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  Books 1999–2007
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Books 1999–2007



 Гуревич П.С. Литературные нормы и развитие русского языка: доклады и материалы постоянно действующего семинара

Gurevich, P.S. Literaturnye normy i razvitie russkogo yazyka [Literature norms and the development of the Russian language]: Papers and proceedings of the constantly working seminar / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: Mosc.Univ.Humanities Publ., 2007. – 285 p.

The issue contains the papers presented by participants in the constantly working seminar «Literature norms and the development of the Russian language».
 Гуревич П.С. Обществознание. 10 класс

Gurevich, P.S. Obshchestvoznanie 10 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 10]: textbook for secondary schools / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – M.: Mnemozina, 2007. – 191 p.:il. – ISBN 978-5-346-00858-3.


The course of social science includes two textbooks – for grades 10 and 11 of comprehensive secondary schools. They embrace a wide range of knowledge on philosophy, sociology, history, economics, law, on problems of politics and the spiritual sphere, which are discussed in their interrelations and interactions as in integral system of social relationships.

Each paragraph of the textbook ends with the rubric «To be understood and remembered» containing key moments of the topic of study. The questions and assignments are differentiated by their complexity levels. Creative homework for students is also specified.
 Гуревич П.С. Практическая психология для всех: Клинический психоанализ

Gurevich, P.S. Prakticheskaya psikhologia dla vsekh: Klinicheskiy psykhoanaliz [Practical psychology for everybody. Clinical psychoanalysis]. – M.: OLMA Media Group, OLMA-PRESS Education, 2007. – 512 p. – ISBN 978-5-373-00612-5 ISBN 978-5-94849-890-4.

Why are people subject to various complexes? Why are neurotic disorders conditioned by culture? Why a live body functions as if deadened? Answers to these and other questions can be found in the book by Prof.P.S.Gurevich, who relates an experience of clinical psychoanalysis.

If you wish to attain personal growth, to get rid of psychological disorders, to solve psychosexual problems, to understand your inner world – read this book, written with vividness and imagination. It deals with character types, psychosexual development, psychological peculiarities of individuals and ways of their adjustment to the world, with archetypes of collective consciousness.
 Гуревич П.С. Преображение ценностей как чрезвычайная ситуация

Gurevich, P.S. Preobrazhenie tsennostey kak chrezvychaynaya situatsiya [Transformation of values as an emergency situation]. – M.: of Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology, 2007. – 120 p. ISBN 978-5-9770-0131-1.

An individual lives in a world of intense moral-psychological motivation. He relates his actions not only with every-day interests but also with the ideal, the absolute. This is especially evident in modern Russia, when people unexpectedly had to face a variety of value orientations, requiring pressing choice. What is value? Are there common human values? What has caused a radical change of value attitudes in the modern world? What ethos is needed in Russia?

The book is meant for psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and also to the wide range of readers interested in the humanities.
 Гуревич П.С. Психологический словарь

Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologicheskiy slovar’ [Psychological dictionary] / Gener.scient.ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: OLMA Media Group, OLMA-PRESS Education, 2007. – 800 p. – ISBN 978-5-373-00614-9. – ISBN 978-5-94849-630-6.

The radius of psychological knowledge is rapidly increasing. New trends, schools and movements appear. There also appear terms, which sometimes are known to a narrow circle of specialists. The issue attempts at acquainting readers with various key concepts of general and social psychology, leading tendencies of world psychology, clinical psychology, psychology of the personality and other fields of psychological science.

The book that objectively and fully reflects all tendencies and trends of modern psychological science will not only be of undoubted interest to licensed specialists and students of specialized educational institutions but also will be very helpful to a wide range of specialists in the humanities – sociologists, philosophers, marketers, advertising specialists, etc.

