Filosofskie syuzhety Erika Eriksona [Philosophical subjects of Erik Erikson ]: translations of works of the American psychoanalyst) / ed. P.S. Gurevich. - М.: Canon+ ROOI «Reabilitatsiya», 2017.-416 p.
ISBN 978-5-88373-014-5
The book presents selected works of a prominent American psychoanalyst Erik Erikson (1902-1994). He is a well-known leader in many areas of psychological and philosophical knowledge. Special attention in the book is paid to the conception of identity developed by E. Erikson. He interprets this notion as self-awareness that provides an opportunity for an individual to create a stable, sound understanding of himself. The most outstanding thinkers of the past century, including M. Buber, P. Ricoeur, M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, paid tribute to this theme. The book includes E.Erikson’s works on ego-psychology and psychohistory.
The book is intended for specialists and a broad range of readers.
Reznik Yu.М. Fenomenologia cheloveka: bytie vozmozhnogo [A phenomenology of man: being of the possible]: a monograph / Yu.М. Reznik. -М.: Canon+ ROOI «Reabilitatsiya», 2017. - 632 p.
ISBN 978-5-88373-037-4
The monograph deals with a phenomenological analysis of ontological foundations of the formation of an integral image of man, who appears as a project and is intended to construction in the future. The subject of study is philosophical rationale for projecting human being as a sphere of the potentially proper.
The main directions of the monographic study are as follows: determination of the status of phenomenology as probabilistic and project knowledge of man; consideration of probable human being as a project sphere; reconstruction of variants of the ontological project corresponding to facets of human being (existential project, world-being project, co-being project «I - Other», transpersonal project).
The book is intended for researchers and lecturers, students and post-graduate students specialising in the philosophy of man and philosophical anthropology. The book will be also of interest to specialists in management concerned with problems of projecting social development.
Gurevich, P.S. Grani chelovecheskogo bytiya [The facets of human being] [Text] / Rus. acad. sciences. Inst. philosophy; P.S. Gurevich, E.М. Spirova. - М. : IPh RAS, 2016. - 173 p.
ISBN 978-5-9540-0305-5
The authors introduce a new notion монографии вводят в категориальный аппарат философской антропологии новое понятие - «facets of human being» – in the categorial apparatus of philosophical anthropology. Such phenomena as work, love, play, life and death are analysed. The difference between human existentials and facets of human being is specified. The facets characterize limits of human existence, without which the presence of man as a special kind of being is unconceivable. Facets of human being are universal. They permeate the most significant forma of man’s life activity.
The book will be of interest to researchers and university lecturers and is also recommended for a broad reading public.
Schopenhauer Arthur Aforizmy zhiteyskoy mudrosti [Aphorisms of live wisdom] (Foreword by P.S. Gurevich). - Moscow: Publ. «Canon+» ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2016. - 262 p.
ISBN 978-5-88373-502-7
The pessimistic philosophy of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 - 21 September 1860) influences the formation of views and creative work of F. Nietzsche, T. Mann, E. Hartmann. The work is a fictionalized presentation of his views on culture, personality, history. Schopenhauer masterly unites the purity and depth of thought, black humour, irony and ontological yearning for true being.
The book is addressed to a wide circle of readers.
Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Identichnost’ kak sotsial’ny i antropologicheskiy fenomen [Identity as a social and anthropological phenomenon] / P.S. Gurevich, E.M. Spirova. - Moscow: Publ. «Canon+» ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2015. - 368 p.
ISBN 978-5-88373-498-3
The book presents the results of the RGNF research project No 11-03-00599а «The problem of identity in modern culture», 2011-2013, (supervisor - Prof. P.S. Gurevich).
The monograph shows how under the conditions of globalisation there goes the process of the loss of self-identity of different cultures and the need of a particular country, culture or individual to reveal the essential core, to answer the question «who am I?» or «who are we?» gets sharper. In this context, identity is regarded as a social and anthropological phenomenon.
New conceptions and approaches to the problem of identity are analyzed and viewed at a distance (for example, conception of trans-modernity, situational identity, etc.). A new transcultural, trans-value, transepistemological model is born, requiring enlightenment in scientific literature. The authors discuss new tendencies of multiple identity, which permit to offer an integral programme of Russian evaluation of complex processes of national and cultural self-identity.
