- Russian scientific-practical conference «The Petrakov Readings» on the theme «City and village: the problem of formation of an amiable personality». Izhevsk: Udmurt State University, 17–18 March 2017 . (https://udsu.ru/research/science/conferences/petrakovskie-chteniya-gorod-i-derevnya-problema-stanovleniya-dushevnogo-cheloveka) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «Anthropology of sensuality (sense vs. reasonableness)», paper by E.М. Spirova «On a great significance of tradition»)
- International scientific conference «Art as a cultural phenomenon: traditions and perspectives». Moscow: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 11–15 April 2017 . (https://maimonid.ru/ourlife/konferenczii.html) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «Catharsis: configurations of meaning», paper by E.М. Spirova «European “heart” literature»)
- Conference «Ecological imperatives of modern civilisation». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 18 April 2017 . (https://iphras.ru/uplfile/root/news/archiveevents/2017/18_04/konferentsiya_18_airelya.pdf) (Presentation by Yu.М. Reznik «On the ecology of the human lifeworld»)
- International scientific conference «Art history in the context of other sciences in Russia and abroad: parallels and interactions». Moscow: Schnittke Moscow State Music Institute, 20–25 April 2017 . (https://www.schnittke-mgim.ru/ArtProjects/Alfred_Schnittke_fest/conference/) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «A piece of modern art as an integrative analytical object», paper by E.М. Spirova «Symbol and artistic image in post-modernistic art»)
- The 17th International Likhachev Scientific Readings «The global world: systemic shifts, challenges and contours of the future». St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, 18–20 May 2017 . (https://www.lihachev.ru/chten/2017/) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «Metamorphoses of civilisations» (Section 2. Crisis of civilisation: future of man and mankind))
- Scientific conference with international participation «Man and society in the modern context (philosophical readings in memory of Professor P.K. Grechko)». Moscow: RUDN University, 14 June 2017 . (https://philos.msu.ru/node/964) (Paper by Ю.М. Резника «The lifeworld of P.К. Grechko: paradoxes and projections» on the plenary session, leadership of the section «Social theory and human lifeworld»; paper by А.S. Moskovskaya «Anthropological problems in the context of technological art»)
- All-Russian scientific conference «The philosophy and practice of ethnic diversity and unity in Russia». Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala: Dagestan State University, 23–24 June 2017 . (https://dgu.ru/newsarchive/1-2010-10-26-10-20-47/6128-2017-10-26-22-25-31.html) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «Paradoxes of constructivism», paper by E.М. Spirova «The significance of primordialism»)
- XVI International Bakhtin Conference «Bakhtin in the Post-Revolutionary Era». Shanghai (China), 6–10 September 2017 . (Paper by L.А. Gogotishvili «Phenomenological hearing and speaking points immanent to uttering as Mikhail Bakhtin’s inventions in the theory of discourse», distance participation)
- International scientific-practical conference «A philosophical journal as a phenomenon of intellectual culture: problems and prospects». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 03–04 October 2017 . (https://iphras.ru/uplfile/root/news/archive_ events/2017/3_4_10_17/Prog.pdf) (Presentation by Yu.М. Reznik on the Round table «An autonomous journal on the humanities as an alternative model of a periodical», participation of P.S.Gurevich and E.М. Spirova in the Round table on problems of philosophical journals)
- World Philosophy Day «Revolution, evolution and cultural dialogue». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 14 and 16 November 2017 . (https://iphras.ru/16_17_10_17.htm) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «Socio-psychological illusions of the Great October» at the Round table «Socio-philosophical dimensions of a revolution»)
- Scientific conference «Human world: uncertainty as a challenge» (the 17th Frolov Readings). Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 21 November 2017 . (https://iphras.ru/page19404373.htm) (Paper by P.S.Gurevich «Reason in a galactic perspective», paper by E.М. Spirova «The swirled spiral of values»)
