Date and place of birth
Web of Science Researcher ID: J-3891-2018 |
Scopus Author ID: 57195959612 |
Born October 6, 1983 in Moscow
- Graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology, diploma (MA) in Classical Philology (2006).
- Graduate Study at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute of Classical Philology (April–July 2004).
- Doctorate study at the State University for the Humanities, Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity (2006–2010).
- Doctorate study at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Faculty of Philosophy I (2009–2013).
Academic degrees |
- Candidate of sciences (PhD equivalent degree) in Classical Philology: doctorate thesis “Knowledge in Ancient Greek Epos: Language, Poetics, Anthropology” (State University for the Humanities / Lomonosov State University);
Fields of research |
- Classical Philology: Ancient Greek Epos, Greek Tragedy;
- Epistemology: Ancient theories of knowledge – from Xenophanes to Late Stoa;
- Ethics: theories of emotions (from Ancient Greek Philosophy to the 20th century);
- History of Ancient Philosophy: Pre-Socratic philosophers, Plato and Neoplatonism;
- German Philosophy of the 19th and 20th century: Nietzsche, Jaspers, Arendt, Critical Theory;
- Philosophical Anthropology: Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Scheler, Plessner.
Career |
- Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (to 2023).
Current research projects |
- "Anthropology of Friedrich Nietzsche: Its sources, main ideas, reception and actuality" (in cooperation with the University of Erfurt and the University of Potsdam).
Courses at foreign universities
- "Nietzsche’s anthropology and Philosophical Anthropology of the 20th century", – University of Potsdam [Universität Potsdam], Summer Semester 2015.
Stipends and research grants |
- Christoph Martin Wieland Scholarship, University of Erfurt (October 2015 – September 2017);
- Junior Fellow of Kark Jaspers Gesellschaft, Oldenburg (January 2016);
- Humboldt Post-Doc Scholarship, Berlin (December 2013 – May 2014);
- Post-Doc Scholarship of Klassik Stiftung Weimar (June – August 2013);
- Doctoral Scholarship of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (October 2010 – May 2013);
- Doctoral Scholarship of Klassik Stiftung Weimar (October – December 2008);
- Short-term Doctoral Scholarship of DAAD, Berlin (July – December 2007).
Publications |
Der Autor rekonstruiert den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess von Nietzsches Homerinterpretation von den frühen philologischen Schriften und Vorlesungen bis hin zu den spätesten Werken und Nachlassfragmenten. Ebenso untersucht er die philosophische Dimension der philologischen Kontexte und schließt dadurch eine wesentliche Forschungslücke. Das Buch bereitet die Grundlagen für weitere Interpretationen von Nietzsches Bild der griechischen Archaik.
- Knowledge in Ancient Greek Epos: Language, Poetics, Anthropology. Saarbrücken: Lambert, 2011. (in Russian)
- E.V. Oznobkina. Selected Works. Ed. A. Zhavoronkov. Moscow: Kul’turnaja Revol’utsija 2019.
- Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie. Bd. 7. Nietzsche und die Anthropologie / Hgsg. von Th. Ebke und A. Zhavoronkov. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. ISSN (Online) 2192-4287, ISSN (Print) 2192-4279.
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Collected Works. Vol. 9. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2013.
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Collected Works. Vol. 11. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2011.
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Collected Works. Vol. 10. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2010.
- “Heidegger, Arendt, and the Destruction of Thought: From the Black Notebooks to The Life of the Mind?”, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 59/3 (2021), 205–219. DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2021.1973316
„‚Alle großen Dinge kommen aus der großen Leidenschaft her‘: Zu Alois Riehls Bild von Friedrich Nietzsche“, in: R. Meer, G. Motta (Hg.), Kant in Österreich: Alois Riehl und der Weg zum kritischen Realismus, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2021, 437–454.
„Kant, Rawls and the Problem of Public Use of Pragmatic Reason“, Obshchestvenye nauki i sowremennost, vol. 2 (2021), 114–125.
„Kant’s Anthropology in the Context of the Debates on Racism in the History of Philosophy“, History of Philosophy Yearbook, vol. 36 (2021), 339–364.
- „Die soziologische Rezeption von Kants Anthropologie im 20. Jahrhundert: Probleme und Perspektiven“, Studia z Historii Folozofii, vol. 2 (11) (2020), 89–108.
- „Foundations of a Philosophical Theory of Exceptions: A Historical Perspective”, Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol. 13 (8) (2020), 1405–1415.
