Department of the history of anthropological doctrines2015
International conference «Regards croisés d’Europe occidentale et de Russie sur les réflexions normatives dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales». Bordeaux, France, 02–05 December 2015. (L.A. Gogotishvili – member of the Scientific committee of the conference, co-author (with M.Dennes) of a plenary paper «Towards (common) European science?», paper «Laruelle et Losev: autour du principe d’unilatéralité» («Laruelle et Losev: around the principle of unilaterality»)). Senior research fellow L.A. Gogotishvili has completed the five-year work of the joint French-Russian research group «Russian and West-European cultures: differential and integral aspects» (2010-2015), group co-organiser from Russia.
Gogotishvili L. Antropología religiosa de Mijaíl Bajtín en su obra “Hacia una filosofía del acto ético” // Comprendre: Revista catalana de filosofia. 2015. Vol. 17. No. 1: Monogràfic Pensament religiós rus al segle XX. P. 19–45. 2014Preparation for publication together with D.Sc.(Philosophy), Professor of Philosophy of the University of North Carolina M.F.Bykova of a thematic issue on philosophical anthropology of the journal «Russian Studies in Philosophy» (New York, USA) ( results1.asp?ACR=rsp). Articles of researchers of the department: Gurevich Pavel S. New Versions of the Interpretation of Human Nature // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Fall, 2013. Vol. 52. No 02. P. 9-34. Spirova Elvira M. The Symbol as an Anthropological Concept // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Fall, 2013. Vol. 52. No 02. P. 46-60. Chief researcher, Prof. Gurevich P.S. is a member of the international editorial board publishing works of prominent representatives of transpersonal psychology. Universite Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux, France) and Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine (Bordeaux, France) – a project of the French-Russian research group «Russian and West-European cultures: differential and integral aspects». Senior researcher Gogotishvili L.A. – one of organizers, permanent member and Russian moderator of the joint French-Russian research group «Russian and West-European cultures: differential and integral aspects» (2010-2015), head of the group – Maryse Dennes, professor at the Universite Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux-3, and Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine (Bordeaux, France). A paper in the French journal «Revue philosophique de France et de l’étranger». Numéro spécial consacré aux problèmes actuels de la philosophie russe. PUF, 2014, No 3. (Gogotishvili L. Le noyau radical de La «philosophie du nom» d'A.F. Losev.). Articles réunis par Maryze Dennes et Lidmila Gogotishvili. Senior researcher Gogotishvili L.A. – participation in the conference Colloque de Cerisy. La philosophie non-standard de François Laruelle as: 1) member of the scientific committee of the conference (COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE : Miguel ABREU, Maryse DENNES, Liudmila GOGOTICHVILI, John MULLARKEY), 2) head of the Russian group, 3) author of the joint group paper «On the first results of reception of Francois Laruelle’s views in Russia» (presented in French by M.Dennes), paper «Language precursors and linguistic analogues of Laruelle’s principle of unilateral duality» (presented in French by M.Dennes)).
2013Foreign and international organizations participating in joint projects
Researchers of the department taking part in international programmes and projects
Researchers of the department who went on official trips abroad
Researchers of the department continuously participating in activities of international scientific organizations as members
Works of researchers of the department published outside Russia
2012 The French-Russian joint research group «Russian and West European Cultures: Differential and Integral Aspects» (2010-2014) within the framework of the French National Research Agency (ANR – L'Agence nationale de la recherche), head of the group – Maryse Dennes, professor at Michel Montaigne University (Universite Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux-3. (senior research fellow L.A.Gogotishvili – one of the organizers, permanent member and Russian supervisor). The research group has 5 permanent members and about 20 invited members. The Russian-Chinese conference «Civilization and Modernization». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences 29-31 May 2012 (researchers of the department translated into English papers and final documents of the conference). Head of the dept., Prof. P.S. Gurevich is member of the international editorial board editing works of leading representative of transpersonal psychology. Senior researcher L.A.Gogotishvili took part in compiling and editing of a special edition of the journal “Revue philosophique de France et de l’étranger” dedicated to topical problems of Russian philosophy (Numéro spécial consacré aux problèmes actuels de la philosophie russe. Sous la direction de Maryse Dennes (Professeur des Universités, Bordeaux) avec la collaboration de Lioudmila Gogotishvili (Institut de philosophie de l’Académie des Sciences de Russie)). Senior researcher L.A.Gogotishvili took part in compiling and editing of the book «La philosophie russe dans le contexte européen» // «Collection « Russie Traditions Perspectives », Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, N° 4 (2013). Dir. M. Dennes (MSHA, Université Bordeaux 3) avec la collaboration de L. Gogotishvili (Institut de philosophie de l’Académie des Sciences de Russie).