- International scientific conference «Art as a phenomenon of culture: traditions and perspectives». Moscow: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 12–16 April 2016 (https://maimonid.ru/ourlife/konferenczii.html)(Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Three interpretations of a Pushkin tragedy», paper by E.М. Spirova «The main phenomenon of human being»)
- Scientific-practical conference «Leadership and management in the sphere of state management». Ivanovo, Government of the Ivanovo region, Ivanovo branch of RANEPA, 18 May 2016 (presentation by Yu.М. Reznik at the plenary session «Leadership in state management: a methodological approach», https://iv.ranepa.ru/arhiv-novostei/v-pravitelstve-ivanovskoi-oblasti-sostojalas-nauchno-prakticheskaja-konferencija-liderstvo-i-rukovodstvo-v-sfere-gosudarstvenogo-upravlenija-priurochenaja-k-25-letiyu-ivanovskogo-filial.html
- Participation in the project «Anatomy of philosophy: how a text works», the cycle of philosophical talks «Remarks». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, F.М. Dostoyevsky Library, 26 May 2016 (https://iphras.ru/anat_rep.htm) (P.S. Gurevich and Е.О. Trufanova – the tenth (57) lecture «Paradoxes of identity», https://iphras.ru/10_57.htm)
- The 16th International Likhachev readings «Modern global challenges and national interests». St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, 19–21 May 2016 (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Spiritual opposition of civilisations» (Plenary session. Modern global challenges and national interests), https://www.lihachev.ru/chten/2016/dokladi/plen/).
- Moscow international conference «Aristotle’s legacy as a constituting element of European rationality». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 17–19 October 2016 (https://iphras.ru/miac_2016.htm) (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «The anthropological doctrine of Aristotle» (Section 9. Aristotle in the philosophical and scientific tradition))
- Scientific conference «The institution of man. Idea and reality» (the 16th Frolov readings). Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 22 November 2016 (https://iphras.ru/page26614524.htm) (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Prognostic ideas of academician I.Т. Frolov», paper by E.М. Spirova «Man and his emotional world», paper by Yu.М. Reznik «The institution of man as a scientific-educational project of a civil society»)
- World Philosophy Day. International scientific conference « N.М. Karamzin’s Philosophy of Russian History» (to the 250th anniversary of birth), 17–18 November 2016 (https://iphras.ru/karamzin_250_let.htm) (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Karamzin as a discoverer of personality», paper by E.М. Spirova «Philosophical prerequisites of sentimentalism»)
- The 2nd All-Russian scientific conference «Science. Education. Design: Russia – 21st century». Moscow: Institute of Continuing Professional Education, 19–20 March 2015 . (P.S. Gurevich – member of the organizing committee, plenary paper «Science and education in the 21st century», E.M. Spirova ‑ member of the organizing committee).
- The author’s seminar of Professor P.S. Gurevich «Modern business in the psychoanalytic perspective». Moscow: Institute of Continuing Professional Education, Business centre Barrel, 06 April 2015 . (P.S. Gurevich – seminar’s moderator).
- Scientific videoconference «Man as a natural, social, existential being: “painful points” of philosophical anthropology» of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines (IPh RAS) and the chair of philosophical anthropology of the faculty of social sciences (N.I.Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University). Moscow- Nizhny Novgorod: IPh RAS-NNSU, 21 May 2015 . (Organisation and participation of all researchers of the department, papers of researchers, DSc and PhD students of the department: P.S. Gurevich «Painful points of philosophical anthropology», E.M. Spirova «Man as a project of nature», Yu.M. Reznik «Man as an existential being», I.V. Egorova «The cultural man», A. Shazhinbat «Ethnos as a phenomenon of philosophical anthropology», I.O. Chugunova «Hate as a philosophical-anthropological problem»).
- The 9th interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of socio-humanitarian education». The theme of the symposium: «Design of being and design culture of man». Ryazan: Ryazan State University of Radio Engineering, 18–20 June 2015 . (Yu.M. Reznik – co-chairman of the organizing committee, plenary paper «Philosopher as a designer of being: a phenomenological approach»).