Gurevich P.S. Razmezhevaniya i tendentsii sovremennoy filosofskoy antropologii [Delimitations and tendencies of modern philosophical anthropology] / Rus. acad. sciences, Inst. Phisophy; P.S. Gurevich, E.M. Spirova. - Moscow: IPhRAS, 2015. - 161 p.
ISBN 978-5-9540-0212-6.
The monograph analyzes disputable problems related to philosophical comprehension of man. In Russian philosophy there are different approaches to the problem of man. Many different interpretations related to analysis of sciences of man have resulted in essential loss of the subject-matter of philosophical anthropology. The apophatic project of philosophical anthropology (misanthropology) has also developed. Serious delimitations occurred in assessment of the methodology of philosophical anthropology. The authors consider current versions of reductionism and relativism. Special attention is paid to interpretation of E. Fromm’s formulation that man is hardly most eccentric creation of the universe.
Gurevich P. S. Osnovy filosofii [Basics of philosophy]: a testbook / P.S. Gurevich. — 3rd stereotyped ed. — М.: KNORUS, 2015. — 480 p. — (General professional education).
The book discusses philosophical problems that are now the most topical, related to the processes going on in the modern world. The exposition of the material has its specificity determined by the specific features of philosophy as an area of world comprehension, where the very thinking, reasoning and development of thought are significant. It introduces the basic spheres of philosophical knowledge; considerable attention is paid to the anthropological theme, i.e. human beings.
The book complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for new-generation general vocational training.
The book is designed for students of specialized secondary educational institutions and senior schoolchildren. It might be of interest to students, post-graduate students, and lecturers at non-humanities higher educational institutions, and also for a wide audience.
Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]: a textbook. – 2nd ed. - М.: INFRA-М, 2015. - 332 p. -(Higher education: Bachelor of art). — www.dx.doi.org/10.12737/5238.
A textbook by a well-known scholar and practitioner Prof. P.S.Gurevich discusses in detail the problems of general, social and clinical psychology.
Such significant themes are analyzed as the structure of human mind, interrelation between the body and the soul, problems of psychosexual development, the internal world of the personality, the phenomenon of group creation, extreme experiences, normal and pathological manifestations of the mind, etc.
For students and post-graduate students of psychology, and also for specialists who wish to enhance their knowledge and proficiency.
Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia lichnosti [Psychology of personality]: a textbook. — 2nd ed. — М.: INFRA-М, 2015. — 479 p. — (Higher education: Bachelor of art). — www.dx.doi.org/10.12737/5245.
The textbook deals with such problems as human nature, human essence, human subjectivity, the uniqueness of man, the problem of integrity, etc. As is shown, the personality implies incessant strain and search. The personality is always a breakthrough into the spiritual sphere. According to N.A. Berdyaev, achievement of spirituality is the main task of human life. The textbook combines theoretical and applied aspects of studying the personality, its development, motivation, mental health and psychopathology. Special attention is paid to personal typologies.
The textbook is designed for psychologists and philosophers, college students and also for a wide circle of readers.
Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]. Summaries of lectures: a textbook / P.S. Gurevich. — М.: KNORUS, 2015. — 208 p. — (Summaries of lectures).
Contains the basic knowledge of psychology. Gives a detailed characteristic of psychology as a science, shows its historical and prognostic aspects. Students will receive information about the main problems of individual and social psychology. The first section discusses cognitive processes, the second highlights the main facets of socio-psychological knowledge — group consciousness, mass psychology, psychology of the personality. Presents basic knowledge about new fields of psychological science — psychology of politics, psychology of advertisement, psychology of extreme conditions.
The textbook corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard for new-generation higher education.
For bachelors and masters of art, students of the system of post-graduate education.
Gurevich P.S., Paleeva N. N. Filosofia kultury [Philosophy of culture]: a monograph. 2nd rev. ed./P. S. Gurevich, N. N. Paleeva. — М.: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2014. — 424 p.
The philosophy of culture knows numerous facts. They are described by cultural anthropology, sociology of culture, theology of culture, ethnology, history of culture. The acquired controversial empirical facts do not always clarifies metaphysical problems. Advancement from one cultural epoch to another significantly transforms the cultural perspective.
