I. Printed books
- Gurevich P.S. Obshchestvoznanie 10 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 10]: textbook for secondary schools / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – M.: Mnemozina, 2007. – 191 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Prakticheskaya psikhologia dla vsekh: Klinicheskiy psykhoanaliz [Practical psychology for everybody. Clinical psychoanalysis]. – M.: OLMA Media Group, OLMA-PRESS Education, 2007. – 512 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Preobrazhenie tsennostey kak chrezvychaynaya situatsiya [Transformation of values as an emergency situation]. – M.: MPSI, 2007. – 120 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis] / P.S.Gurevich, M: YuNITI-DANA, 2007 – 479 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologicheskiy slovar’ [Psychological dictionary] / Gener.scient.ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: OLMA Media Group, OLMA-PRESS Education, 2007. – 800 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia chrezvychaynykh situatsiy [Psychology of emergency situations]: textbook for univ.students / P.S.Gurevich. – M: YuNITI-DANA, 2007. – 495 p. – (Series «Actual psychology»).
- Gurevich P.S. Religiovedenie [Religious studies]: Textbook / P.S.Gurevich. – 2nd ed. – M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO «MODEK» Publishers, 2007. – 696 p. – (Series «Student’s library»).
- Klyagin N.V. The Modern Scientific Picture of the World. М.: Universitetskaya kniga, Logos, 2007, 264 p.
II. Articles, sections in books and other publications
- Bueva L.P. Human subjectivity // Herald of the Russian Philosophical Society, 2007, No. 4, p. 31-37;
- Bueva L.P. Russian philosophy on spirituality// Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 4th International Scientific Conference». – Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 October 2007: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. Issue 1 / ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2007, p. 40-50.
- Gurevich P.S. Degustatsiya vlasti. [Tasting the power] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2007, No. 4 (30), P. 142-147.
- Gurevich P.S. K diskussii o religii [On discussion of religion] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency], 2007, No. 1, P. 233-235.
- Gurevich P.S. «Kakim byt’ otechestvennomu obrazovaniyu?» [“What should Russian education be like?” in the rubric “Round table”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2007, No. 1 (27), P. 201-217.
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column // Edip [Oedipus], 2007, No. 1, P. 3.
- Gurevich P.S. Lichnostny rost kak prakticheskaya problema [Personal growth as a practical problem] // Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 4th International Scientific Conference. Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 October 2007: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. [In Russ.] Issue 1 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2007, P. 3-14.
- Gurevich P.S. Nebo durnukh predvestiy [The sky of bad premonitions] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2007, No. 2 (28), P. 116-126.
- Gurevich P.S. Obrazovanie v polietnicheskom prostranstve [Education in a polyethnic space] // Aktualnye problemy psikhologo-pedagogicheskikh issledovaniy [Topical problems of psychologic-pedagogic studies]. Proceedings of the General assembly of the Academy of Paedagogic and Social Sciences, 27-28 April 2007. M.: MPSI, 2007, P. 56-75.
- Gurevich P.S. Po obe storony dobra i zla. Kollektivnoe bessoznatelnoe i politicheskie protsessy [On both sides of good and evil. The collective unconscious and political processes] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2007, No. 3 (29), P. 29-36.
- Gurevich P.S. Entries – Americanocentrism, James W., Europecentrism, Counterculture, Mumford L., Mentality, Subculture, Fromm E. [] // Culturology. Encyclopaedia [In Russ.]. In 2 volumes. Vols. 1-2 / Ed. S.Ya.Levit. M., 2007.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Edip [Oedipus], 2007, No. 2, P. 143-148.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Edip [Oedipus], 2007, No. 1, P. 164-179.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Issue 1 (34). M., 2007, P. 405-422.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «Parting words» (Yu.M.Boroday), (V.M.Vilchek) // Arkhetip [Archetype], 2007, No. 1, P. 141-144.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «Parting words» (Yu.N.Davydov) // Edip [Oedipus], 2007, No. 1, P. 180.
- Gurevich P.S. «Formirovanie imidzha» [Formation of the image (record of a conversation at the radio «Liberty» 22.12.06)] // Arkhetip [Archetype], 2007, No. 1, P. 128-137.
- Gurevich P.S. Freud konechny i beskonechny [Freud: limited and limitless] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. Vol. IX. Issue 2 (36), 2007. P. 130-145.
- Gurevich, P.S., Egorova, I.V. Poterya lichnostnoy identichnosti [Loss of personal identity (record of a conversation at the radio «Liberty» 10.11.06)] // Edip [Oedipus], 2007, No. 1, P. 148-157.
- Egorova I.V. The archetype of the leader and the hero // Bulletin of analytics, 2007, No. 4 (30), p. 132-138;
- Egorova I.V. The pedagogic conception of humanist philosophy // Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 4th International Scientific Conference. – Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 October 2007: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. Issue 1 / ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2007, p. 51-56.