- International conference «Regards croisés d’Europe occidentale et de Russie sur les réflexions normatives dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales». Bordeaux, France, 02–05 December 2015. (L.A. Gogotishvili – member of the Scientific committee of the conference, co-author (with M.Dennes) of a plenary paper «Towards (common) European science?», paper «Laruelle et Losev: autour du principe d’unilatéralité» («Laruelle and Losev: around the principle of unilaterality»)).
- The Russian scientific and practical conference «Continuing professional education in Russia: problems, tasks, perspectives». Moscow: Institute of Continuing Professional Education, 19-20 February 2014 (P.S. Gurevich – member of the organizing committee of the conference, plenary paper «Philosophy of education», E.M. Spirova – plenary paper «Humanitarization of education»).
- The 8th Interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of humanitarian education». The theme of the symposium: «Man and the world in the 21st century: constructing another future». Ryazan: Ryazan State University of Radiotechnology, 25-26 April 2014 (Yu.M. Reznik – co-chairman of the organizing committee of the symposium, plenary paper «The world for man: contours of the future world order»).
- The 7th Interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory of modernity: problems and perspectives». The theme of the symposium: «The philosophy of the Other: history and modernity». Moscow: People’s Friendship University of Russia, 15 May 2014 (Yu.M. Reznik – co-chairman of the organizing committee of the symposium, plenary paper «I as the Other»).
- Projet de colloque à Cerisy «Colloque de Cerisy. La philosophie non-standard de François Laruelle». Paris (France): CENTRE CULTUREL INTERNATIONAL DE CERISY, 03-10 September 2014 (L.A. Gogotishvili – member of the scientific committee of the conference, head of the Russian group, author of the joint group paper «On the first results of reception of Francois Laruelle’s views in Russia», paper «Language precursors and linguistic analogues of Laruelle’s principle of unilateral duality»).
- The interdisciplinary seminar with international participation «The journal “Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo”» in the scientific and educational space of Russia». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 27 November 2014 (Yu.M. Reznik – chairman of the organizing committee of the seminar, paper «The world in the 21st century: the role of the humanities and the formation of new subjects», P.S. Gurevich – member of the organizing committee of the seminar, presentation «A leader of social philosophy»).
- The inter-university philosophical club. Moscow: The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, December 2014 (Yu.M. Reznik – organization of and presiding over the meeting (club coordinator)).
- The Petrakov Readings. Russian scientific and theoretical conference «Love and its Place and Role in Human Nature», Izhevsk: Udmurtian State University, 15-16 February 2013. (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Love as a deep existential experience»; paper by E.M. Spirova «Love versus loneliness»)
- The 23rd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «The Ershov Readings». Ishim (Tyumen region): P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute, 05-06 March 2013. (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevichi «New facets of identity», paper by E.M. Spirova «The phenomenon of spirit and knowledge of man»).
- The Seminar «Specificities of modern thinking and philosophic style». The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem (Israel): The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Chaise centre, group «Dialogue»), 3-17 March 2013 (Presentation of L.A. Gogotishvili on the seminar’s theme).
- The International Scientific Conference «Art history in the context of other sciences in Russia and worldwide: parallels and interactions». Moscow: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 9-13 April 2013. (paper by P.S. Gurevich «Arthur Schopenhauer about music and aesthetics», paper by E.M. Spirova ««Art as eternal organon» (Schelling on the role of the symbol in art)».
- The Inter-Institutional Philosophical Club. Meeting «Russian bureaucracy under the conditions of cultural crisis». Moscow: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 11 April 2013. (Plenary paper by Yu.M. Reznik «On bureaucracy in modern Russian science»).
- The International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scholars in the 21st century». N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, 18-19 April 2013. (Paper by Yu.M. Reznik «Bureaucracy in science: the status quo and ways to overcome it»).
- The 7th Interdisciplinary Scientific Symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of education in the humanities» entitled «Man as a subject of social construction». Ryazan State University of Radiotechnology, 25-27 April 2013. (Plenary paper by Yu.M. Reznik «Human self-construction»).
- The Scientific Conference to the 200th anniversary of Soren Kierkegaard and the 100th anniversary of Albert Camus «The situation of human choice in a modern transforming society». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 14-15 May 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Choice in the situation of absurdity»).