Invited participation in international scientific events:
Regular issue of scientific journals «Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and Culture]», «Psikhologia i psikhotechnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]», «Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]» and «Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and Enlightenment]» (editor-in-chief – head of dept., Prof. P.S. Gurevich) and «Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]» (editor-in-chief – chief research fellow, Prof. Yu.M. Reznik) with articles of foreign scientists.
Journals «Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and Culture]», «Psikhologia i psikhotechnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]» and «Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]» are included into a large global source of periodicals – Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. Regular preparation for publication and reviewing of papers of foreign authors to the journal «Vestnik analitiki» (Igor Klyukanov (USA) – 2011, No (46); Arinuaa Zhashinbatyn (Mongolia) – 2012, No 2(48)). 2011The French-Russian research group «Russian and West European Cultures: Differential and Integral Aspects» (2010-2014) within the framework of the French National Research Agency (ANR – L'Agence nationale de la recherche), head of the group – Maryse Dennes, professor at Michel Montaigne University (Universite Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux-3. (senior research fellow L.A.Gogotishvili – one of the organizers, permanent member and supervisor). The group has 5 permanent researchers and about 20 invited members. Invited participations in international scientific events:
Regular publication of scientific journals «Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and Culture]», «Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]», «Filologia: nauchnye issledovania [Phylology: scientific research]» and «Pedagogika i prosveshcnenie [Paedagogy and Enlightenment]» (editor-in-chief – Prof.P.S.Gurevich, head of the department) with articles of world authors. Regular preparation for publication and recommendations of articles of world authors for the journal «Vestnik analitiki» (Arinuaa Zhashinbashyn (Mongolia) – 2010, No. 4(42); Eguti Mitsuru (Japan) – 2010, No. 4(42); Dolzhin Monshir (Mongolia) – 2011. No. 3(45)). 2010Higher Education for the 21st Century: The 7th International Scientific Conference. Moscow, 18-20 November 2010.: Proceedings. Round table. Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education. Issue 3 / ed. P. S. Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2010. (publication of papers by Igor Klyukanov (USA), Tomas Kacerauskas (Lithuania), Anatoli Vainchtein (France), Dolzhin Monshir (Mongolia), Eguchi Mitsuru (Japan), Pan Yikui (China), Arinuaa Shazhinbatyn (Mongolia).
Regular issue of the scientific journals «Philosophy and Culture» and «Psychology and Psychotechnics» with articles of foreign scholars.
