- Monographs and collective works
- Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Grani chelovecheskogo bytiya [The facets of human being]. М.: IPh RAS, 2016. 173 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0305-5
- Gurevich P.S. Kulturologiya [Cultural science]: A textbook. 5th ed., revised and updated. М.: KNORUS, 2016. 448 p. ISBN 978-5-406-00852-2
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]: A textbook. М.: KNORUS, 2016. 440 p. ISBN 978-5-406-04937-2
- Gurevich P.S. Estetika [Aesthetics]: A reference book. М.: KNORUS, 2016. 454 p. ISBN 978-5-406-05132-0
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 1. Freudizm i neofreudizm [Freudism and neo-Freudism]: A textbook for master’s degree. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 531 p. (Bachelor’s and master’s degree. Academic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-2964-5
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz [Psychoanalysis]. Vol. 2. Sovremennaya glubinnaya filosofia [Modern depth psychology]: A textbook for master’s degree. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 564 p. (Bachelor’s and master’s degree. Academic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-2965-2
- Gurevich P.S. Sotsiologia i psikhologia reklamy [Sociology and psychology of advertising]: A textbook for colleges. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 462 p. ISBN 978-5-9916-9687-6
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofiya [Philosophy]: A textbook for baccalaureate. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 457 p. (Baccalaureate. Academic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-8985-4
- Gurevich P.S. Etika [Ethics]: A textbook for baccalaureate. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 516 p. (Baccalaureate. Academic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-3131-0
- Gurevich P.S. Politicheskaya psikhologia [Political psychology]: A textbook for baccalaureate. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 565 p. (Baccalaureate. Academic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-2968-3
- Gurevich P.S. Religiovedenie [Religious studies]: A textbook for baccalaureate. 3rd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 573 p. (Baccalaureate . Academic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-3635-3
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]: A textbook for acad. baccalaureate. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 465 p. ISBN 978-5-9916-5042-7
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia i pedagogika [Psychology and paedagogy]: A textbook for baccalaureate. 2nd ed., revised and updated. М.: Urait, 2016. 479 p. (Baccalaureate. Basic course). ISBN 978-5-9916-3035-1
1.2. Abstract of one most important book
Gurevich P., Spirova E. The facets of human being. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016. 173 p. 500 copies. ISBN 978-5-9540-0305-5
The authors of the monograph introduce a new concept — «the facets of human being» — in the categorical apparatus of philosophical anthropology. Such phenomena as work, love, play, life and death are analysed.
Scientific articles
- Gurevich P.S., Rudneva E.G. The apophatic project of man // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2015. No 4. P. 68–97. ISSN 1339-3057. DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.4.16971. [Electronic resource] URL: https://e-notabene.ru/psen/article_16971.html
- Gurevich P.S. Priklucheniya chelovecheskoy protoplazmy (o filosofskikh rabotakh V.А. Kutyreva) [The adventures of human protoplasm (on philosophical works of V.А. Kutyrev)] // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 4–19. ISSN 2414-3715. [Electronic resource] URL: https://iphras.ru/iphjournal.htm
- Gurevich P.S. Tsennost’ v kvantovoy perspektive [Value in a quantum perspective] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 1 (97). P. 11–15. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.1.17273
- Gurevich P.S. Ot Gegela – k Marksu, ot Marksa – k Bodrillaru [From Hegel to Marx, from Marx to Baudrillard] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 2 (98). P. 179–182. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.2.17883
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Prevozmozhenie cheloveka [To overcome man] (a review of the book: Samokhvalova V.I. Sverkhchelovek: obraz, metafora, programma [The overman: image, metaphor, programme]. М., 2015) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 2 (98). P. 289–292. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.2.17597
- Gurevich P.S. Gegelevskaya traktovka truda [Hegel’s interpretation of work] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 3 (99). P. 315–319. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.3.18283
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Blesk istiny v prorocheskom glagole [The lustre of truth in prophetic discourse] (A review of the book: Toposy filosofii Natalii Avtonomovoy [Toposes of the philosophy of Natalia Avtonomova]. To the jubilee / Ed. and comp. by B.I. Pruzhinin, T.G. Shchedrina. М., 2015) // Filologia: nauch. issled. [Philology: scient. research]. 2016. No 1 (21). P. 107–117. ISSN 2305-6177. DOI: 10.7256/2305-6177.2016.1.18193