- „Nietzsches Interkulturalität und die anthropologische Perspektive der Klassischen deutschen Philosophie“, in: M. Brusotti, M. McNeal, C. Schubert, H. Siemens (Hg.), European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche’s Philosophy. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2020, 245–258.
- "Social Aspects of Kant’s Anthropology and Their Influence on the 20th Century Sociology: Problems and Cases", Voprosy Filosofii [Problems in Philosophy], 2019, Issue 12, pp. 198‒208. (in Russian) DOI: 10.31857/S004287440007536-4
The paper examines the mostly neglected social aspects of Kant’s anthropology, as a foreword to the discussion concerning its influence and actuality from the modern perspective of social sciences, and sociology in particular. Its first part, containing a brief description of the structure of Kant’s pragmatic anthropology as a unique concept of an empirically oriented discipline, analyzes its social elements, with an emphasis on the anthropological role of the concept of ‘unsocial sociability’. In the second part, I shed light on the main factors which so far have been a major impediment to a wider sociological reception of Kant’s anthropological ideas. These factors include institutional issues, rivalry with other traditions and the existence of several prejudices concerning the foundations, structure and goals of Kant’s anthropology. In the third part, I turn to the question of Kant’s anthropological influence on the European and American sociology – on the examples of George H. Mead’s pragmatism, Hans Albert’s critical rationalism and philosophical anthropology of Helmuth Plessner. My main aim is to demonstrate that from a sociological point of view the project of Kant’s anthropology is neither overall obsolete nor incompatible with modern theories.
The goal of this paper is to analyze and disprove five key arguments presented by a number of modern opponents of the anthropological approach to Nietzsche’s philosophy. These arguments are: the terminological argumentum ad nomen; the argumentum ad hominem which is related to Foucault’s thesis of Nietzsche’s overcoming of Kant’s fourth question; the argumentum ad methodum, which is used to justify the idea of a non-anthropological nature of Nietzsche’s critique of the anthropologies of the 18-19 centuries; the argumentum ad traditionem, which excludes Nietzsche from the anthropological tradition of European philosophy and the argumentum ex negativo regarding the fruitfulness of the anti-anthropological interpretation of his ideas. The first three arguments are examined from the perspective of contextual analysis of Nietzsche’s aphorisms and fragments. The refutation of the fourth and fifth arguments is based on references to several published and unpublished texts of Max Scheler, Helmuth Plessner and Michel Foucault.
- "The Concept of Race in Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology" (together with A. Salikov), Con-Textos Kantianos, vol. 7 (2018), pp. 275–292. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1299140
In the course of the last 20 years, the problem of Kant’s view of races has evolved from a marginal topic to a question which affects his critical philosophy in general, including the anthropology and its influence on contemporary social studies. The goal of our paper is to examine the anthropological role of Kant’s concept of race from the largely overlooked or underestimated perspective of his Lectures on Anthropology. Taking into account the differences between Kant’s approach in the early lectures of the 1770s and early 1780s and the lectures of the late 1780s in the light of the development of the idea of race in Kant’s works, we will demonstrate that several key elements of Kant’s 1780s theory of race presented in his published works can be found in his early lectures. On the other hand, we will prove that Kant gradually abandons racial hierarchies and moral characteristics of races in his anthropological lectures of the late 1780s and in the Anthropology from the Pragmatic Point of View, shifting his focus to more nuanced descriptions of morals of different nations.
The paper presents an analysis of Arendt’s essays published in the journal “Die Wandlung” and some of her later works dealing with the topic of intellectual renewal from the background of the crisis of thinking. The core thesis is that Arendt develops the Jaspersian idea of intellectual renewal on a practical level, aiming to overcome cultural boundaries and national prejudices while building a new commonality despite the social atomization after the break with previous traditions. To prove this, I examine Arendt’s concept of renewal from the standpoint of its connection with three temporal perspectives – the one of the German nationalsocialist past, symbolizing the destruction of traditions, the one of the fragile postwar present, oscillating between destructive nihilism and soothing self-deception, and the one of the future where philosophy plays not a leading but still a largely significant role.
