I. Printed books
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz lichnosti [Psychoanalysis of the personality] / М.: Institute of Humanitarian Studies, 2011. – 400 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofskoe postizhenie cheloveka: problemy, tendentsiii i novye temy filosofskoy antropologii [Philosophical comprehension of man: problems, tendencies and new themes of philosophical anthropology] / Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBER Academic Publishing, 2011. – 654 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Fenomenologia bessoznatel’nogo: lichnost’ v psikhoanalize [Phenomenology of the unconscious: personality in psychoanalysis] / Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBER Academic Publishing, 2011. – 650 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Obshchestvoznanie 11 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 11]: textbook for secondary schools (basic level) / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – 3rd ed., revised and updated. - M.: Mnemozina, 2011. - 303 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Obshchestvoznanie 10 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 10]: textbook for secondary schools (basic level) / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – 4th ed., revised and updated. - M.: Mnemozina, 2011. – 304 p.
- Spirova E.M. Znak i simvol: psikhologo-filosofskie aspekty [The sign and the symbol: psychological and philosophical aspects]: monograph / E.M.Spirova. – M.:RGTEU Publishers. 2011. – 186 p.
- Spirova E.M. The symbol and philosophical comprehension of man: philosophical-anthropological reflection: monograph / E.M.Spirova. – Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011. – 467 p.
II. Articles, sections in books and other publications
- Avalyan S.A. Istoriko-filosofskoe osmyslenie kategorii Drugogo [Historical-philosophical interpretation of the category of the Other] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics], 2011. No.9 (36). P. 6-21.
- Bueva L.P. Identity in the system of psychological knowledge // Psychology and psychotechnics. – 2011. – No. 7 (34). – P. 6-14.
- Gogotishvili L.A. Die innere Form als sprachlicher Algorithmus im Denken Gustav Špets // Wilhelm Fink. München, 2011.
- Gogotishvili L.A. Immanentnoe, transtsendentnoe i dualnoe na pyatom etape «ne-filosofii» F.Laruelle [The immanent, the transcendent and the dual at the fifth stage of F.Laruelle’s “non-philosophy”] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No 4. P. 111–129.
- Gogotishvili L.A. A foreword to the Proceedings of the seminar «Interrelations of Russian and European philosophies» // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No 4. P. 97–98.
- Gurevich P.S. Chelovek konechny i beskonechny [Man final and infinite] // Sozidayushchaya priroda cheloveka [The creative nature of man]. Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russian scientific-theoretical conference) 2-3 December 2011 / Eds.-in-chief Makarova M.N., Razin A.A., Rysin I.I. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2011. 152 p. P. 3-9.
- Gurevich P.S. Agressia nevezhestva [Aggression of ignorance] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 11 (47). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Rekviem po Mnemonu [Requiem for the Mnemone] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Filology: scientific research]. 2011. No. 4 (04). P. 3-4.
- Gurevich P.S. Literatura glazami psikhiatra [Literature in the eyes of a psychoatrist] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Filology: scientific research]. 2011. No. 4 (04). P. 48-59.
- Gurevich P.S. Pedagogicheskie aspekty filosofskoy antropologii G. Plesnera [Pedagogic aspects of philosophical anthropology of G.Plesner] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 4 (04). P. 3-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz kak terapia [Psychoanalysis as therapy] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 12 (39). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Telesnoe ili dukhovnoe [The bodily and the spiritual] // Priroda cheloveka: biologicheskoe i dukhovnoe [The nature of man: biological and spiritual]. Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russian scientific-theoretical conference) 26-27 November 2010 / Eds. M.N.Makarova, A.A.Razin, M.I.Shishkin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2010. P. 67-73.
- Gurevich P.S. Prav sud’by zakon (vozdayanie cherez prizmu psikhologii) [The law of fate is right (recompense through the prism of psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No. 10 (25). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Yubiley kak povod dla pozora [Jubilee as a cause for disgrace] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No. 11 (35). P. 5-8.
- Gurevich P.S. Ocherki ob akademike A.A.Guseynove. Ocherk 3. Zhivotvoryashchie svyatyni [Essays about academician A.A.Guseynov. Essay 3. Vivifying shrines] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No. 11 (35). P. 17-24.
