Date of birth
ORCID: 0000-0001-9412-9064
ResearcherID: F-4957-2017
Scopus Author ID:57195989428
RSCI Author ID: 681781
2005-2009 - The Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John; philosophy and theology faculty.
2009-2012 – Postgraduate in Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
Ph.D., Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences, May 2012
Professional appointments |
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013 – present
Scientific interests
History of philosophy, Philosophy of religion, Patristics, Ethics, Ontology, Epistemology, Postmetaphysical theology.
Philosophy of unconditional principles. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018. 193 p.
- The hidden premises of rational theology. In Philosophy Journal, 2018. Vol. 11, no. 1. P. 111-124.
- Essence-Energy Distinction in the Light of Byzantine Ontology. In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2018. Vol. 76. P. 23-39.
- Testimonial knowledge: some problems. In Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2017. Vol. 53, no.3. P. 68-75.
- The Impact of the Exegesis of Origen on the Argumentation of Arius in the Context of Ancient Philosophical Theology. In Christian reading, 2017. no. 4. P. 67-84.
- Post-metaphysical Theology in the Context of the History of Ontology. In History of Philosophy. 2017. Vol. 22, no. 1. P. 53-67.
- “On the sense of Being and the meanings of beings”. In The Philosophy Journal 2016. Vol. 9 (3). P. 59–76.
- Aristotle and Transcendental Ontology. In Problems of philosophy (Voprosy Filosofii). 2016, no. 12. P. 150-160.
- “Energies of simplicity or simplicity of energy? Two paradigms of patristic philosophy”. In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2016. Vol. 71. P. 21–28.
- “Rationality and its boundaries in patristic philosophy (A case of Augustine)”. In Journal of Christian Reading 3 (2016), 33–48.
- “The background of the doctrine of transcendentals in Antiquity: Pre-Aristotelian period” . In Bulletin of Moscow State University 2 (2016), 3–16.
- “Onto-theology and the overcoming of metaphysics: Heidegger, Marion and Christian tradition”. In St. Tikhon's University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. 2015, Vol. 60. P. 55–71.
- “Being and the One in Plato”. In Πλατωνικα ζητηματα. 2014. P. 89–107.
- “Criterion, Knowledge, Truth”. In Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2013. Vol. 37 (3). P. 129–140.
- “The name of God and being: Philo of Alexandria and Saint Justin Martyr”. In Eurasia: the spiritual traditions of the peoples. 2012. Vol. 2. P. 26–33.
- “Ontological Status of God in Gregory of Nazianzus”. In History of Philosophy Yearbook. 2011. P. 33–52.
- “God and Being in Basil of Caesarea”. In Bulletin of St Tikhon’s Orthodox University. 2011. Vol. 36. P. 20–30.
Conference Presentations
- "Deconstruction of henology: Heidegger and Neo-Platonism." 86th session of the Scientific and Methodological Seminar Faculty of Theology of St Tikhon’s Orthodox University. March 29, 2013
- "Ethics and the overcoming of ontology." XXII International Christmas Educational Readings. 28 January 2014, Christ the Savior Cathedral.
- "Being and the One in Plato." 2nd international conference on Plato. Russian State Humanitarian University, 18-19 September 2014.
- "God and predicates." Annual Theological Conference of St Tikhon’s Orthodox University. November 11 - December 2, 2014.
- "God and predicates (Part 2)" - Conference: "How should we speak and write about God according to the Holy Fathers." Dmitry Pozharsky University 18.02.2015.
- "Onto-theo-logy: pro et contra» - regular seminar philosophy of religion department of Institute od philosophy of RAS, 26.02.2015.
- "The background of the theory of transcendentals in antiquity: Pre-aristotelian period» - XV Holy Trinity annual international academic reading, 27-30 May 2015, Saint-Petersburg.
- "The metaphysics of the Exodus and the outcome from the metaphysics: two paradigms in patristic philosophy." - Conference: "Metaphysics in intercultural space: History and Modernity", December 18, 2015 Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- "Energy simplicity or ease of energy? Paradigms patristic philosophy of the East and the West " - International Conference: The opposition East - West in the cultural traditions of the Christian world. Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University, 10-13 May 2016.
- "Aristotle and transcendental ontology» - XVI Holy Trinity annual international academic reading, 25-27 May 2016, Saint-Petersburg.