Ruben G. Apressyan
- The Phenomenon of Moral Normativity: Critical Essays. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2018. 196 p. (with Olga Artemyeva and Andrey Prokofiev) (in Russian).
- Ethics: Text-book. Moscow: Knorus, 2017. 356 p. (in Russian).
- History of Modern Ethics: Lectures and Papers. Мoscow: Direct-Media, 2014, 325 p. (in Russian).
- Achilles’ Moral Change: The Sources of Morality in Archaic Society. A Study on the Homeric Epic. Мoscow: Alfa-M, 2013. 223 p. (in Russian).
- Ethical Principles of Science Activity: Analytical Review and Draft Declaration for CIS). St.-Petersburg: Paster NIIEM Publishers, 2011. 36 p. (with: Boris Yudin and Olga Kubar; Bilingual Russian-English edition. (in Russian).
- Ethics: Textbook for Universitites. Мoscow: Gardariki, 1998(-2008), 478 p. (with A.A.Guseynov) . (in Russian).
- The Idea of Morality and Principal Normative-Ethical Programs. Мoscow: Institute of Philsophy, 1995, 354 p. (in Russian) [].
- The Ascend to Morality. Мoscow: Editorial Progreso, 1991, 298 p. (Spanish) . (in Russian).
- Ethics: Text-book for Undergraduate Studies. Мoscow: Vyscshaya Shkola Publishers, 1987, 239 p. (with A.A. Guseynov, A.P. Skripnik) (in Russian).
- Comprehending the Good. Мoscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 1986, 207 p. (in Russian).
- Ethical Sentimentalism: Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. Мoscow: University Press, 1986, 80 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Universality in Morality. Moscow: Sadra, 2021. 480 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Morality and Universality. Issue III. Moscow: Gumanitariy, 2020, 163 p.; Issue. II. Moscow: Gumanitariy, 2019, 198 p.; Issue I. Moscow: Gumanitariy, 2018, 216 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. The Other. The Nearest and the Farthest: Proceeding of international ethical-political correspondence conference / Ed by. Ruben Apressyan. Yerevan: Yerevan State University Press, 2017. 200 p.
- Ed. Towards the Right to Lie.Мoscow: ROSSPEN, 2011. 390 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Ethics and Ecology. Novgorod Velikiy: NovMION, 2010, 368 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Public Morality: Philosophical, Normative-ethical, and Applied Issues. Мoscow: Alpha-М, 2009 (in Russian).
- Ed. Philosophy and Ethics: Festschift devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Professor Abdusalam Guseynov. Мoscow: Alpha-M, 2009 (in Russian).
- Ed. Towards the Right to Lie. Special issue of Logos. 2008, No. 5, 215 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Violence and Nonviolence: Philosophy, Politics, Ethics: Proceedings of E-conference, Мoscow: MIOS, 2002, 192 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Moral Constraints of War: Principles and Cases. Мoscow: Gardariki, 2002, 408 p. (with Bruno Copiters, Nick Fotion) (in Russian).
- Ed. Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary, Мoscow: Gardariki, 2001, 815 p. (with A.A. Guseynov) (in Russian).
- Ed. Ethics: The New Old Problems,Мoscow: Gardariki, 1999, 255 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Civil Participation: Responsibility, Community, Power, Мoscow: Aslan, 1997, 180 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. The Experience of Nonviolence in the 20th Century: Social-Ethical Essays, Мoscow: Aslan, 1996, 288 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Morality and Rationality, Мoscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1995, 181 p. (in Russian).
- Ed. Ethics of Nonviolence:Proceedings of International Conference, Мoscow: Philosophical Society, 1991, 242 p. (with A.A. Guseynov) (in Russian).
- Ed. Marx, Engels, Lenin on Morality and Moral Education: Anthology (Preface, with V.G.Ivanov), Мoscow: Politizdat, 1985, 528 p. (in Russian).
Papers (selected):
- “The Problem of the Origin of Moral Norms: Social-Computational and Processual Approaches”, Voprosy Filosofii/Problems of Philosophy, 2022, No. 8, pp. 65–76 (in Russian).
- “Ethical-Pandemic Discourse: Searching a Normative Language”, Chelovek/The Human Being, 2022. No. 3, pp. 67–85 (in Russian).