- The 13th International Likhachev Scientific Readings «The dialogue of cultures: values, meanings, communications». St.Petersburg Trade Union University of the Humanities, 16-17 May 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Identity: losses and findings» (Section 1. Globalization and development of national cultures)).
- The 3rd Interdisciplinary Scientific Symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of the personality in modern society» entitled «Human creative potential in the modern world». Kursk: South-Western University, 17-18 May 2013. (Plenary paper by Yu.M. Reznik «Human being and humanity: being of a free spirit»).
- The International Conference «The wisdom of philosophy: the creative work of Paul Ricoeur». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 28-29 May 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «The philosophical anthropology of P. Ricoeur»).
- The All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation «Ideas of О.К. Тikhomirov and А.V. Brushlinskiy and the fundamental problems of psychology (on the 80th anniversary of birth)». Moscow: M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (faculty of psychology), 30 May – 01 June 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Being of the subject»).
- The International Scientific and Practical Conference «The problem of national identity under the conditions of globalization». Moscow: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 13-14 June 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «The phenomenon of identity in interpretation of Paul Ricoeur», paper by E.M. Spirova «The crisis of self-identity»).
- The 23rd World Congress of Philosophy «Philosophy as inquiry and way of life». Athens (Greece): The University of Athens, 04-10 August 2013. (Paper by M.A. Sultanova «The Homo sapiens and his world» (Section 11 «Environmental philosophy»)).
- The 1st All-Russian Elitological Congress with international participation «The philosophy of elitology». Rostov-on-Don: South-Russian Institute, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 07-08 October 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «Elite is not nomenclature», paper by I.V. Egorova «Elite and mass society», paper by E.M. Spirova «Philosophy of elitist education»).
- The International Scientific Conference «The 14th Losev Readings» entitled «А.F. Losev’s works in the context of Russian and European cultural traditions]: On the 120th anniversary of birth and 25th anniversary of death». Moscow: M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, philosophical faculty, Losev Centre, 14-16 October 2013. (Plenary paper by L.A. Gogotishvili «The symbol in the early and late Losev: an interpretational shift (reconstruction and an experience of interpretation)».
- The International Symposium «A.A. Potebnya. Language and thinking». Lausanne (Switzerland): Research Centre for History and Comparative Epistemology of Central and Eastern European Linguistics (Centre de recherches en histoire et épistémologie comparée de la linguistique d'Europe centrale et orientale – CRECLECO), University of Lausanne, 06-08 June 2013. (Paper by L.A. Gogotishvili «Bakhtin’s immanent-dialogue internal form as an alternative to Humboldtian and Potebnian approaches» (paper abstract ‑ https://www2.unil.ch/slav/ling/colloques/13POTEBJNA/prog.html)).
- The Conference «Humanitarian knowledge: challenges of time and innovations». Moscow: Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAN (INION), 12-13 November 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «The grandeur and the pricelessness of the humanities», paper by E.M. Spirova «The specificity of humanitarian knowledge»).
- The All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation «Culture as a kind of human being and knowledge». Ishim (Tyumen region): P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute, 22-23 November 2013 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Culture and history (Historical alternatives)», paper by E.M. Spirova «The idea of education in European culture»).
- The Scientific Conference «The new in the sciences of man» (The 13th Frolov Readings). Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 19-20 November 2013. (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «A new paradigm in anthropological knowledge»).
