Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Publishing Ethics
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Publishing Ethics

Publishing Ethics

The work of editorial board of journal “Eticheskaya mysl' / Ethical Thought” is conducted in accordance with the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Compliance with these standards is mandatory for all participants of the publication process.



1.1. Shall ensure that their articles are not pending in the editorial office of another journal and that they have not been published before.

1.2. Shall be responsible for the content of the article. Articles must be original scientific works. In the case of borrowing materials from other researchers, a proper correct reference must be made, drawn up in accordance with the rules for arranging journal articles.

1.3. Shall be responsible for the presence of intentional or unintentional plagiarism. Unauthorized borrowing and reproduction of any elements of the article (text, graphics, primary data etc.) are absolutely unacceptable. Borrowed elements reproduced with the consent of the copyright holder must be presented in the right form and accompanied by an appropriate reference.

1.4. Shall be responsible for indicating the sources of financial support for the project, the results of which are presented in their article, and for indicating the persons who have contributed to the research (including co-authors).



2.1. Shall be responsible for making decisions on the proposed articles. The basis for the decision of the editorial board of the journal on accepting an article for publication or refusing to publish is exclusively the scientific value of the article, its significance for the given branch of science and the quality of the presentation of the material.

 2.2. Shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information about articles submitted for editing and their authors. Access to this information is provided only to a narrow circle of persons who are directly related to the article and the process of its preparation for publication.

2.3. Shall undertake to respect copyright, and under no circumstances use the original materials or fragments presented in their research or for personal purposes.

2.4. Shall undertake to agree the final version of the article with the author before sending the material to print.

2.5. Shall undertake to evaluate scholarly articles solely on their intellectual level and scientific novelty, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, political views and other personal characteristics of the authors.

2.6. Shall guarantee the transfer of authors’articles  for  review on an anonymous basis.



3.1.  Shall undertake to perform the procedure of anonymous ("double blind") review.

3.2.  Shall undertake not to disclose to outsiders information about the articles submitted for review.

3.3.  Shall undertake to respect copyright and under no circumstances use original materials or fragments presented in their research or for personal purposes.

3.4.  Shall undertake to conduct a scientific examination of the articles within the deadlines set by the editorial board of the journal. If reviewing is not possible within the specified time frame, the reviewer must immediately notify the editorial staff thereof.

3.5.  Shall undertake to carry out reviews on a voluntary basis.

3.6. Shall undertake to abide by the requirements of maximum objectivity. The only criterion in assessing the article is its scientific significance. Any decisions based on any personal preferences of the reviewer are not allowed. In the event of the presence or occurrence of a conflict of interest in any form between the reviewer and the author, the reviewer is obliged to immediately notify the editorial staff thereof and refrain from reviewing.


Conflict of interest

All interested parties should avoid the occurrence of conflicts of interest in any form at all stages of the process of the article’s passing into print. In the event of a conflict of interest in any form, the person who first discovered such a conflict must immediately notify the editorial staff thereof. The same applies to any violation of generally accepted ethical norms and rules.