- “The Concepts of "Duty" and "Freedom" (Philosophy, Moralizing Reflection, and the "Dark" Matter of Language)”, Етическиизследвания/Ethical Studies (online academic journal), 2021, Брой 6, Кн. 2, pp. 14–22 (in Bulgarian).
- “The normative-ethical context of the Golden Rule”, Tekhnolos, 2021, No. 3, pp. 9–21 (in Russian).
- “On Divergence of "Morality" and "Ethics"”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought, 2021, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 5–23 (in Russian).
- “John Rawls’s Conception of Personal Moral Development”, Chelovek/The Human Being 2021, No. 3, pp. 125–134 (in Russian).
- “Morality, Personality, the Human Soul”, The Human Soul: Essays in Honor of Nalin Ranasinghe, ed. by P. Cicovacki. Wilmington, DЕ: Vernon Press, 2021, pp. 151–165.
- “The concept of universality in Oleg Drobnitskii’s moral philosophy”, Studies in East European Thought, 2021, Vol. 73, Issue 1, pp. 95–112.
- “Normativity and Self-awareness in Joseph Butler’s Ethics”, Vestnik Moscovskogo Universiteta. Series. 7. Filosofia/The Moscow University Herald. Series 7: Philosophy, 2020, No. 5, pp. 91‒107 (in Russian).
- “An issue of universality in the Soviet ethics the 1960s to the 1970s”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought, 2020, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 5–31 (in Russian).
- “Forgiveness: The Conditions of Ethical Analysis”, Voprosy Filosofii/Problems of Philosophy, 2020. Vol. No. 10, pp. 28‒35 (in Russian).
- “Neuroethics: Challenges and Oversights”, Filosofia. Higher School of Economics Journal, 2020, Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 13–23 (in Russian).
- “Imperativity – repression – autonomy”, Chelovek/The Human Being, 2020, T. 31, No. 1. pp. 61–85 (in Russian, with Igor Mikhailov).
- “Refection and Ethics (Retrospective Notes to Jlii SCHreider’s Paper "Human Reflection and Two Systems of Ethical Consciousness" (1990)”, Psychologicheskie Issledovania, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 65‒66, pp.1‒17 (in Russian).
- “The Issue of Sociability in the Early Modern Moral Philosophy”, Filosofskie Nauki/Philosophical Sciences, 2019, No. 11, pp. 7–24 (in Russian).
- “The Universalization of Moral Judgements (premises and projections)”, Filosofskiy Zhurnal/Philosophy Journal. 2019. Vol. 12. No. 3, pp. 110–125 (in Russian).
- “Moral-philosophical basis for psychological studies of conscience. Part II. Conscience in moral philosophy”, Psykhologicheskiy Zurnal/Psychological Journal, No. 3, pp. 44–52 (in Russian).
- “Moral-philosophical basis for psychological studies of conscience. Part I. Psychological researches on conscience”, Psykhologicheskiy Zurnal/Psychological Journal, 2019, No. 2, pp. 38–46 (in Russian).
- “A Conception of Social-Emotional Learning and Moral Education”, Voprosy Psykhologii/Problems of Psychology. 2019,No. 1, pp. 29–39 (in Russian).
- “Two Versions of Universalizability Principle in Immanuel Kant’s Moral Philosophy”, Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, 2018, No. 6, pp. 104–111 (in Russian).
- “Towards Conceptualization of Morality in the Early Modern Philosophy”, Voprosy Filosofii/Problems of Philosophy, 2018. No. 11, pp. 35–46 (in Russian).
Re-publication: “Conceptualizing Morality in Early Modern Philosophy”, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 58, No. 2, P. 124‒137 (in Russian).
- “Kant, universality test, and a criterion of morality”, Filosofskie Nauki/Philosophical Sciences, 2018, No. 11, pp. 70–85 (in Russian).
- “Lukas van Leyden, J, Huizinga, and the Space of Play”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought, 2018, No. 2, pp. 116–128 (in Russian).
- “Don Juanism: Value Attitudes, Preferences, Manners”, Bulletin of PNRPU: Culture. History. Philosophy. Law, 2018, No. 3, pp. 5–15 (in Russian). Re-published: “Don- Juanism: Value Dispositions, Preferences, Manners”, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 138‒149.
