Monographs and collective works
- Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofskaya interpretatsia cheloveka [Philosophical interpretation of man] (To the 80th anniversary of Prof. P.S.Gurevich) / Rus.Acad.Sci., Inst. of Philosophy, Inst. of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAN. SPb: Petroglif, 2013. 428 p. (Series «Humanitas»).
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 1. Freudizm i neofreudizm [Freudism and neo-Freudism]: A textbook for masters of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 531 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 2. Sovremennaya glubinnaya filosofia [Modern depth psychology]: A textbook for masters of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 564 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Osnovy filosofii [Fundamentals of philosophy]: A testbook. 2nd edition, ster. М.: KNORUS, 2013. 480 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Politicheskaya psikhologia [Political psychology]: A textbook for bachelors of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 565 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia i pedagogika [Psychology and paedagogy]: A textbook for bachelors of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 479 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Etika [Ethics]: A textbook for bachelors of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 516 p.
Scientific articles
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofskoe mirovozzrenie [Philosophical world-view] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2012. No. 12 (60). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Posledsvviya seksualnoy revolutsii [Consequences of sexual revolution] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2012. No. 12 (51). P. 4-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Zdorovyy chelovek kak mulyazh [A healthy individual as a model] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 3-4.
- Gurevich P.S. Esteticheskaya kontseptsiya I.Kanta [The aesthetic conception of I.Kant] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 13-22.
- Gurevich P.S. Avatary i simulakry rossiyskoy politiki [The avatars and simulacra of Russian politics] // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. No. 4 (50). P. 10-16.
- Gurevich P.S. Kulturologia i filosofia kultury [Cultural science and philosophy of culture] // Bulletin of P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute. 2012. No. 1 (3). P. 18-30.
- Gurevich P.S. Vozmozhna li filosofskaya antropologia [Is philosophical anthropology possible?] // Logiko-filosofskie issledovaniya [Logical and philosophical research]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief Yu.V. Ivlev. M., 2012. 294 p. P. 144-158.
- Gurevich P.S. Problema elity nachego vremeni [The problem of elite nowadays] // Sotsiologia v sovremennom mire: nauka, obrazovanie, tvorchestvo [Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity]: coll. works. Issue 5 / O.N. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popov. Barnaul: Altai Univ.Publ., 2013. 356 p. P. 7-12.
- Gurevich P.S. Zhiznenny mir cheloveka [The world of human life] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 1 (61). P. 7-8.
- Gurevich P.S. Esteticheskie vzglyady A. Schopenhauera [The aesthetic views of A. Schopenhauer] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 1 (61). P. 119-128.
- Gurevich P.S. Anima // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 1 (52). P. 7.
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofskie traditsii v postizhenii cheloveka [Philosophic traditions in knowledge of man] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 2 (62). P. 141-143.
- Gurevich P.S. Will a human being stay unchanged? // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 2 (62). P. 261-262.
- Gurevich P.S. Ot Z.Freuda k M.Klein [From Z. Freud to M. Klein] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 2 (53). P. 111-114.
- Gurevich P.S. Analny kharakter [The anal character] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 2 (53). P. 142-153.
- Gurevich P.S. Chto takoe negativnaya antropologia [What is negative anthropology?] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 3 (63). P. 275-278.
- Gurevich P.S. Ob’ekt i predmet psikhologii [The object and subject of psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 3 (54). P. 215-217.
- Gurevich P.S. Terapia analnogo kharaktera [Therapy of the anal character] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 3 (54). P. 255-265.
- Gurevich P.S. «Bred polnotsennee smysla» [Delusion has more value than sense] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 3-4.
- Gurevich P.S. Vseponimanie cheloveka [Man’s omnicomprehension] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 4-6.
- Gurevich P.S. Opyt filosofskogo predosterezheniya [An experience of philosophical warning] (To the 90th anniversary of N.А. Berdyaev’s book «The philosophy of inequality») // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 37-47.