- Permanent theoretical and methodological seminar under Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education, permanent section «Development, Evolution, Movement, Changes in realization of knowledge of man» session «The space of social being and spaces of human life» – Moscow, Russian Academy of Education, 8 June 2012 (N.V.Klyagin, D.Sc.(Philosophy))
- Russian-Chinese Conference «Civilization and Modernization» – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 29-31 May 2012 (Participation of researchers of the department)
- The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Man in innovation society». – Moscow: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 07-08 June 2012 (Plenary paper «A new image of man in philosophical anthropology –" knowledgeable man"» – Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc. (Philosophy), D.Sc. (Philology))
- The joint seminar of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences and Milan Free University «Philosophy in public space». – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 05 June 2012 (Participation in the work of the seminar – Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc.(Philosophy), D.Sc.(Philology); E.M.Spirova, D.Sc.(Philosophy));
- The International Scientific Conference «Modernization of Russia: the information, economic, political and sociocultural aspects». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 29-31 May 2012 (Plenary paper «Modernization as an ethic project» - Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc.(Philosophy), D.Sc.(Philology); Paper «Philosophical and ideological projects of modernization» E.M.Spirova, D.Sc.(Philosophy));
- The 3rd Moscow International Conference on Comparative Philosophy «Philosophy and science in cultures of the East and the West». – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 21-26 May 2012 (Participation in the work of the conference - Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc.(Philosophy), D.Sc.(Philology).; E.M.Spirova, D.Sc.(Philosophy));
- The Jubilee Scientific Session to the 300th anniversary from the birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 15 May 2012 (Participation in the work of the scientific session - Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc.(Philosophy), D.Sc.(Philology); E.M.Spirova, D.Sc.(Philosophy));
- The All-Russian Scientific Conference «The problem of mind in the interdisciplinary perspective». – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 29-30 March 2012 (Participation in the work of the conference - Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc.(Philosophy), D.Sc.(Philology); E.M.Spirova, D.Sc.(Philosophy));
- The joint seminar of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences and Milan Free University «Philosophy in public space». – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 20-27 March 2012 (Participation in the work of the seminar - Prof. P.S.Gurevich, D.Sc.(Philosophy), D.Sc.(Philology); E.M.Spirova, D.Sc.(Philosophy));
- Round table «The role of the personality in history» (Approximate number of participants – 30, including researchers of the department. Chairman of Round table – P.S.Gurevich);
- The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Economics, state and society in the 21st century» within the framework of the 10th Rumyantsev Readings. – Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, 14 April 2012 (P.S. Gurevich – head of the section «Socio-psychological aspects of economics», paper «The specificity and horizons of economic psychology»; E.M.Spirova – paper «Drawbacks and resources of social management»)
- Round table «Political mythology». – Moscow: Institute of Strategic Studies and Analysis, 10 May 2012 (Approximate number of participants – 30, including researchers of the department. Chairman of Round table – P.S.Gurevich)
- Round table «What is a stable society?». – Moscow: Institute of Strategic Studies and Analysis, 04 February 2011 (Approximate number of participants – 30, including researchers of the department. Chairman of Round table – P.S.Gurevich)
- Round table «The phenomenon of social shocks». – Moscow: Institute of Strategic Studies and Analysis, 06 May 2011 (Approximate number of participants – 30, including researchers of the department. Chairman of Round table – P.S.Gurevich)
- Round table «What does a collapse of multiculturalism mean?». – Moscow: Institute of Strategic Studies and Analysis, 26 August 2011 (Approximate number of participants – 30, including researchers of the department. Chairman of Round table – P.S.Gurevich)
- Round table «What is an ideal state?». – Moscow: Institute of Strategic Studies and Analysis, 11 November 2011 (Approximate number of participants – 30, including researchers of the department. Chairman of Round table – P.S.Gurevich)
- Round table «Philosophy of world politics, diplomacy and culture». – Moscow: Diplomatic Academy, MFA of the Russian Federation, 27 June 2011 (Prof. P.S.Gurevich – paper at Round table)
- The International Conference «W. von Humboldt in the humanities in Russia» (Colloque international: «W. von Humboldt dans les sciences humaines en Russie», (organizer: CRECLECO / Section de langues slaves (Université de Lausanne)). – Lausanne: Lausanne University, June 2011 (L.A.Gogotishvili – invited paper «Shpet interpretation of W.Humboldt’s «internal form» as a cross point of major typological tendencies»)