- “The Normative Regulation of Behavior” Chelovek/The Human Being, 2018. No. 1, pp. 5–19 (in Russian).
- “The Other in the Golden Rule”, The Other. the Nearest and the Farthest: Proceedings of International Conference, October 15, 2017, ed. by Ruben Apressyan, Yerevan: Yerevan State University Press, 2017, pp. 7–13 (in Russian).
- “Applied Ethics: Tradition, Precursors, Precedents”, Vedomosti prikladnoy etiki/Bulletin for Applied Ethics, Issue. 50: Applied Ethics in Russia Today, ed. by Vladimir Bakshtanovsky, Nyumen: TIU-Press, 2017, pp. 41–50 (in Russian).
- “The Limits of Nonviolence in Reactive Action”, Nonviolence as a Way of Life. Vol. 1, eds. P. Cicovacki, K. Hess. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2017. P. 261–270.
- “The Sources of Moral Imperativeness”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought, 2016, Vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 5–19 (in Russian).
- “Primary Moral Values in Social-Ethical Discourse”, Ethics & Global Political Theory :The Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate and Critical Perspectiveson Integral Human Development, Eds. V.Turchynovskyy, O. Bila. Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Press, 2016, pp. 9-25.
- “The Phenomenon of Universality in Ethics: Forms of Conceptualization, Voprosy Filosofii/Problems of Philosophy, 2016, No. 8, pp. 79-88 (in Russian).
- “The Sources of Moral Normativity”, Eticheskaya Mysl. 2016. Vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 5–19 (in Russian).
- “Historical and Normative Evolution of the Idea of Moral Autonomy”, Diskursy etiki, 2015. No. 9-10. pp. 13-33 (in Russian).
- “Agape”, Chelovek/TheHuman Studies, 2015, No. 2. pp. 42-56; No. 3. pp. 26-39 (in Russian).
- “The Idea of Recognition: Its importance for Understanding Morality”, Problemy etiki/Ethical Problems, Issue V, eds. Alexander Razin and Irina Avdeeva, Moscow : A.V. Vorobiev Publishers, 2015. pp. 55-67 (in Russian).
- “The Concept of Moral Sense in Fancis Hutcheson (Early Period), Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue 15, ed. Abdusalam Guseynov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2015, pp. 170-200 (in Russian).
- “Reunderstanding of the Golden Rule: Paul Ricoeur’s Two Studies”, Paul Ricoeur: Human – Society – Civilization, eds. Irina Blauberg and Irena Vdovina, Moscow : Kanon+, 2015, pp. 316-337 (in Russian).
- “The Problem of Autonomy in Francis Hutcheson”, Filosofskie Nauki/Philosophical Sciences, 2014, No. 11, pp. 9-18 (in Russian).
- “Homeric Ethics: Prospective Tendencies”, In. Ancient Ethics, eds. Jörg Hardy, George Rudebusch, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2014, pp. 67-84.
- “The Implication of Social and Political Consolidation in Russia Today”, Consolidation and Modernization in Russia. Moscow, Kanon+; Reabilitacia, 2014, pp 115-133 (in Russian).
- “Toward a Core Understanding of Morality”, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 93–108.
- “Paul Ricoeur as an Author: an Experience of Reading and Understanding”, Filosofskie Nauki/Philosophical Sciences, 2013, No. 8, pp. 59-65 (in Russian).
- “The Golden Rule Genesis”, Voprosy Filosopfii/Problems of Philosophy, 2013, No. 10, pp. 39-49 (in Russian). Re-published: “Genesis of the Golden Rule”, Russian Studies in Philosophy, 2020, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 109‒123.
- “Two Paradigms in Philosophy of Love”, In. Philosophy: Theory and Practice, eds.: Valentina Sharova, Elena Trufanova, Alexandra Yakovleva. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2013, pp. 120-125 (in Russian).
- “Towards a Core Understanding of Morality”, In. Philosophy: Theory and Practice, eds.: Valentina Sharova, Elena Trufanova, Alexandra Yakovleva. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2013, pp. 126-130 (in Russian).
