Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Gogotishvili Lyudmila Archilovna
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Gogotishvili Lyudmila Archilovna

Гоготишвили Людмила Арчиловна

Date of birth




  • Philology, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov
  • Moscow State University (MSU), 1980



  • Cand. Sc. Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1984
Professional appointments

Senior Research Fellow (Department of the History of  Anthropological Doctrines, Institute of Philosophy,  Russian Academy of Sciences)


Professional  activities:

  • member, investigative group publishing collected edition of writings by M.M. Bakhtin;
  • member, investigative group “From the A.F.Losev’s archives”;
  • one of organizers and the permanent member, the combined French-Russian study group (« Le dualisme et l'égologie dans le cadre de la confrontation des cultures russes et occidentales : éléments de différenciations et d'intégration »), 2010-2014;


1) “Indirect Speech” (Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2006, PP. 715),  including, among other things:

2) “The Eidetic Language" (reconstruction and interpretation of the radical lingua-philosophical novation by A.F. Losev)”. PP. 220-415

3) “On phenomenology of indirect speech”. PP. 416-697



  • La forme interne immanente dialogique chez Bakhtine comme alternative à Humboldt et Potebnja / transl. P. Seriot // Potebnja, langage, pensée: Cahiers de l'ILSL / Eds. P. Sériot & M. Schoenenberger. 2016. No 46. P. 105–111. ISBN: 978-2-9700958-1-1. ISSN: 1019-9446
  • Nominativnost’ i protsessual’nost’ v filosofii yazyka Pavla Florenskogo (imenovanie i diskurs v obratnoy perspektive) [Nominativeness and procedurality in Pavel Florensky’s philosophy of language (naming and discourse in reverse perspective)] // VOX: Filos. journ. 2016. Issue 21. ISSN 2077-6608. [electronic resource] URL:
  • O vozmozhnom istoke polifonicheskoy idei Bakhtina [On a possible source of Bakhtin’s polyphony] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2014. Issue No 17. [electronic resource] URL:
  • Antropología religiosa de Mijaíl Bajtín en su obra “Hacia una filosofía del acto ético” // Comprendre: Revista catalana de filosofia. 2015. Vol. 17. No. 1: Monogràfic Pensament religiós rus al segle XX. P. 19–45.
  • 巴赫金的宗教人类学第一原则建 (The moral-religious principle of early Bakhtin as a source of polyphonic discourse) / Transl. Ling Tianhou // Russian literature and art (俄罗斯文艺). Beijing, 2015. No 2. P. 18–27.
  • Na podstupakh k obscheevropeyskoy nauke? [Toward common European science?] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2015. Issue No 19. [electronic resource] URL:
  • Printsip odnostoronney dualnosti v ne-filosofii F. Laruela: antropologicheskow izmerenie i yazykovoy genezis [The principle of unilateral duality in F.Laruelle’s non-philosophy: anthropological dimension and linguistic genesis] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2015. Issue No 19. [electronic resource] URL:
  • Vklad postsimvolistov Loseva i Bakhtina v teoriyu postroeniya diskursa (printsipial’nye razlichiya na fone fundamental’nogo skhodstva) [Contribution of postsymbolists Losev and Bakhtin to theory of constructing discourse (principal differences against the background of fundamental likeness)] // Filologia: nauchn. issled. [Philology: scientific research]. 2014. No 4(16). P. 354–368.
  • A.F. Losev kak sub’ekt i ob’ekt tezaurusnogo issledovaniya [A.F. Losev as a subject and object of thesaurus research] (on the problem formulation) // Bulletin of the Library «A.F. Losev House». Issue  19. М.: Vodoley, 2014. P. 126-134. (RGNF No 14-03-00376 «Losev thesaurus»).
  • K metodike raboty nad yazykovym segmentom losevskogo tezaurusa [On the method of working with the linguistic segment of Losev thesaurus] («Filosofiya imeni [Philosophy of the name]» and «Dialektika mifa [Dialectics of the myth]») // A.F. Losev: tvorchestvo, traditsii, interpretatsii [works, traditions, interpretations] / Scient. eds. А.А. Takho-Godi, Е.А. Takho-Godi. Comp. Е.А. Takho-Godi. М.: Vodoley, 2014. P. 82-94. (RGNF No 14-03-00376 «Losev thesaurus»).
  • K situatsii vokrug polifonii [On the situation around polyphony] (part 1) // VOX: Philos. journ. 2013. No 15. (
  • Bakhtinskaya immanentno-dialogicheskaya vnutrennyaya forma kak alternativa gumboldtianskomu i potebnianskomu poskhodam [Bakhtin’s immanent-dialogic internal form as an alternative to Humboldtian and Potebnian approaches] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2013. No 15. (
  • Shpet i Bakhtin: ozhodaemye raskhozhdeniya i neozhidannye skhodstva [Shpet and Bakhtin: expected differences and unexpected similarities] // Gustav Gustavovich Shpet / Ed. Т.G. Schedrina. М.: Politicheskaya entsiklopediya, 2014. P. 324-340.
