Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of the History of Anthropological Doctrines » Cientific publications of researchers of the department » 2015


  • Monographs and collective works 
  1. Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Razmezhevaniya i tendentsii sovremennoy filosofskoy antropologii [Delimitations and tendencies of modern philosophical anthropology]. М.: IPh RAS, 2015. 161 p.
  2. Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Identichnost’ kak sotsialny i antropologicheskiy fenomen [Identity as a social and anthropological phenomenon]. М.: Kanon+ ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2015. 368 p.
  3. Klyagin N.V. Chelovek v proshlom, nastoyaschem i buduschem. М.: INFRA-М, 2015. 200 p.
  4. Shazhinbat A. Etnos kak filosofsko-antropologicheskaya problema [Ethnos as a philosophical-anthropological problem]. М.: Editus, 2015. 308 p.
  • Textbooks
  1. Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia: Konspekt lektsiy [Psychology. Compendium of lectures]. М.: KNORUS, 2015. 208 p.
  2. Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia: a textbook. 2nd ed. М.: INFRA-М, 2015. 332 p.
  3. Gurevich P.S. Psikhologia lichnosti [Psychology of personality]: a textbook. 2nd ed. М.: INFRA-М, 2015. 479 p.
  4. Gurevich P.S. Osnovy filosofii [A guide to philosophy]: a textbook. 3rd ed., М.: KNORUS, 2015. 480 p.
  5. Gurevich P.S. Vvedenie v professiyu (psikhologia) [A guide to profession (psychology)]: a textbook. М.: INFRA -М, 2015. 415 p.
  • Scientific articles
  1. Gurevich P.S. Mizantropologiya kak metanoya [Mysanthropology as metanoia] // Chelovek. 2014. No 6. P. 20–34.
  2. Gurevich P.S. Filosofsko-antropologicheskie temy v tvorchestve Pola Rikera [Philosophical and anthropological themes in works of Paul Ricoeur] // Paul Ricoeur: Chelovek ‑ obschestvo – tsivilizatsiya. Sovrem. filosofia. М.: Kanon+ ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2015. P. 57‑74.
  3. Gurevich P.S. Desakralizatsiya mozga [Desacralization of the brain] // Filos. antropologia. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 6–19. [electronic resource] URL:
  4. Gurevich P.S. Folosofia truda [The philosophy of work] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No  9(93). P. 1273–1276.
  5. Gurevich P.S. Bessmertie na tom i etom svete [Immortality in this and the other world] // Psikhologia i psychotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No  10(85). P. 983–987.
  6. Gurevich P.S. Priklucheniya chelovecheskoy protoplazmy (o filosofskikh rabotakh V.А. Kutyreva) [Adventures of human protoplasm (on philosophical works of V.А. Kutyrev)] // Filosofskaya antropologia [Philosophical anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 4–19. [electronic resource] URL:
  7. Spirova E.M. Vtoroe polusharie intellektualnogo globusa [The second hemisphere of the intellectual globe] // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 34–48. [electronic resource] URL:
  8. Reznik Yu.M. Metafizika chelovechnosti: ot gumanizma i gumanitarizma k proektnoy kulture [Metaphysics of humaneness: from humanism and humanitarism to project culture] // Vestn. RUDN. Series. «Philosophy». 2015. No 1. P. 20–32.
  9. Reznik Yu.M. Mir kak proektsiya bytiya cheloveka [The world as a projection of human being] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture].  2015. № 6(90). С. 810–817. (ВАК, CrossRef, ERIH PLUS, РИНЦ)
  10. Reznik Yu.M. Problema «Ya – Drugoy» v kontekste ekzistentsialno-fenomenologicheskogo ponimaniya [The problem of the Self and the Other in the existential-phenomenological perspective] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. 17. Issue 1–2 (No  85–86). P. 75–90.
  11. Fedotova V.G., Reznik Yu.M. Filosofia kak obschee delo svobodnykh ludey (v poryadke dialoga) [Philosophy as a common act of free individuals (by way of a dialogue)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo.2015. Vol. 17. Issue  3‑4 (No 87–88). P. 312–323.
  12. Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek kak ekzistentsialny proekt (fenomenologicheskiy analiz) [Man as an existential project (phenomenological analysis)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. 17. Issue  3–4 (No 87–88). P. 74–90.
  13. Reznik Yu.M. Ustroitel’ so-bytiya (k yubileyu Z.Kh.–M. Saralievoy) [The co-being maker (to the jubilee of Z.Kh.–M. Saralieva)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. 17. Issue  3‑4 (No 87–88). P. 323–326.