- The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Values and interests of modern society» within the framework of the 10th Vasil’ev Readings. – Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, October 2011 (Prof. P.S. Gurevich – head of the section «Transformation of traditional values in the modern world», paper «The greatness and vulnerability of traditions»; Dr.E.M.Spirova – paper «The value of freedom in the modern world»)
- The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Economics, state and society in the 21st century» within the framework of the 9th Rumyantsev Readings. – Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, April 2011 (P.S. Gurevich – head of the section «Socio-psychological aspects of economics», paper «The phenomenon of a stable society»; E.M.Spirova – paper «On the criticism of the political economy of the sign (an analysis of the conception by J.Baudrillard)»)
- The 9th Russian Scientific-Educational Forum «Man’s health and longevity». – Moscow: the Central House of Scientists, Russian Academy of Sciences, 16-17 February 2011 (P.S. Gurevich – paper «The problem of asexuality»);
- The Scientific Conference «The Petrakov Readings» entitled «The nature of man: the biological and the spiritual». Izhevsk: Udmurtian University, 26-27 November 2010 ((Papers by P.S. Gurevich «The bodily or the spiritual» and E.M.Spirova «The symbol as an envoy from the transcendent world»);
- The 7th International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 18-20 November 2010 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Paradoxes of the problem of intellectualization»; head of Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education» – Prof. P.S. Gurevich);
- Round table «People sovereignty and democracy». – Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, 21 October 2010 (Paper by P.S. Gurevich «The cult of the leader and people sovereignty»);
- The International scientific-practical conference «The 9th Vasil’ev Readings» entitled «The axiological aspect of economic psychology». – Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, October 2010 (Head of Section «Horizons of economic psychology» – Prof. P.S. Gurevich; Section papers by the Department’s researchers: P.S. Gurevich «What is sacred for us?», E.M.Spirova «Actual axiology»);
- The First All-Russian Scientific Conference «The Russian elite in the past and at present: socio-psychological and historic aspects». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 4-5 June 2010 (Papers by P.S. Gurevich «Problems of the present-day elite», L.P.Bueva «Collapse of managerial strategies», I.V.Egorova «Elitist and mass culture», E.M.Spirova «The psychology of elitist education»)
- The International scientific conference «Culture of the global information society: contradictions of development». Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 2-3 June 2010 (Papers at Round table «Man in the space of the global information society»: P.S. Gurevich «The cybernaut as a character of the global world», E.M.Spirova «From McLuhan to Baudrillard»);
- Meeting in memory of Viktor Ivanovich Ovcharenko. – Moscow: the Russian Psychoanalytical Society, 15 May 2010 (Report by P.S. Gurevich entitled «Origin and development of Russian psychoanalysis»);
- Conference of Lecturers and the Students’ Round Table dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War «The Great Victory and humanistic values: history, axiology, ideology and culture». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, 13 April 2010 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Phenomenology of public consciousness in the post-war world», paper by E.M.Spirova «The authoritarian man is a man of war»);
- The International scientific-practical conference «Psychological-pedagogic problems of modern education and upbringing» (Round table «On the role of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy in modern educational process»). – Moscow: Conference centre «Na Filippovskom», 7-8 April 2010 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «Perspectives of psychoanalytical education in Russia»);
- The International scientific-practical conference «The 8th Rumyantsev Readings» entitled «Economics, state and society in the 21st century». – Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, April 2010 (Appr. number of participants – 150, among them researchers from IPhRAS – 4. Head of Section «Horizons of economic psychology» – Prof. P.S. Gurevich; papers at Section of the Department’s researchers: P.S. Gurevich «Merchant’s word and Protestant ethos», E.M.Spirova «Economics through the prism of psychology»);
- Round table «The problem of intellectualization of the nation». – Moscow: editorial office of the j. «Bulletin of analytics», 30 November 2010 (Appr. number of participants – 30, among them the Department’s researchers – 4. Head of Round table – P.S. Gurevich);
- Round table «Cult of the leader in modern world». – Moscow: editorial office of the j. «Bulletin of analytics», 31 August 2010 (Appr. number of participants – 30, among them the Department’s researchers – 6. Head of Round table – P.S. Gurevich);
- Scientific conference «Man and his future» (the 10th «Frolov Readings»). – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2 November 2010 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Horizons of human existence »);
