- The emigration of scientists from Russia. M .: Canon + ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2014. 179 p.
- Scientific Intelligentsia in the new Russia. M. IPH RAS, 2008. 147 p.
- Russian scientific intelligentsia in the mirror reforms (Co-authored).
Selected articles:
- Realities of modern Russian science, Filosofskaya shkola / Philosophical school, 2020, No. 11, pp. 16-24. DOI: 10.24411/2541-7673-2020-11102
- Emigration of scientists as an indicator of the state of modern Russian science, Filosofskaya shkola / Philosophical school, 2019, No. 8, pp. 82-91. DOI: 10.24411/2541-7673-2019-10821
- Sources of science development in modern Russia, Socialno-gumanitarnye znaniya, 2019, No. 4, pp. 42-55.
- Can the Russian intelligentsia be considered a special sociocultural phenomenon? // Philosophy and Culture. 2018. No. 6. S. 78-89. DOI: 10.7256 / 2454-0757.2018.6.25679
- The Soviet past and the Russian present: successes and failures // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2018. No. 2. S. 7-23.
Negative trends in the development of modern Russian science // Socio-humanitarian knowledge.2017. № 5. P. 60-75
From the history of scientific achievements of Soviet scientists // Socio-humanitarian knowledge.2017. № 2. P. 34-49.
- Has the Russian intelligentsia remained in the memory of people as a sociocultural phenomenon? // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. No. 2. P. 50-65.
- Russian State policy in relation to science: the reform or the destruction of traditions? // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. No. 5. P. 70-84.
- Patronage as a form of development of science in Russia // Polinosis. 2015. No. 1. P. 70 - 78.
- Emigration of scientists from Russia: integration into the international scientific space or disadaptation? // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2015. No. 2. S. 57-71.
- Russian science in the context of radical change // The Imperial Academy of Sciences and arts, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Russian Academy of Sciences - the Trinity Academy. To the 290th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Comp. and resp. edited by D. V. Jokhadze. M.: Lexicographer-A Maximum; SPb.: The world of 2015. P. 742-756.
- Is the science to ready for modernization of Russia? // Sociall and humanitarian knowledge. 2014. № 5. P. 38-53.
- Private support of science in Russia // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2013. Number 3. Pp. 60-75.
- Contribution of Russian scientists-emigrants into science // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2013. Number 6. Pp. 31-46.
- Is there room for intellectuals in Russia's middle class? // In the Materials IX International Conference "Modern intellectuals: the problem of social identity." V.1. Moscow - Ulan-Ude. 2012. Pp. 208-219.
- Intelligentsia as a source for the formation of the middle class in modern Russia // Problems of Philosophy of Culture. M. IPH RAS, 2012. P.153-173.
- Feminization of science in modern Russia: for and against // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge. 2012. Number 1. Pp. 43-57.
Waves of Russian scientific emigration: comparative measurement // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge. 2012. Number 5. With 29-45.
- Relationships of science and the state in modern Russia // Polignozis. 2011, № 1. Pp. 45-55.
- Two Faces of the Russian intelligentsia // Vekhi - 2009. M., 2011. Pp. 152-160.
- Integration of intellectuals to power in a time of change in Russia: pro and contra // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: the people, the intellectuals, the power: Proceedings of the 8th All-Russia. Conf. (Moscow-Ufa, 31 May - 2 June 2011). Ufa, 2011. Pp. 160-167.
- The problem of the Russian intelligentsia in the works of Anton Chekhov // Problems of Russian identity: world outlook of Anton Chekhov: Proceedings of the 7th All-Russia. Conf. (Moscow-Rostov-on-Don, 12-16 October., 2010). M., 2011. Pp. 95-103.
- Contemporaries of Ivan Frolov about his book "Genetics and Dialectics" // Man in the unity of the social and biological qualities. M., 2011. Pp. 177-183.
- Trouble and guilt of contemporary Russian intelligentsia // Intellectuals in a changing society: social status, appearance, values, scenario: Materials of VIII International Scientific Conference. Moscow-Ulan-Ude, 2010. Pp. 118-123.
- Globalization and the "brain drain" from Russia: the challenge of domestic science // Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures: Proceedings of the World. Philosophy Day. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 467-478.
- Marx and position of science in modern Russia // Marxist doctrine in the XXI century. Capital. Formation. Contradictions. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 300-311.
- The connection of tradition and innovation in the development of science in the post-Soviet Russia // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge. 2010. Number 3. Pp. 17-28.
- Traditional and new forms of support for science in Russia // Problems of Russian self-conscipisness: Proceedings of the 4th All-Russia. Conf. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 204-210.
- Intelligentsia’s immigration as an aspect of Russian socio-cultural transformation // Cultural Transformation in Contemporary Russia: (socio-philosophical. analysis). M., 2009. Pp. 111-125.
- Past and present in the minds of Russian intelligentsia // Problems of Russian self-consciousness: an evolutionary formation and revolutionary break: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russia. Conf., 22-24 May 2008, Moscow-Penza. M., 2009. Pp. 108-116.
Destructive stratum // Literature paper. 14-20 October. 2009
- Russian intelligentsia: myth or reality? // Social and human knowledge. 2009. Number 3. Pp. 48-59.
- The intelligentsia as an indicator of the development of civil society in modern Russia // Man and Culture in the development of civil society in Russia. Moscow, 2008
- Outflow from science: winning or losing? // Sociological Reseach. 2008. № 9
Emigration of Russian-speaking intellectuals from the post-Soviet republics // Intelligentsia and problems of ethnic relations: Materials of XII scientific. Conf. Moscow-Ulan-Ude, 2008
- The post-Soviet intelligentsia and mysticism // Intellectuals and cultural interaction: Materials of VI International scientific Conference T. I. Moscow-Ulan-Ude, 2007. Pp. 235-244
- Religion and the intellectuals in the modern history of Russia // Social and human knowledge. 2007. Number 4. Pp. 277-290
- Social and political attitudes of the Russian intelligentsia // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2006, № 4.
- The need to improve the creative role of science in the rise of Russia // Russia at the beginning of XXI century. - The New Course, M., IPH RAS, 2005.
- Scientific emigration from Russia // Free Thought - XXI, 2004, № 3.
- The formation of a middle class in reforming Russia // Marxism. Past, present, future. - Moscow, 2003
- The scientific intelligentsia of Russia: 10 years later // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2002, № 4
- Guidelines of preservation of science in Russia // Sociological Research, 2001, № 12.
- Split intelligentsia // Free Thought-XXI, 2001, № 12.
- Russia: what reforms do we need? // Bulletin of Moscow University, 2000, № 2.