- Gurevich P.S. Ischezla li sushchnost’ cheloveka? [Has man’s essence disappeared?] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. М.: IPh RAS, 2013. 167 p. P. 6-23.
- Gurevich P.S. Perevoploshchenie teksta v ideologiyu [A text-to-ideology transformation] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 4 (64). P. 423-428.
- Gurevich P.S. Porochnaya chuvstvennost’ [Vicious sensuality] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 4 (55). P. 317-319.
- Gurevich P.S. Absurdnoe, no prekrasnoe [Absurd but beautiful] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 5 (65). P. 579-582.
- Gurevich P.S. Absurd kak sotsialny fenomen [Absurd as a social phenomenon] // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 2 (52). P. 9-15.
- Gurevich P.S. Ф. Stepun o statuse filosofii kultury [Stepun about the status of the philosophy of culture] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 6 (66). P. 733-735.
- Gurevich P.S. Arianizm kak mifologia [Arianism as a mythology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 6 (57). P. 525-528.
- Gurevich P.S. Poet o kulture [A poet about culture] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No. 2 (10). P. 99-101.
- Gurevich P.S. Obrazovanie i budushchee cheloveka [Human education and future] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 2 (10). P. 104-113.
- Gurevich P.S. The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical understanding of man // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2013. No. 1. P. 4-8.
- Gurevich P.S. The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical understanding of man // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (electronic journal). 2013. No. 1. P. 4-8.
- Gurevich P.S. Reforma vs. revolytsia [Reform vs. revolution] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 7 (67). P. 883-888.
- Gurevich P.S. Mekhanika politicheskoy mifologii [The mechanics of political mythology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 7 (58). P. 621-626.
- Gurevich P.S. Apofaticheskiy proekt cheloveka [The apophatic project of man] //
Voprosy filosofii [Problems of philosophy]. 2013. No. 8. P. 42-53.
- Gurevich P.S. Sotsialny khaos v tolkovanii J. Baudrillard [J. Baudrillard’s interpretation os social chaos] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 8 (68). P. 1043-1046.
- Gurevich P.S. Magia personifikatsii [The magic of personification] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 8 (59). P. 721-725.
- Gurevich P.S. Aktualnaya psikhologia [Topical psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 8 (59). P. 742-749.
- Gurevich P.S. Demagog: istoria ponyatiya [Demagogue: a history of the concept] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 9 (69). P. 1195-1199.
- Gurevich P.S. Semiotika ustnogo narodnogo tvorchestva [The semiotics of oral folk narratives] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No. 3 (11). P. 209-211.
- Gurevich P.S, Reznik Yu.M. Antropologia s lichnoy tichki zreniya [Anthropology from a personal point of view] (a dialogue) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol. XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 284-297.
- Gurevich P.S. Vektory sovremennogo postizheniya cheloveka [Vectors of modern conprehension of man] // Filosofskiy zhyrnal [Philosophical journal]. 2013. No. 2 (11). P. 95-106.
- Gurevich P.S. Sotsialnaya demagigia kak fenomen [Social demagoguery as a phenomenon] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 10 (70). P. 1347-1352.
- Gurevich P.S. Arsenal psikhologicheskogo znaniya [The arsenal of psychological knowledge] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 10 (61). P. 921-925.
- Gurevich P.S. Sovremenny vek i ego svyatyni [Modern period and its objects of worship] (conclusion) // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 3-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Fenomen identichnosti v traktovke Paula Ricoeura [The phenomenon of identity in interpretation of Paul Ricoeur] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 5 (56). P. 317-319.
- Gurevich P.S. Kultura kak regulator sotsialnykh otnosheniy [Culture as a regulator of social relations] (article 1) // Bulletin of P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute. 2013. No. 3. P. 31-37.
- Gurevich P.S. Liki obraza [The faces of the image] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 9 (60). P. 821-824.