- Round table «Power and reality». – Moscow: editorial office of the j. «Bulletin of analytics», 30 April 2010 (Appr. number of participants – 30, among them the Department’s researchers – 5. Head of Round table – P.S. Gurevich);
- Round table «The image of Russia in the modern world». – Moscow: editorial office of the j. «Bulletin of analytics», 29 January 2010 (Appr. number of participants – 30, among them the Department’s researchers – 4. Head of Round table – P.S. Gurevich);
- The All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference «The phenomenon of narcissism in clinical practice and in politics, business, art: modern psychoanalytical conceptions». – Moscow: Conference centre «Na Filippovskom», 12-13 December 2009 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Metapsychology of the narcissistic character»);
- The 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 19-21 November 2009 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «The place of higher education in a multipolar world»; head of Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education» – Prof. P.S. Gurevich);
- Round table dedicated to the 153rd anniversary of the birth of Z.Freud «My Freud: my attitude, ideas, influence in my personal history, profession, life way». – Moscow: Institute of Psychoanalysis, 30 May 2009 (papers by P.S. Gurevich, E.M.Spirova and other researchers of the Department);
- The International Scientific Conference «Transformation of culture in global information society». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 19-20 May 2009 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «The image of Russia in the faults of globalization», paper by E.M.Spirova «Symbolic communication of the age of globalism»);
- The 7th International Scientific Conference «Man, culture and society in the context of globalization». – Moscow: the Central House of Journalists, 20 November 2009 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «The image of Russia in the modern world (through pages of the journal «Personality. Culture. Society»)»);
- Round table «Dialogue between society and state». – Moscow: editorial office of the j. «Bulletin of analytics», 31 August 2009 (Appr. number of participants – 30, among them researchers of IPhRAS – 10. Head of Round table – P.S. Gurevich);
- Round table «Transformation of morals in modern society». – Moscow: editorial office of the j. «Bulletin of analytics», 23 April 2009 (Appr. number of participants – 30, among them researchers of IPhRAS – 10. Head of Round table – P.S. Gurevich);
- The World Day of Philosophy. The International Conference «Philosophy in the dialogue of cultures». – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 16-19 November 2009 (with participation of the Department’s researchers);
- The Scientific Conference «Complex comprehension of man in the unity of social and biological characteristics. To the 80th anniversary of the birth of acad. I.T.Frolov» (the 9th «Frolov Readings»). – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 6 October 2009 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «The problem of human integrity»);
- The 5th International scientific conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow, MosGU, 13-15 November 2008 (head of Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education» – Prof. P.S. Gurevich);
- Round table «Imperfections and resources of social management». – Moscow, April 2008 (with participation of P.S. Gurevich, I.V.Egorova and others);
- The 14th International Scientific-Methodological Conference «Strategy of the development of education: efficacy, innovation, quality». – Moscow, MGUTU, 20-21 March 2008 (with participation of the Department’s researchers);
- The 6th Russian Scientific-Educational Forum «Man’s health and longevity». – Moscow: the Central House of Scientists, Russian Academy of Sciences, 19-20 February 2008 (papers by P.S. Gurevich, E.M.Spirova);
- The Moscow Day of Philosophy. The Conference «The 22nd World Congress of Philosophy in Seoul and perspectives of the development of philosophical knowledge». – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 27 November 2008 (with participation of the Department’s researchers);
- The Scientific Conference «Philosophical problems of human biology» (the 8th «Frolov Readings»). – Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 18 November 2008 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «The phenomenon of debiologization of man»);
- The All-Russian Scientific Conference «The image of the Russian yough in the modern world: its self-consciousness and sociocultural orientations». – Moscow, MosGU, 6 December 2007 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Personal growth as a problem of the youth»);
- The 4th International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 18-20 October 2010 (P.S. Gurevich – head of Section «Spiritual development and the content of higher education»; paper at Section «Personal growth as a practical problem»);
- The International Scientific-Practical Conference «Family object relationships in the light of modern psychoanalytical (depth-psychological) conceptions». – the Ukraine, Yalta: Russian Psychoanalytical Society, Crimean State University of the Humanities, 1-3 October 2007 (P.S. Gurevich – plenary paper «Philosophical-psychoanalytical analysis of the phenomenon of the family», head of a master class «The phenomenon of separation in family psychoanalysis»);