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the section «New books of our colleagues»: Prosvetlenie ekzistentsii [Enlightenment of existence] (rev. of the book: Kasavina N.А. Ekzistentsialny opyt v filosofii i sotsialno-gumanitarnykh naukakh [Existential experience in philosophy and socio-humanitarian sciences]. М., 2015); «Kak v chashche simvolov my brodim v etom khrame…[As in the depth of images we wander in this temple]» (rev. of the book: Nikolskiy S.А. Gorizonty smyslov. Filosofskie interpretatsii otechestvennoy literatury XIX–XX vv. [Horizons of meanings. Philosophical interpretations of Russian literature of the 19-20th c. М., 2015); «Pri svete vechnosti vse kazhetsya prekrasnym [All seems beautiful in the light of eternity]» (rev. of the book: Problema sovershenstvovaniya cheloveka (v svete novykh tekhnologiy) [The problem of improving man (in the light of new technologies: Transhumanism and the problem of social risks. Reductionism as a temptation of human sciences. On idols and ideals of man’s biotechnological self-invention. How a perfect man is possible? / Ed.-in-chief G.L. Belkina; compiled by M.I. Frolova. М., 2016) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol . XVIII. Issue 1–2 (89–90). P. 264–273. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Gurevich P.S. Novaya ontologiya cheloveka [A new ontology of man] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 6 (102). P. 781–784. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.6.19496
- Gurevich P.S. Konechnost’ cheloveka i granitsy razuma [Man’s finality and limits of the mind] // Pedagogika i psosveschenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2016. No 2 (22). P. 148–151. ISSN 2306-434X. DOI: 10.7256/2306-434X.2016.2.19419
- Gurevich P.S. Ot Dzhona Lokka – k Zhanu Bodrillaru [From John Locke to Jean Baudrillard] (critical notes on identity) // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 2. No 1. P. 6–22. ISSN 2414-3715. [electronic resource] URL: https://iphras.ru/iphjournal.htm
- Gurevich P.S. Tyazhkikh dum izbytok [Excess of painful thoughts] (Critical comments on the paper by Prof. E.Yu. Solovyev «Philosophy as a criticism of ideologies» at the first plenary session of the «Institute’s seminar» Inst. Philos. RAS, 7 June 2016 ) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 7 (103). P. 929–934. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.7.19641
- Gurevich P.S. Antropologicheskie syuzhety Aristotela [Aristotle’s anthropological subjects] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 10 (106). P. 1379–1382. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.10.20782
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Proroem derzostnye svody! [Let’s dig through daring vaults] (review of the book.: Bonetskaya N. Dukh Serebryannogo veka [The spirit of the Silver age]. (Phenomenology of the age). М.; SPb., 2015; Gal’tseva R. Epokha neravnovesiya [The age of imbalance]. Social and cultural events of the past decades. М.; SPb., 2016) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 10 (106). P. 1462–1469. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.10.20438
- Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Pro nesbyvanie dueta (Ob otnosheniyakh Lu Andreas-Salome i Fridrikha Nietzsche) [Unrealisation of the duet (on relationships between Lou Andreas-Salome and Friedrich Nietzsche)] // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 2. No 1. P. 152–176. ISSN 2414-3715. [Electronic resource] URL: https://iphras.ru/iphjournal.htm
- Gurevich P.S. Chaemy obraz cheloveka [The hoped-for image of man] (review of the book: Reznik Yu.М. Fenomenologia cheloveka: bytie vozmozhnogo [A phenomenology of man: being of the possible]. М., 2017) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol. XVIII. Issue 3–4 (91–92). P. 209–216. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the section «New books of our colleagues»: Vozzrenie na mir [View of the world] (rev. of the book: Sukhov А.D. Russkie filosofstvuyushchie istoriki [Russian philosophyzing historians]. М., 2016); Kachestvennoe opredelenie dushi [A qualitative definition of the soul] (rev. of the book: Levin G.D. Empiriya i teoriya [Empirism and theory]. М., 2016); Istoriya planety i istoriya lyudey [A history of the planet and a history of people] (rev. of the book.: Barlybaev Kh.А. Vvedenie v filosofiyu solidarnosti [A guide to the philosophy of solidarity]. М., 2016) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol. XVIII. Issue 3–4 (91–92). P. 253–262. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Gurevich P.S. Bessmertie: Dar ili khimera [Immortality: a gift or a chimera]? // Chelovek: obraz i sushchnost’. Gumanitarnye aspekty. Yearbook: Informatsionny universum i samosoznanie cheloveka [The information universe and man’s self-awareness] / Ed. and comp. by G.V. Khlebnikov. М.: INION RAS, 2016. (series: Problemy cheloveka [Problems of man]). P. 225–244. ISSN 1728-9319.