- Gogotishvili L.A. Filosofia yazyka Loseva i «ne-filosofia» yazyka Laruella [Losev’s philosophy of language and Laruelle’s non-philosophy of language] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 5 (65). P. 656-679.
- Gogotishvili L.A. Lingvisticheskie prolegomeny k teme «Losev i Bakhtin» [Linguistic prolegomena to the theme of Losev and Bakhtin] // Symposion. On the 90th anniversary of Aza A. Takho-Godi / ed.-in-chief and compil. Е.A. Takho-Godi. М.: Vodoley, 2013. 408 p. P. 124-131.
- Egorova I.V. Za chto my stradaem? [What are we suffering for?] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 6-12.
- Egorova I.V. Kachestvo obrazovaniya kak problema [The quality of education as a problem] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 72-78.
- Egorova I.V. Hannah Arendt o massovoy kulture [Hannah Arendt about mass culture] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 2 (10). P. 125-134.
- Klyagin N.V. Grecheskoe chudo [The Greek miracle] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2012. No. 12 (60). P. 53-63.
- Klyagin N.V. Chto my znaem o budushchem? [What do we know about future?] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 10 (70). P. 1379-1392.
- Reznik Yu.M. Na grani: gumanitarnaya nauka pod pressom byurokratii [On the verge: the humanities under a bureaucratic press] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2012. Vol. XIV. Issue 4 (75-76). P. 8-26.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek v prostranstve transpersonal’nogo vzaimodeystviya [Man in the space of transpersonal interaction] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2012. Vol. XIV. Issue 4 (75-76). P. 83-100.
- Reznik Yu.M. Osnovnye napravleniya sotsioinzhenernoy podgotovki [Basic directions of social engineering training] // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie [Managerial counselling]. 2012. No. 4 (48). P. 7-12.
- Reznik Yu.M. Etika filosofa [The ethics of a philosopher]. By way of a dialogue (part 1) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2012. Vol. XIV. Issue 4 (75-76). P. 233-245.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek kak sub’ekt transpersonal’nosti [Man as a subject of transpersonality] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p. P. 113-138.
- Reznik Yu.M. K metafizike chelovecheskogo bytiya: ot refleksii k rekonstruktsii [On the mataphysics of human being: from reflection to reconstruction] // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Filosofia [Philosophy]. 2013. No. 2. P. 132-146.
- Reznik Yu.M. O tipakh byurokratii v nauke [On bureaucratic types in science] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 1 (77). P. 8-25.
- Reznik Yu.M. Byurokratia i soobshchestva v nauke [Bureaucracy and communities in science] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 2 (78). P. 8-22.
- Reznik Yu.M. K sotsialnoy antologii eticheskogo. Spetsifika i printsipy sotsialno-eticheskoy teorii [On a social anthology of the ethical. Specificity and principles of socioethical theory] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 88-106.
- Reznik Yu.M. Filosofia v moyom ponimanii [My understanding of philosophy] (an experience of phenomenological interpretation). Part 1. Philosophy as the analytics of being // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 107-122.
- Reznik Yu.M. Etika filosofa [The ethics of a philosopher]. By way of a dialogue (part 2) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 2 (78). P. 231-249. (в соавт.)
- Reznik Yu.M. O situatsii v otechestvennoy akademicheskoy nauke [On the situation in Russian academic science] (a dialogue) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 298-315.
- Spirova E.M. Gumanitarnoe znanie v poiskakh smysla [Humanitarian knowledge in search of meaning] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 47-58.
- Spirova E.M. Sotsialny khaos [Social chaos] // Sotsiologia v sovremennom mire: nauka, obrazovanie, tvorchestvo [Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity]: coll. works. Issue 5 / O.N. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popov. Barnaul: Altai Univ.Publ., 2013. 356 p. P. 214-220.
- Spirova E.M. Sravnitel’naya antropologia W. Humboldta [A comparative anthropology of W. Humboldt] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p. P. 24-40.