The dictionary might be also used by university students of the humanities as a supplementary textbook; while all readers interested in popular aspects of various fields of psychological science will be able to broaden their knowledge and obtain the necessary present-day information in a concise form.
 Гуревич П.С. Психология чрезвычайных ситуаций: учебное пособие для студентов вузов

Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia chrezvychaynykh situatsiy [Psychology of emergency situations]: textbook for univ.students / P.S.Gurevich. – M: YuNITI-DANA, 2007. – 495 p. – (Series «Actual psychology»). ISBN 978-5-238-01246-9 Agency CIP RGB.

In Russia, great masses of people have gone through experience of emergency situations (wars, earthquakes, explosion of an atomic reactor, acts of terror, migration). Such people continuously grow in number. Psychological outcomes of any social nightmare are always stronger than the event itself. Psychological rehabilitation permits an individual to return to normal mental life. Psychology of emergency situations studies not only processes of a «sick», «crippled» mind, it has to do with problems of personal growth, rise and spirituality.

The book is meant not only for psychologists and specialists in emergency situations but also for the broad reading public.


 Гуревич П.С. Религиоведение: Учебное пособие

Gurevich, P.S. Religiovedenie [Religious studies]: Textbook. – 2nd ed. M.: of Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology (MPSI); Voronezh: NPO «MODEK» Publishers, 2007. – 696 p. – (Series «Student’s library»). – ISBN 978-5-9770-0127-4 (MPSI) – ISBN 978-5-89395-842-3 (NPO «MODEK»). 

Religious consciousness, like freethinking, has long traditions. Faith is a state of soul of an individual that permits him to overcome difficulties, to find support in everyday being. Modern education is impossible without knowledge of religion. However, religious studies do not imply propagation of religion, neither conventional exposition of religious dogmas. The textbook offers a wide picture of the world, where both freethinking and faith find their place. That is why religious studies ensure a dialogue with science: theology, philosophy, psychology, culturology, and history.

The book regards religion as an object of knowledge and as a spiritual phenomenon. The author attempts at revealing its essence as a cultural anthropological phenomenon. A characteristic of world religions is given. Much attention is paid to the psychological aspects of religion. It also contains extracts fro the works of leading thinkers who studied this phenomenon.


The textbook is meant for students, specialists and for all interested in religion.

 Гуревич П.С. Философия: Учебник для психологов

Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia [Philosophy]: Textbook for psychologists. – 2nd ed. – M.: of Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology (MPSI); Voronezh: NPO «MODEK» Publishers, 2007. – 1128 p. – (Series «Student’s library»). – ISBN 978-5-9770-0222-6 (MPSI) – ISBN 978-5-89395-865-2 (NPO «MODEK»). 

The author makes the first in Russia attempt at preparing a textbook for teaching philosophy to psychologists. Therefore, each part of the book contains material referring to a broad spectrum of psychological knowledge. On the other hand, the textbook exposes general topics stipulated by standards of higher education.

What is philosophy? What were its historical fates? What role does it play in modern life? Is it in demand? What is its specificity? The reader will find answers to these questions in a well-structured textbook recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The textbook deals with all fields of philosophical knowledge: ontology, natural philosophy, axiology, ethics, esthetics, philosophical anthropology, developmental doctrine, etc. The author tries to use not only historical-philosophical material but also conceptions of outstanding contemporary philosophers. The textbook contains test questions, topics for written work, literature references, which permits deep autonomous study of philosophy. The textbook is written in an easy-to-understand language and meant not only for students in psychology but also for a wide range of readers interested in philosophy.
 Клягин Н.В. Современная научная картина мира: Учебник пособие

Klyagin, N.V. Sovremennaya nauchnaya kartina mira [Modern scientific picture of the world]. – M.: Universitetskaya kniga, Logos, 2007. – 264 p. – ISBN 5-98704-134-1.

The book deals with a modern scientific picture of the world, embraces a wide spectrum of evidence of cosmogony, biogenesis, anthropogenesis, sociogenesis, etc. This evidence is so heterogeneous that fall under the common denominator only at the level of universal causal law. In order to understand its origin, one should explain the origin of the laws of the conservation and non-decrease of entropy. In order to spread the causal chain from the physical and astronomic world to human society, one should comprehend the ways and outcomes of bioevolution. All this makes it possible to understand where the centre of the universe is, how and why did dinosaurs appear and disappear, why man is the only one having science and art.

