Voronezh. 5 - 8 June 2014. Report "The theme of death in the works of Andrei Platonov."
- VI Summer School 'Political Conceptology in the context of central-peripheral problems of post-Soviet Russia's transformation. "Rostov-on-Don, 3 - 4 July 2014 Reports "Russian as Russian imperial people" and "Modern Russia in the light of the problems of cultural development".
- All-Russian scientific-practical forum "Problems of strengthening and maintaining a civil union in the region." Perm, 17 - 19 September 2014. Report "National unity and patriotism."
- XI All-Russian Conference of the Institute of of Philosophy of RAS with the regions of Russia, "Problems of Russian consciousness: world outlook od Mihkail Lermontov ". Moscow - Penza - Tarkhany. 2, 8 - 9 October 2014. Report "The Poet and the Demon: Lermontov's rebellion".
- Interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation "Culture in a Globalizing World: Challenges and Prospects." Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences - Academy of State Fire Service, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. Moscow, 16 - 17 October 2014. Report "Meaning and value of Russian philosophy as the foundation of national cultural identity."
- XXI International Symposium "Roads of Russia" "The new old order - the eternal return"? (21-22 March 2014). Report "Social development of modern Russia: the problem of freedom."
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee; plenary paper "Enlightenment - Citizenship - Patriotism" at the 10th All-Russian and International scientific conference " Problems of Russian selfconsciousness: patriotism, citizenship and national culture." The 200th anniversary of the birth of N. Stankevich. Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, National Research Belgorod State University (Moscow - Belgorod, 3-10 October 2013).
- The masses, globalization, culture and spiritual power. Report at II International scientific-theoretical conference "Actual problems of world philosophy." (Astana, Kazakhstan, 14 - 16/02/13 ).
- Secular and religious in the identity of Russians. Keynote address at the Federal scientific forum with the participation of foreign scientists "Problems of strengthening the unity of the Russian nation (philosophical and cultural, religious and ethnic, psychological, educational, ethical and legal aspects)". (Perm, 11/20/13).
- After the Empire. Report at the International Conference "Modern Problems of Philosophy in the future of Russia and Turkey." (Institute of Philosophy, the Turkish- Russian Cultural Center, Istanbul University of May 29, and University of Suleyman Shah 28 - 10/29/13).
- Report "Projective function in social philosophy" at the second meeting of a joint seminar of Institute of Philosophy and the Free University of Milan "Philosophy in the public space" (Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, April 9, 2013 ).
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee; plenary paper "Current problems and challenges of modernization of Russian selfconsciousness" at the 9th All-Russian Conference "Problems of the Russian selfconsciousness. Religious, moral, jural and cultural aspects." Moscow - Perm , 2-5 October 2012.
- Report "Globalization and Culture in Russia: classical literature as the ideological source" at the international forum "Globalization. Culture. Man" (Buenos Aires , Argentina, 21-31 August 2011).
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee ; introductory remarks and plenary report "Russian intelligentsia, the power, the people: the historical role and imaginary mission" at the 8th Scientific Conference "Problems of Russian selfconscioiusness: the people, intellectuals and the power" (Moscow - Ufa , May 30 - June 1 2011.
- Report at the International Conference "Globalization and the development of national cultures " (Buenos Aires, 21-31 August 2010) .
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee; foreword: "Chekhov and philosophizing Russian Literature" at the 7th Scientific Conference "Problems of the Russian selfconsciousness: word outlook of A.P.Chekhov" (Moscow - Rostov-on-Don , 12-16 October 2010).
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee; plenary paper "Life and death, living and dead in the philosophical and artistic works of Leo Tolstoy" at the 6th Scientific Conference "Problems of the Russian selfconsciousness : world outlook od Leo Tolstoy" (Moscow - Tula, 20-22 May 2010).
- Report "Meaning and value in the work of Russian philosophy of Leo Tolstoy" at the International Tolstoy Forum (Moscow , 20-25 November 2010 ) .
Е-mail |
s-nickolsky@yandex.ru |