- Gurevich P.S. Krizis tsennostnykh orientatsiy [The crisis of value orientations] // Kavkazskie nauchnye zapiski [Caucasian scientific proceedings]. 2010. No. 1 (2). P. 207-215.;
- Gurevich P.S. Korporativnaya psikhologia [Corporative psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No. 11 (26). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Slovo izrechennoe i dostoynoe, Dorozhe slitka zolotogo, Kollektivnye sny i grezy, Zalog spaseniya, Znanie i religiozny opyt, Minuty potaennykh dum, Pochemu my raznye? [The word spoken and merited, More valuable than gold, Collective dreams, Guarantee of salvation, Knowledge and religious esperience, Minutes of deep thoughts, Why are we different?] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No. 11(26). P. 102-114.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhokenet v kiberprostranstve [Psychokenet in cyberspace] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No. 12 (36). P. 5-8.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Fenomenologia otvetstvennogo cheloveka, Posle Kanta: na podstupakh k filosofii cheloveka [The phenomenology of a responsible individual, After Kant: approaching the philosophy of man] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No. 12 (36). P. 119-128.
- Gurevich P.S. Zarozhdenie idei Tanatosa [The origin of the idea of Thanatos] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No. 12 (27). P. 5-9.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Inventarizatsiya seksualnosti [Inventory of sexuality] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No. 12 (27). P. 107-115.
- Gurevich P.S. Kibernavt kak simvol globalnogo mira [The cybernaut as a symbol of the global world] // Vek globalizatsii. Issledovaniya sovremennykh global’nykh protsessov [The century of globalization. Studies in modern global processes]. 2010. No. 2. P. 139-153.
- Gurevich P.S. Problema identichnosti cheloveka v filosofskoy antropologii [The problem of human identity in philosophical anthropology] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scientific collection. 2010. Vol IV. Man in search of identity] / Eds. Yu.M.Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. M.: Association «Interdisciplinary society of social theory», 2010. – P. 63-87.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhoanaliz lichnosti [Psychoanalysis of the personality] // Yearbook of history and theory of psychoanalysis. Vol. 4 / Ed. S.F.Sirotkin. Izhevsk: ERGO, 2010. P. 68-79.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Vol. XIII. Issue 1 (61-62). M., 2011. P. 355-366.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Vol. XIII. Issue 2 (63-64). M., 2011. P. 292-300.
- Gurevich P.S. Osoby sposob myshleniya [A special way of thinking] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 1 (37). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Sila samoosuzhdeniya [The power of self-condemnation] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 1 (28). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Aseksualnost’ kak problema [Asexuality as a problem] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 1 (28). P. 107-115.
- Gurevich P.S. Znanie i metodologia filosofskoy antropologii [Knowledge and methodology of philosophical anthropology] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 2 (38). P. 5-8.
- Gurevich P.S. Deti i den’gi [Children and money] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 2 (29). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Psikhologicheskie etyudy – «Pastoral i grekh», «Seksapilnaya ved’ma» [Psychological sketches – Pastoral and sin, Sexy witch] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 2 (29). P. 109-112.
- Gurevich P.S. Artur Shopenhauer ob interesnom [Arthur Schopenhauer on the interesting] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 3 (39). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Wells protiv Kanta [Wells versus Kant] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 3 (30). P. 5-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Sistematika antropologicheskikh ucheniy [Systematization of anthropological doctrines] // Proceedings of the Institute of Spiritual Culture and Free Creativity. Issue 1 (No.1/2011): Philosophical studies. Psychologo-pedagogic studies. Spiritual heritage [In Russ.] / Ed. S.V.Chernova. Voronezh – M.: ANO «Institute of Spiritual Culture and Free Creativity», 2011. P. 11-32.
- Gurevich P.S. Velikoe russkoe slovo [The great Russian word] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No. 1 (01). P. 5-6.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Zadachi literatury kak nauki, Vpechatlenie i smysl [Tasks of literature as a science, Impression and meaning] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No. 1 (01). P. 100-107.
