Maria Solopova, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of the History of Western Philosophy
Date and Place of Birth
Born July 9, 1970 in Mitchurinsk (Tambov region, Russia)
- Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History and Theory of World Culture, in 1993.
- Post-graduate studies: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (1993–1997).
Academic Degrees
- PhD in Philosophy (2000). PhD Thesis: «Alexander of Aphrodisias' tract De mixtione in the Context of the History of Ancient Aristotelism» (Institute of Philosopy, Russian Academy of Sciences).
Research interests
Ancient Greek and Hellenistic Philosophy.
Professional Activities |
- Senior Reserch Fellow at the Department of the History of Western Philosophy;
- Member of the Editorial Board of the «History of Philosophy Yearbook» (since 2010).
Teaching Experience |
- Lecturer at the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN) (1998–2012).
- Lecturer at the Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy (1995–1998).
List of Publications
- Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics /ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΗΘΙΚΑ ΕΥΔΗΜΙΑ. Greek text with translation into Russian /Edited by Maria A. Solopova /Translated by Tatiana V. Vasiljeva, Tatiana A. Muller, and Maria A. Solopova. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2011. – 408 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-075-6 (in Ancient Greek and Russian)
- Alexander of Aphrodisias and His Treatise De mixtione et augmentatione in the Context of a History of Ancient Greek Aristotelism. Moscow: Nauka, 2002. – 224 pages. – ISBN 5-02-013198-9. (in Ancient Greek and Russian)
Editorial Work
- The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ancient Philosophy / Edited by Maria Solopova, Piama Gaidenko, Svetlana Mesyats, Jury Shichaline, Alexander Stoliarov, Andrei Seregin / Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Мoscow: Progress-Tradition, 2008. – 700 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 8-89826-309-0 (in Russian)
- History of Philosophy Yearbook 2017. Moscow: Aquilo Press, 2017. – 304 pages – Hardcover – ISSN 0134-8655.
- History of Philosophy Yearbook 2016. Moscow: Aquilo Press, 2016. – 336 pages – Hardcover – ISSN 0134-8655.
- History of Philosophy Yearbook 2012. Moscow: Kanon Plus Publ., 2013. – 424 pages – Hardcover – ISSN 0134-8655.
The current issue of the History of Philosophy Yearbook acquaints the readers with new translations and research papers on classical European and Russian philosophy. The volume contains translation of the treatise by Philo of Alexandria “On Giants”, and studies on Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Hegel. There is also published in it Russian translation of a fragment of Kant’s lectures from the years 1783/84 that helps to trace the dynamics of the development of the ethical views of this German philosopher. Large group of articles is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Jean Jacques Rousseau. The issue also offers papers on Nietzsche, on the history of formation of the Eurasian movement, and Russian philosophy of 19th and 20th centuries. In the attachment to the volume the readers can find a bibliography of the works on history of philosophy published in 2009–2010 in Russia.
- History of Philosophy Yearbook'2011. Moscow: Kanon Plus Publ., 2012. – 472 pages – Hardcover. – ISSN 0134-8655.
The History of Philosophy Yearbook’2011 contains a series of articles on a history of Ancient Philosophy and doxography, and also on the correlation between Late Ancient Philosophy and Christianity. The translation of Galen’s work «That the Best Physician is also a Philosopher» is published for the first time. The articles on history of Western Philosophy consider two main topics: ideas of Cartesianists and Kant’s attitude towards ontological project and his contribution to the development of philosophical anthropology. The part dedicated to the 20th Century philosophy analyzes phenomenological philosophy of 1920-1930s years as well as Italian philosophy in the first half of the 20th Century. The section on history of Russian Philosophy includes investigations of philosophical and historical views of Vladimir Solovyov, articles about Eurasianism and philosophy of Georges Florovsky.
- Essense and Word: Collected Scientific Papers in Honor of Professor Nelly Motroshilova / Edited by Marina Bykova and Maria Solopova. Moscow: Phenomenology & Hermeneutics Publ., 2009. – 621 pages – Hardcover.
- History of Philosophy Yearbook'2006. Moscow: Nauka, 2006. – 419 pages – Hardcover.
- History of Philosophy Yearbook'2004. Moscow: Nauka, 2005. – 422 pages – Hardcover.
- History of Philosophy Yearbook'2002. Moscow: Nauka, 2003. – 460 pages – Hardcover.
- Plotinus. The Works (Plotinus in Russian) / Edited by Maria Solopova. Moscow: Aletheia, 1995. – 672 pages – Hardcover.
Translations from Ancient Greek
- Plotinus. On the Immortality of the Soul (Enn. IV 7), translated with introduction and notes // Plotinus. Works (Plotinus' Translations into Russian). Sankt-Petersburg: Aletheia, 1995.
- Plotinus. On the Descent of the Soul into Bodies (Enn. IV 8), translated with introduction and notes // History of Philosophy Yeabook'95 [Istoriko-philosophskij Ezhegodnik]. Мoscow: Martis, 1996.
- Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Mixing and Growth // Maria Solopova. Alexander of Aphrodisias and his tract De mixtione et augmentatione in the Context of the History of Ancient Aristotelism. Moscow: Nauka, 2002.
- Themistius. Commentary On Aristotle's De Anima (II, 1–2) // Cosmos and the Soul / Ed. by Piama Gaydenko and Valery Petroff. Moscow: Progress-Tradition 2005.
- Aristotle. On Divination Through Sleep, translated with introduction and notes // Intellectual Traditions of Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Studies and Translations) / Ed. by Maya S. Petrova. Moscow: Krugh, 2010. P. 169–175.
- Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics. Bk. 4–6, translated with a commentary // Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics (с параллельным греческим текстом). Revised edition. Moscow: Kanon+, 2011.
The article discusses a passage from the “Theaetetus” (175a5-6), in which Plato mentions a genealogy catalogue of twenty-five progenetors in connection with a discussion about a true philosopher who is not interested in the fashionable hobbies of modernity, values and preferences of ordinary people. Paying attention to the question of the relationship between the date of composition of the dialogue (the expected date of writing it by Plato) and its dramatic date (the date of the conversation of Socrates), the author of the article raises the question whether the indicated number of twenty-five progenetors can be compared with other generational calculations known in Antiquity. The question is, what date, dramatic date or date of composition is the indicated number more relevant. The article concludes that this fragment from the “Theaetetus”, – according to the author’s opinion, confirming the dramatic date of the dialogue – provides additional material for the question of an achronisms in Plato’s dialogues.
The article deals with some textual issues related with Aristotle's treatise "On Youth and Old Age, Life and Death" (De juventute et senectute et vita et morte). This text is conventionally included in the so-called "small scientific works" (Parva naturalia). In the article I consider the variant titles testified in the sources as well as the place the treatise occupies within the set of Aristotle's scientific works. I trace the parallels of this treatise with another Aristotle's writings, such as "De longitudine et brevitate vitae" and "De anima". The treatise is further compared with Aristotle's works on physics and biology, esp. "De partibus animalium", "De motu animalium", "De generatione animalium". I discuss the concept of life, functions of the vegetative soul, its "medial" location, and Aristotle's definition of the soul's and body's «midpoint» in respect to the «upward» and «downward» directions. For understanding the meaning of the term «innate natural heat» it is proposed to compare it with the terminology of such Aristotelian works as "De motu animalium" and "De generatione animalium".
The article considers the chronology of Democritus of Abdera. In the times of Classical Antiquity, three different birth dates for Democritus were known: c. 495 BC (according to Diodorus of Sicily), c. 470 BC (according to Thrasyllus), and c. 460 BC (according to Apollodorus of Athens). These dates must be coordinated with the most valuable doxographic evidence, according to which Democritus 1) “was a young man during Anaxagoras’s old age” and that 2) the Lesser World-System (Diakosmos) was compiled 730 years after the Fall of Troy. The article considers the argume favor of the most authoritative datings belonging to Apollodorus and Thrasyllus, and draws special attention to the meaning of the dating of Democritus’ work by himself from the year of the Fall of Troy. The question arises, what prompted Democritus to talk about the date of the Fall of Troy and how he could calculate it. The article expresses the opinion that Democritus indicated the date of the Fall of Troy not with the aim of proposing its own date, different from others, but in order to date the Lesser World-System in the spirit of intellectual achievements of his time, in which, perhaps, the history of the development of mankind from the primitive state to the emergence of civilization was discussed. The article discusses how to explain the number 730 and argues that it can be the result of combinations of numbers 20 (the number of generations that lived from the Fall of Troy to Democritus), 35 – one of the constants used for calculations of generations in genealogical research, and 30. The last figure perhaps indicates the age of Democritus himself, when he wrote the Lesser Diakosmos: 30 years old.
This article discusses Aristotle’s doctrine of intellectual virtues in Nicomachean Ethics. The author describes all the intellectual virtues that Aristotle indicates, but mainly focuses on some “secondary” virtues that clarify the concept of reasonableness (common sense, ingenuity, cunning, and so forth), with a detailed unpacking of the concepts of “consideration” (γνώμη) and “consideration for others” (συγγνώμη). In addition to commenting on the interrelation of the moral and intellectual virtues, the article also shows why Aristotle must recognize “natural virtues” along with the virtues in the substantive sense of the word.
- "Rational Soul and Its Virtues: Τhe Meaning of Terms γνώμη and συγγνώμη in the Nicomachean Ethics", Istoriko-filosofskii ezhegodnik [History of Philosophy Yearbook]. 2016. Moscow, Aquilo Press, 2016. P. 7–32. (in Russian)
The paper examines the intellectual virtues according to the Aristotleʼs Nicomachean Ethics, Book 6. Division of virtues into two kinds, moral virtues and intellectual virtues, corresponding to a division of the rational faculty into two parts is considered. In the article it is shown that Aristotleʼs terminology is depended on Platoʼs but the term "intellectual virtue" was introduced for the first time by Aristotle. A brief summary of all intellectual dispositions named in the 6th book of the Nicomachean Ethics is given (such as intelligence, wisdom, science, prudence, deliberative excellence, understanding, consideration, etc.). The main focus is on the several virtues which is subordinated to the practical wisdom, or prudence (φρόνησις). The author of the paper gives the comments to a book fragment Eth.Nicom. VI, 11, 1143a19–24 where Aristotle defines such qualities of the soul as « consideration» (γνώμη) and consideration for others, or forgiveness (συγγνώμη). The meaning of this term, usage, translation difficulties are discussed. In conclusion the author proves that appearance of term «natural virtue» at the end of the book is connected with Aristotle's attempt to solve the problem of unity and variaty of intellectual virtues and interconnection of practical wisdom and moral virtue.
