Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of the History of Anthropological Doctrines » Cientific publications of researchers of the department » 2006


I. Printed books

  • Gurevich P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]: Textbook – 6th ed., stereotyped. – M.: Gardariki, 2006. – 280 p.
  • Gurevich P.S. Estetika [Esthetics] / P.S.Gurevich, M: YuNITI-DANA, 2006 – 303 p. 


II. Articles, sections in books and other publications

  • Gurevich P.S. Vklad I.M.Ilyinskogo v kontseptualizatsiyu problem ponimaniya [I.M.Ilyinski’s contribution to conceptualization of the problems of understanding] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency], 2006, No. 3, P. 18-20.
  • Gurevich P.S. Ideologia kak tekst [Ideology as a text] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency], 2006, No. 2, P. 191-197.
  • Gurevich P.S. Iskusstvo ustnogo slova [The art of the spoken word] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency], 2006, No. 1, P. 201-206.
  • Gurevich P.S. Krizis tsennostnykh orientatsiy [The crisis of value orientations] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2006, No. 3 (25), P. 83-90.
  • Gurevich P.S. Menyayutsya tsennosti – menyaetsya epokha [Values change and the epoch changes] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2006, No. 4, P.83-90.
  • Gurevich P.S. Muzhchina i zhenshchina v sovremennom izmenyayushchemsya mire (account of the conference of 17-18 December 2005) [Man and woman in the modern changing world] // Mir psikhologii [The world of psychology], January-March 2006, No. 1, P. 268-277.
  • Gurevich P.S. Neischerpaemost’ antropologicheskogo opyta [Inexhaustibility of anthropological experience] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society], 2006, No. 2, P. 171-177.
  • Gurevich P.S. O krizise upravlencheskikh strategiy [On the crisis of managerial strategies] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2006, No. 2 (24), P. 61-74.
  • Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia v kontekste kultury [Psychology in the context of culture] // Intellektualnaya istoriya Rossii i sovremennost’. Kultura-Vlast’-Obshchestvo. [Intellectual history of Russia and modernity. Culture-Power-Society] Part 1. Scientific readings in memory of vice-president of RAEN M.P.Kapustin. M.:Mediana, 2005, P. 36-49.
  • Gurevich P.S. Rannefilosofskoe postizhenie cheloveka u I.Kanta [Early philosophical comprehension of man in I.Kant] // Philosophy of I.Kant (history and modernity): Collection of scientific works [In Russ.] / Eds. B.N.Bessonov and N.K.Pozdnyakov. Omsk: OmGU Publ., 2006, P. 34-57.
  • Gurevich P.S. Spetsifika elitarnogo obrazovaniya [Specificity of elitist education] // Alma mater, 2006, No. 4, P. 24-30.
  • Gurevich P.S. Spetsifika elitarnogo obrazovaniya [Specificity of elitist education] // Higher Education for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference (20-22 October 2005), Moscow: MosGU, 2006, P. 70-73.
  • Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Issue 2 (30). М., 2006, P. 353-366.
  • Gurevich P.S. Filosofia cheloveka. Lecture 4 [Philosophy of man] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Issue 1 (29). М., 2006, P. 184-201.
  • Gurevich P.S. Filosofia cheloveka. Lecture 5 [Philosophy of man] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Issue 2 (30). М., 2006, P. 203-218.
  • Gurevich P.S. Elita ili nomenklatura? [Elite or nomenclature?] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2006, No. 1 (23), P. 67-83.
  • Gurevich, P.S., Ilyinski, I.M. Ponimanie kak tsel obrazovaniya [Understanding as an objective of education] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency], 2006, No. 1, P. 5-15.
  • Gurevich, P.S., Filatov, O.K. Novye obrazovatelnye tekhnologii [New educational technologies] // Management of the quality of education in the system of continuous professional education (in the context of the Bologna declaration). Proceedings of the 12th International scientific-methodological conference (21-22 March 2006.). Issue 10. Vol. 3. M.: MGUTU, 2006, P. 407-412.
  • The Source of inner Life of Man // Higher education today. 2006, No 1, p.8-15;
  • On Nature of Human Beauty // Higher education today. 2006, No 10. P. 16-25.
  • Sultanova M.A. Entries «Globalism» and «Left radicalism» in the International Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedic Dictionary. (Ed. and compiled by Drs. I.I.Mazur and A.N.Chumakov). M.-SPb: ELINA Publ.Centre, 2006.