- Spirova E.M. Lyubov’ kak antropologicheskaya dannost’[Love as an anthropological given] // Chelovek: obraz i suschnost’. Gumanitarnye aspekty. Yearbook: Informatsionny universum i samosoznanie cheloveka [The information universe and man’s self-awareness] / Ed. and comp. by G.V. Khlebnikov. М.: INION RAS, 2016. (series: Problemy cheloveka [Problems of man]). P. 65–84. ISSN 1728-9319.
- Reznik Yu.M. K fenomenologii vozmozhnykh mirov cheloveka: ekzistentsialnaya ontologiya proektirovaniya [On the phenomenology of man’s possible worlds: an existential ontology of projecting] // Ontologiya proektirovaniya [Ontology of projecting]. 2015. Vol. 5. No 4 (18). P. 450–462. ISSN 2223-9537.
- Reznik Yu.M. Missiya filosofa v sovremennom mire [A philosopher’s mission in the modern world] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol. 18. Issue 1–2 (No 89–90). P. 9–12. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Reznik Yu.M. Filosofia kak metaproektnaya praktika [Philosophy as a metaproject practice] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol. 18. Issue 1–2 (No 89–90). P. 49–67. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek v zone otchuzhdeniya: poisk alternativ [Man in the exclusion zone: searching for an alternative] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol . 18. Issue 3–4 (No 91–92). P. 7–25. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Reznik Yu.M. Proektnaya filosofia cheloveka kak filosofia deystviya [Man’s project philosophy as a philosophy of action] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol. 18. Issue 3–4 (No 91–92). P. 206–208. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek kak tvorets sobstvennogo vremeni (pamyati P.K. Grechko) [Man as a creator of his time (in memory of P.K. Grechko)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol. 18. Issue 1–2 (No 89–90). P. 253–263. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Reznik Yu.M., Pronin М.А. O sebe v professii i zhizni: opyt so-refleksii [About oneself in profession and life: an experience of co-reflection] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2016. Vol . 18. Issue 3–4 (No 91–92). P. 234–247. ISSN 1606-951X.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek v mire vozmozhnostey (vmesto vvedeniya) [Man in the world of opportunities (by way of introduction) // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii. Vol. VIII. Issue 1–2. 2015–2016. Chelovek v mire vozmozhnostey: obrazy buduschego [Man in the world of opportunities: images of the future] / Ed. by Yu.M. Reznik. М.: ANO NIGO, 2016. P. 9–24. ISSN 2227-7951.
- Reznik Yu.M. Vozmozhnoe bytie cheloveka: ot analiza k proektu [The possible being of man: from analysis to project] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii. Vol. VIII. Issue 1–2. 2015–2016. Chelovek v mire vozmozhnostey: obrazy buduschego [Man in the world of opportunities: images of the future] / Ed. by Yu.M. Reznik. М.: ANO NIGO, 2016. P. 63–88. ISSN 2227-7951.
- Egorova I.V. Chelovek – zhivotnoe i ne tol’ko [Man as a animal and not only] // Filos. mysl’ [Philos. thought]. 2015. No 12. P. 99‑134. ISSN 2409-8728. DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.12.17508. [electronic resource] URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fr/article_17508.html
- Klyagin N.V. Yubiley superstrun [Superstring jubilee (article two)] // Vyssh. obrazovanie segodnya [Higher education today]. 2015. No 12. P. 35–41. ISSN 1726-667X.
- Klyagin N.V. Amerikanskoe chudo. Pochemu amerikanskie nauka i kultura schitayutsya samymi luchshimi v mire? [American wonder: Why do Americal science and culture are considered the best in the world?] // Vyssh. obrazovanie segodnya [Higher education today]. 2016. No 6. P. 42–47. ISSN 1726-667X.