For university students and for the course «Conception of modern natural science». Might be used by post-graduate students preparing to examination in history and philosophy of science.
 Гоготишвили Л.А. Непрямое говорение

Gogotishvili, L.A. Nepryamoe govorenie [Mediated speech]. – M.: Yazyki slavyanskikh kultur, 2006. – 720 p. – (Studia philologica).

The book deals with the phenomenon of indirect expression of meaning in a language, compares various interpretations of this phenomenon in Russian symbolism, phenomenology, linguistics, semantics, analytical philosophy, structuralism, theories of reference, tropology, narratology, deconstructionism, etc. The author singles out and analyzes various concrete ways of indirect expression of meaning: disjoint, delayed, mediated reference; biphony, polyphony, antinomic constructions; loosening of naming, symbol and metaphor; intentional and attentional linkage, modal and tonal shifts; shifts and overlays of foci of attention, split of a speaker’s «I» into particular «voices», their alternating changes, interchanges and superpositions; self-reduction of the author’s voice and its degrees, stage of alleged «death of the author», etc. A version of the «phenomenology of mediated speech» is substantiated, within the framework of which these and other forms of indirect transfer of meaning are brought to single conceptual space.

For philologists, philosophers, the wide range of readers.
 Гуревич П.С. Культурология: Учебник. – 6-е изд., стереотипное. – М.: Гардарики, 2006.

Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]: Textbook – 6th ed., stereotyped. – M.: Gardariki, 2006. – 280 p. ISBN 5-8297-0048-4.

The book deals with central problems of the course «Culturology»: what is culture, how it is related to nature, what the difference between culture and civilization is, why so many cultures originate and how they interact with each other, etc.

The author, Prof.P.S.Gurevich, head of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines, Institute of Philosophy RAS, interprets culturology as an integral expression of humanitarian knowledge, analyzes development of the world history through collective spiritual experience of mankind.

For lecturers, university and college students, and senior schoolchildren.
 Гуревич П.С. Этика: учебник для студентов вузов

Gurevich, P.S. Etika [Ethics]: textbook for univ.students. – M: YuNITI-DANA (Series «Textbooks of Professor P.S.Gurevich»). – ISBN 5-238-01023-0 Agency CIP RGB.

Ethics as an independent discipline was born by the centuries-long reflection over human behaviour. It warns against seemingly evident reasons that sometimes are (as Fichte put it) «clear as a sun». Ethics awakens doubt, pricks of consciousness, enlightens the mind, answers murmours of the soul. Ethics is a philosophical science, its subject matter is morality. In the first part of the textbook, the author discusses such ethical categories as good and evil, shame, consciousness, duty, love and friendship, selfishness and pleasure, values, liberty; in the second part, the history of origination and development of ethics and various ethical system are analyzed.
 Гуревич П.С. Психология: Учебное пособие

Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]: textbook. – М., Starik Vatuling, 2005. – 720 p. – ISBN 5-902854-01-6.

The book, combining the properties of a textbook and a monograph, meets the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science recommended for studying psychology. It might be used for varied courses highlighting the status of psychology as an independent discipline. The author discusses the main issues of psychology: the phenomenon of the psyche and regularities of mental processes, emotional states of people, paradoxes of knowledge, relation between the conscious and the unconscious, specificity of the personality.

The book will be of interest to lecturers and university students of various specialties and also to those who wish to considerably broaden their knowledge of problems and «secrets» of the human mind and human behaviour.
 Гуревич П.С. Психология: учебник для студентов вузов

Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]: textbook for univ.students. – M: YuNITI-DANA, 2005. – 320 p. – (Series «Textbooks of Professor P.S.Gurevich»). – ISBN 5-238-00905-4 Agency CIP RGB.