- “On Ethics and Myself: An Interview with Ruben Apressyan, by Olga Artemieva and Andrey Prokofiev”, In. Comprehending the Good. In honor of Ruben Apressyan, eds. Olga Artemieva and Andrey Prokofiev. Мoscow, Alfa-М, 2013, pp. 24-78 (in Russian).
- “Engineering Ethics: Context and Configuration”, Vedomosti prikladnoy etiki/Bulletin for Applied Ethics, Issue. 42, eds. Vladimir Bakshtanovsky and Vladimir Novoselov. Tiumen. Tiumen State Oil and Gas University, 2013, pp. 62-74 (in Russian).
- “Power and Society in Russia: a Value Approach to Legitimacy”, Power and Legitimacy – Challenges from Russia, Eds. Per-Arne Bodin, Stefan Hedlund, Elena Namli. London; New York, Routledge, 2013, pp. 118-132.
- “The Principle of Toleration: Under What Conditions?”, The Journal of Philosophical Research. 2012. Vol. 37: Supplement, pp. 223-227.
- “The Meaning of Morality in David Hume’s Ethics”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue 12, Ed. Аbdusalam Guseynov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2012, pp. 72-103 (in Russian).
- “The Words of Love: Eros, Philia, and Agape”), Filosofia i kultura/Philosophy and Culture, 2012, No. 8, рp. 27-40 (in Russian).
- “The Phenomenon of Reciprocity: Communicative and Normative Conditions of Historical Origination of Morality”, Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta Druzhby Narodov. Filosofia, 2012, No. 1, pp. 75-90 (in Russian).
- “The Sources of Morality in the Archaic Society (a Homer’s Iliad Study)”, Chelovek/The Human Being, 2011, No. 3, pp. 21-40; No. 4, pp. 21-40 (in Russian).
- “Achilles’ Moral Change: Towards Initial Genealogy of Morality”, Filosofskiy Zhurnal/Philosophical Journal, 2011, No 1, pp. 115-133 (in Russian).
- “Communicative Source of Moral Ought”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought, Issue 11, ed. Abdusalam Guseynov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2011, pp. 5-29 (in Russian).
- “The Practices of Mercy”, in:Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov: Art, Creativity, and Spirituality, eds. Predrag Cicovacki, Maria Granik. Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2010, pp. 115-129.
- “Moral-Philosophical Implication of Anthropocentrism – Non-anthropocentrism Dilemma”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue 10 / Ed. Abdusalam Guseynov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2010, pp. 5-19 (in Russian).
- “On [In]Admissability of Lying”, Filosofskiy Zhurnal/Philosophical Journal, 2009, No. 2, pp. 156-169 (in Russian).
- “Abdusalam Guseynov’s Three Concepts of Morality”, In Russian Philosophy Continues: from the 20th century to the 21st, ed. B.I. Pruzhinin. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2010, pp. 258-311 (in Russian).
- “The Golden Rule in Aristotle’s Ethics”, In. Philosophy and Ethics: Festschift devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Professor Abdusalam Guseynov. Moscow, Alpha-M, 2009, pp. 157-170 (in Russian).
- “Trends and Obstacles in International Scientific Links”, In. The Social Sciences and Humanities: Research Trends and Collaborative Perspectives, ed. L. Pipiya. Moscow: ISS RAS, 2009, pp. 64-84.
- “Pour une ethique la force”, Diogène, 2008 (Juillet), No. 223, pp. 19–37;
- “The Ethics of Force: Against Aggression and Violence”, Diogenes, 2009, No. 222, pp. 95-109;
- “Giordano Bruno’s Ethics of the Heroic Enthusiasm”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue 9 / Ed. Abdusalam Guseynov. Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, 2009, pp. 44-64 (in Russian).
- “The Case of Ahiqar (Towards the Origination of Morality)”, Filosofia i kultura/Philosophy and Culture, 2008, No. 9, pp. 74-86 (in Russian).
- “On Permissibility of Falsehood for the Reasons of Obligation and Care. Towards One of Kant’s Cases”) [Paper, Discussion, Conclusion to Discussion], Chelovek/The Human Being, 2008, No. 3; 4 (in Russian).
- “On the Origin of the Notion of the Golden Rule”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue 8 / Ed. Abdusalam Gusseinov. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2007, pp. 194–212 (in Russian).