This gives birth to the theoretical need for discovering a certain unity of the cultural process, invariants of sociodynamic models, archetypal situations, regularities of repetition and transformation of constant cultural components. Philosophical speculation helps to master diverse human experience, possibilities of an individual’s access to cultural cosmos. The philosophy of culture attempts to penetrate into the most unexpected and ever renewing paradoxes of human being, and a cultural philosopher aims at justify the generally valid norm, which would permit to evaluate the really existing states of culture.
The monograph is designed for scientific researchers, students, post-graduate students, and lecturers.
Gurevich P.S., Nikolaeva E.Z. Obshchestvoznanie [Social science]. 11th year : a textbook for comprehensive schools (basic level) / P. S. Gurevich, E. Z. Nikolaeva. — 5th ed., rev. and updated. — М.: Mnemozina, 2014. — 328 p.
The textbook is revised and updated according to requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The course of social science deals with the following spheres: economy, social relations, politics, law ans spiritual sphere, which are discussed in their interrelation and interaction as an integral system of social relations. Each paragraph of the textbook ends with the rubric «What should be understood and remembered», containing key moments of the topic of study. The questions and assignments are differentiated by their levels of complexity. Also, creative and project assignments for students are provided. The textbook ends with a biographic index that includes information about the most frequently mentioned philosophers, historians, sociologists and other scholars.
Gurevich P.S., Nikolaeva E.Z. Obshchestvoznanie [Social science]. 10th year : a textbook for comprehensive schools (basic level) / P. S. Gurevich, E. Z. Nikolaeva. — 6th ed., rev. and updated. — М.: Mnemozina, 2014. — 312 p.
The textbook presents a complex of knowledge in philosophy, sociology, cultural science, political science, psychology. It is founded on the anthropological principle — the exposition develops around the problems of man and the concepts that are used in social science.
Questions and assignments to texts of paragraphs are graduated according to levels of complexity. Creative assignments for students are provided. All this will help school students to better learn this branch of learning and to prepare to the final examination.
Gurevich P.S. Obshchestvoznanie [Social science]. 9th year: a textbook for comprehensive schools / P. S. Gurevich, E. Z. Nikolaeva; ed.by A. Yu. Lazebnikova. — М.: Mnemozina, 2014. — 152 p.
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the Federal State Standard for basic secondary education. The methodological apparatus of the textbook includes assignments of varied degree of difficulty that will promote development of cognitive, intellectual and creative potential of 9th-form school students, helps to prepare to the State final examination.
Gurevich P.S. Obshchestvoznanie [Social science]. 8th year: a textbook for comprehensive schools / P. S. Gurevich, E. Z. Nikolaeva; ed.by A. Yu. Lazebnikova. — М.: Mnemozina, 2014. — 160 p.
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the Federal State Standard for basic secondary education. The methodological apparatus of the textbook includes assignments of varied degree of difficulty that will promote development of cognitive, intellectual and creative potential of 9-year school students, helps to prepare to the State final examination.
Eros: Anthology: Philosophical marginalia of Prof. P.S.Gurevich. — Moscow.: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2014. — 415 p.
The book tells about Love from time immemorial to our days. The stories it contains are taken from classical sources, from medieval texts, from contemporary philosophical and scientific literature, from books of outstanding representatives of world and Russian culture: Stefan Zweig, Vladimir Nabokov, Stendhal, Denis Diderot, Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov...
The range of «Eros» is from the pastoral and gallant era to «dark passions» à la marquis de Sade.
Gurevich, P. S. Religiovedenie [Religious studies]: a textbook for bachelor’s degree / P. S. Gurevich. — 3rd ed., revised and updated. — M.: Yurait, 2014. — 573 p.
The textbook deals with religion as both an object of knowledge and a spiritual phenomenon. The author attempts to reveal its essence as a cultural and anthropological phenomenon. A characteristic of world religions is given. Significant attention is paid to psychological aspects of religion. The book also presents fragments of works of leading thinkers who studied this phenomenon.
Religious consciousness, like free thought, has long traditions. Faith is a state of human soul that permits an individual to overcome life trials, to find a foothold in the swirl of life. Modern education is impossible without knowledge of religion. However, religious studies are not advocacy of religion, not cult-related exposition of religious dogmas. The textbook presents a broad vision of the world picture, where both free thought and faith find their place. That is why religious studies ensure a dialogue with science: theology, philosophy, cultural science, and history.
