Ruben G. Apressyan
Part-time appointments
- Associate Fellow, The Center for Aplied Ethics, Tiumen State University for Oil and Gas: 2003 – 2021;
- Part-time Professor, Novgorod Yaroslav the Wise State University: 2003 – 2021;
- Part-time Professor, The State Universitity for Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences): 1998–2014;
- Part-time Professor, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences: 2001–2004;
- Half-time Professor, Chair of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University: 1996 – 2018;
- Part-time Professor, Department of Philosophy, “Leo Tolstoy” Tula Pedagogical University, 1995–2001;
- Part-time Lecturer, Higher Commercial College, Moscow, 1993–1994;
- Part-time Lecturer, Chair of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy and Methodology, the Russian Open University: Moscow, 1992–1994;
- Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, On, Canada: 1991, Fall term;
- Part-time Lecturer, Moscow Pedagogical Institute: 1988–1989;
- Half-time Lecturer, Schepkin Theater College, Moscow: 1983–1984.