- “Categorical Imperative: Morality – Law – History”, Voprosy Filosopfii, 2007, No. 7, pp. 167-175 (in Russian).
- “Immanuel Kant and the Ethics of Moral Sense”, In. Immanuel Kant: Heritage and Project, ed. by Nelly Motroshilova. Moscow: Kanon+, 2007, pp. 259-271 (in Russian).
- “Ethical Issues in John Locke’s Essay on Human Understanding”, Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik. 2006 (Historical-Philosophical Yearbook. 2006), ed. by Nelly Motroshilova, Maira Solopova. Moscow: Nauka, 2006, pp. 132-151 (in Russian).
- “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay’: On Normative Contexts and Associations of a Precept Do Not Resist Evil”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue. 7 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2006, pp. 59-78 (in Russian).
- “The Concept of Public Morality”, Voprosy Filosopfii/Philosophical Questions, 2006, No. 5, pp. 3-17 (in Russian).
- “The Idea of Tolerance in Today Russia”, In. Russia and the West: Missed Opportunities, Unfulfilled Dialoge / ed. E.Waegemans. Brussels: Contractfotum, 2006, pp. 19-26.
- “The Ideal of Romantic Love in «Post-romantic Time»”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue. 6 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2005, pp. 201-218 (in Russian).
- “Civil Society and Civil Participation”, Democracy and the Quest for Justice: Russian and American Perspectives / Eds. William Gay, Tatiana Alexeeva. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, 2004, pp. 107-120.
- “Obedience and Responsibility in Different Types of Military Ethics”, Professional Ethics, Vol 10, 2003, No. 2,3,&4, Summer, Fall, & Winter 2002, pp. 231-244.
- “Moral Values” In. Philosophy: Analytical Course / Ed. S.A.Lebedev. Moscow: MGU, 2002, pp. 385-403 (in Russian).
- “Civil Disobedience – In Political Thought and Social Practice (John Rawls and Mohundas Gandhi), Violence and Nonviolence: Philosophy, Politics, Ethics: Proceedings of E-conference / Ed. R.Apressyan. Мoscow: MIOS, 2002, pp. 54-70 (in Russian).
Re-published: “Civil Disobedience – in Political Theory and Social Practice (John Rawls and Mohandas Gandhi)”,Gandhi Journal. May, 2003.
- “Jus Talionis in a Treaty by Hugo Grotius «The Rights of War and Peace»”, Eticheskaya Mysl/Ethical Thought. Issue. 3 / Ed. A.A. Gusseinov. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2002, pp. 139-165 (in Russian).
- “Metanormative Content of Just War Principles”, Polis, 2002, No. 3, pp. 385-403 (in Russian).
- “The Parliamentry Ethics: Its Peculiarities and the Ways of Development”, In. Parliamentry Ethics in Russia. Proceedings of the State Duma Comission of Ethics. Moscow: The State Duma Publication, 2002, pp. 156-164 (in Russian).
- "Introduction", Moral Constraints of War: Principles and Cases. Moscow: Gardariki, 2002, pp. 15–46 (with Bruno Coppiters, Nick Fotion) (in Russian). Also published: Moral Constraints of War: Principles and Cases / ed. Bruno Coppiters and Nick Fotion. New York: Westview Publishers, 2002, pp. 1-24. Also published: Daolun, Zhanzheng de daode zhiyue: lengzhan hou jubu zhanzheng de zhexue sikao / Ed. Bruno Coppieters, Nick Fotion, Yinhong Shi, Beijing: Law Press (Falü Chubanshe), 2003, pp. 1-28 (Chinese).
- “Last Resort”, Moral Constraints of War: Principles and Cases. Moscow: Gardariki, 2002, pp. 141-167 (with Bruno Coppiters, Carl Coelemans) (in Russian). Also published: Moral Constraints of War: Principles and Cases / ed. Bruno Coppiters and Nick Fotion. New York: Westview Publishers, 2002, pp. 101-128. Also published: In: Zhanzheng de daode zhiyue: lengzhan hou jubu zhanzheng de zhexue sikao / Ed. Bruno Coppieters, Nick Fotion, Yinhong Shi, Beijing: Law Press (Falü Chubanshe), 2003, pp. 115–138 (Chinese).