- "Revolutionary Transformation of the Public Realm: An Arendtian Perspective" (together with A. Salikov), Russian Sociological Review 17/1 (2018), 119–139. (in Russian)
The paper examines the relation between the public realm and revolution, the two central concepts of Hannah Arendt's political philosophy. This relation plays a key role in Arendt's theory of revolution, since the key purpose of a revolution is the liberation from oppression and the achievement of freedom, and the destruction of an old political realm and the creation of a new one, both of which are needed for the manifestation of free action. The main goal of our study is to analyze Arendt's idea of the influence of revolutions on the public realm by examining its theoretical and practical scopes. In order to verify the conclusions concerning the actual applicability of Arendt's theory of revolution, we analyze several cases of modern revolutions from that standpoint. Arendt's arguments concerning the causes of the failures of revolutions, made on the basis of several historical examples of revolutions from the 18th to the mid-20th century, are largely justified, even though these arguments still can be challenged to some extent. On the other hand, the analysis of the concrete examples demonstrates the limits of the applicability of this theory as a model of a description of contemporary revolutions. Although the theory has a number of significant advantages, it is still in need of considerable revision.
- "Nietzsches Idee der Gemeinschaft zwischen Liberalismus und Konservativer Revolution: Helmuth Plessner contra Carl Schmitt', in: Nietzsche und die Konservative Revolution. Hrsg. von Andreas Urs Sommer und Sebastian Kaufmann (Nietzsche-Lektüren im Auftrag der Heidelberger Akadamie der Wissenschaften und der Friedrich-Nietzsche-Stiftung, vol. 2). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2019, pp. 343–362. DOI: 10.1515/9783110588118-017
Nietzsche’s Idea of community between liberalism and Conservative Revolution: Helmuth Plessner contra Carl Schmitt. The following paper presents a brief reconstruction of Nietzsche’s idea of community and its reception by Tönnies, Plessner and Schmitt.While lacking in conceptual consistency, Nietzsche’s interpretation of community is an important critical counterpart not only to its Christian variation but also to the attempts of its politicization. Although Tönnies’ idea of community is influenced by Die Geburt der Tragödie, he overlooks its key elements presented in Nietzsche’s later works. In his Grenzen der Gemeinschaft, Plessner provides an alternative to Tönnies’ theory while also criticizing both the Nietzschean and the Marxist interpretation of community. Still, several crucial points of his theory (such as the importance of masks and playfulness for social interaction) provide striking similarities to Nietzsche. In contrast, there is a clear gap between Nietzsche’s idea of community and its anti-individualist and political absolutizing by Schmitt as well as by several other authors of the Conservative Revolution.
- Editorial (together with Th. Ebke), Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie. Bd. 7. Nietzsche und die Anthropologie / hg. von Th. Ebke und A. Zhavoronkov. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2018, V–XIV.
- "Nietzsche und die "experimentelle" Anthropologie der Antike", Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie. Bd. 7. Nietzsche und die Anthropologie / hg. von Th. Ebke und A. Zhavoronkov. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2018, 17–31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/jbpa-2017-0104
- "Nihilism and the Crisis of Tradition: Arendt and Contemporary Radical Conservatism", Russian Sociological Review. Special issue: Arendt and the Boundaries of the Public Sphere. 2018. № 4. C. 144–157. (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/1728-192x-2018-4-144-157
The present paper is a preliminary approach to the question of the applicability of Hannah Arendt’s ideas on tradition and nihilism to the analysis of contemporary radical conservatism. For this purpose, I examine Arendt’s essays of the 1940s and 1950s which shed light on the origins of the European conservatism crisis, and the difference between traditionalist and anti-traditionalist thinking. These arguments on the nihilistic aspects of radical conservatism, which legitimizes itself by appealing to a crisis of tradition, illustrate the shortcomings of Karl Mannheim’s analysis of conservatism and traditionalism. In order to complement Arendt’s rather fragmentary concept of conservatism, I use the definitions of adjectival and nominal conservatism to define the key differences between genuine conservatism and radical conservatism (pseudo-conservatism). Based on the analysis of the past, I address the question of why Arendt is important to the understanding of contemporary pseudo-conservatism, including its historical origins, self-description, and key instruments. Lastly, I explain why, together with Arendt, we should choose a broader perspective by focusing on analyzing the crisis of judgement in the public sphere and the resulting distortion of the ideas of tradition and dialogue, rather than simply describing contemporary radical conservatism as the spiritual successor to National Socialism.