- Gurevich P.S. Resultaty istoricheskogo sberezheniya [Results of historic saving] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 1 (01). P. 3-6.
- Gurevich P.S. et al. Lichnostny rost: teoria i praktika [Personal growth: theory and practice (Report about the work of the Laboratory of personal growth, Moscow University of the Humanities)] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 1 (01). P. 42-54.
- Gurevich P.S. et al. «Kakim byt’ otechestvennomu obrazovaniyu?» [“What should Russian education be like?” in the rubric “Round table”] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 1 (01). P. 73-84.
- Gurevich P.S. Artur Shopenhauer kak filosofskiy antropolog [Arthur Schopenhauer as a philosophical anthropologist] // Filosofskiy zhurnal [Philosophical journal]. 2011. No. 1 (6). P. 54-69.
- Gurevich P.S. et al. «Chto takoe stabil’noe obshchestvo?» [“What is a stable society” in the rubric “Round table”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No. 1 (43). P. 95-122.
- Gurevich P.S. Simptom repressirovannogo tela [The repressed body symptom] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 4 (40). P. 4-7.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Aura mudrosti [The aura of wisdom] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 4 (40). P. 162-164.
- Gurevich P.S. Radius psikhologii [The radius of psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 4 (31). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. U blagodenstviya svoi koshmary [Well-being has its own nightmares] // Literaturnaya gazeta [Literature newspaper]. 2011. No. 22. P. 13.
- Gurevich P.S. Rossiya: trudny put’ k tsivilizatsii [Russia: a difficult way to civilization] // Russkiy mir [Russian world] – 2011: coll. of papers / Ed. S.N.Baburin. M.: Magistr: INFRA-M, 2011. P. 174-189.
- Gurevich P.S. Fenomen sotsialnykh potryaseniy [“The phenomenon of social shock” in the rubric “Round table”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No. 2 (44). P. 124-146.
- Gurevich P.S. Sotsialny khaos [Social chaos] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 5 (41). P. 4-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Kak uberech’ sebya ot suisida [How to avoid suicide] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 5 (32). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Aktualnaya psikhologia [Actual psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 5 (32). P. 65-72.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – V razyskanii samotozhdestvennosti [In quest of self-identity] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 5 (32). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Poetika kak yazykovoe chuvstvilishche [Poetics as a linguistic feelgatory] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No. 2 (02). P. 3-4.
- Gurevich P.S. Muki dialoga (o tvorchestve M.M.Bakhtina) [The torments of the dialogue (on the works by M.M.Bakhtin] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No. 2 (02). P. 63-71.
- Gurevich P.S. Ukhodyashchaya natura? [Stealing nature?] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 6 (42). P. 4-6.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Filosofskie prostory teorii poznaniya (tematicheskiy obzor), Put’ zhizni [Philosophical spaces of theory of knowledge (a review), The route of life] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 6 (42). P. 170-181.
- Gurevich P.S. Mne skuchno, bes… [I’m bored, demon…] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 6 (33). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Podkhody k yuridicheskoy antropologii [Approaches to juridical anthropology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 6 (33). P. 65-71.
- Gurevich P.S. Traditsiya kak garant stabilnosti [Tradition as a guarantee of stability] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 7 (43). P. 4-7.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – «No pravdy net i vyshe…» [“But there’s no truth above yet”] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 7 (43). P. 183-188.
- Gurevich P.S. Nevyuchennye uroki Yunga [The unlearned lessons of Jung] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 7 (34). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Vol. XIII. Issue 3 (65-66). M., 2011. P. 353-361.
- Gurevich P.S. Gulyayut vetry preodoleniy [Winds of overcome are blowing] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No. 3 (45). P. 13-20.
- Gurevich P.S. et al. Chto oznachaet krakh multikulturalizma? [“What does the collapse of multiculturalism mean” in the rubric “Round table”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No. 3 (45). P. 79-102.
- Gurevich P.S. Status filofofskoy antropologii [The status of philosophical anthropology] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 8 (44). P. 4-6.
- Gurevich P.S. Fenomen stabilnogo obshchestva [The phenomenon of a stable society] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 8 (44). P. 61-74.