- Gogotishvili L.A. La forme interne immanente dialogique chez Bakhtine comme alternative à Humboldt et Potebnja / transl. P. Seriot // Potebnja, langage, pensée: Cahiers de l'ILSL / Eds. P. Sériot & M. Schoenenberger. 2016. No 46. P. 105–111. ISBN: 978-2-9700958-1-1. ISSN: 1019-9446
- Gogotishvili L.A. Nominativnost’ i protsessual’nost’ v filosofii yazyka Pavla Florenskogo (imenovanie i diskurs v obratnoy perspektive) [Nominativeness and procedurality in Pavel Florensky’s philosophy of language (naming and discourse in reverse perspective)] // VOX: Filos. journ. 2016. Issue 21. ISSN 2077-6608. [electronic resource] URL: https://vox-journal.org/html/issues/347/378
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S., transl. from Engl.: Ashton D. Existentialism // Litera. 2016. No 2. P. 45–55. ISSN 2409-8698. DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.2.19044. [electronic resource] URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fil/article_19044.html
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Akhtar S. Matters of life and death. Chapter 2. Happiness // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 12 (87). P. 1252–1261. ISSN 2070-8955. DOI: 10.7256/2070-8955.2015.12.13889
- Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Ashton D. Coming of surrealism // Litera. 2016. No 1. P. 35–44. ISSN 2409-8698. DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.1.18785. [electronic resource] URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fil/article_18785.html
- Rudneva E.G., transl. from French Gautero J.-L. Bachelard: razryv v nepreryvnosti [Bachelard : the rupture in permanence] // Filos. nauki [Philos. sciences]. 2016. No 9. P. 49–60. ISSN 0235-1188.
- Cholanyuk V.R. «Zhivaya metafora» Paula Ricoeura i ee antropologicheskie prioritery v interpretatsii [Paul Ricoeur’s live metaphor and its anthropological priorities in interpretation] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 4 (100). P. 523–529. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.4.18437
- Chugunova I.O. Sopernichestvo v istorii nauki: illustratsiya k voprosu vospitaniya kultury dialoga i sotrudnichestva [Competitiveness in the history of science: illustration to the problem of upbringing the culture of dialogue and cooperation] // Pedagogika i psosveschenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2016. No 1 (21). P. 114–129. ISSN 2306-434X. DOI: 10.7256/2306-434X.2016.1.18342
- Chugunova I.O. Kontsept ressentimenta kak instrument filosofsko-antropologicheskogo poznaniya [The concept of ressentiment as a tool of philosophical-anthropological knowledge] // Filos. mysl’ [Philos. thought].2016. No 2. P. 135–170. ISSN 2409-8728. DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.2.17914. [electronic resource] URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fr/article_17914.html
- Chugunova I.O. Tema dukha v ponimanii osnov chelovecheskoy prirody [The theme of spirit in understanding the foundations of human nature] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2016. No 8 (104). P. 1192–1201. ISSN 1999-2793. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.8.16737
- Articles in collective monographs, books, conference proceedings
- Gurevich P.S. Reduktsionizm kak soblazm nauk o cheloveke [Reductionism as a temptation of human sciences] // Problems sovershenstvovaniya cheloveka [The problem of improving man] (in the light of new technologies): Transhumanism and the problem of social risks. Reductionism as a temptation of human sciences. On idols and ideals of man’s biotechnological self-invention. How a perfect man is possible? / Ed.-in-chief G.L. Belkina; compiled by M.I. Frolova. Foreword by S.N.Korsakov. М.: LENAND, 2016. P. 49–68. (ISBN 978-5-9710-2778-2)
- Gurevich P.S. Soblazn edinogo planetarnogo yazyka [The temptation of a unniversal language] // Problemy yazyka v sovremennom mire [Problems of language in the modern world] / Ed. by Е.V. Ganina, А.N. Chumakov. М.: Prospekt, 2016. P. 12–22. (ISBN 978-5-392-19334-9)
- Gurevich P.S. Arsenal povsednevnogo smysla [An arsenal of a daily meaning]. A preface // Schopenhauer А. Aphorisms on the wisdom of life / Foreword by P.S. Gurevich. М.: «Canon+» ROOI «Rehabilitatsiya», 2016. P. 5–35. (ISBN 978-5-88373-502-7)
- Gurevich P.S. Gorizonty filosofskoy antropologii [Horizons of philosophical anthropology] // Logiko-filosofskie issledovaniya. Issue 7 / Ed. by Yu.V. Ivlev; Comp. by S.А. Pavlov. М.: Publisher Vorobyev А.V., 2016. P. 162–177. (ISBN 978-5-93883-307-4)
- Gurevich P.S. Tri tolkovaniya pushkinskoy tragedii [Three interpretations of a Pushkin tragedy] // Traditsii i perspektivy iskusstva kak fenomena kultury [Traditions and perspectives of art as a cultural phenomenon]: coll. works of materials of Int. scient. conf. at Maimonides State Classical Academy 12–16 April 2016 / Ed. by Ya.I. Syshkova-Irina. М.: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 2016. P. 98–107. (ISBN 978-5-519-49381-9)
- Gurevich P.S. Karamzin kak pervootkryvatel’ lichnosti [Karamzin as a discoverer of personality] // Nikolai Karamzin i istoricheskie sud’by Rossii [Nikolay Karamzin and historical destinies of Russia]. To the 250th anniversary of birth / Ed. and compiled by А.А. Kara-Murza, V.L. Sharova, A.F. Yakovleva. М.: Akvilon, 2016. P. 43–64. (ISBN 978-5-906578-16-7, тираж 1000 экз.)