- Meeting of full members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. – Moscow, June 2007 (with participation of a full member of RANS P.S. Gurevich);
- General Assembly of the Academy of Pedagogic and Social Sciences «Topical problems of psychological-pedagogic studies». – Moscow, MPSI, 27-28 April 2007 (with participation of a full member of APSS P.S. Gurevich);
- The 13th International Scientific-Methodological conference «Innovational technologies of education in the conditions of globalization of the market of educational services». – Moscow: MGUTU, 27-28 March 2007 (with participation of P.S. Gurevich, I.V.Egorova, N.V.Klyagin, E.M.Spirova);
- Round table «What should Russian education be like?». – Moscow, January 2007 (with participation of P.S. Gurevich, I.V.Egorova, E.M.Spirova and others);
- The Scientific Conference «Rethinking philosophy today. A view from Russia». – Moscow, IPhRAS, 21 November 2007 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Horizons of modern philosophical anthropology»);
- The 7th «Frolov Readings» entitled «On human nature». – Moscow, IPhRAS, 20 November 2007 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «New interpretations of human nature»);
- The International Psychoanalytical Conference «Z. Freud ad a founder of a scientific paradigm: psychoanalysis in theory and practice». – Moscow: the Central House of Scientists, Russian Academy of Sciences, 16-17 December 2006 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Psychoanalysis in Russia»);
- The International Scientific Conference «Cultural transformations in information society ». – Moscow, MosGU, 21-22 November 2006 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Socio-philosophic aspects of information society»);
- The 3rd International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 18-20 October 2006 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Personal growth as a problem of higher education»; head of Section «Philosophy of higher education», paper at Section « Philosophy of education: theory and practice»);
- The Scientific Conference «Humanities and higher education» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of I.M.Ilyinski. – Moscow, MosGU, 21 June 2006 (paper by P.S. Gurevich);
- The Inter-University Scientific Conference «Language and culture: philosophical and general scientific problems». Moscow, MosGU, 11 April 2006 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich);
- The 12th International Scientific-Methodological Conference «Management of the quality of education in the system of continuous professional education (in the context of the Bologna declaration)». Moscow, MGUTU, 21-22 March 2006 (paper by P.S. Gurevich);
- The International Conference «Man, culture and society in the context of globalization». Moscow, Russian Academy of State Management under President of the Russian Federation, 25-27 November 2005 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Classical and nonclassical approaches to studying culture in sociology»);
- The World Day of Philosophy. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 17 November 2005 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «Philosophical anthropology today»);
- The 5th «Frolov Readings» entitled «Natural science in the 21st century: philosophical, social and ethical problems». – Moscow, 15 November 2005 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «Health as a biological and anthropological problem»);
- The All-Russian Conference «Philosophy of the health of Russian people today». Moscow, 24-25 October 2005 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Philosophical and clinical aspects of health»);
- The International Congress of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Moscow: Russian Psychoanalytical Assembly, 24 June 2005 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «Perspectives of the development of psychoanalysis");
- The 5th All-Russian Congress in Pre- and Perinatal Psychology, Psychotherapy and Perinatology. Moscow, 29 May – 2 June 2005 (paper by P.S. Gurevich);
- The 5th Annual All-Russian Conference «Technology and scientific-technological information provision in training and production in regions». Vyazma: MGUTU, 19-20 May 2005 (paper by P.S. Gurevich);
- The All-Russian Psychoanalytic Conference «Man and woman in the modern changing world: psychoanalytic conceptions». Москва, 17 December 2005 (plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «The philosophical and psychological meaning of androgyny»);
- The 2nd International Scientific Conference «Higher Education for the 21st Century». – Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 20-22 October 2005 (Plenary paper by P.S. Gurevich «Elitist education»);
- The World Day of Philosophy. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 18 November 2004 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «Perspectives of philosophical anthropology in Russia»);
- The Scientific-Practical Conference «Man. Culture. Society». Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 26-27 October 2004 (paper by P.S. Gurevich «The problem of the uniqueness of man»).