  14. Reznik Yu.M. Filosofia konstruirovaniya cheloveka: fenomenologicheskiy podkhod [The philosophy of constructing a human being (phenomenological appriach)] // Vopr. sots. teorii. Issue  7 / Ed. by Yu.M. Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М.: ANO NIGO, 2015. P. 7–24.
  15. Reznik Yu.M. Tvorchestvo kak sposob samokonstruirovaniya cheloveka [Creativity as a way of man’s self-construction] // Vopr. sots. teorii. Issue  7 / Ed. by Yu.M. Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М.: ANO NIGO, 2015. P. 137–154.
  16. Egorova I.V. Uproschennoe ponimanie cheloveka [Simplified understanding of man] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2014. No  12(75). P. 1361–1369.
  17. Egorova I.V. Geroika i strakh kak modusy chelovecheskogo suschestvovaniya (rannie proizvedeniya E.Yungera) [Heroics and fear as modes of human existence (early works by E.Yunger)] // Filologia: nauchn. issled. [Philology: scientific research]. 2015. No  3(19). P. 253–263.
  18. Klyagin N.V. Amerikanskoe chudo [American wonder] // Vyssh. obrazovanie segodnya [Higher education today]. 2014. N 12. P. 29–33. (не вошло в отчёт 2014 г.). (ВАК, РИНЦ)
  19. Klyagin N.V. Yubiley superstrun [Superstring jubilee] // Vyssh. obrazovanie segodnya [Higher education today]. 2015. No 11. P. 49–52.
  20. Gogotishvili L.A. Vklad postsimvolistov Loseva i Bakhtina v teoriyu postroeniya diskursa (printsipial’nye razlichiya na fone fundamental’nogo skhodstva) [Contribution of postsymbolists Losev and Bakhtin to theory of constructing discourse (principal differences against the background of fundamental likeness)] // Filologia: nauchn. issled. [Philology: scientific research]. 2014. No 4(16). P. 354–368.
  21. Gogotishvili L.A. O vozmozhnom istoke polifonicheskoy idei Bakhtina [On a possible source of Bakhtin’s polyphony] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2014. Issue No 17. [electronic resource] URL:
  22. Gogotishvili L. Antropología religiosa de Mijaíl Bajtín en su obra “Hacia una filosofía del acto ético” // Comprendre: Revista catalana de filosofia. 2015. Vol. 17. No. 1: Monogràfic Pensament religiós rus al segle XX. P. 19–45.
  23. Gogotishvili L. 巴赫金的宗教人类学第一原则建 (The moral-religious principle of early Bakhtin as a source of polyphonic discourse) / Transl. Ling Tianhou // Russian literature and art (俄罗斯文艺). Beijing, 2015. No 2. P. 18–27.
  24. Gogotishvili L.A., Dennes M. Na podstupakh k obscheevropeyskoy nauke? [Toward common European science?] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2015. Issue No 19. [electronic resource] URL:
  25. Gogotishvili L.A. Printsip odnostoronney dualnosti v ne-filosofii F. Laruela: antropologicheskow izmerenie i yazykovoy genezis [The principle of unilateral duality in F.Laruelle’s non-philosophy: anthropological dimension and linguistic genesis] // VOX: Philos. journ. 2015. Issue No 19. [electronic resource] URL:
  26. Rudneva E.G. Filosofskie podkhody k yazyku [Philosophical approaches to language] // Litera. 2015. No 2. P. 71–90. [electronic resource] URL: (Ulrich's Periodicals Directory)
  27. Shazhinbat A. Etnos i evolutsionnaya kontseptsiya kultury [Ethnos and the evolutionary conception of culture] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 4(79). P. 364–372.
  28. Shazhinbat A. Chelovek v trekh kontekstakh [Man in three contexts] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 6(81). P. 551–559.
  29. Shazhinbat A. Etnos: filosofsko-antropologicheskiy diskurs [Ethnos: philosophical-antoropological discourse] // Filos. mysl’ [Philos. thought]. 2015. No 2. P. 187–207. [electronic resource] URL: (ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory)
  30. Shazhinbat A. Этнос и человеческая природа // Filos. mysl’ [Philos. thought]. 2015. № 7. P. 47–75. [Электронный ресурс] URL: (ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, РИНЦ)
  31. Shazhinbat A. Etnos v kontekste filosofsko-antropologicheskogo znaniya [Ethnos in the context of philosophical-anthropological knowledge] // Filos. mysl’ [Philos. thought]. 2015. No 9. P. 107–214. [electronic resource] URL: (ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory)
  32. Chernov S.V. Novy vzglyad na prirodu genial’nosti [A new look at the nature of genius] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 2(77). P. 159–174.