The book corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation higher professional education.
For students, specialists and all interested in religious problems.
Gurevich P.S. Kulturologia: elementarny kurs [Cultural science]: an elementary course: A textbook. – М. Direkt-Media, 2013. – 344 p.
The number of specialists engaged in scientific research activities grows incessantly. Science has preserved its self-value and continues to satisfy the curiosity of people, their desire to better understand how the world is arranged, to come to know themselves and at least in general outline to foresee, to divine, to predict the ways of the development of humankind, and also to assess risks and difficulties on that way.
This book can be equally helpful to senior schoolchildren, first-year students, young lecturers in philosophy, all who are trying to perfect methods of scientific research in order to understand the applicability of scientific theories and hypothesis. |
Gurevich P.S. Filosofskaya interpretatsia cheloveka [Philosophical interpretation of man] (To the 80th anniversary of Prof. P.S.Gurevich) / P.S.Gurevich. — SPb.: Petroglif, 2013. — 428 p.
The book presents a wide spectrum of various conceptions of philosophical comprehension of man. The author attempts at highlighting the most complicated problems of development - both of man and civilization. New themes of philosophical anthropology attract the author’s attention, such as: vectors of post-modernistic interpretation of man, the apophatic project of man, the phenomenon of de-anthropologization of man, the cybernaut as a character of the global ere, the logic of the bios and the brain of the technos. These problems have become of special interest due to the so-called anthropological turn in philosophy.
The fundamental core of the book is philosophical anthropology, existing nowadays in many variants: cultural, social, religious, political, historic, paedagogic, psychoanalytical. Philosophical interpretation of man, the author points out, becomes especially topical under modern conditions, when man is loosing almost all supports.
The book is designed for philosophers, sociologists and all interested in the problems of philosophical anthropology.
Gurevich, P. S. Etika [Ethics]: a textbook for bachelors of science / P. S. Gurevich. – 2nd ed., revised and updated. – M.: Yurait, 2013. – 516 p.
The textbook deals with ethics as an independent discipline born by century-old reflection over human acts. Ethics warns against seemingly obvious statements, sometimes (according to Fichte) «sun-clear». Ethics evokes doubts, pricks of consciousness, it enlightens the mind, responding to the murmurs of the soul.
The first part deals with the subject matter and significance of ethics as a philosophical discipline. The second part compared fundamental and applied ethics, substantiates their topicality and importance. The third part examines the basic ethical concepts and categories. The forth part is dedicated to the history of ethical doctrines.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation general vocational training.
For lecturers, post-graduate students and students of colleges. |
Gurevich, P. S. Psikhologia i pedagogika [Psychology and paedagogy]: a textbook for bachelors of science / P. S. Gurevich. – 2nd ed., revised and updated. – M.: Yurait, 2013. – 479 p.
The major ideas of psychology and paedagogy presented in the book give a new perspective of these disciplines, without which human upbringing and education are not possible. The specificity of sensual and rational knowledge, the common and individual in the psyche of students are discussed in detail. A special section deals with problems of the personality in educational models, where modern educational conceptions and strategies are presented, developing paedagogic technologies and fundamentals of designing educational and upbringing situations. Special attention is paid to organization of educational activities and management of educations systems.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation general vocational training.
For students, post-graduate students and lecturers of colleges. |
Gurevich, P. S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 2. Sovremennaya glubinnaya psikhologia [Modern depth psychology]: a textbook for master’s degree / P. S. Gurevich. – 2nd ed., revised and updated. – M.: Yurait Publishers, 2013. – 564 p. – Series: Master.
What makes life meaningful, valuable and purposeful? How do people endow their life with a feeling of significance? Which of the goals that people try to achieve are really important? Why should you refer to a psychologist, if you are not in harmony with your feelings, mind or consciousness? What can psychology do for people’s full-fledged life, their work and communication? How to choose one’s own life project? The author shows how to help man solve his problems, using depth psychoanalysis.
The role of psychoanalysis in the modern world is being decidedly transformed. We experience a genuine psychological boom. Psychoanalysis acquires a special status. A new civilization is born, and it carries with it multiple problems that are impossible to understand and correct without psychology. Psychoanalists begin to talk about mass-psychological processes, about the health of the nation, about mass psychotherapy.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation general vocational training.