- “Ethical Criteria for Space Use – a Russian Perspective”, Space Use and Ethics. Vol I: Papers / Ed. W. Bender, R. Hagen, M. Kalinovski, Scheffran. Munster: Agenda Verlag, 2001. pp. 93-104.
- “The Functional Characteristics of Philanthropy”, In. Philanthropy in Russia: Social and Historical Studies. St.Petersburg: Liki Rossii, 2001, pp. 41-55 (in Russian).
- “Tolerance and the Values of Civil Society”, in. The Values of Civil Society and Individual. Moscow: Gardariki, 2001, pp. 105-118 (in Russian).
- “Personal Values”, The Values of Civil Society and Individual. Moscow: Gardariki, 2001, pp. 141-190 (in Russian).
- “Ressentiment and the Historical Dynamics of Morality”, Ethical Thought. Issue. 2 / Ed. A.A.Gusseinov. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2002, pp. 27-40 (in Russian).
- 62 entires, Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. R.G. Apressyan, A.A. Gusseinov. Moscow: Gardariki, 2001 (in Russian).
- “Towards the Idea if Civil Society”, Sandham: Journal of Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi, Vol I, No. 1, January-June 2001, pp. 93-110.
- “Talion and the Golden Rule: A Critical Analysis of Associated Contexts”, j Voprosy Filosopfii/Philosophical Problems, 2001, No. 3. pp. 72-84 (in Russian). Re-published: “Talion and the Golden Rule: A Critical Analysis of Associated Contexts”, trans. by James E. Walker, Russian Studies in Philosophy, Summer 2002, Issue 41:1, р. 46-64.
- “The Conceptual Roots of the Modern Notion of Morality”, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (The Bulletin of Moscow Univerity). Series 7: Philosophy, 2001, No. 1, pp. 36-47 (in Russian).
- “From ‘Friendship’ and ‘Love’ to ‘Morality’”, Ethical Thought, Issue. 1, ed. A.A. Gusseinov. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2002, pp. 182-194 (in Russian).
- “Kung's Project – pros и contras”, The Ethos of Global World. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura; Gorbachov Foundadtion, 1999, pp. 108-114, 124-126 (in Russian).
- “Golden Rule”, Ethics: New Old Problems. Towards the 60th Anniversary of Professor Abdusalam Gusseinov. Мoscow: Gardarika, 1999, pp. 9-29 (in Russian).
- “Morality”, Filosofskie Nauki (Philosophical Studies), 1998, No. 3-4, pp. 99-112 (in Russian).
- “Violent Speech”, Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly. Vol 10. No. 4. December 1998, pp. 573–578.
- “Philanthropy: Almsgiving or Social Engineering?”, Obschestvennye Nauki (Social Sciences), Moscow. 1998, No. 5, pp. 51–60 (in Russian).
- “The Principles of Civil Society” In. Leo Tolstoy and Modern World. Part 1: Leo Tolstoy's Ideas in the Context of Modern Time. Tula: Leo Tolstoy Tula Pedagogical University, 1998, pp. 54–70 (in Russian).
- “Moral Values and Business Activity”, Bisnes i Politika/Business and Politics, 1998, No. 2, pp. 44–52 (in Russian).
- “Mahatma Gandhi's Heritage and Contemporary Russian Experience”, Stepaniants M.T. Gandhi and the World Today: A Russian Perspective. New Delhi: Rajendra Prasad Academy, 1998, pp. 79–84.
- “Dilemmas of Philanthropy”, Obschestvennye Nauki (Social Sciences), Moscow, 1997, No. 6, pp. 67–80 (in Russian).
- “The Power and Violence of Words”, Chelovek (Human Being), 1997, No. 5, pp. 133-137.
- “Business Ethics in Russia”. of Business Ethics, Vol. 16, No. 14, Oct. 1997, pp. 1561-1570;
The revised version of a paper: «Business Ethics in Russia». The First World Congress of Business, Economics and Ethics. Tokyo: ISBEE, 1996, pp. 52-58.
- “Civil Society”, Grazhdanskoe uchastie: otvetstvennost, soobschestvo, vlast (Civil Participation: Responsibility, Community, Power). Moscow: Aslan, 1997, pp. 8-19 (in Russian).