  • Le noyau radical de La «philosophie du nom» d'A.F. Losev // Revue philosophique de France et de l’étranger. Problèmes actuels de la philosophie Russe. 2014. No 3. P. 315-332.
  • Simvol u rannego i pozdnego Loseva: sdvig v tolkovanii [The symbol in the early and late Losev: an interpretational shift] (reconstruction and an experience of interpretation) // Tvorchestvo А.F. Loseva v kontekste otechestvennoy i evropeyskoy kulturnoy traditsii [А.F. Losev’s works in the context of Russian and European cultural traditions]: On the 120th anniversary of birth and 25th anniversary of death. Proceedings of the International scientific conference the 14th «Losev Readings». Part I / Ed.-in-chief А.А. Takho-Godi, Е.А. Takho-Godi. Comp. by Е.А. Takho-Godi. М.: Dizain i poligrafia, 2013. 416 p. P. 81-93.
  • Trekhstoronnyaya diskussia o «sovremennom tipe» filosofskogo myshlenia [A trilateral discussion about the “modern type” of philosophical thinking] (a review). Materials of the seminar «Interrelations between Russian and European philosophers» (part three) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 5 (65). P. 650-655.
  • Lingvisticheskie prolegomeny k teme «Losev i Bakhtin» [Linguistic prolegomena to the theme of Losev and Bakhtin] // Symposion. On the 90th anniversary of Aza A. Takho-Godi / ed.-in-chief and compil. Е.A. Takho-Godi. М.: Vodoley, 2013. 408 p. P. 124-131.
  • Filosofia yazyka Loseva i «ne-filosofia» yazyka Laruella [Losev’s philosophy of language and Laruelle’s non-philosophy of language] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 5 (65). P. 656-679.
  • Immanentnoe, transtsendentnoe i dualnoe v nefilosofii F.Laruelle [The immanent, the transcendent and the dual in the nonphilosophy of F.Laruelle] // Siniy divan. 2013. Issue 18. P. 31-47. (revised 2nd edition of the article).
  • The Immanent, Transcendental and Dual on the fifth  stage of “Non-Philosophy” by François Laruelle // Philosophija i kul’tura. 2011. №4; 
  • Die innere Form als sprachlicher Algorithmus im Denken Gustav Špets // Wilhelm Fink (Mjunchen). 2011;
  • The P. Florenskij’s doctrine of the correlation between pictorial and linguistical devices (inverted perspective and circular discourse) // "Problems of Philosophy", 2010. № 11.
  • The cogitologycal interpretation of the Shpet’s concept of inner form // "Problems of Philosophy", 2010. № 1;
  • Polytropie positionnelle, le principe clé de la théorie losevienne de l’expressio // Slavica Occitania. // L'œuvre d'Alekseï Losev dans le contexte de laculture européenne. Toulouse. 2010;
  • The Radical Nexus of Losev’s “Philosophy of Name” // Losev A.F. Philosophy of Name. Moscow. Akademicheskij proiekt. 2009;
  • The early Shpet: motivation and goals of the phenomenology’s  switch to the linguistic consciousness // Comprehensio. Piatyie shpetovskije chtenija. Tomsk, Tomsk State University, 2009;
  • The Author and the Inversions of his Position // Bibler Vladimir Solomonovich // Serie: Philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. ROSSPEN, 2009;
  • Bibler, Bakhtin and the Problem of Author // "Problems of Philosophy", 2008. № 8;
  • Eidetic Language, Speaking Object and  Multi-levelness of Sense // Aleksey Fedorivich Losev.  Serie: Philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. ROSSPEN, 2008;
  • G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus // Slavica Occitania. Numéros 26 et 27. Gustav Chpet et son héritage. Aux sources russes du structuralisme et de la sémiotique. Toulouse. 2008;
  • Bakhtin Mikhail Mikhailovich // Encyclopedia of philosophy, Second Edition.Editor-in-Chief Donald M. Borchert. Ohio University. Macmillan Reference USA. 2005;
  • Double-voicedness in the correlation with the Monologue and Polyphony // Bakhtinskij sbornik № 5, Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2004;
  • Losev’s Radical Lingua-Philosophical Project // Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 56. 2004;
  • The Reception of Symbolism in human sciences // Literaturovedenije kak Literatura (Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2004); 
  • The Viacheslav Ivanov’s Antinomical Principle  // Viacheslav Ivanov. Between Holy Scripture and  Poetry // Europa Orientalis. Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari Universita di Salerno, 2004
  • Afterwords and commentaries to volume № 1 of the collected writings by M.M. Bakhtin // Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2003);
  • Bakhtin, double-voicedness, carnival, polyphony, chronotopos // Leksikon nonklassiki. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2003; 
  • Afterwords and commentaries to volume № 6 of the collected writings by M.M. Bakhtin // Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2002;