The book is meant for students in the humanities, especially of psychological faculties, and also for the broad reading public interested in psychoanalysis. |
Gurevich, P. S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 1. Freudizm i neofreudizm [Freudism and neofreudism]: a textbook for master’s degree / P. S. Gurevich. – 2nd ed., revised and updated. – M.: Yurait Publishers, 2013. – 531 p. – Series: Master.
Why are people subject to various complexes? Why are neurotic disorders conditioned by culture? Why does a living body function as it were dead? Were, generally speaking, one can go through a course of psychological correction? The author answers to these and other questions, acquainting the readers with the development of classical psychoanalysis and neofreudism. The source of psychoanalysis lies in Freudism that added the philosophical-anthropological status to many hypotheses of the unconscious. The birth of psychoanalysis became a turning point in the fate of psychology. It also influenced philosophy, since a new philosophical movement was established. From then, psychologist could not only describe separate mental mechanisms, but also study man’s internal world in general.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation general vocational training.
The book is meant for students in the humanities, especially of psychological faculties, and also for the broad reading public interested in psychoanalysis. |
Gurevich P.S. Political psychology: a textbook for a bachelor’s degree / P.S. Gurevich. – 2nd ed., ster. – М.: Yurayt, 2013. – 565 p.
The textbook deals with a relatively new but quite topical field of psychological knowledge. It analyzes classical and modern versions of politics, discusses philosophical-anthropological aspects of this phenomenon: power as a human passion, the psychology of will, mass ideological processes. Special attention is paid to psychoanalytical themes: psychology of leaders and the cult of the leader, ambivalence of human feelings, political language, psychological mechanisms of politics. Also, such important themes are studied as identification, life cycles, symbolic transformation and the breakup of self-identity, charisma and pseudocharisma, etc.
The book will be of interest not only to specialists but also to the broad reading public. It corresponds to the third-generation Federal state educational standard for higher professional education. For lecturers, post-graduate students, bachelors, specialists and masters at higher educational institutions, and also for all interested in political psychology.
Gurevich, P.S. Osnovt filosofii [The basics of philosophy]: a textbook / P.S. Gurevich. – 2nd ed., ster. – М.: KNORUS, 2013. – 480 p.
The book deals with philosophical problems, which nowadays are the most topical, related to the processes going on in the modern world. Exposition of the material has its specificity determined by the specificities of philosophy as a field of world-view, where the very reasoning, consideration, explication of thought is extremely important. The book gives an idea of the major spheres of philosophical knowledge; significant attention is paid to the anthropological theme, i.е. man.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation general vocational training.
For students of specialized colleges, senior schoolchildren. Might be of interest to students, post-graduate students and lecturers, and also for the broad reading public. |
Teoria kultury: raznoobrazie podkhodov i vozmozhnosti ikh integratsii [Theory of culture: a variety of approaches and possibilities of their integration] / Ed.by Yu. M. Reznik. — М.: Nauchno-politicheskaya kniga, 2012. — 479 p. (Topical culturology)
The monograph attempts at approaching the thematic field of cultural studies from various positions. Despite differences in opinions of the authors, they are united by theoretical and methodological framework of the sociocultural approach, which they have been developing for the past ten years and which serves as the basis for integration of cultural sciences.
The first section of the monograph deals with culture as a subject of theoretical analysis. It presents the authors’ conceptions of culture: metasystemic, synergetic, communicative, phenomenological, discoursive. The second section offers a rationale for various methodologies of sociocultural analysis. The authors offer original approaches to studying sociocultural reality.
The monograph is meant for researchers, lecturers and students of colleges, and also for all interested in methodological problems of the modern theory of culture. |
Gurevich, P.S. Filosofskoe tolkovanie cheloveka [Philosophical interpretation of man] / P.S. Gurevich. — М.; Centre of Humanitarian Initiatives, 2012. — 472 p.
The book deals with philosophical-anthropological ideas of thinkers, their depth and richness, shows the uniqueness of anthropological intuition of various cultures, reveals the internal problem-semantic proximity of philosophical reflection about man.