- The Philosopher and the State: Hannah Arendt on the Philosophy of Socrates // Russian Sociological Review 16/3 (2017), 303–318. (in Russian) DOI 10.17323/1728-192X-2017-3-303-318
- Critical Method and the Philosophy of the Future: Reflections on the Relevance of Nietzsche’s Social Criticism // Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and Prospects / Ed. by Yulia V. Sineokaya and Ekaterina A. Poljakova. Moscow: LRC Publishing House 2017, 335–348.
- Limits of Man and Limits of Society: F. Nietzsche’s Anthropology and Its Influence on Helmuth Plessner // History of Philosophy Yearbook 2016. Мoscow 2016, 187–205. (in Russian)
- Die anthropologische Umwertung der Intersubjektivität: Zu Axel Honneths Rezeption von Helmuth Plessner // Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie. Bd 6: Mensch und Gesellschaft zwischen Natur und Geschichte. Zum Verhältnis von Philosophischer Anthropologie und Kritischer Theorie / hg. von Thomas Ebke et al. Berlin: De Gruyter 2016, 243–256.
- The Historical-Philosophical Approach in German Nietzsche Studies // History of Philosophy in the Format of an Article / ed. by J. Sineokaya. Moscow: Kultyrnaya Revolutsiya 2016, 198–219. (in Russian)
The essay presents a critical overview of the key instruments of the historical and philosophical Nietzsche studies (1980–2010. The major emphasis is placed on the correlation between the philological and the phi lo sophical ways of analysis, as well as on the possibility of introducing the results of historical and philosophical research into contemporary debates. From our point of view, it would be most effective to combine source studies and the historical and philosophical analysis with a critical approach which presuppos es challenging Nietzsche’s propositions both in the course of the reconstruction of his line of argument and in the discussion of their effectiveness for the solution of contemporary philosophical problems.
- Scheler und Nietzsche über das Mitleid: Ein zweiter Blick // Thaumazein: Rivista di filosofia, vol. 3 (2015), pp. 121–136.
- Kant, Nietzsche and French Revolution // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook, Moscow, 2015. pp. 187–205 (in Russian).
2014 and earlier
- Nietzsche‘s Influence on Homeric Scholarship // Nietzsche as a Scholar of Antiquity / ed. by Helmut Heit and Anthony Jensen. London: Bloomsbury, 2014, 139–155.
- Odysseus in the Mirror of Nietzsche’s Experimental Philosophy // History of Philosophy Yearbook 2012. Мoscow 2013, 272–295. (in Russian)
- Nietzsche-Rezeption in Russland: Ein Überblick // Nietzsche Younku: The Journal of Korean Nietzsche-Society (한국니체학회), vol. 23 (2013), 263–301.
- Odyssey // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Vol. 23. Мoscow: GRE 2013. (in Russian)
- Nietzsches Idee der Fremdheit des Griechischen und ihre Rezeption in der klassischen Philologie // „Einige werden posthum geboren“: Friedrich Nietzsches Wirkungen / hg. von Renate Reschke und Marco Brusotti. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012, 615–24.
- Nietzsche und der Glaube der Griechen // Nietzsche Younku: The Journal of Korean Nietzsche-Society (한국니체학회), vol. 20, 2011, 211–39.
- Reason, Knowledge and Cunning in Ilias XXIII: Nestor, Antilochus and Menelaus // Aristaios 3 (2011), 17–29. (in Russian)
- Knowledge and Social Status of the Individual in Homer and Hesiod // Development of Personality 3 (2010), 99 –115. (in Russian)
- Will to Power and Nietzsche‘s Legacy // Voprosy filosofii (Questions of Philosophy) 12 (2009), 105–15. (in Russian)
- Verbs of Knowledge in Homer // Vestnik MGU: Philology 6 (2009), 77–93. (in Russian)
- Homeric Morality: Current Status of Research // Development of Personality 3 (2008), 95–110. (in Russian)
- Polyphemus and the Principles of Hospitality // Development of Personality 2 (2006), 91–104. (in Russian)
- The Hero in Homer’s Odyssey and the Problem of Personality // Development of Personality 3 (2005), 69–81. (in Russian)
- Myth and the Right to Interpretation: J. Latacz and the ‘Troy Debate’ // The New Hermes 1 (2007), 83–92.
- On A. Zaytsev. Studies on Ancient Greek and Indo-European Poetry // RZh INION 4 (2007).