  33. Balagushkin Yu.E. Religioznye metakultury Edvarda Tiryakiana [Religious metacultures of Edward Tiryakian] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No 1(85). P. 85–97.
  34. Balagushkin Yu.E. Filosofsko-antropologicheskie aspekty ezotericheskoy kultury po Edvardu Tiryakianu [Philosophical-anthropological aspects of esoteric culture according to Edward Tiryakian] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 3(78). P. 271–282.
  35. Cholanyuk V.R. O paradoksalnosti antropologicheskoy sostavlyayuschey «zhivoy metafory» v filosofii Paula Ricoeura [On a paradoxical anthropological component of Paul Ricoeur’s live metaphor] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No 6(90). P. 901–915.
  36. Chugunova I.O. Liki nenavisti: filosofsko-antropologicheskie razmyshleniya [Faces of hatred: philosophical-anthropological thoughts] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 4(79). P. 383–391.
  37. Chugunova I.O. Chelovek nenavidyaschiy: psikhoanaliticheskaya dekonstruktsiya fenomena nenaviski [The hating man: psychoanalytical deconstruction of the phenomenon of hatred] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 10(85). P. 1072‑1087.
  38. Seval’nikov А.А. Naturalisticheskiy podkhod v issledovanii cheloveka i yazyka [Naturalistic approach in research on man and language] // Filos. mysl’ [Philos. thought]. 2015. No 8. P. 100–123. [electronic resource] URL:
  • Translations  
  1. Sultanova М.А., transl. from Engl.: Minnema L. Play and (post)modern culture (an essay on changes in the scientific interest in the phenomenon of play) // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2014. No 11(74). P. 1186–1204.
  2. Kulagina-Yartseva V.S., Krotovskaya N.G., transl. from Engl.: Singer I. Philosophy of live: a partial summing up (selected extracts) // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 36–68. [electronic resource] URL:
  3. Rudneva E.G., transl. from French: Loran J. Le myth d’Aristophane et jouissance transcendentale. Orgasme et affectivite // Filos. nauki [Philos. sciences]. 2014. No 9. P. 100–113.
  4. Rudneva E.G., transl. from French: Laruelle F. Les deux sources de l’etique en regime technologique // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 49–61. [electronic resource ресурс] URL:
  5. Rudneva E.G., transl. from French: Schmid A.-F. Des humains, qu’ils philosophent par hypothese // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 169–187. [electronic resource ресурс] URL:


  • Presentations, papers, reports 
  1. Gurevich P.S. Gorizonty psikhoanaliza [Horizons of psychoanalysis] // of the Inst. of Cont. Profess. Education. Issue 4 (No 4/2014): Proceedings of the Int. conf. «Psychoanalysis, psychological practices and paedagogic technologies in education, consulting and business» / Ed. by S.V. Chernov. M.: Inst. of Cont. Profess. Education Publ., 2014. P. 17–26.
  2. Gurevich P.S. Telo i dusha [Body and soul] // Nauka Udmurtii. March 2015. No 1(71). P. 58–70. (Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russ. scient. conf.)).
  3. Gurevich P.S. Estetika postmodernizma [Aesthetics of postmodernism] // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Rossii i za rubezhom: Paralleli i vzaimodeystviya: Coll. works of Int. scient. conf. (13–18 Apr. 2015 ) / Ed. G.R. Konson. М.: Liteo, 2015. P. 132–140.
  4. Gurevich P.S. Estetika Emmanuila Kanta [Aesthetics of I.Kant] // Iskusstvo kak fenomen kultury: traditsii i perspektivy: coll. works of Int. scient. conf. of Maimonides State Classical Academy (13‑19 Apr. 2015 ) / Ed. by Ya.I. Syshkova-Irina. М.: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 2015. P. 129–137.
  5. Gurevich P.S. Fenomen tsivilizatsii v istoricheskom kontekste [Phenomenon of civilisation in the historical context] // Kultura kak vid chelovecheskogo bytiya i poznaniya: coll. materials of All-Russ. scient. conf. with int.participation at Tyumen Univ. Ishim branch dedic. to the 70th anniv. of V.I.Polischuk / Scient. ed. V.I. Polischuk; ed. L.А. Ogorodnikova. Ishim: TuymGu Publ., 2015. P. 33–41.
  6. Gurevich P.S. Ponimayuschaya psikhologia vs fiziologicheskaya psikhologia [Understanding psychology vs physiological psychology] // Ot istokov r sovremennosti: 130 let organizatsii psikhologicheskogo obschestva pri Moscovskom universitete: Coll. materials of jubilee conf.: in 5 vol. Vol. 1 / Ed. D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya. М.: Cogito-Centre, 2015. P. 38–40.