Cultural-philosophical views of modern philosophers and psychologists raised the question of radical criticism of our civilization in general. Recently, there appeared studies indicating that «information society» is capable of destroying man, changing his nature. The author attempts at highlighting the most complex problems of development of man and civilization. The monograph is focused on actualization of historical-philosophical comprehension of the problem of man and another «anthropological turn», critical analysis of projects of transformation of human nature, consideration of the horizons of human existence. The book is meant for philosophers, sociologists and all interested in the problems of philosophical anthropology. |
Gurevich, P.S. A programme and thematic planning for comprehensive schools. Obshchestvoznanie [Social knowledge]. Grades 10—11 (basic level) / [authors P.S. Gurevich, T. F. Grigorenko]. — M.: Mnemozina, 2012. — 78 p.
The programme and thematic planning are prepared on the basis of the state standard of general (full) comprehensive education in social sciences and are in line with the course «Social knowledge» presented in the textbooks for 10th and 11th grades (authors P.S.Gurevich, E.N.Nikolaeva) by Mnemozina publishers.
The planning presents an exposition of the course of social knowledge and the sequence of its study, recommends forms of lectures and distribution of class hours within topics, and also gives a characteristic of the main types of educational activities in accordance with the intended educational results. |
Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia [Philosophy]: a textbook for baccalaureates / P.S. Gurevich. – М.: Yurait, 2012. – 574 p.
The textbook deals with the most topical philosophical problems related to the processes that go on in the modern world. Exposition of the material has its specificity determined by the specificities of philosophy as a field of world-view, where the very reasoning, consideration, explication of thought is extremely important. Significant attention is paid to the anthropological theme, i.е. the philosophical understanding of man. The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation higher vocational training.
For students of universities and specialized colleges, senior schoolchildren. Might be of interest to post-graduate students and lecturers, and also for the broad reading public. |
Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia dla ekonomistov [Philosophy for economists]: a textbook / P.S. Gurevich. – М.: NOU VPO Moscow Psychological-Social University, 2012. – 464 p.
In the modern world, philosophy turns out to be in demand in various fields of humanitarian knowledge. Therefore, textbooks written specially for students of various specialties are very popular. The textbook «Philosophy for economists» is one of the series of such textbooks. In 2007, the author published the book «Philosophy for psychologists». In the present textbook, main attention is paid to relations between philosophy and economics. The tradition within which economists pay tribute to development of philosophy is traced. On the other hand, many philosophers regarded economics as part of their philosophical systems. The paragraphs and chapters dealing with the global economic crisis, search for a new civilizational formation, new information technologies are especially topical.
The textbook is meant for students and lecturers of universities and colleges, and also for the broad reading public interested in the problems of philosophy и economics. |
Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia v sisteme sovremennogo gumanitarnogo znaniya [Culturology in the system of modern humanitarian knowledge]: textbook / P.S.Gurevich. – StPb: StPbGUP, 2012. – 92 p.
Lectures by Head of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journal “Filosofia i kultura” [Philosophy and Culture], Prof. P.S.Gurevich presented on 28-31 January 2011 in St.Petersburg Trade Union University of the Humanities deal with the place and role of culturology in the system of modern humanitarian knowledge. The author points out that, having appeared in the beginning of the 20th century, culturology has considerably developed by now. Much attention is paid to anthological aspects of culture, relations between culture and civilization, to the value nature of culture.
The book is designed for lecturers, students, post-graduate students of the humanities, and also for the general reading public.
Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology: textbook for bachelors of science / P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: Yurait Publichers, 2012. – 608 p.
The author discusses the main problems within the scope of psychology: the phenomenon of the psyche and regular laws of psychic processes, emotional states of individuals, paradoxes of knowledge, relationships between the conscious and the unconscious, problems of the individuality.
The textbook corresponds to educational standards in psychology recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It might be used in various courses highlighting the contents of psychology as an autonomous discipline.
The book might be of interest not only for lecturers and students of higher educational institutions of varied specialties that have this course in the curriculum, but also for those interested in psychology, in the secrets of human psyche and behaviour.
Spirova E.M. The philosophical-anthropological content of the symbol / E.M. Spirova. – M.: Kanon+, ROOI Reabilitatsia, 2011. – 336 p.
In the past decades, the concept of the symbol has become very popular. It is applied in the analysis of epistemology, culture, art, and politics. But its innermost secrets the symbol reveals in comprehension of man. It permits to understand the mystery of anthropogenesis, to reveal a complex intertwining of the explicit and the implicit in man, to understand the sense of the transcendent, to discover man as a special kind of being. In the history of philosophy, understanding of the symbol often contributed to a deeper comprehension of man, and philosophical-anthropological reflection lead to a more thorough understanding of the symbol. Man and his symbols are the main content of this monograph.