- Gurevich P.S. Ugroza bezumiya [A threat of madness] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 8 (35). P. 4-7.
- Gurevich P.S. Epokha Prosveshcheniya: otkrytie sub’ekta [The epoch of Enlightenment: discovering the subject] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 9 (45). P. 4-7.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Needinstvennost’ nalichnoy istorii, Eon kak vremya tsivilizatsii [Non-uniqueness of the available history, Eon as the time of civilization] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 9 (45). P. 188-199.
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Vol. XIII. Issue 4 (67-68). M., 2011. P. 351-366.
- Gurevich P.S. Zrelost’ zhizni. razve mozhet byt’ tsenna ne-molodost’? [Maturity of life. Can non-youth be valuable] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No. 9 (36). P. 4-5.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Vnov’ obretyonny Shpet [The anew acquired Shpet] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 10 (46). P. 106-114.
- Gurevich P.S. «Ne day mne Bog soyti s uma» (O bezumii poetov i ikh geroev) [God, don’t’ let me go mad (On insanity of poets and their heroes)] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No. 3 (03). P. 3-4.
- Gurevich P.S. In the book stream – Volshebnaya sila iskusstva, Da vedayut potomki [The magic power of art (book review), Let the future generations know] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No. 3 (03). P. 83-92.
- Gurevich P.S. Zarozhdenie sistem obucheniya v Drevney Gretsii [Origination of educational systems in Ancient Greece] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 3 (03). P. 3-6.
- Gurevich P.S. Didakticheskie idei Sokrata [Didactic ideas of Socrates] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 3 (03). P. 50-61.
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofskaya antropologia [Philosophical anthropology] // Sotsiokulturnaya antropologia. Istoria, teoria, metodologia. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’ [Sociocultural anthropology. History, theory, methodology. Encyclopaedic dictionary] / ed. Yu.M.Reznik. M.-Kirov, 2012. P. 627-637.
- Gurevich P.S. Vera kak osnovanie mira. Predislovie [Faith as the foundation of the world. Foreword] // Omelchuk R.K. Ontologia very [The ontology of faith: monograph]. M.: Russian political encyclopaedia (ROSSPEN), 2011. – P. 4-16.
- Gurevich P.S. et al. Nezavershennost’ chelovecheskoy prirody [Incompleteness of human nature] // Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society. 2010. No.3 (55). P. 93-97.
- Gurevich P.S. Identichnost’ – privilegia cheloveka [Identity as man’s privilege] // Gumanitarnye nauki. Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta [Humanities. Bulletin of the University of Finance]. Scientific-educational journal. 2011. No. 2. P. 36-47.
- Gurevich P.S. et al. Identichnost’ kak psykhologicheskiy mekhanism [Identity as a psychological mechanism] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society]. 2011. No. 3. P. 81-84.
- Gurevich P.S. Romanticheskiy ideal cheloveka [The romantic ideal of man] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No. 10 (46). P. 4-7.
- Egorova I.V. W. Humboldt o filosofskom obraze cheloveka [W. Humboldt on a philosophical image of man] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No. 4 (04). P. 26-37.
- Egorova I.V. The pedagogic anthropology of I.Kant // Pedagogy and enlightenment. – 2011. – No.1. – P. 15-26;
- Egorova I.V. Anthropological renaissance // Psychology and psychotechnology. – 2011. – No. 8(35);
- Klyagin N.V. The Marvels of Causality // Philosophy and culture. – 2011. – No 4(40). – P. 58-68.
- Klyagin N.V. The Infantile Science // Philosophy and culture. – 2011. – No 7(43). – P. 19-29.
- Klyagin N.V. Chelovek budushchego [The future man] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No.11 (47). P. 17-27. (with I.B. Ryabushkina).