- Spirova E.M. Why do we need history? // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2013. No. 1. P. 23-27.
- Spirova E.M. Why do we need history? // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (electronic journal). 2013. No. 1. P. 23-27.
- Spirova E.M. Germenevticheskoe tolkovanie simvola [A hermeneutic interpretations of symbols] (article 1) // Bulletin of P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute. 2013. No. 3. P. 111-117.
- Spirova E.M. Fenomen dukha v filosofskoy antropologii [The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical anthropology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology].2013. No. 1 (52). P. 26-34.
- Spirova E.M. Kak formirovalas’ idea vospitaniya [How the idea of upbringing has been formed]? // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 53-59.
- Mikhalenko Yu.P. Adam Smith: stanovlenie uchenogo [Adam Smith: formation of a scientist] (part 1) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 7 (67). P. 1004-1019.
- Gogotishvili L.A. Immanentnoe, transtsendentnoe i dualnoe v nefilosofii F.Laruelle [The immanent, the transcendent and the dual in the nonphilosophy of F.Laruelle] // Siniy divan. 2013. Issue 18. P. 31-47. (revised 2nd edition of the article).
- Novichkova G.A. Erich Fromm o vospitanii kak odnom iz usloviy sotsialnogo bytiya [Erich Fromm about upbringing as one of conditions of social being] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 84-93.
- Sultanova M.A., transl. from Engl.: Steinbock A.J. The Distinctive structure of the Emotions (chapter 6) // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 6 (57). P. 556-565.
- Sultanova M.A., transl. from Engl.: Rosegrant J. Why Bion? Why Jung? For That Matter, Why Freud? // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]. 2013. No.8 (59). P. 759-776.
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S., transl. from Engl.: Picard L. Victorian London. Crystal Palace at Sydenham, Great Exhibition // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2012. No.4 (08). P. 76-87.
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S., transl. from Engl.: Ackroyd P. Venice. City of St.Mark // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No.2 (10). P. 180-190.
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S., transl. from Engl.: Nabokov V.V. Lecture on Charles Dickens // NB: Filologicheskie issledovaniya [Philological studies]. 2013. No.01. P. 96-221.
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S., Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Bullington J. The Expression of the Psychosomatic Body from a Phenomenological Perspective. Chapter 6. Health and Illness and Holistic Health // // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]. 2013. No.7 (58). P. 663-675.
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Picard L. Victorian London. Religion // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No.1 (09). P. 72-80.
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Picard L. Victorian London. Death // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No.3 (11). P. 275-282.
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Ruti M. The singularity of being: Lacan and the Immortal Within // // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]. 2013. No.10 (61). P. 934-949.
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Picard L.. Religious practices and burial rites in Victorian London // NB: Filologicheskie issledovaniya [Philological studies]. 2013. No.01. P. 263-311.
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Nabokov V.V. Lectures on Literature. Robert Louis Stevenson // NB: Filologicheskie issledovaniya [Philological studies]. 2013. No.02. P. 24-66.
- Rudneva E.G., transl. from Engl.: Bullington J. The Expression of the Psychosomatic Body from a Phenomenological Perspective. Chapter 2. The Lived Body // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnology]. 2013. No.5 (56). P. 492-505.
Papers, abstracts, presentations
- [Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V.] «Sotsialnoe rassloenie: formirovanie novoy soslovnosti» [Social stratification: formation of new social estates] in the rubric «Round table» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 1 (51). P. 87-118.
- Gurevich P.S. Arthur Schopenhauer o muzyke i estetike [Arthur Schopenhauer about music and aesthetics] // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Russii i za rubeshom: Paralleli i vzaimodeystviya [Art history in the context of other sciences in Russia and worldwide: parallels and interactions]: Papers and materials of the intern. scient. conf. 9-13 April 2013. М.: Nobel-press, 2013. 497 p. P. 168-175.