The textbook by a well-known scholar and practitioner Prof.P.S.Gurevich offers a comprehensive account of the issues of both general, and social and clinical psychology.

The author’s method is not didactic, he invites to think and talk about topical issues, such as interrelations between the soul and the body, the inner world of an individual, the phenomenon of group consciousness, psychology of emergency situations, child psychoanalysis.

The book is meant not only for students and post-graduate students in psychology but also for specialists who wish to enhance their knowledge and qualification.

Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia reklamy [Psychology of advertisement]: textbook for univ.students. – M: YuNITI-DANA, 2005. – 287 p. – (Series «Textbooks of Professor P.S.Gurevich»). – ISBN 5-238-00936-4 Agency CIP RGB.


The textbook is characterized, first of all, by an analytical approach to such a phenomenon as psychology of advertisement, i.e. to creative process that itself is not ordinary.

The book offers full subject examination in such a fascinating sphere of business as advertising – from particular to general, from influence of advertisement on a concrete individual to manipulating the public opinion.

For university students and lecturers, researchers, students of business schools, heads of enterprises and organizations, for all interested in the problems of psychology of advertisement.
 Гуревич П.С. Философия: учебник для студентов вузов / П.С. Гуревич. – М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2005

Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia [Philosophy]: textbook for univ.students. – M: YuNITI-DANA, 2005. – 400 p. – (Series «Textbooks of Professor P.S.Gurevich»). – ISBN 5-238-Q0946-1 Agency CIP RGB.

The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the State Educational Standard for higher professional education in philosophy and comprises all necessary didactic material. But this is also a book for thinking, a book for understanding the world, a book for spiritual guidance.
 Гуревич П.С. Основы философии: Учебник пособие. – М.: Гардарики, 2004

Gurevich, P.S. Osnovy filosofii [Fundamentals of philosophy]: textbook. – M.: Gardariki, 2004. – 439 p. – ISBN 5-8297-0046-8.


The textbook discusses the most topical philosophical problems related to processes going on the modern world. The specific exposition of the material is determined by specificity of philosophy as comprehension of the world, where the very reasoning, thinking, development of thought is important. The textbook deals with the main spheres of philosophical knowledge. Much attention is paid to the anthropological theme, i.e. to man.

The book will not only be of undoubted interest to licensed specialists and of specialized educational institutions but also will be very helpful to a wide range of specialists in the humanities – sociologists, philosophers, marketers, advertising specialists, etc.

For students of comprehensive vocational institutions and colleges, senior schoolchildren. Might be of interest to students, post-graduate students and lecturers of non-humanitarian higher institutions and to the broad reading public.
 Гуревич П.С. Проблема целостности челове­ка

Gurevich, P.S. Problema tselostnosti cheloveka [The problem of human integrity]. – M., 2004. – 178 p.

Can we achieve an integral interpretation of some subject of another, which itself is neither unitary, nor single, integrated? What is integrity and wholeness? Is man whole? The author shows that the history of philosophy offered different answers to these questions. The problem of human integrity is not a matter of a complex study of an individual. It is the problem of his existence, being, destiny in the world. To be integral means to acquire the fullness of existence, to reveal human potential. Human integrity is not something given but acquired. The author highlights such issues of philosophical anthropology as human nature, human being, modes of human existence, adventures of human self-development.

Gurevich, P.S., Filatov, O.K. Filosofiya obrazovaniya [Philosophy of education]. Book 1. Philosophy of upbringing. (From Antiquity to the Enlightenment) / P.S.Gurevich, O.K. Filatov. – Ufa: Gilem, 2004. 364 p. – ISBN 5-7501-0470-2.

The book is a historical-philosophical and historical-psychological study of the phenomenon of education. It opens up a series of studies from Antiquity to the age of Enlightenment inclusive. This work has a specificity of relating the history of education with philosophical anthropology, philosophy, and sociology. This complex investigation makes it possible to overcome narrow professional pedagogic aspects in studying education.