- Krotovskaya N.G. Nabokov V. Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894). The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde// Philology: Scientific Research. -- 2011/ 2011. – No 1. – P. 72-85. (translation)
- Krotovskaya N.G. Viganò, C. A Case of TV Erotomania // Psychology and psychotechnology – 2011/ – No 6(33). – P. 111-116 (translation)
- Krotovskaya N.G. Elise, D. Primary femininity, bisexuality, and the female ego ideal: a re-examination of female development theory // Psychology and psychotechnology. – 2011. – No 3. – P. 36-48 (translation)
- Kulagina-Yartseva V.S. Major, R. Lacan’s Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis // Psychology and psychotechnology – 2011. – No 6(33). – P. 107-110. (translation)
- Mihalenko J.P. Du Pont de Nemours: Spread of Physiocratic Ideas in the Context of Struggle of European States for Domination // Philosophy and culture. – 2011. – No 7(43). – P. 155-182.
- Novichkova G.A. The influence of concept of V. Pareto on forming of social and philosophical opinions of R. Aron // Vestnik RFO. – 2011. – No 2. – P. 65-79.
- Novichkova G.A. Erikson, E. Main Stages of Psychological Development // Pedagogics and Education. – 2011. – No 2. – P. 64-75. (translation)
- Novichkova G.A. The tendencies of pedagogical anthropology // Vestnik RFO. – 2011. – No 1. – P. 131-134.
- Novichkova G.A. The problems of upbreeding and education by K. Jaspers // Philosophical Sciences. – 2011. – No 3. – P. 65-79.
- Reznik Yu.M. Alternativnost’ kak vozmozhnost’ zhit’ po-drugomu [Alternativity as an opportunity to live differently] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 2(63–64). P. 14–26.
- Reznik Yu.M. Alternativnost’ kak sposob lichnostnogo bytiya cheloveka [Alternativity as a way of man’s personal being] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 3(65–66). P. 122–144.
- Reznik Yu.M. Alternativnost’ kak sposob sushchestvovaniya lichnosti [Alternativity as the mode of existence of the personality] // Chelovek vchera i segodnya. Mezhdistsiplinarn. issled. [Man yesterday and today. Interdiscipl.stud.]. Issue 5. М., 2011. P. 128–147.
- Reznik Yu.M. Alternativnost’ kak sposob sushchestvovaniya cheloveka v sovremennom mire [Alternativity as the mode of man’s existence in the modern world] // Vopr. soc. teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2011. Vol. 5: Chelovek v izmenyayushchemsya mire: probl. identichnosti [Man in the changing world: problems of identity]. М., 2011. P. 5–21.
- Reznik Yu.M. Bytie cheloveka kak realnost’: urovni postizheniya [Man’s being as reality: levels of comprehension] // Ibid. P. 52–82.
- Reznik Yu.M. V poiskakh metafizicheskogo obraza cheloveka [In search of the metaphysical image of man] // Bull. Chita State Univ. 2011. No 9. P. 21–30.
- Reznik Yu.M., Astaf’eva O.N. Zhizn’ v nastoyashchem i nastoyashchee v zhizni [Life in reality and the real in life (by way of a dialogue)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 3(65–66). P. 318–339 (in coauthorship with O.N. Astaf’eva).
- Reznik Yu.M. Zerkalnoe otrazhenie. Eshche raz o kachestve nauchnykh publikatsiy [Mirrow reflection. Once again about the quality of scientific publications] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 4(6768). P. 8–17.
- Reznik Yu.M. Idealnye osnovaniya lichnostnoy identichnosti cheloveka [Ideal foundations of man’s personal identity] // Kulturnoe prostranstvo Severo-Vostochnoy Azii [The cultural space of the North-Eastern Asia]: Coll. scient. art.: In 2 parts. Part 1. Chita, 2011. P. 3–11.
- Reznik Yu.M. K voprosu o proektivnoy sushchnosti metafizicheskogo obraza cheloveka [On search the projective essence of the metaphysical image of man] // Vopr. soc. teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2011. Vol. 5: Chelovek v izmenyayushchemsya mire: probl. identichnosti [Man in the changing world: problems of identity]. М., 2011. P. 274–293.
- Reznik Yu.M. Kak preodolet’ tochku zamerzaniya ili eshche raz o grazhdanskoy missii sotsialnykh uchenykh [How to overcome the freezing point or once again about the civil mission of social scientists] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 1(61–62). P. 9–16.