- Gurevich P.S. Bytie sub’ekta [Being of the subject] // Idei О.К. Тikhomirova i А.V. Brushlinskogo i fundamentalnye problemy psikhologii [Ideas of О.К. Тikhomirov and А.V. Brushlinskiy]: proceedings of the All-Russ. scient. conf. Moscow: M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 30 May – 01 June 2013. М.: MGU Publ., 2013. 464 p. P. 106-109.
- Gurevich P.S. Lubov’ kak glubinnoe ekzistentsialnoe perezhivanie [Love as a deep existential experience] // Nauka Udmurtii. Lubov’: eyo mesto i rol v prirode cheloveka [Science of Udmurtia: Love and its role in human nature]: Materials of the Petrakov Readings (Russian scientific and theoretical conference), 15-16 February 2013 / Eds-in-chief: M.N. Makarova, А.А. Razin, I.I. Rysin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2013. 246 p. P. 57-77.
- Gurevich P.S. Novye grani identichnosti [New facets of identity] // The 23rd Ershov readings: collect.scient. papers / Ed-in-chief L.V. Vedernikova. Ishim: P.P.Ershov USPI Publ., 2013. Part 2. 217 p. P. 57-59.
- Gurevich P.S. Identichnost’: utraty i obreteniya [Identity: losses and findings] // A dialogue of cultures: values, meanings, communications: the 13th International Likhachev scientific readings, 16-17 May 2013 / scient. ed. А.S. Zapesotskiy. SPb.: SPbGUP, 2013. 712 p. P. 236-238.
- [Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V.] «Chto takoe sotsialnoe gosudarstvo? [What is a social state]» in the rubric «Round table» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 2 (52). P. 103-125.
- [Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V.] «Reforma kak sotsialny fenomen [Reform as a social phenomenon]» in the rubric «Round table» // 2013. No. 3 (53). P. 105-127.
- Gurevich P.S. Elita – eto ne nomenklatura [Elite is not nomenclature] // Filosofia elitologii [Philosophy of elitology]. Works of the 1st All-Russ. elitological congress with international participation. Vol. 3 / Scient.ed. prof. А.М. Starostin. Rostov-on-Don.: Donskoe, 2013. 420 p. P. 273-283.
- Gogotishvili L.A. Trekhstoronnyaya diskussia o «sovremennom tipe» filosofskogo myshlenia [A trilateral discussion about the “modern type” of philosophical thinking] (a review). Materials of the seminar «Interrelations between Russian and European philosophers» (part three) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 5 (65). P. 650-655.
- Egorova I.V. Elita i massovoe obshchestvo // [Elite and mass society] // Filosofia elitologii [Philosophy of elitology]. Works of the 1st All-Russ. elitological congress with international participation. Vol. 3 / Scient.ed. prof. А.М. Starostin. Rostov-on-Don.: Donskoe, 2013. 420 p. P. 160-170.
- Reznik Yu.M. Filosofia, vlast’, publishnaya sfera [Philosophy, power, public sphere] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol. XV. Issue 1 (77). P. 171-173.
- Spirova E.M. «Iskusstvo kak vechny organon [Art as eternal organon]» (Schelling on the role of the symbol in art) // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Russii i za rubeshom: Paralleli i vzaimodeystviya [Art history in the context of other sciences in Russia and worldwide: parallels and interactions]: Papers and materials of the intern. scient. conf. 9-13 April 2013. М.: Nobel-press, 2013. 497 p. P. 427-434.
- Spirova E.M. Lyubov’ versus odinochestvo [Love versus loneliness] // Nauka Udmurtii. Lubov’: eyo mesto i rol v prirode cheloveka [Science of Udmurtia: Love and its role in human nature]: Materials of the Petrakov Readings (Russian scientific and theoretical conference), 15-16 February 2013 / Eds-in-chief: M.N. Makarova, А.А. Razin, I.I. Rysin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2013. 246 p. P. 198-210.