- "Citizen, State, and Society in Ancient Greek Philosophy", in: State. Society. Administration: Collected Papers, edited by S. Nikolsky and M. Khodorkovsky. Moscow: Alpina Publishers, 2013. Pages 55–73. (in Russian)
- "Vita brevis: an interpretation of Hippocrates' first Aphorism", Philosophy Journal (Moscow: Institute of Philosophy). 2012. No. 1(8). P. 5–25 (in Russian)
The article proposes an interpretation of Hippocrates' famous first Aphorism, Vita brevis, ars longa. After a terminological survey of the text and the explanations it has received traditionally, the author puts forward some arguments in favour of understanding the vita brevis dictum in the sense that it is the life of the patient, treated by the doctor, which is too short. In connection with this main thesis she also takes into consideration the problems of communication between the two. To conclude the paper there follows an outline of the history of Hippocrates' aphorism in quotations.
- "Aristotle on the Nature of Dreams: Physics versus Divination. A study of Aristotle’s «On Divination through Sleep»", History of Philosophy Yearbook'2011 [Istoriko-Filosofskiy Ezhegodnik]. Moscow, 2012. P. 40–58. (in Russian)
- "Ancient Greek Atomism: Hypotheses of Its Origin and Types of Atomistic Theories", Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012. Vol. 43. No 1. P. 60–73.
- "«The stones are fortunate!..» (some remarks on the one Aristotle's quote)", Philosophical Sciences [Filosofskie Nauki]. 2012. № 6. P. 106–111. (in Russian)
This paper attempts to discuss one of the famous Aristotle quotes: «The stones of which altars are made are fortunate because they are held in honour, while their fellows are trodden under foot» (Physics II 6, 197b). The author's intention is to demonstrate that modern reading of this classic quote may be influenced by metaphor of the «living stones», used in the New Testament and Early Christian literature.
Conference Papers |
- "A catalogue of twenty-five progenitors". Plato on genealogies and on immortality of soul in the Theaetetus, All-Russian Conference «Classical Tradition and Modern Philosophy in Dialogue». Organized by the Novosibirsk State University, Department of Philosophy and Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Department of Philosophy (Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk). Date: October 23–25, 2019. – Program (pdf)
- 730 years after the Fall of Troy and Ancient Chronology, at Scientific seminar at the Department of Aesthetics, Institute of Philosophe RAS. Date: April 4, 2019.
- «Structure and Contents of Aristotle's Treatise On Youth and Old Age, Life and Death"» // International School «The Peripatetic Tradition. Aristotelian Ideas in Philosophy Science and Literature» (organized by the Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow). Date: September 4-8, 2017, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia. – Program.
- «Intellect and Its Virtues: On the Interpretation of the Term γνώμη in the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle» // Moscow International Aristotle Conference 2016 «The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality», Institute of Philosophy, Russian academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia, October 17-19, 2016.
- «Aristotle and Hippocrates on Longevity and Shortness of Life: Two Approaches to One Problem» // International Conference Aristotelian Readings. Philosophy and Culture in Ancient Greece: History and Present [Aristotelevskie chteniya]. Conference organized by the Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 25–28 May 2016.
- Panel paper: Aristotle on Dreams and Dreaming: Physics versus Mantics // All-Russian Conference Debates on Aristotle: Ancient Legacy and the Humanities [Aristotelevskie chteniya]. Conference organized by the Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, 19–21 October 2011.
- Ancient Greek Atomism: Hypotheses of Its Origin and Types of Atomistic Theories // International Conference Atomistic Principle and Discrete Approach: Language and Thought (Moscow, Russian State University for Humanities), 16–17 Sept. 2010.
- Ancient Greece and Oriens in the history of philosophy studies // Russian and Finnish Philosophical Symposium, organized by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Philosophical Society. Helsinki, 13–16 June 2010.
- Getting free of the historic stereotypes of philosophy in general and of Classical studies in particular // Round table «Getting free of the historic stereotypes of philosophy» at World Philosophy Day celebrations in Moscow, co-organized by UNESCO, the Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, 16–19 November 2009.
Awards |
- Silver Medal «For Contribution in the Development of Philosophy» (Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2010).
Researcher ID |
- Web of Science Researcher ID: J-3649-2018
- Scopus Author ID: 55227361500
Contacts |
- e-mail: msolopova@yandex.ru
Web |