- Gurevich P.S. Chelovek kak predmet stal ischezat’… [] (an interview with Pavel Gurevich) // Besedy o cheloveke [Talks about man] / Ed. and comp. by S.А. Smirnov. Novosibirsk: ООО «Ofset-TM», 2016. P. 5–22. (ISBN 978-5-85957-130-7)
- Gurevich P.S. Dukhovnoe protivoborstvo tsivilizatsiy [Spiritual opposition of civilisations] // Sovremennye global’nye vyzovy i natsional’nye interesy [Modern global challenges and national interests]: The 16th Intern. Likhachev scientific readings, 19–21 May 2016 . SPb.: SPbGUP, 2016. P. 68–70. (ISBN 978-5-7621-0874-4)
- Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. V glubinnykh sloyakh psykhiki [In the deep layers of the psyche]: modern notes to the book by Eduard Spranger «Forms of life жизни. Humanistic psychology and the ethics of personality» // Anatomiya filosofii: kak rabotaet tekst / Ed. and complied by Yu.V. Sineokaya. М.: Publishing House YaSK, 2016. P. 793–814. (ISBN 978-5-9908330-5-0)
- Spirova E.M. Ponyatie «dushi» v traktovke nauk o cheloveke [The notion of the soul in interpretation of human sciences] // Problems sovershenstvovaniya cheloveka [The problem of improving man] (in the light of new technologies): Transhumanism and the problem of social risks. Reductionism as a temptation of human sciences. On idols and ideals of man’s biotechnological self-invention. How a perfect man is possible? / Ed.-in-chief G.L. Belkina; compiled by M.I. Frolova. Foreword by S.N.Korsakov. М.: LENAND, 2016. P. 194–209. (ISBN 978-5-9710-2778-2)
- Spirova E.M. Osnovnoy fenomen chelovecheskogo bytiya [The main phenomenon of human being] // Traditsii i perspektivy iskusstva kak fenomena kultury [Traditions and perspectives of art as a cultural phenomenon]: coll. works of materials of Int. scient. conf. at Maimonides State Classical Academy 12–16 April 2016 / Ed. by Ya.I. Syshkova-Irina. М.: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 2016. P. 325–333. (ISBN 978-5-519-49381-9)
- Spirova E.M. Filosofskie predposylki sentimentalizma [The philosophical prerequisites of sentimentalism] // Nikolai Karamzin i istoricheskie sud’by Rossii [Nikolay Karamzin and historical destinies of Russia]. To the 250th anniversary of birth / Ed. and compiled by А.А. Kara-Murza, V.L. Sharova, A.F. Yakovleva. М.: Akvilon, 2016. P. 65–87. (ISBN 978-5-906578-16-7)
- Reznik Yu.M. Chto znachit byt’ filosofom [What means being a philosopher] // Filosof i nauka. Aleksandr Pavlovich Ogurtsov [Philosopher and science. Aleksandr Pavlovich Ogurtsov]. / Ed. S.S. Neretina. М.: Golos, 2016. P. 155–188. (ISBN 978-5-9193-2012-8)