- “Civil Society: Participation and Responsibility”, Civil Participation: Responsibility, Community, Power. Moscow: Aslan, 1997, pp. 31-44 (in Russian).
- “The Limits of Relativism”, Philosophical Pragmatism of Richard Rorty and the Russian Context. Мoscow: Tradition, 1997, pp. 189-211 (in Russian).
- "Introduction", The Experience of Nonviolence in 20th Century: Social-Ethical Essays. Moscow: Aslan, 1996, pp. 5-13 (in Russian).
- “People Resistance to the August Coup”. Ibid. Moscow: Aslan, 1996, pp. 200-230 (in Russian).
- “Democracy and Citizenship”, Voprosy Filosopfii/Problems ofPhilosophy, 1996, No. 7. pp. 3-15 (with A.A. Gusseinov) (in Russian).
- “Spirituality”, Chelovek/The Human Being, 1996, No. 4, pp. 60-74 (in Russian).
- “Nonviolent Conflict Resolution”. Social Conflicts: Expertise, Prediction, Resolution Technologies. No. 15. Moscow: Institute of Sociology, 1996 (in Russian).
- “Ethical Knowledge in the Mirror of a Library Index”: Essay. Social Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology: Annual Reserach Book. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1995, pp. 203-211 (in Russian).
- “Normative Models of Moral Rationality”. Morality and Rationality, Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1995, pp. 94-118 (in Russian).
- “Political Sociology of Gene Sharp”. Social Conflicts: Expertise, Prediction, Resolution Technologies. No. 8: Violence: Tendencies and Alternatives. Moscow: Institute of Sociology, 1995, pp. 234-246 (in Russian).
- “The Coups of Our Times”, Voprosy Filosopfii (Philosophical Questions), 1995, No. 5, pp. 36-39 (in Russian).
- “The Ideas of Freedom and Liberty in the Russian Mentality”, Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter. Vol 14, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 12-18.
- “The Ethics of Utility”, Being a Person: The Values of Civil Society. Vol. 1. Tomsk: Tomsk University Press, 1994, pp. 174-192 (in Russian).
- “The Commandment of Love”. Chelovek/The Human Being, 1994, No. 1-3 (in Russian).
- “The Initial Determinations of Moral Experience”, Voprosy Filosopfii (Problems of Philosophy), 1993, No. 8, pp. 32-43 (in Russian).
- “Ethical Collisions of Business”. Obschestvennye Nauki, Moscow, 1993, No. 2, pp. 19-26 (in Russian).
- “The Year of People Power”, The Ploughshares Monitor. March, [Waterloo, Canada], 1992, Vol.XIII, No. 1, pp.1-4.
- “The Nature of Morality”. Filosofskiye Nauki, Moscow, 1992, No. 12, pp. 53-64 (in Russian).
- “Good and Utility”. Ethical Thought-1991 / ed. A.A. Gusseinov. Moscow, Respublika Publishers, 1991, pp. 13-37 (in Russian).
- 42 entries, Ethical Dictionary, 6-th ed. / ed. A.A.Gusseinov, I.S.Kon. Moscow, Politizdat, 1989 (in Russian).
Translated into English: A Dictionary of Ethics. Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1991, (with several exceprtions).
- “Individual Social Activity”. Ethical Thought-1989 / ed. A.A. Gusseinov. Moscow, Politizdat, 1989, pp. 118-137 (in Russian).
- “The Principles of Altruism and Collectivism in Morality and Morals”, The Methodological Problems of Ethical Studies, ed. A.I. Titarenko, B.O. Nikolaitchev. Moscow: University Press, 1987, pp. 67-78 (in Russian).
- “The Latent Obstacles of Benevolent Action”, The Problems of Moral Culture and Communication, ed. V. Zhyamaitis. Vilnius: Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Culture, 1986, pp. 269-273 (in Russian).
- “‘Another Self’ and Personal Moral Consciousness”, Filosofskie Nauki, 1986, No. 6, pp. 53-59 (in Russian).
- “Altruismus und Kollektivismus”, Ethische Aspekte der sozialistischen Lebensweise. Berlin: Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, 1985, pp. 78–88;
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