  • Between the Name and the Predicate (Symbolism by Viacheslav Ivanov  against the background of onomatodoxy/imjaslavie) // Viacheslav Ivanov. Arkhivnyie materialy i issledovanija. Moscow, Pusskije slovari, 1999;
  • The Losev’s conception of predicativity // Losev A.F. Personality and Absolute. Moscow, Mysl', 1999;
  • Losev, Hesychasm and Platonism // Losev A. Name. St. Petersburg, Aletheia, 1997;
  • The linguistical aspect of three versions of onomatodoxy/imjaslavie (A.Losev. P.Florenskij, S.Bulgakov) // Losev A.F. Name. St. Petersburg, Aletheia, 1997;
  • Afterwords and commentaries to volume № 5 of the collected writings by M.M. Bakhtin // Moscow, Pusskije slovari, 1997;
  • The early Losev // "Problems of Philosophy", 1989. № 7; // Russian studies in philosophy. 1996, vol. 35;
  • The Communicative Version of Hesychasm // Losev A.F. Myth. Number. Essence. Moscow, Mysl’, 1994;
  • Platonism in the mirror-world of 20st century // Losev A.F. Ocherki antichnogo simvolizma i mifologiji. Moscow, Mysl’, 1993;
  • The Mythology of Chaos (On the A.Losev’s social and historical theory) // "Problems of Philosophy", 1993. № 9
  • Variants and invariants of M.M.Bakhtin // "Problems of Philosophy", 1992, № 1;
  • The Bakhtin’s philosophy of language and the axiological relativism // Bakhtin as philosopher. Moscow, Nauka, 1992;
 Executive editor
  • Executive editor (with S.G. Bocharov) of the 5-th, 6-th and 1-th volumes of collected edition (Moscow, Pusskije slovari, 1997; Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2002; Moscow, Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury,  2003);
  • Bakhtin as philosopher (with P.S. Gurevich). Moscow, Nauka, 1992. 
  • The Aleksey Losev’s Absolute Myth (with A.T.Kazarian) // “Nachala”, 1994, №№ 1, 2 – 4;
  • Viacheslav Ivanov. Arkhivnyie materialy i issledovanija. Moscow, Pusskije slovari, 1999.
 Papers and Talks
  •  Invited key report “Double-voicedness in the correlation with the Monologue and Polyphony” // International conference “Bakhtin and His Contemporaries”. December, 1999  Bloomington, Indiana, USA;
  • Invited report “The Viacheslav Ivanov’s Antinomical Principle” // VIII International conference “Viacheslav Ivanov: Between Holy Scripture and  Poetry”, 2001, Rome, Italy;
  • Invited key report “ A. Losev’s Radical Lingua-Philosophical Project” //International conference “Aleksej Fedorovich Losev and the Human Sciences”, Columbus, USA, 2002;
  • Invited report «G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus» // International conference “Gustav Chpet et son héritage. Aux sources russes du structuralisme et de la sémiotique”. Bordeaux , France, 2007.
  • Invited report “Promising outlook: “non-perspectiveness” (Florensky’s theory of cross-correlation between pictorial and verbal techniques)” // International conference “Pavel Florenski et l’Europe”. Bordeaux, France, 2009;
  • Invited report The Shpet’s concept of inner form as a lingual algorithm // International conference “The forgotten academy (The conference devoted to the State Academy of Arts)”, Berlin, Germany. 2009;
  • Invited report “The Shpet’s interpretation of the inner form by Humboldt as a crosspoint of the main typological trends. // Colloque international: W. von Humboldt dans les sciences humaines en Russie», Section de langues slaves (Université de Lausanne), Switzerland, June, 2011;
  • Invited participation in series of the seminars of the combined French-Russian study group (« Le dualisme et l'égologie dans le cadre de la confrontation des cultures russes et occidentales : éléments de différenciations et d'intégration »), Paris-Bordeaux-Pyrenees (2010), Paris-Bordeaux (2011).
Organization of the scientific events
  • one of organizers, the Moscow’s seminars of the combined French-Russian study group (« Le dualisme et l'égologie dans le cadre de la confrontation des cultures russes et occidentales : éléments de différenciations et d'intégration » (Moscow, February, 2010; October, 2010);
  • organizer of the François Laruelle’s report in the Institute of Philosophy (Russian Academy of Sciences), October, 2010.

Grants of the Russian Foundation for Humanities: 

Research Projects concerning preparation for publishing collected edition of writings by M.M. Bakhtin, executor  (1996 – 2002); Research Projects concerning the work in the investigative group “From the A.F.Losev’s archives”, executor (1999 – 2010); publisher's grant for publication of the monography  “Indirect Speech”, chief (2005, № 05-03-16005); Research Project “Phenomenology of talking”, chief  (2007-2009 г., № 07-03-00319а); Research Project “Interdisciplinary Research of A.F.Losev’s legacy”, executor (2011-2013 г., № 11-03-00408а).