Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Ruben G. Apressyan
Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of Ethics » Faculty » Ruben G. Apressyan

Ruben G. Apressyan



Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1976.




  • Dr. Sc., Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1993,
  • Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], Moscow State University, 1979. 



  • Professor, 2000,
  • Senior Research Scholar, 1989.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2473-3909

Researcher IDR-9079-2017   

Scopus Author ID6506063734  

РИНЦ SPIN8124-0529AuthorID: 72453                         




  • Head, Department of Ethics, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: 1994 – present;
  • Senior Research Fellow, Sector of Ethics, Institute of Philosophy: 1987–1994;
  • Assistant Professor; Research Fellow, Chair of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University: 1980–1987.


  • Associate Fellow, The Center for Aplied Ethics, Tiumen State University for Oil and Gas: 2003 – present;
  • Part-time Professor, Novgorod Yaroslav the Wise State University: 2003 – 2015;
  • Half-time Professor, Chair of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University: 1996 – present.
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  • Honorary Doctor, Uppsala University (Sweden), 2012.
  • State Academic Fellowship: 1994–1996, 1997–1999, 2000–2002.



  • Ethics.
  • Normative Ethics.
  • Genealogy of Morality.
  • The History of Modern Ethics.
  • Philosophy of Love. The History of Ideas.
  • Ethics: Introductory Course.
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  • Member, Expert Committee for Publication Program, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2017 – present;
  • Member, Science Advisory Council, Stockholm Environment Institute (Stockholm Sweden), 2017 – 2020;
  • Vice-Chair UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) For The Declaration on The Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change, 2016–2017;
  • Member, UNESCO Working Group on the Ethics of Climate Change, 2008–2011;
  • Member, UNESCO World Commission for the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, 2004–2011;
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and Grants

  • The Phenomenon of Moral Universality (group research project, director). – Russian Science Foundation, 2018–2020;
  • Visiting Fellow, Lichtenberg Kolleg, Göttingen University, 2016;
  • Moral Normativity: Sources, Nature, Forms of Representation (group research project, director), – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2014–2016;
  • Genesis of Morality in Archaic Society (Homer Study) – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2010–2012;
  • Visiting Fellow, The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, 2010.
  • Philosophy and Ethics (group research project, director), – Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2007–2008.
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Papers and Talks


  • “Applied Ethics – between ethics and practice”. – 8th Russian Philosophical Congress “Philosophy in a polycentric world”, Moscow, 26–28.05.2022.
  • “Enlightenment as emotional learning”. – Immanuel Kant and the “New Enlightenment”. International Conference. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, 20–22 April 2022.
  • “Concepts of "duty" and "freedom" (philosophy, moralizing reflection, and the "dark" matter of language)”. – 12th National Conference in Ethics “Ethics: freedom and duty”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11–12.11.2021.
  • “Ethical-pandemic discourse: searching a normative language”. – 12th international  conference “Philosophy and Culture in the Times of Pandemics” Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 30.09–01.10.2021.
  • “Autonomy and conscience in Joseph Butler’s ethics”. ‒ “Theoretical and applied ethics: traditions and perspectives. Philosophy. Ethics. Practice”. 12th International Conference. Institute of Philosophy, Saint-Petersburg State University, 19‒21.11.2020.
  • “Ethics and discussions on artificial intelligence”. –  “Ethical Issues of artificial intelligence”. Round Table. “Theoretical and applied ethics: traditions and perspectives”. 11th International Conference. Institute of Philosophy, Saint-Petersburg State University, 22–23.11.2019.
  • “Social-emotional-ethical learning: core content and national traditions”. –«International Launch of Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning». International Conference. Delhi, India, 05–07.04.2019.
  • “The Other in the Golden Rule”. – “The Other. The Nearest and the Farthest”. International Ethical-Political Correspondence Conference. Yerevan State Univerity, Armenia,
  • "Modern Moral Philosophy On Its Way to a Specified Concept of Morality". – German-Russian Project Workshop “The Concept of Morality in Modern Ethics”. (Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany, 8–9.11.2016).
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Journal Editorial Boards Membership

  • Editor in Chief, Chelovek (The Human Being. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).
  • Member, Editorial Board, Vestnik PNIPU. Kul'tura. Istoriya. Filosofiya. Pravo (Bulletin of PNRPU. Culture. History. Philosophy. Law. Perm City).
  • Member, Editorial Board, Eticheskaya mysl (Ethical Thought. RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow).
  • Member, Editorial Council, Filosofskie Nauki (Philosophical Sciences. Moscow).
  • Member, Editorial Board, ΠΡAΞHMA. Problemy Vizualnoy Semiotiki (ΠΡAΞHMA. The Problems of Visual Semiotics. Tomsk City).
  • Member, Editorial Council, Filosofskaya Antropologiya (Philosophical Anthropology. RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow).
  • Member, Editorial Council, Angewandte Philosophie. Eine internationale Zeitschrift (Goettingen, Germany).
  • Member, Editorial Board, Fundamental'nye aspekty psihicheskogo zdorovya (Fundamental Aspects of Mental Health. Moscow).
  • Member, Editorial Council, Medical Ethics Journal (Teheran, Iran).
  • Member, Editorial Council, Philosophy and Religious Studies (Ulan-Bator, Mongolia).