- Reznik Yu.M. Na puti postroeniya metafizicheskogo obraza cheloveka [Towards construction of the metaphysical image of man] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 4(67–68). P. 59–73.
- [Reznik Yu.M., Zhuravlev A.L.] O professionalnom otnoshenii k nauke i tvorchestvu [On professional attitude to science and creativity] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. A.L. Zhuravlev) (end) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 1(61–62). P. 278–303.
- [Reznik Yu.M.] O sebe, filosofii i vremeni [About philosophy, time and myself] (interview with Prof. V.Zh. Kelle, 17 July 2009)] // Chelovek v intellektualnom i dukhovnom prostranstvakh [Man in the intellectual and spiritual spaces]. М., 2010. P. 381–395.
- [Reznik Yu.M.] O chem on mechtal [What he was dreaming about] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.P. Kultygin, autumn 1999)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 2(63–64). P. 277–288; Part 2. Vol. XIII. Issue 3(65–66). P. 306–318.
- Reznik Yu.M. Obshchaya antropologia: k opredeleniyu granits predmetnoy oblasti [General anthropology: on delimitation of] // Vestn. I.Ya.Yakovlev Chuvash State Ped.Univ. 2011. No 3(71). Part 1. P. 162–170.
- Reznik Yu.M. Svetoch nauki [The light of science] (a brief essay about А.А.Gritsanov) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 3(65–66). P. 340–347.
- Reznik Yu.M. Sotsialnaya inzheneria v sisteme podgotovki kadrov [Social engineering in the system of education] // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie [Managerial counselling]. 2011. No 4. P. 131–139.
- Reznik Yu.M. Sotsialnaya inzheneria kak professiya [Social engineering as profession] // Izv. Tomsk. politekhn. univ. [Bulletin of Tomsk Polytechnic Univ.]. 2011. Vol. 318. No 6. Economics. Philosophy, sociololgy and culturology. P. 124–130.
- Reznik Yu.M. Sotsialno-gumanitarnye tekhnologii upravleniya: spetsifika i vozmozhnosti primeneniya [Socio-humanitarian technologies of management: specificity and possibilities of application] // Bullet. S.A.Esenin RGU. 2010. No 4(29). P. 91–105.
- Reznik Yu.M. Sub’ektivnaya realnost’ cheloveka: alternativnost’ lichnostnogo bytiya [The subjective reality of man: the alternativity of personal being] // Gumanitarny vektor. 2011. No 2 (June). P. 47–53.
- Reznik Yu.M. Tvorchestvo kak prednaznachenie cheloveka [Creativity as human mission] (I.G.Fichte’s «Some lectures concerning the scholar’s vocation» and N.А. Berdyaev’s book «The meaning of the creative art») // Lichnost’ i tvorchestvo v sovremennom mire [Personality and creativity in the modern world]: Scient. almanac. 2009–2010. Issue 1–2. М.–Курск, 2011. P. 12–34.
- [Reznik Yu.M., Pigrov K.S.] Filosofia tvorchestva i tvorchestvo v filosofii [Philosophy of creativity and creativity in philosophy] (Yu.M. Reznik’ interview with Prof. K.S. Pigrov, July 2010) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 1(61–62). P. 304–320.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek i ego stil [Man and his style] (to the jubilee of P.F.Kravchuk) // Ibid. P. 7–11.
- Reznik Yu.M. Chelovek pered vyborom puti: razlichiya kak osnovaniya zhiznennoy politiki [Man choosing his life path: differences as foundations of life policy] // Upravlenie megapolisom [Management of megapolis]. 2011. No 3. P. 62–75.
- Rudneva E.G., (transl.).: Langer W. Hitler: psikhologicheskiy analiz i rekonstruktsiya [Langer W. Hitler: psychological analysis and reconstruction] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2011. No 7(34). P. 111–129.
- Rudneva E.G., (transl.): Schmidt A.-F. -Ф. Generic epistemology: from Ego to «collective intimacy» of science // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No 5(41). P. 105–116.