- Spirova E.M. Fenomen dukha i postizhenie cheloveka [The phenomenon of spirit and knowledge of man] // The 23rd Ershov readings: collect.scient. papers / Ed-in-chief L.V. Vedernikova. Ishim: P.P.Ershov USPI Publ., 2013. Part 2. 217 p. P. 66-69.
- Sultanova M. The Homo sapiens and his world // XXIII World Congress of Philosophy «Philosophy as Inguiry and Way of Life», Athens 04-10 August 2013, University of Athens, School of Philosophy, University Campus – Zografos: Abstracts. Athens, 2013. P. 704-705.
- Spirova E.M. Filosofia elitarnogo obrazovania [Philosophy of elitist education // Filosofia elitologii [Philosophy of elitology]. Works of the 1st All-Russ. elitological congress with international participation. Vol. 3 / Scient.ed. prof. А.М. Starostin. Rostov-on-Don.: Donskoe, 2013. 420 p. P. 150-160.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Diagnoz istoricheskogo kosmosa [Diagnosis of historical cosmos] (Rev. of K. Manheim’s «Diagnosis of Our Time» (M., 2010)) // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2012. No. 12 (51). P. 90-99.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Kladez’ istoricheskogo znaniya [The fount of historical knowledge]. A review of historical research works (Rev. of А. Gurevich’s «Istoria istorika [The history of a historian]» (М.-SPb, 2012) and R. Gal’tseva, I. Rodnyanskaya «K portretam russkikh mysliteley [On the portraits of Russian thinkers]» (М., 2012)) // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 88-96.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol. XV. Issue 1 (77). P. 215-225.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Zhiznenny mir cheloveka [The world of human life] (Rev. of A.L.Hiniforov’s book «Struktura i smysl zhiznennogo mira cheloveka [The structure and meaning of the world of human life]» (М., 2012)) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 2 (62). P. 243-259.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Signal, rassypanny iz tysyachi rozhkov [A signal scattered in thousands of horns]… (Rev. of I. Stravinsky’s book «Chronicles. Poetics» (М., SPb, 2012)), «Razum, voploshchenny v prekrasnykh zvukakh [The mind embodied in beautiful sounds]» (Rev. of М. Lobanova’s book «Theosophist. Theurgist. Mystic. Magician: Aleksandr Skryabin and his time» (М., 2012)), Correspondence as a historical document (Rev. of V.Safonov’s book «Izbrannoe. «Davaite perepisyvat’sya s amerikanskoy bystrotoyu [Selected works. Let’s correspond as rapidly as Americans]…». Correspondence of 1880-1905» (SPb, 2011)) // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 81-88.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Krasota kak polnota bytiya [Beauty as fullness of being] (A rev. of book of «Kanon+» Publishing House) // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No. 2 (10). P. 191-201.
- Gurevich P.S. Rev. of the book Chelovek i ego budushchee: novye tekhnologii i vozmozhnosti cheloveka [Man and his future: new technologies and possibilities of human beings] / Ed.-in-chief G.L. Belkina; compiler M.I. Frolova. М., 2012. 496 p. // Chelomek [Man]. 2013. No. 1 (January-February). P. 175-178.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Memorialnaya obshchestvennaya praktika [Memorial social practice] (Rev. of F. Meineke’s «The rise of historism» (М.; SPb, 2013)) // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 2 (10). P. 169-176.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Dukhovny opyt natsii [The spiritual experience of a nation] (Rev. of М.N. Gromov’s book «Izbornik 70» (Tver, 2013)) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 7 (67). P. 1020-1027.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Kult dukha [The cult of the spirit] (Rev. of R. Benedict’s «The chrysanthemum and the sword» (М.; SPb, 2013)) // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2013. No. 7 (58). P. 700-708. (в соавт.).