International Scientific and Practical Conference «The 8th Rumyantsev Readings» on the subject: «Economics, state and society in the 21st century». – Moscow: RGTEU, April 2010. (head of section «Horizons of economic psychology» – Prof. P. S. Gurevich; papers at section by P. S. Gurevich «Merchant’s word and Protestant ethos», E.M.Spirova «Economics through the prism of psychology»);
International Scientific and Practical Conference «Psychological-pedagogic problems of modern education and upbringing» (Round table «The role of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy in modern educational and training process»). – Moscow: Conference centre «On Filippovsky», 7-8 April 2010 (paper by P. S. Gurevich «Perspectives of psychoanalytical education in Russia»);
International Scientific Conference «Culture of the global information society: contradictions of development». – Moscow: Moscow Universities of the Humanities, 2-3 June 2010 (papers at Round table «Man in the space of the global information society»: P.S.Gurevich ««Cybernaut» as a character of the global world», E.M.Spirova «From McLuhan to Baudrillard»);
Seminars of the French-Russian Research Group «Russian and West-European Cultures: differential and integral aspects» (the group works within the framework of the French national research agency (ANR – L'Agence nationale de la recherche) on the basis of the project ANR SCHUSOCRU («Formation of the humanities and social sciences in Russia: systems and spread of knowledge models from the 18 century to the 1920-ies» – director W. Berelowitch). In 2010 three seminars of the group were held: 1) in Moscow (February), 2) in Paris, Bordeaux and Pyrenees (July) and 3) in Moscow (October). Within the framework of the third seminar on the basis of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines lectures of French philosophers F.Laruelle and A.-F.Schmidt were organized in IFRAN (organizer and participant of the group L.A.Gogotishvili);
International Scientific and Practical Conference «The 9th Vasilyev readings» on the subject «Axiological aspect of economic psychology». – Moscow: RGTEU, October 2010 (head of section «Horizons of economic psychology» – Prof. P.S.Gurevich; papers at section by P.S.Gurevich «What is sacral for us?», E.M.Spirova «Actual axiology»);
The 7th International Scientific Conference « Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 November 2010 (plenary paper by P. S. Gurevich «Paradoxes of the problem of intellectualization»; head of Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education» – Prof. P. S. Gurevich; scientific secretary – E.M.Spirova; papers at Round table by Department’s research fellows: P. S. Gurevich «The problem of human nature», L.P.Bueva «The conception of education in the philosophy of A.Schopenhauer», E.M.Spirova «George Bataille on the integral approach to man», N.V.Klyagin «Psychology of the Kenianthropus», I.V.Egorova «Man: creator or destroyer?», E.G.Roudneva «E.Erikson and the eight stages of development of man», V.S.Kulagina-Yartseva «Life and practical attitudes of a personality», N.G.Krotovskaya «Knowledge and values of a personality», participation of post-graduate students of sector, students of GAUGN in the work of Round table).
2009International Scientific Conference «Transformation of culture in the global information society». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 19-20 May 2009 (plenary paper by P. S. Gurevich «The image of Russia in the fault of globalization», paper by E.M.Spirova «Symbolic communication in the era of globalism»);
The Fourth International Scientific Conference «Psychological problems of the modern family». – Moscow: M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 21-23 October 2009 (paper at Section by E.M.Spirova «The family through the prism of psychoanalysis»);
International Scientific Conference «Florensky and Europe». – France, Bordeaux, 12 November 2009 (paper by L.A.Gogotishvili “The perspectiveness of «non-perspectiveness»: P.Florensky’s theory of intercorrelation between artistic and linguistic devices);
The 7th International Scientific Conference «Man, culture and society in the context of globalization». – Moscow: the Central House of Journalists, 20 November 2009 (plenary paper by P.S.Gurevich «The image of Russia in the modern world (through the pages of the journal «Personality. Culture. Society»)»);
The 6th International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: MosGU, 19-21 November 2009 (plenary paper by P S.Gurevich «The place of higher education in the multi-polar world»; head of Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education» – Prof. P.S.Gurevich; scientific secretary – E.M.Spirova; papers at Round table by Department’s researcher fellows: P. S. Gurevich «Main problems of personal growth», L.P.Bueva «W.James as a founder of the psychology of the personality», E.M.Spirova «The role of the symbol in education», I.V.Egorova «The image of man in interpretation of K.Jaspers», E.G.Roudneva «A.Ayer about the philosophical comprehension of man», participation in the work of Round table – N.V.Klyagin, A. Shazhinbatyn, M.V. Babalaeva, G.V. Golenok and other post-graduate students of Department).