The book is addressed to philosophers, historians, cultural scientists, art historians and all interested in philosophy and art.
Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz lichnosti [Psychoanalysis of the personality] / P.S. Gurevich – М.: Institute of General Humanities Research, 2011. – 400 p.
The monograph is written in the genre of a scientific essay. It analyzes the psychoanalytical conception of the personality. Regarding psychiatry as a serious science, the author polemizes with many approaches to man, which are implied by this discipline. Jungian typology is discussed in detail, new propositions of philosophical anthropology and psychoanalysis are substantiated.
The book is published with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication within the framework of the Federal programme "Culture of Russia". |
Gurevich, P.S. Filosofskoe postizhenie cheloveka: problemy, tendentsiii i novye temy filosofskoy antropologii [Philosophical comprehension of man: problems, tendencies and new topics of philosophical anthropology]/ P.S. Gurevich. – Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBER Academic Publishing, 2011. – 654 p.
Modern philosophy singles out significant characteristics that reflect man’s uniqueness as an earthly creature: his being is social; he has reason and understanding of values; he is constantly developing; interrelations between the mind and the unconscious reach dramatic tension in him; he is communicative; he dominates the natural kingdom. The monograph deals with the problem of human integrity and discusses it in various aspects. Revealing the essence of modern interpretation of human being, the author offers his view on the problem: the split of human being is examined through various binary oppositions. The book develops a number of polemical subjects referring to the problem of the «death of man», «disintegration of identity», modi of human existence and existentials.
Gurevich, P.S. Fenomenologia bessoznatel’nogo: lichnost’ v psikhoanalize [Phenomenology of the unconscious: personality in psychoanalysis] / P.S. Gurevich. – Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBER Academic Publishing, 2011. – 650 p.
The textbook deals with the content of a new and prospective field of psychological knowledge – psychoanalysis of the personality. Mental life is characterized by giant variability, from compulsiveness to highest manifestations of genius. The author draws a line between the characterology and typology of the personality. The former is presented by Reich’s characterology, the latter – by Jung’s typology. The reader can view a gallery of human characters, amazing by their peculiarity and concreteness. The book is meant for specialists and for the broad reading public. |
Spirova E.M. Znak i simvol: psikhologo-filosofskie aspekty [The sign and the symbol: psychological and philosophical aspects]: monograph / E.M.Spirova. – M.:RGTEU Publishers. 2011. – 186 p.
The monograph offers a comparative analysis of two psychological and philosophical categories related by mutual fate and difference. As is noted, in the history of psychology many researchers believed that a more significant concept is the sign, while the others, on the contrary, the symbol. Hegel, for instance, held that the symbol is an unformed sign. Nowadays, however, the symbol has become a deep and very significant concept of humanitarian consciousness.
The book is designed for students and post-graduate students of the humanities.
Gurevich, P.S. Obshchestvoznanie. 11 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 11]: textbook for secondary schools (basic level) / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – 3rd ed., revised and updated. – M.: Mnemozina, 2011. – 303 p.
This is a course of social science dealing with spheres of social life: economics, social relations, politics, law, spiritual sphere considered in the interrelations and interactions as an integral system of social relationships. Sections of economics, politics, and law have been considerably updated.
Each paragraph of the textbook ends with the rubric «To be understood and remembered» containing key moments of the topic of study. The questions and assignments are differentiated by their complexity levels. Creative homework for students is also specified. The textbook is supplied with a «Biographical dictionary» that contains necessary information about the most frequently mentioned philosophers, historians, and sociologists. |
Gurevich, P.S. Obshchestvoznanie. 10 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 10]: textbook for secondary schools (basic level) / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – 4th ed., revised and updated. – M.: Mnemozina, 2011. – 304 p.
The textbook embraces a complex of knowledge on philosophy, sociology, culturology, political science, psychology. It is based on the anthropological principle — exposition develops around the problems of man and the concepts used in social science disciplines.