  7. Gurevich P.S. Filosofskaya antropologia posle «smerti cheloveka» [Philosophical anthropology after the «death of man»] // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalisation. East and West – dialogue of world views: abstracts of VII Russ. philos. congr. (Ufa, 6–10 Oct. 2015 ): in 3 vol. Vol. I. Ufa: RITs BashGU, 2015. P. 329–330.
  8. Gurevich P.S. Tsivilizatsionny vybor v epokhu globalizma [Civilisational choice in the era of globalism] // Chelovek pered vyborom v sovremennom mire: problemy, vozmozhnosti, resheniya: Proceedings of All-Russ. scient. conf. (Moscow, 27–28 Oct. 2015 ). In 3 vol. Vol. 1 / Ed. M.S. Kiseleva. М.: Nauchn. mysl, 2015. P. 100–109.
  9. Spirova E.M. Simvol v klassicheskom psikhoanalize [Symbol in classical psychoanalysis] // Scient. Works of Inst. Contin. Profess. Education. Issue 4 (No 4/2014): Proceeding of Int. conf. «Psychoanalysis, psychological practices and paedagogic technologies in education, consulting and business» / Ed. by S.V. Chernov. M.: Inst. of Cont. Profess. Education Publ., 2014. P. 66–74.
  10. Spirova E.M. Dusha i psikhika: sootnoshenie ponyatiy [Soul and psyche: correlation of notions] // Nauka Udmurtii. March 2015. No 1(71). P. 132–145. (Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russ. scient. conf.)).
  11. Spirova E.M. Jacques Maritain o poezii [Jacques Maritain on poetry] // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Rossii i za rubezhom: Paralleli i vzaimodeystviya: Coll. works of Int. scient. conf. (13–18 Apr. 2015 ) / Ed. G.R. Konson. М.: Liteo, 2015. P. 482–489.
  12. Spirova E.M. Khudozhestvenny simvol [Artistic symbol] // Iskusstvo kak fenomen kultury: traditsii i perspektivy: coll. works of Int. scient. conf. of Maimonides State Classical Academy (13‑19 Apr. 2015 ) / Ed. by Ya.I. Syshkova-Irina. М.: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 2015. P. 243‑251.
  13. Spirova E.M. Obschestvo traditsionnoe i sovremennoe [Traditional and modern society] // Kultura kak vid chelovecheskogo bytiya i poznaniya: coll. materials of All-Russ. scient. conf. with int.participation at Tyumen Univ. Ishim branch dedic. to the 70th anniv. of V.I.Polischuk / Scient. ed. V.I. Polischuk; ed. L.А. Ogorodnikova. Ishim: TuymGu Publ., 2015. P. 58–67.
  14. Spirova E.M. «Dusha» kak fenomen v istoricheskom rakurse [Soul as a phenomenon in the historical perspective] // Ot istokov r sovremennosti: 130 let organizatsii psikhologicheskogo obschestva pri Moscovskom universitete: Coll. materials of jubilee conf.: in 5 vol. Vol. 1 / Ed. D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya. М.: Cogito-Centre, 2015. P. 125–128.
  15. Spirova E.M. Homo naturalis kak sovremenny proekt [Homo naturalis as a modern project] // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalisation. East and West – dialogue of world views: abstracts of VII Russ. philos. congr. (Ufa, 6–10 Oct. 2015 ): in 3 vol. Vol. I. Ufa: RITs BashGU, 2015. P. 363.
  16. Spirova E.M. Vybor prioriteta: kultura ili tsivilizatsiya [Choice of priority: culture or civilisation] // Chelovek pered vyborom v sovremennom mire: problemy, vozmozhnosti, resheniya: Proceedings of All-Russ. scient. conf. (Moscow, 27–28 Oct. 2015 ). In 3 vol. Vol. 1 / Ed. M.S. Kiseleva. М.: Nauchn. mysl, 2015. P. 110–118.
  17. Egorova I.V. Dukh i dusha v pravoslavnom tolkovanii [Spirit and soul in orthodox interpretation] // Nauka Udmurtii. March 2015. No 1(71). P. 132–145. (Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russ. scient. conf.)).


  • Popular scientific articles 
  1. Reznik Yu.М. Kto pokhitil nashe buduschee? Esche raz o subektakh sotsialnogo vremeni [Who has stolen our future? Once again about subjects of social time] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. 17. Issue 1–2 (No 85–86). P. 7–27.