2008Gurevich P.S., Sultanova M.A. Communication as an Anthropological Concept // International Journal of Communication. vol.18, N 1-2, Delhi, 2008;
Gogotishvili L.A. G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine: divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus // Slavica Occitania. Numéros 26 et 27. Gustav Chpet et son héritage. Aux sources russes du structuralisme et de la sémiotique. – Toulouse, 2008.;
International Scientific Conference «Social responsibility as a factor of development of the civil society». – Kiev, 20-21 February 2008 (paper by M.A.Sultanova «Alternative movements and formation of the civil society»);
The 22nd World Congress of Philosophy «Rethinking Philosophy Today». – Seoul, 30 July-5 August 2008 (paper by P. S. Gurevich, M.A.Sultanova «Counterculture: Rethinking the World’s challenge»);
The 5th International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: MosGU, 13-15 November 2008 (head of Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education» – Prof. P.S.Gurevich; scientific secretary – E.M.Spirova; papers at Round table by Department’s researcher fellows: P.S.Gurevich «The personal aspect of education», L.P.Bueva «S. Kierkegaard’s idea of the openness of man and its role in education», E.M.Spirova «The power of symbols as a new theme of education», N.V.Klyagin «Lost generations», I.V.Egorova « G.Allport’s notion of the proprium», G.A.Novichkova «The problem of man in pedagogic anthropology of H.Plessner», E.G.Roudneva «Ego-psychology and education», by Department’s post-graduate students A.N. Karpov, M.V. Babalaeva, P.B. Serzhantov and others).
2007The 13th International Scientific and Methodological Conference «Innovational technologies of education under the conditions of globalization of the market of educational services». – Moscow: MGUTU, 27-28 March 2007 (with participation of P.S.Gurevich, I.V.Egorova, N.V.Klyagin, E.M.Spirova);
International Scientific and Practical Conference «Family object relationships in the light of modern psychoanalytic (depth-psychological) conceptions». – Ukraine, Yalta: The Russian Psychoanalytic Society, Crimean State University of the Humanities, 1-3 October 2007 (P.S.Gurevich – plenary paper «Philosophical and psychoanalytical analysis of the phenomenon of the family», head of master class «The phenomenon of separation in the psychoanalysis of the family»; E.M.Spirova – report at master class);
The 4th International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 October 2007 (P.S Gurevich – head of section «Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education», paper at section «Personal growth as a practical problem»; E.M.Spirova – scientific secretary of section, paper at section «Symbol as expression of spiritual experience»; L.P.Bueva – paper at section «Russian philosophers on spirituality»; Yu.P.Mikhalenko – paper at section «Lessons of the antiquity and the problems of modern Russian education»; I.V.Egorova – paper at section «The pedagogic conception of humanist philosophy»; G.A.Novichkova – paper at section «The problem of education and upbringing in interpretation of K.Jaspers»; M.A.Sultanova – paper at section «Crisis of value orientations»); International Scientific and Practical Conference «G.Shpet and the perspectives of semiotics and linguistics». – France: Bordeaux, 20-24 November 2007 (invited paper by L.A.Gogotishvili «Anticipated differences and unexpected similarities of the conceptions of G. Shpet and M.Bakhtin»).
2006The 12th International Scientific and Methodological Conference «Management of the quality of education in the system of continuous vocational training (in the context of the Bologna Declaration)». Moscow: MGUTU, 21-22 March 2006 (paper by P.S.Gurevich); The 3rd International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 October 2006 (plenary paper by P.S.Gurevich «Personal growth as a problem of higher education»; head of section «Philosophy of higher education», paper at section «Philosophy of education: theory and practice»).
2005International Congress of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Moscow: Russian psychoanalytic assembly, 24 June 2005 (paper by P.S.Gurevich «Perspectives of the development of psychoanalysis»);
The 2nd International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». Moscow.: MosGU, 20-22 October 2005 (plenary paper by P.S.Gurevich «Elitist education»);
International Conference «Man, culture and society in the context of globalization». Moscow.: the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 25-27 November 2005 (plenary paper by P.S.Gurevich «Classic and non-classic approaches to studying culture in sociology»).
Participation in the international project «Cultural heritage and current changes» carried out by People’s Friendship University of Russia in cooperation with the Catholic University of America (M.A.Sultanova’s translation into English of chapters from the book «Values in Islamic culture and historic experience»).