This issue has been considerably revised and updated. A new chapter entitled «Man in the global world» dealing with the questions of modernity about geopolitics and the future of mankind appeared. The structure of the textbook promotes good understanding of the material. Questions and assignments to the texts of paragraphs are positioned by the levels of complexity. Creative homework for students is also envisaged. All this will be helpful for school students to better master the discipline of study and to successfully complete the course.
Spirova E.M. The symbol and philosophical comprehension of man: philosophical-anthropological reflection / E.M.Spirova. – Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011. – 467 p.
The monograph retraces the history of philosophical comprehension of the symbol, emphasizes differences between the symbol and the related concepts – sign, image, metaphor, allegory, archetype, simulacrum, etc. Special attention is paid to the role of the symbol in philosophical comprehension of man. A symbol helps us to clarify the problem of the origin of man, to characterize his sensual world, to reveal the phenomenon of human nature, to discover the essence of man’s transcendent being, to expertise the inexhaustible world of the unconscious.
Gurevich, P.S., Filatov, O.K. Filosofiya obrazovaniya [Philosophy of education]. Book 2. Philosophy of upbringing. (From Antiquity to the Enlightenment) / P.S.Gurevich, O.K. Filatov. – Moscow: «Starik Vatuling», 2011. – 448 p.
The book presents a historical-philosophical and historical-psychological study of the phenomenon of education. It opens up a series of studies from Antiquity to the age of Enlightenment inclusive. This work has a specificity of relating the history of education with philosophical anthropology, philosophy, and sociology. This complex investigation makes it possible to overcome narrow professional pedagogic aspects in studying education.
The book might be of interest not only to pedagogues, psychologists, philosophers and historians but also for the broad public. |
Filosofskaya antropologiya: istoricheskiy ocherk i aktualnye problemy [Philosophical anthropology: historical essay and topical problems] / monograph by P.S.Gurevich. – Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011. – 434 p.
The book deals with various types of philosophical-anthropological doctrines, discusses the spectrum of philosophical problems of man, presents philosophical anthropology as an autonomous discipline. Philosophical anthropology studies human nature, the meaning and value of human life, the drama of human relationships. The book is structured around the issues of systematization of anthropological ideas, anthropological catastrophe, anthropogenesis, human subjectivity and personalistic tradition. |
Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]: textbook / P.S.Gurevich. – 5th ed., revised and updated. – M.: KNORUS, 2011. – 448 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-00852-2.
The textbook deals with the basic concepts of culturology, answers the questions: what is culture, how is it related to nature, life, civilization? The author reflects on N.A.Berdyaev’s proposition «culture is a great failure», traces relations between culturology and the philosophy of culture, discusses social problems of culture. Each of the five parts of the textbook includes an independent group of the topical problems of culturology.
For lecturers and teachers, students of universities and high schools, colleges and lycées.
Gurevich, P.S. Osnovy filosofii [Fundamentals of philosophy]: textbook / P.S.Gurevich. – M.: KNORUS, 2011. – 480 p. – (Comprehensive vocational education). – ISBN 978-5-406-00497-5.
The author discusses philosophical problems that now are the most topical, related to the processes running in the modern world. The specificity of exposition of the material is determined by the specific nature of philosophy as a field of comprehension of the world, where the very reasoning, thinking, development of thought are very significant. The book presents the main spheres of philosophical knowledge; much attention is paid to the anthropological theme, i.e. man.
For students of colleges, senior students of secondary schools and lycées. The book might be of interest to students, post-graduate students and lecturers of non-humanitarian colleges, and also for the general reading public.
Gurevich, P.S. Estetika [Esthetics]: textbook / P.S.Gurevich. – M.: KNORUS, 2011. – 456 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-00349-7.
The textbook gives a brief review of the history of esthetics, exposes the esthetic theory, main ideas and problems of classical esthetics expressed in its basic categories; attempts at classifying esthetic concepts, highlighting novel esthetic conceptions presented by post-modernism and integral esthetics. In the course of historic development, esthetics developed many categories. They were born at different times and in different contexts, therefore there appeared a problem of certain classification of these concepts, their internal relatedness, conceptual coherence. The textbook begins with the categories that make the framework of esthetics as a discipline. Then the author, following the idea of integrality (wholeness) of art, groups the material (and various concepts, respectively) around the historically formed ideas that art might be expressed in an author, in a work, and in a spectator (reader). These three major points provide a basis for the main categories of modern esthetics.
For university students.
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