Date and place of birth
December 8, 1951
- Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
- postgraduate studies: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPhRAS)
Ph.D. thesis: “The problem of the genesis of the concepts of democracy and personality on the material of ancient Greek history in V-th Century BC”. (Supervisor – Prof., D.Sc. F. H. Cassidy).
Research interests
Ancient philosophy, psychoanalysis, the problems of Self, subjectivity.
Professional appointments
1995 – Research Fellow, Department Contemporary Western Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPhRAS), currently Senior Research Fellow.Scientific Secretary of the Branch for History of Philosophy.
Teaching |
- 1996 – lecture course on “Modern western philosophy” (GAUGN).
Scientific Publications
- Modern psychoanalysis: integration of subject-object and subject-subject approaches. M., IPhRAS, 2004.
- Modern psychoanalysis: the verge of development. M.: IPhRAS, 2008.
Author of several articles in: Journal History of Philosophy (Istoria Filisofii), in the electronic version of the “Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis”, and in Philosophical Sciences (Filisofskie Nauki). Translated more than 20 books on classical and contemporary psychoanalysis from English into Russian language. Author of several articles in philosophical and psychoanalytic encyclopedias and dictionaries.
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