Translations |
RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS (from English and German)
- Friedrich Nietzsche: Legacy and Prospects / Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya and Ekaterina A. Poljakova. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2017 (translation of 15 articles);
- G. Danek. Epos and Quotes: Studying the Sources of “Odyssey”. Мoscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2011 (translation from German);
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Collected Works. Vol. 9. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2013. (translation of the commentary from German);
- E. Pontini. The Aesthetic Import of the Act of Knowledge and its European Roots in Merab Mamardašvili // Merab Konstantinovych Mamardašvili / ed. by N. Motroshilova. Moscow: ROSSPEN 2009, 279–97 (translation from English);
- D. Regnier. Consciousness and Conscience: Mamardašvili on the Common Point of Departure for Epistemological and Moral Reflection // Merab Konstantinovych Mamardašvili / ed. by N. Motroshilova. Moscow: ROSSPEN 2009, 298–318 (translation from English);
- “Ordinary Language Philosophy”; “Semiotics”; “Analytical Philosophy”; “Neo-Aristotelianism”; “Philosophical Anthropology”; “Robert Nozick”; “Action Theory”; “Theory of Cognition”; “Metaphysics” // Contemporary Western Philosophy: Dictionary / ed. by. V. Malakhov and O. Höffe. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2008 (translation from German);
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Collected Works. Vol. 4. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsiya 2007 (translation of commentary from German).
- «Each case is an exception? Pseudo-conservatism in Russian society and politics». Семинар Института российских и евразийских исследований (IRES) университета, Uppsala, Sweden, 9 May 2019. https://www.kalendarium.uu.se/Evenemang/?eventId=44672
- «Die soziologische Rezeption von Kants Anthropologie im 20. Jahrhundert: Probleme und Beispiele». Международная конференция «Filozofia Immanuela Kanta i jej recepcja», университет Николая Коперника, г. Торунь, Польша, 23 мая 2019 г. https://filozofia.umk.pl/filozofia-immanuela-kanta-i-jej-recepcja/
- «The Revaluation of Humanism in Philosophical Anthropology: A Nietzschean Legacy?». Международная научная конференция Общества Фридриха Ницше (Friedrich Nietzsche Society) «Nietzsche and Humanity: (Anti-)Humanism, Posthumanism, Transhumanism», университет г. Тильбург, Нидерланды, 14 September 2019. https://www.fns.org.uk/uploads/1/2/1/2/121243126/fns_2019_programme_final.pdf
- «Die unerträgliche Verflachung des Lebens: Zur sozialen Dimension von Schelers Phänomenologie der Tiefe». Международная научная конференция общества Макса Шелера (Max Scheler Gesellschaft) «La philosophie sociale de Max Scheler», университет Сорбонны, г. Париж, Франция, 4 October 2019. https://caphi.univ-nantes.fr/IMG/pdf/programme_du_congre_s_max_scheler_octobre_2019_190910.pdf
- «Nietzsches Politik der Ausnahmen: Auf dem Weg zum ‚invertierten Totalitarismus‘?». Международный конгресс Фонда Фридриха Ницше и Общества Ницше (Nietzsche-Gesellschaft e.V.) «Nietzsches Perspektiven des Politischen», Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum, г. Наумбург, Germany, 19 October 2019. https://www.nietzsche-gesellschaft.de/assets/Faltblatt2019DRUCK.pdf
- Nietzsche und die ‘experimentelle’ Anthropologie der Antike (International Conference “Nietzsche als anthropologischer Denker”, University of Erfurt; 12.07.2017),
- Nietzsches Anthropologiekritik in anthropologischer Hinsicht (Berliner Nietzsche-Colloquium, Technische Universität Berlin; 26.04.2017),
- Nietzsche und die anthropologische Tradition des deutschen Idealismus (Philosophical Colloquium, University of Erfurt; 11.01.2017)
- Freies Denken und geistige Erneuerung: Hannah Arendts Idee der Wandlung (Karl Jaspers-Haus; Oldenburg, 01.12.2016),
- Nietzsches Interkulturalität und die anthropologische Perspektive der Klassischen deutschen Philosophie (27th International Friedrich Nietzsche Congress; Naumburg, 23.09.2016),
- Nietzsches Idee der Gemeinschaft zwischen Konservatismus und Liberalismus: Carl Schmitt contra Helmuth Plessner (F. Nietzsche Colloquium in Oßmannstedt, 13.06.2016),
