- Ph.D. in Philosophy [Candidate of Science], Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2019
(thesis subject: "Communicative interpretation of Aristotle's ethics")
- [M.A.] Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2009–2014.
Main Research Interests
Ancient ethics, virtue ethics, discourse ethics, epistemology, communication studies
ResearcherID: Q-5288-2016 Scopus Author ID: 57194107394 РИНЦ SPIN: 1060-8877, AuthorID: 812673
Google Scholar
Professional appointments
Research Fellow, Department of Ethics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Science, 2019 – present; Junior Research Fellow, 2016–2018.
Member, Editorial staff, j. “Ethical Thought” (RAS Institute of Philosophy), 2016 – present.
Member, Editorial staff, j. “Chelovek [Human]” (Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS Institute of Philosophy), 2019 – present.
Professional activities
- Editor, Junior editorial board, j. “Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space and Time of Text”, 2015–2019.
- Organizer & moderator, Session “Ways of Understanding of Human Being in the European Philosophical Tradition”, in: The Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists “Philosophy in the XXI century: New Philosophical Search Strategy – 2013” (Department of philosophy, MSU), 26.11.2013.
- New tendencies of the humanities and social sciences development in the context of digitalization and new social problems and threats: interdisciplinary approach, – Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, № 075-15-2020-798, inside number 13.1902.21.0022, 2020 – present (Joint project, member).
- The Phenomenon of Moral Universality,– Russian Science Foundation, № 18-18-00068, 2018–2020 (Joint project, member).
- Early Modern Moral Philosophy: its Core Features, Main Ideas and Tendencies, – Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 18-011-00297, 2018–2020 (Joint project, member).
- Moral Imperativity: Sources, Nature, Forms of Representation, – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2015–2016 (Joint project, member).
- Antique and Ancient Eastern philosophy, – Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2015 (Joint project, member).
- Platonov, Roman S. “Ethical Interpretation of the Concept of Natural Slavery in Aristotle’s Philosophy”, Social Sciences, vol. 52, No. 1 (2021), pp. 89–100.
- Platonov, Roman S. “The Function of Ethical Virtues in Aristotle’s Ethics”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 21, No. 2 (2021), pp. 78–90.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Proceedings of a Discussion on ‘Prolegomena to Moral Responsibility’”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 21, No. 2 (2021), pp. 35–47.
- Platonov, Roman S. “The Conception of Slavery by Nature in Aristotle’s Philosophy – Freedom, Defined by Virtue”, Eticheskie izsledovaniya [Ethical Studies], vol. 6, No. 2 (2021), pp. 160–167.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Ethical Interpretation of the Concept of Natural Slavery in Aristotle’s Philosophy”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 20, No. 2 (2020), pp. 19–36.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Moral Universality in the Ethics of Classical Utilitarianism (Jeremy Bentham, John Stuard Mill)”, Antinomii [Antinomies], vol. 20, No. 4 (2020), pp. 45–64.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Stoicism in the Moral Philosophy of the Early Modern Period (Treatise of H. Grotius «On the Law of War and Peace»)”, Polylogos, vol. 4, No. 4 (2020). URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110013076-5-1/?version_id
- Platonov, Roman S. “The Problem of Universal prescriptive judgments in Arostotle’s ethics”, Moral’ i Universal’nost’ [Morality and universality], ed. by Ruben G. Apressyan. Vol. 2. Moscow: Gumanitarii Pub., 2019, pp. 34–64.
Platonov, Roman S. “Moral Universality in J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism”, Filosofskie nauki [Philosophical Sciences], No. 11 (2019), pp. 84–95.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Aristotle in the Moral Philosophy of the Early Modern Period (Treatise of H. Grotius “On the Law of War and Peace”)”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 19, No. 2 (2019), pp. 63–73.
Platonov, Roman S. “The main problems of Aristotle's ethics in historical and philosophical research”, Filosofskaya Mysl' [Philosophical Thought], No. 10 (2019), pp.54–72. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=31579 (circulation date: 24.12.2019).
Platonov, Roman S. “Socio-political interpretation of the concept of natural slavery in Aristotle's philosophy”, Polylogos, vol. 3, No. 4 (2019). URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110007796-7-1/ (circulation date: 20.01.2020).
Platonov, Roman S. “The Connection Between Metaphysics and Ethics in the Philosophy of Aristotle: the Concept of “Energy”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 18, No. 1 (2018), pp. 95–99.
- Platonov, Roman S. “The problem of the research method in the history of philosophy”, Idei i Idealy [Ideas and Ideals], No. 4, vol. 1 (2018), pp. 191–211.
- Platonov, Roman S. “The antique influence in the ethics of the early modern period: research methodology”, Jaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik [Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin], No. 6 (2018), pp. 328–336.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Communicative unity of Aristotle's polis” [Electronic resource], Polylogos, vol. 2, No. 3 (2018). URL: https://polylog.jes.su/s258770110000048-4-1 (circulation date: 30.10.2018).
- Platonov, Roman S. “Sociocultural aspect of Plato's ethics in the dialogue ‘Republic”, Filosofskaya Mysl' [Philosophical Thought], No. 12 (2018), pp.18–34. URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fr/article_28075.html (circulation date: 24.11.2018).