  2. Reznik Yu.М. Kakuyu oparnost’ mozhet tait’ v sebe natsionalno-grazhdanskaya utopia? [What danger can hide behind the national-civil utopia?] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. 17. Issue  3–4 (No 87–88). P. 21–34.


  • Reviews 
  1. Gurevich P.S. In the book stream ‑ «European and Russian romanticism»: Flashes of true magic (Review on book: Estetika nemetskih romantikov. М., SPb., 2014); // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2014. No 4(16). P. 369–377.
  2. Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Relativizm kak kognitivnaya khvor’ [Relativism as cognitive ailment] (Reviw on book.: Relativizm kak bolezn’ sovremennoy filosofii / Ed. V.А. Lektorskiy. М., 2015) // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. No 3(78). P. 313–324.
  3. Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Review on books by Pomerants G., Pinskiy L., Zemskov V. // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific research]. 2015. No 1(17). P. 85–93.
  4. Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Pravda velikogo lidera [The truth of the great leader] (Review on book: Nazareth P.A. Ghandi’s outstanding leadership) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No 4(88). P. 610–617.
  5. Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – reviews on books by Publishing house «Canon+» // Filologia: nauch. issled. [Philology: scientific research]. 2015. No 2(18). P. 183–190.
  6. Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – review on book by Woods A., Grant Т. Reason in revolt. Marxist philosophy and modern science. М., 2015 // Pedagogika i psosveschenie [Paedagogics and enlightenment]. 2015. No 2(18). P. 201–209.
  7. Gurevich P.S. Articles in the section «New books by our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. XVII. Issue 1–2 (85–86). P. 258–267. (ВАК, РИНЦ)
  8. Gurevich P.S. Articles in the section «New books by our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obschestvo. 2015. Vol. XVII. Issue 3–4 (87–88). P. 329–338
  9. Spirova E.M. In the book stream – review on new books by Publ.House «Canon+») // Filos. mysl’ [Philos.thought]. 2014. No 12. P. 185–205. [electronic resource ресурс] URL:
  10. Spirova E.M. Filosofsko-antropologicheskie diskursy [Philosophical-anthropological discourses] (review on new books by the Institute of Philosophy RAS) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No 4(88). P. 618–628.
  11. Reznik Yu.M. Chto znachit byt’ filosofom v Rossii? [What means being a philosopher in Russia?] (rev. on book: Kto segodnya delaet filosofiyu v Rossii [Who now makes philosophy in Russia]. Vol. III) / Comp. by А.S. Nilogov. М., 2015) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No 10(94). P. 1567–1578.



  • The 2nd All-Russian conference «Science. Education. Project activity: Russia – the 21st century». Moscow: Institute of continuing professional education, 19–20 March 2015 . (P.S. Gurevich – member of the organizing committee, plenary paper «Science and education in the 21st century», E.М. Spirova ‑ member of the organizing committee).
  • Author’s seminar by Professor P.S. Gurevich «Modern business in sychoanalytical perspective». Moscow: Institute of continuing professional education, Barrel business centre, 06 April 2015 . (P.S. Gurevich – seminar moderator).
  • Scientific videoconference «Man as a natural, social, existential being: “painful points” of philosophical anthropology» of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines, IPh RAS and the chair of philosophical anthropology of the faculty of social sciences, N.I.Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University. Moscow- Nizhny Novgorod: IPh RAS-NNSU, 21 May 2015 . (Organisation and participation of all researchers of the department, papers of researchers, DSc and PhD students of the department: P.S. Gurevich «Painful points of philosophical anthropology», E.M. Spirova «Man as a project of nature», Yu.M. Reznik «Man as an existential being», I.V. Egorova «The cultural man», A. Shazhinbat «Ethnos as a phenomenon of philosophical anthropology», I.O. Chugunova «Hate as a philosophical-anthropological problem»).
  • The 9th interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of socio-humanitarian education». The theme of the symposium: «The project of being and project culture of man». Ryazan: Ryazan State University of Radio Engineering, 18–20 June 2015 . (Yu.M. Reznik – co-chairman of the organizing committee, plenary paper «Philosopher as a projector of being: a phenomenological approach»).
  • International conference «Regards croisés d’Europe occidentale et de Russie sur les réflexions normatives dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales». Bordeaux, France, 02–05 December 2015. (L.A. Gogotishvili – member of the Scientific committee of the conference, co-author (with M.Dennes) of a plenary paper «Towards (common) European science?», paper «Laruelle et Losev: autour du principe d’unilatéralité» («Laruelle and Losev: around the principle of unilaterality»)).