The book might be of interest not only to pedagogues, psychologists, philosophers and historians but also for the broad public.
 Гуревич П.С. Культурология. Учебник для вузов

Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]: textbook for univ.students / P.S.Gurevich. – M.: Proekt, 2004. – 336 p. – ISBN 5-901660-18-8.

The textbook «Kulturologia» [Culturology] acquaints readers with various cultures, their types and developmental stages, discusses interaction of cultures and their mutual influences, gradually bringing readers to general regularities of their development.

What is culture? How is it related to nature? What is the difference between culture and civilization? Why so many cultures originate and how they interact with each other? The textbook also shows the structure of culture and its various spheres.

The book is meant for lecturers and teachers, students at universities, colleges and senior schoolchildren, and also for the broad reading public interested in this enthralling science.

Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia [Philosophy]. Textbook for universities. – M.: Proekt, 2003. – 352 p.


The textbook meets the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science recommended for this discipline. It deals with all fields of philosophical knowledge: ontology, natural philosophy, theory of knowledge, history of philosophy, axiology, philosophical anthropology, ethics, esthetics.


The author gives a systemic view of the world and the place of man in it.  It shows how the philosophical world view is formed. The book discusses the specific character of philosophy, its place in culture, scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the universe, the essence, destiny and meaning of man. Much attention is paid to the problem of the individual, his liberty and responsibility for preservation of life, nature, culture.


The book is meant for university students, and for all who are interested in philosophy.
 Гуревич П.С. Культурология. Учебное пособие

Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]. Textbook. 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Znanie, 2002. – 288 p. – ISBN 5-07-002936-3.

The textbook highlights the most important problems of culturology: what culture is, its difference from civilization, primary images, relations between culture and nature, causes of origination of many cultures, specificity of Western and Oriental cultures, regularities of development of social life and expression of human being in culture, etc.

The book is meant for lecturers and teachers, students at universities, colleges and senior schoolchildren, for the broad reading public interested in this enthralling science.
 Егорова И.В. Философская антропология Эриха Фромма

Egorova, I.V. Filosofskaya antropologia Ericha Fromma [Philosophical anthropology of Erich Fromm]. – M., 2002. – 164 p.

The monograph analyzes of philosophical-anthropological views of E.Fromm. It deals with the problems of personal acquisition of psychological freedom, true life under the conditions presented by the society that tries to suppress this freedom, and the phenomenon of «escaping from freedom».

E.Fromm, widely known as a psychoanalyst, appears in the image of a philosophical anthropologist, who pays attention at various aspects of human being, social development and the role of man in developed Western civilization.
 Гуревич П.С. Философия человека. – Ч. 2.

Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia cheloveka [Philosophy of man]. – Part 2. – M.: IPhRAS, 2001. – 209 p.

The monograph is the second part of the work (the first part was issued in 1999), in which the author retraces the philosophical-anthropological tradition from ancient philosophy of the Orient to the Renaissance (in part 1), and in part 2 – its development from Protestant ethics to the 20th century inclusive. What is the mystery of man? Does he really take a special place in the realm of nature? What makes him unique? The monograph presents various sides of the anthropological boom that develops before our eyes. Anthropological renaissance is one of the phenomena of modern philosophical thought in general.
 Гуревич П.С. Философия человека. – Ч. I.

Gurevich, P.S. Filosofia cheloveka [Philosophy of man]. – Part 1. – M.: IPhRAS, 1999. – 221 p.

The monograph retraces the philosophical-anthropological tradition from ancient philosophy of the Orient to the Renaissance inclusive. What is the mystery of man? Does he really take a special place in the realm of nature? What makes him unique? The monograph presents various sides of the anthropological boom that develops before our eyes. Anthropological renaissance is one of the phenomena of modern philosophical thought in general.

The monograph embraces the whole range of philosophical-anthropological problems, including the problem of anthropogenesis, human androgyny, suffering and fear, faith and intuition, eros and death.

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