Main research fellow, Head of the Department –D.Sc. in philosophy Spirova, Elvira Maratovna.
Research themes of the Department - «The main facets of human being»>> The department was established in 1991 as Laboratory of philosophical classics and modernity. Since 1998 it is Department of the history of anthropological doctrines.
The main direction of research work of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines is concentrated on scientific investigation into the fundamental problems of philosophical anthropology. The department ensures research activities in the sphere of Russian and worldwide philosophical anthropology, analyses the established varieties of anthropological doctrines – cultural, social, political, religious, paedagogic and others, examines the process of the formation of philosophic-anthropological knowledge, studies topical problems of philosophical reflection on man.
The main objective of research work of the department:
Results of research work of the department >> Cientific publications of researchers of the department >>
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