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol. XV. Issue 2 (78). P. 264-274.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Skreshchenie sudeb i idey [The junction of fates and ideas] (Rev. of N.V. Motroshilova’s book «Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt. Being-time-love» (М., 2013)) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 9 (69). P. 1319-1330.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Muzyka nadzvezdnaya [Music above stars]] (Rev. of S. Levit’s book «Aeolian harp» (М., SPb, 2013)) // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2013. No. 3 (11). P. 283-288.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol. XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 337-347.
- Gurevich P.S. In a book stream – Intellektualnaya otvaga [Intellertual courage] (Rev. of. G. Marcel’s «On courage in metaphysics. Collected works» (Transl. and compil. V.P. Vizgin. SPb, 2012)) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2013. No. 10 (70). P. 1479-1486.
- Spirova E.M. Kharakter – eto sud’ba [Character is fate]. On A.I. Utkin’s book «Roosevelt» // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. No. 4 (50). P. 154-157.
- Spirova E.M. Misterii mass [Mysteries of crowds]. On E. Canetti’s book «Crowds and power» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 1 (51). P. 144-147.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 1 (51). P. 148-149.
- Spirova E.M. Utrachennaya samotozhdestvennost’ [Lost self-identity. On R.Brubaker’s «Ethnicity without groups» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 3 (53). P. 155-158.
- Spirova E.M. Pokhvalnoe slovo kapitalizmu [A praise to capitalism]. On Albert O.Hirschman’s «The passions and the interests» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 2 (52). P. 157-160.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 3 (53). P. 159-160.
- Sultanova М.А. A review – I.E. Klyukanov. Kommunikativny universum [Communicative universe] (М.: ROSPEN, 2010) // Kulturologia [Cultural science]. 2013. No. 4. P. 175-179.(ISSN 2073-5588).
- Sultanova М.А. A review of the book: Teoria kultury: raznoobrazie podkhodov i vozmozhnostey ikh integratsii [Theory of culture: a diversity of approaches and possibilities of their integration] / ed. by. Yu.М. Reznik. М.: Nauchno-politicheskaya kniga, 2012. 479 p. // Vestnik RFO [Bulletin of RPhS]. 2013. No. 3 (67). P. 151-152.
Reviews of the books of the Department
Reviews of the books of the Department published in 2013:
- Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p. (reviewers – Prof. L.V.Maksimov, D.Sc.(Philosophy), M.V.Tlostanova D.Sc.(Philosophy).
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 1. Freudizm i neofreudizm [Freudism and neo-Freudism]: A textbook for masters of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 531 p. (reviewers – Prof. L.P.Bueva, D.Sc.(Philosophy), Prof. K.M.Dolgov, D.Sc.(Philosophy),).
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 2. Sovremennaya glubinnaya filosofia [Modern depth psychology]: A textbook for masters of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 564 p. (reviewers – Prof. L.P.Bueva, D.Sc.(Philosophy), Prof. K.M.Dolgov, D.Sc.(Philosophy).
- Gurevich P.S. Osnovy filosofii [Fundamentals of philosophy]: A testbook. 2nd edition, ster. М.: KNORUS, 2013. 480 p. (reviewers – Prof. T.B.Dlugach, D.Sc.(Philosophy), Kh.E.Marinosyan, Ph.D.(Philosophy), V.I.Yorsh).
- Gurevich P.S. Politicheskaya psikhologia [Political psychology]: A textbook for bachelors of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 565 p. (reviewers – Prof. G.V.Saenko, D.Sc.(Philosophy), Prof. B.L.Gubman, D.Sc.(Philosophy),).
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia i pedagogika [Psychology and paedagogy]: A textbook for bachelors of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 479 p. (reviewers – Prof. L.V.Maksimov, D.Sc.(Philosophy), Prof. L.P.Bueva, D.Sc.(Philosophy).
- Gurevich P.S. Etika [Ethics]: A textbook for bachelors of arts. 2nd edition, revised and updated. М.: Yurait, 2013. 516 p. (reviewers – Prof. L.V.Maksimov, D.Sc.(Philosophy), Prof. L.P.Bueva, D.Sc.(Philosophy).