- Klyagin N.V. The New in the Scientific Picture of the World // Higher education today, 2007, No 4, p. 30-39;
- Klyagin N.V. On History of the Cultural Revolutions // Oedipus, 2007, No 1, p. 57-69;
- Klyagin N.V. On basis of “the Cultural Revolutions” // Znanie. Ponimanie.Umenie, 2007, No 2, p. 37-40, No 3, p. 82-87;
- Krotovskaya N.G. Creative and Distractive as Phenomena of Human Nature // Higher Education for the XXI Century: 4th International Scientific Conference. Moscow, 18-20 October 2007. Lectures and Materials. Round Table. – M.: MosGU Publishers, 2007, P. 46-52;
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S. Immanent and transcendental in breeding // Higher education for the XXI century: IV International scientific conference. Moscow, October 18-20, 2007. Issue 3 М.: MosGU Publishing, 2007, P. 28-35;
- Mikhalenko Yu.P. Renessansnaya mudrost’ i zdorovie sovremennykh rossiyan [The Renaissance wisdom and health of modern Russians] // Edip [Oedipus]. 2007. No 4. P. 26–32.
- Novichkova G.A. The problems of upbreeding and education by K. Jaspers // Higher education for the XXI century: IV International scientific conference. Moscow, October 18-20, 2007.: Reports and materials. Round Table. Issue 2. Executive editor P.S. Gurevich. М.: MosGU Publishing, 2007, p. 11-22;
- Rudneva E.G. Rudolf Steiner kak pedagog [Rudolf Steiner as a paedagogue] // Higher education for the 21st century: The 4th International Scientific Conference. Moscow, October 18-20, 2007.: Proceedings. Round Table. Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education. Issue 3. Ed.-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. М., 2007. P. 52–58.
- Spirova E.M. Globalizatsia kak postideologia [Globalization as postideology]: About the new book by Z.Brzezinski «The choice: global domination or global leadership» // Vestnik analitiki. 2007. No 1 (27). P. 226–232.
- Spirova E.M. Znak ili simvol [Sign or symbol]? // Znanie. Ponimanie.Umenie. 2007. No 1. P. 110–114.
- Spirova E.M. Znakovaya priroda kultury [The sign nature of culture] // Edip [Oedipus]. 2007. No 1. P. 70–75.
- Spirova E.M. Novye priklucheniya «Leviafana» [New adventures of “Leviathan”]. About the book by F.Fukuyama «State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st century» // Vestnik analitiki. 2007. No 4 (30). P. 226–229.
- Spirova E.M. Ob ocharovanii volshebstva [On the charm of magic] // Edip [Oedipus]. 2007. No 2. P. 60–67.
- Spirova E.M. Obraz cheloveka v kontseptsii dialoga M.M.Bakhtina [The image of man in M.M.Bakhtin’s conception of dialogue] // Vestnik Ros.filos.o-va [Bul. of Rus.Philos.Soc.] 2007. No 3 (43). P. 105–112.
- Spirova E.M. Politika kak sotsialny protez [Politics as a social prosthesis]. About the book by J.Baudrillard «The Transparency of Evil» // Vestnik analitiki. 2007. No 3 (29). P. 215–220.
- Spirova E.M. Psikhopatologia sotsialnoy zhizni [The psychopathology of social life]: About the book by Sh.R. Abdurashitova «Osobennosti natsionalnogo kretinizma [Specificities of national cretinism]» // Vestnik analitiki. 2007. No 2 (28). P. 211–213.
- Spirova E.M. Simvol kak vyrazhenie dukhovnogo opyta [The symbol as expression of spiritual experience] // Higher education for the 21st century: The 4th International Scientific Conference. Moscow, October 18-20, 2007: Proceedings. Round Table. Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education. Issue 1. Ed.-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. М., 2007. P. 30–40.
- Spirova E.M. Simvol kak yazyk drevney arkhaiki []The symbol as the language of ancient archaicity // Arhetip [Archetype]. 2007. No 1. P. 13–20.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric «From the book stream» – «Defect of emotions and symbolic perception», «The cold and dark substance of the universe» // Edip [Oedipus]. 2007. No 1. P. 158–161.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric «From the book stream» – «The radius of the unconscious», «A special modus of being» // Arkhetip [Archetype]. 2007. No 1. P. 138–140.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric « New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki. 2007. No 1 (27). P. 232–235.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric « New books you might be interested in» // Ibid. No 2 (28). P. 218.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric « New books you might be interested in» // Ibid. No 4 (30). P. 231–234.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric « New books you might be interested in» // Ibid. No 3 (29). P. 221–222.
- Spirova E.M. Freud kak filosof [Freud as a philosopher] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. International journal of social sciences and the humanities. М., 2007. Vol. IX. Issue 2 (36). P. 146–156.
- Sultanova M.A. Krizis tsennostnykh orientatsiy [The crisis of value orientations // Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 4th International Scientific Conference. Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 October 2007: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. [In Russ.] Issue 2 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2007, P.32-44.
- Sultanova M.A. Filosofskoe postizhenie cheloveka [The philosophical comprehension of man] // Edip []Oedipus], 2007, No.1, P.70-73.
- Sultanova M.A. Chelovek v potoke istorii [Man in the flow of history] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society], 2007, No. 1 (41), P. 72-75.