- Platonov, Roman S. “The Third Meaning of Φιλία (Philia) in Aristotle’s Ethics”, Russian Studies in Philosophy, vol. 54, Issue 6: On Aristotle’s Ethics (2016), pp. 471–485.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Problem of Imperativity in Aristotle’s Ethics”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 16, No. 2 (2016), pp. 51–69.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Communication (ὁμῑλία) in Aristotle’s ethics”, The Papers' Abstracts. Moscow International Aristotle Conference 2016 “The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality”. 17-19 October 2016. RAS Institute of Philosophy. Moscow: Akvilon Publ., 2016, pp. 31–32. (InRussia).
- Platonov, Roman S. “Polysemy of Term ‘φιλία’ in Aristotle’s Ethics”, Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 7. Filosofiya [Moscow University Bulletin. Series 7. Philosophy], No. 2 (2016), pp. 26–43.
- Platonov, Roman S. “Semantics of Word ‘ἦθος’ in Ancient Greek Culture in VIII–IV Centuries”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 15, No. 2 (2015), pp. 26–53.
- Garntsev, M., Platonov, R. “Schleiermacher’s Project: Translation of Plato’s Dialogues and Cultural Development Problem”, Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya: ‘Prostranstvo i vremya teksta’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space and Time of Text’], 10.1 (2015). Web..
- Platonov-Polyakov, R. “The Aristotle’s Philosophy: Decision Making as a Structural Element of Human Activity”, Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space, Time and Decision Making], 9.2 (2015). Web..
- Platonov-Polyakov, R. “Being Toward Happiness: Eudaimonia in Aristotle’s Ethics”, Eticheskaya Mysl’ [Ethical Thought], vol. 15, No. 1 (2015), pp. 70–90.
- Platonov-Polyakov, R. “Plato’s Dialogues and Reception of them in Germany in the early XIX century. (Schleiermacher, Hegel)”, Aspekty: sbornik statei po filosofskim problemam istorii i sovremennosti [Aspects: a collection of articles on the philosophical problems of history and modernity], No. 8 (2013). pp. 96–103.
- Platonov-Polyakov, R. “Communicative Model of Aristotle's Ethics”, Filosofskie opyty [Philosophical experiments], No. 5 (2012). pp. 281–295.
Academic Talks
- “The Conception of Slavery by Nature in Aristotle’s Philosophy – Freedom, Defined by Virtue”. – XVII National conference on ethics with international participation “Ethics: freedom and duty”, – Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11–12.11.2021.
- “Universal prescriptive judgments in Arostotle’s ethics”. – XI Annual International Conference “Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects”: Workshop “The problem of moral universality in ethics and cognitive sciences”, – St. Petersburg State University Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia, 21–23.11.2019.
- “Communication (ὁμῑλία) in Aristotle’s ethics”. – Moscow International Aristotle Conference 2016 “The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality”, – RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia, 17–19.10.2016.
- “Aristotle against ‘Pascal's Fear’: an Irrational Basis of the Conscious Choice (προαίρεσις)”. – VIII Annual International Conference "Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects": International Workshop “ ‘Nicomachean Ethics’ in the History of European Thought”, – St. Petersburg State University Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia, 18–19.11.2016.
- “The Struggle for the ‘Enlightenment Project’ ”. – The videoconference “Kantian Image of the Enlightenment in the Modern World”, – MSU & IKBFU, Moscow, Russia, 16.05.2014.
- “The Fantastic World as a Model of Moral Formation of Human”. – Philosophy Department Seminar “Philosophical Ideas of Fabulous Saga of the XX century ”, – MSU, Moscow, Russia, 09.12.2013.
- “Teleology of Human Being in the Philosophy of Aristotle”, – The Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists “Philosophy in the XXI century: New Philosophical Search Strategy – 2013”, – MSU, Moscow, Russia, 26.11.2013.
- “The Problem of a Conceptualization of lies in Plato’s dialogues”. – The International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists “Lomonosov-2013”, – MSU, Moscow, Russia, 10.04.2013.
- “The Philosophical and Theological Aspects of Aristotle’s Conception of Happiness”, – The 5th Interuniversity Scientific Conference “Problems of historical and theoretical religious studies”,– MSU & “St. Thomas Institute”, Moscow, Russia, 06.04.2013.
- “The Three Methods of Historical and Philosophical Research (Tennemann, Schleiermacher, Hegel)”, – Philosophy Department Seminar “Exoteric and Esoteric Philosophy of Plato: Research and Interpretation”, – MSU, Moscow, Russia, 26.10.2012.
- “Plato's Dialogue and its Reception in Germany at the beginning of the XIX century (Schleiermacher, Hegel)”. – The International Student Conference “Der Dialog in russisch-deutscher Perspektive”, – Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 19–21.10.2012.
- “From Enlightenment to Perpetual Peace”. – The international videoconference “Kant’s work and its contemporary relevance”, – MSU & SUNY, Moscow, Russia, 11.05.2012.
- “The Factors of Human Development in Kant's treatise ‘Perpetual Peace’”, – The videoconference “Kant's treatise ‘Perpetual Peace’ in the Present Context (decision-making & communicative aspects) ”, – MSU & IKBFU, Moscow, Russia, 11.04.2012.
- “The Platform 9 3/4 Effect”. – The International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists “Lomonosov-2012”, – MSU, Moscow, Russia, 11.04.2012.
E-mail: platonovrs@mail.ru