Main publications
(Total – 155 publications, including 8 books)
- Gender culture in Russia: traditions and innovations. Moscow: IPh RAS, 2018. 117 p. (individual monograph)
Internet space: Androcentrism or gender equality // East European Scientific Journal. 2018. No. 7 (35). P. 4-8.
Symbolism of femininity and masculinity in Russian culture // Verkhnevolzhsky philological bulletin. 2018. № 4.
"New" motherhood: philosophical and anthropological view // Philosophical school. 2018. No. 6. DOI: 10.24411 / 2541-7673-2018-10647
"Gender" holidays: transformation of symbolic meanings // Woman in Russian society. 2017. No. 3 (84). P. 3-16.
Basic ideas and concepts of feminist social epistemology // Bulletin of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2017. Issue 2. P. 141-151. DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2017-2-141-151
- Virtual body and normative gender in cyber space // Chelovek (Man). 2016, No. 2. P. 5-14.
- The gender dimension of politics and culture in Russia // Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin. 2016, No. 4. P. 172-177.
- Basic ideas and concepts of feminist social epistemology // Philosophy, methodology and history of science. 2016, No. 3.
- The metamorphosis of state gender policy // Problems of Russian identity: politics and culture: proceedings of 13-th all-Russian scientific conference (Moscow, may 26, 2016 - Yaroslavl, June 1-3, 2016) / under the editorship of T.S. Zlotnikova, S. A. Nikolsky. – Yaroslavl : RIO AGPU, 2016. P. 157-170.
- A gender perspective of philosophical anthropology // New look. International. scientific. Vestn. Vol. 9. Novosibirsk, 2015. P. 198-216.
- Women and learning: feminist perspectives in epistemology // Everymonth scientific journal. Sib. International. scientific. center "Social Sciences". Ekaterinburg, 2015. No. 2. P. 18-21.
- Features of self-presentation of gender identity in virtual communication // Man faced with a choice in today's world: challenges, opportunities, solutions. Proceedings of the all-Russia scientific. Conf. Under the General editorship of M. S. Kiseleva. Vol. 1. M., 2015. S. 179-185.
- Politics of memory: reconstruction of the "gender" holidays in modern Russia // Problems of Russian identity: historical memory of the people: the XII all-Russia. scientific. Conf. / Ed.: S. A. Nikolsky, M. I. Bilalov (Moscow–Makhachkala, 23-24 APR. 2015). Makhachkala, 2015. S. 142-148.
- The gender approach in the philosophy of culture and philosophical anthropology // Problems of Philosophy of Culture. Issue 2. M .: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. Pp 129-164.
- Gender equality as a structural element of public policy in the Nordic countries // International Scientific Bulletin "New Look". Ed. by S.S.Chernova. Vol. 4. Novosibirsk, 2014. pp 133-151.
Feminist social epistemology // International scientific bulletin "New Look." Ed. S.S.Chernova. Novosibirsk, 2013. Pp. 101-109.
Fashion as a factor in constructing gender identity // Psychology and psychotechnics. 2013. Number 10. S.950-960.
Gender equality policy in modern Russia: problems and contradictions // Woman in Russian society. 2013. Number 3 (68). Pp. 12-20
Metaphysics of Sex and Gender in Russian Philosophy // 23rd World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2013): Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life. Abstracts and Papers.
Women’s human rights: dilemma gender similarities and gender differences. – Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. 405 р.
Gender symbols in Russian culture: Mother-Russia and her sons//Philosophy of culture. M., IF RAS, с. 59-81.
Gender aspects of identity//Chelovek (Human being), 2012. # 6. p. 15-31.
Identity issues in postmodern feminism// Philosophy and culture. 2011, # 9.
Protection of the rights of women – one of the major social problems// The bulletin of the Russian Academy of Science 2011, # 11. С.4-9.
Role of gender metaphors in philosophical knowledge of a reality// Philosophy and culture, 2011, # 11. P. 47-58.