- Spirova E.M. Tolkovanie simvola [Interpretation of the symbol] // Sozidayushchaya priroda cheloveka [The creative nature of man]: Proceedings of the Petrakov Readings (Rus. scient.-theoret. conf., 2–3 Dec. 2011). Izhevsk, 2011. P. 114–120.
- Spirova E.M. Filosofsko-antropologicheskoe soderzhanie simvola [The philosophical-anthropological content of the symbol] / E.M. Spirova. - М.: «Kanon + ROOI» ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2011. - 336 p.
- Spirova E.M. Tolkovanie simvola [The interpretation of a symbol] // Sozidayushchaya priroda cheloveka [The creative nature of man]. Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russian scientific-theoretical conference) 2-3 December 2011 / Eds. M.N.Makarova, A.A.Razin, I.I.Rysin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2011. P. 114-120;
- Spirova E.M. Filosofskaya antropologia kak sistema ponyatiy [Philosophical anthropology as a system of concepts] // Gumanitarnye nauki. Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta [Humanities. Bulletin of the University of Finance]. Scientific-educational journal. 2011. No 3. P. 13-23;
- Spirova E.M. Simvol v kontekste istoricheskogo opyta [A symbol in the context of historic experience] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency]. 2011. No 1. P. 225-230;
- Spirova E.M. Universalnost’ simvola i filosofskaya antropologia [The universality of a symbol and philosophical anthropology] // Proceedings of the Institute of Spiritual Culture and Free Creativity. Issue 1 (No.1/ 2011): Philosophical studies. Psychologo-pedagogic studies. Spiritual heritage [In Russ.] / Ed. S.V.Chernov. Voronezh – M.: ANO «Institute of Spiritual Culture and Free Creativity», 2011. P. 33-51;
- Spirova E.M. «I bezdny mrachnoy na krayu...» [“And on the edge of dark abyss…” On the book by E.Morin «Towards abyss?»] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No 1 (43). P. 154-157;
- Spirova E.M. Lichnostny rost: teoria i praktika [Personal growth: theory and practice (Report about the work of the Laboratory of personal growth, Moscow University of the Humanities)] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No 1 (01). P. 42-54 (with P.S.Gurevich);
- Spirova E.M. Kakim byt’ otechestvennomu obrazovaniyu? [“What should Russian education be like?” in the rubric “Round table”] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No 1 (01). P. 73-84. (with co-authors);
- Spirova E.M. K istokam Serebryannogo veka [Toward the sources of the Silver century] // Russkiy mir [Russian world] – 2011: coll. of papers / Ed. S.N.Baburin. M.: Magistr: INFRA-M, М. 2011. P. 125-142;
- Spirova E.M. Vlastomania nashikh dney. [Powermania of our days. On the book by S.Lukes “Power. A radical view”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No 2 (44F). P. 169-172;
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No 2 (44). P. 173-175;
- Spirova E.M. Kula i Potlatch: psikhologicheskiy smysl (znak, simvol i simulakr v traktovke J.Baudrillarda) [Kula and Potlatch: a psychological meaning (the sign, the symbol and the simulacrum in interpretation of J.Baudrillard] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2011. No 5 (32). P. 48-56;
- Spirova E.M. Hegel o roli simvola v poezii i muzyke [Hegel on the role of a symbol in poetry and music] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No 2 (02). P. 30-38;
- Spirova E.M. Irratsionalnost’ ratsionalnogo. [Irrationality of the rational. On the book by G.Ritzer “The McDonaldization of society”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No 3 (45). P. 145-148;
- Spirova E.M. Simvol i obraz [The symbol and the image] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society]. 2011. No 3. P. 84-87;
- Zarozhdenie antropologicheskogo smysla v simvole [Origination of the anthropological meaning in a symbol] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No 9 (45). P. 126-134;
- Sultanova M.A. Jackson M. Ekzistentsialnye imperativy [Jackson M. Existential imperatives] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No.7 (43). P.84-94.
- Sultanova M.A. A.V. Sagadeevu – 80 let (Pamyati brata) [80th anniversary of A.V.Sagadeev (In memory of my brother)] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society]. 2011. No 1. P.214-216.