- Zwischen dauerhaftem und dynamischem Menschenbild: Hegels Anthropologie und Friedrich Nietzsches Gegen-Anthropologie (31th International Hegel Congress; Bochum, 19.05.2016),
- Der öffentliche Raum und die Revolution: Zwischen Theorie und Praxis (Hannah Arendt Colloquium; Free University of Berlin; 29.04.2016),
- Die anthropologische Umwertung der Intersubjektivität: Zu Axel Honneths Rezeption von Helmuth Plessner (International Conference on Philosophical Anthropology and Critical Theory; Potsdam, 18.02.2016)
- Scheler und Nietzsche über das Mitleid: Ein zweiter Blick (XIII International Max Scheler Conference; Verona, 30.05.2015),
- ‘Das böse Princip’: Nietzsche, Platon und die antike Art der Kritik (25th International Friedrich Nietzsche Congress; Naumburg, 17.10.2014),
- The two faces of Nietzsche’s ‘good warrior’ (20th Congress of Friedrich Nietzsche Society), Birmingham, 12.09.2014),
- Nietzsches Bild von Theognis und die Frage nach der aristokratischen Moral (23th International Friedrich Nietzsche Congress: “Ohnmacht des Subjekts – Macht der Persönlichkeit”; Naumburg, 11.10.2012),
- ‘Plato gegen Homer’ als Nietzsches philosophische Formel (Postgraduate Colloquium at the Institute of Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin; 13.02.2012),
- Nietzsches Wirkungen in der Homerforschung (International Colloquium “Nietzsche über die frühgriechische Kultur”; Technical University of Berlin, 05.11.2011),
- Nietzsche und Homer: Philologische und philosophische Methoden der Interpretation (19. Nietzsche-Workshop in Schulpforta; Naumburg/Schulpforta, 13.09.2011),
- Nietzsche-Rezeption in Russland (1890–1990) (Nietzsche-Colloquium, Technical University of Berlin, 25.05.2011),
- Nietzsches Idee der Fremdheit des Griechischen und ihre Rezeption in der klassischen Philologie (21th International Friedrich Nietzsche Congress; Naumburg, 14.10.2010).
- «Кант как социальный философ: «необщительная общительность» в человеческой природе, культуре и политике». Кантовский лекторий, Академия Кантиана / Academia Kantiana, Балтийский федеральный университет им. И. Канта, 28 ноября 2019 г. Анонс: https://www.facebook.com/events/948785262167848/
- Выступление на презентации сборника работ Е.В. Ознобкиной: Избранные работы: статьи, рецензии, воспоминания (Сост. и ред. А.Г. Жаворонков. М.: Культурная Революция, 2019. 388 с. 300 экз. ISBN 978-5-6041821-7-8). Институт философии РАН, 21 ноября 2019 г. https://iphras.ru/21_11_19_prezent.htm
- The Origins of Pseudoconservatism and Its Revival in Russia (Conference „Modes of Thinking, Ways of Speaking”, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 26.04.2018), https://phil.hse.ru/data/2018/04/23/1150383996/Final-programrus.pdf
- Nihilism and the Crisis of Tradition: Arendt und the Contemporary ‘Radical Conservatism’ (section „Hannah Arendt on the Limits of the Permissible“, International Symposium „Paths of Russia“, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, 31.03.2018), https://msses.ru/science/konferentsiya-puti-rossii/puti-rossii-2018.php, Program.
- Hannah Arendt’s ideas in modern context (Colloquium “Hannah Arendt and Modernity”, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, 20.10.2016),
- Getting to Know Helmuth Plessner (podium discussion with M. Khorkov; Dostoevsky Library, Moscow, 24.03.2016),
- The Philosopher and the State: Hannah Arendt on Socrates (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, 15.03.2016),
- Max Scheler (“Object 22”, radio “Mayak”; Moscow, 09.03.2016),
- Limits of Man and Limits of Society: Friedrich Nietzsche’s Anthropology and Its Influence on Helmuth Plessner (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, 18.12.2014),
- Kant, Nietzsche und die Französische Revolution (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; Kaliningrad, 21.04.2014),
- Nietzsche and Homer (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, 22.08.2013),
- Nietzsche and Homer: The European Tradition and Its Oriental Elements (Higher School of Economics; Moscow, 23.03.2011).
Organization of Conferences |
- Nietzsche als anthropologischer Denker, – University of Erfurt (Germany), 12–14.07.2017.
Contacts |
- E-mail: outdoors@yandex.ru; alaudarius@gmail.com
Web-page in Russian |
https://iphras.ru/zhavoronkov.htm |