Globalization and patriarchy // Philosophy in dialogue of cultures. The world day of philosophy (Moscow - St.-Petersburg, 16 - on November, 19th, 2009), Progress-tradition, 2010. p. 386 - 394.
Archaic, traditional and innovative in gender consciousness // Problems of the Russian consciousness: archaic, traditional and innovative has begun. – Inst. of Phil., RUS, p. 65-71.
” The Kreutzer Sonata” of Leo Tolstoy as an expression of his ethical doctrine of a gender and femininity // Problems of the Russian consciousness: philosophy of Leo Tolstoy: Materials of an international scientific conference. Moscow - Tula, 2010, P. 76-82
Gender dimension of Social and Cultural Transformation in Soviet and Post Soviet Russia//Reforms in Modern Russia. Moscow, Inst. of Philosophy.
Has the feminist philosophy a future in Russia?//“Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society”. Vol. 34, #1, 2009. The Univ.of Chicago Press, p.252-257.
Construction of Femininity // Chelovek (Human being), №5, 2009, с. 50-66.
Feminism and gender equality. – Moscow, 319 p.
Gender equality policy: international and national experience // Almanac of Russian Academy of Sciences. – Moscow, vol. 74, № 10.
Socio-philosophical analysis of theory, methodology and politics of gender equality. –Moscow, 309 p.
Theory and methodology gender studies. The course of lectures. Ed. By Olga Voronina. Moscow, MCGS. 415 p. In Russian.
Feminism in the NIS. - The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women's Studies. Ed. by Dale Spender. N.Y. Routledge. 2001. In English.
Feminist Philosophy. Ed. by V.Gybin. Philosophy. Textbook. Мoscow. In Russian.
Gender Studies. Reader. Ed. By Olga Voronina. Moscow, MCGS. 395 p. In Russian.
RUSSIA. New Issues for Women Since 1991. - In: Women’s Studies Encyclopedia.2ndedition. (Ed. by H.Tierney), p. 1273-1241.
Tzarist Russia.- Ibid., p.1241-1245.
Philosophy of sex and gender: from Antiquity to Feminism. - In: Philosophy (textbook). V.Gubin. In Russian. 2-nd Edition.
Gender Based Expert Analysis Legislation of Russaian Federation on Mass-Media. – M., MCGS, 152 p.
Perception of Women's Human Rights in Public opinion citizents of town Rybinsk// Women's Human Rights in Russia: research on public opinion and practise of observance. Moscow, MCGS, pp. 76-106.
Women's Rights in Education: Problems of Transitional Period and Personal Experiences of Rybinsk Inhabitants.- Ibidem, pp.285-310.
First Russian Summer School on Women's/Gender Studies "Valdai-97" (Eds. O.Voronina, Z. Khotkina, L. Luniakova). 1997, Moscow, MCGS. 190 p.
Introduction into Gender Studies. - Ibidem, pp. 29-34.
Women in Russia (since 1991)- In: Women’s Studies Encyclopedia.2nd edition. (Ed. by H.Tierney). In Englisn.
Women in Tzarist Russia.- Ibidem. In Englisn.
Soviet Women and Politics: on the Brink of Change. - In: Women and Politics Wordwide. Ed. by Barbara J.Nelson and Najma Chowdhury. Yale Univ. Press,pp.721-737. In English.
The Mythology of Women’s Emancipation in the USSR as the Foundation for a Policy of Discrimination. - In: Women in Russia. Ed. by Anastasia Posadskaya. Verso Press, London-New-York, pp. 37-56. In English.
Virgin Mary or Mary Magdalene? The Construction and Reconstruction of Gender during Perestroika Period. - Ibidem, pp. 135-145. In English.
Introduction to Feminism: Some words about Betty Friedan and her Book. Foreword to Translation into Russian “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan.- Moscow,”Progress Press”, pp.1-12.
The Ideology of Feminist Movement. - J. "U.S.A.: Economy, Politics, Ideology". Moscow, N 9, p.103-132. In Russian.